A Favor for a Favor by Helena Hunting-Review & Giveaway Tour

A FAVOR FOR A FAVOR (All In #2) by Helena Hunting-Review & Giveaway tour

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About the book: Release Date January 28, 2020

When I joined Seattle’s NHL expansion team, I thought it was the start of something great. But nothing ever goes the way you expect. Take my introduction to my new neighbor. She came rolling in on the hot mess express at midnight, making a racket while she tried to get into my team captain’s apartment. Did I mention that he’s married to a woman who definitely was not her?

Imagine my surprise when I end up with an injury that has me out of the game for weeks, and she’s the one to offer to help me. I should probably add that she’s not the captain’s mistress. She’s his sexy, pastel-haired younger sister.

So we come up with an arrangement: she rehabs me so that I can get back on the ice sooner, and she can add a professional athlete that isn’t her brother to her client list. Seems simple enough. As long as I can keep my hands to myself and my hormones in check.


REVIEW: A FAVOR FOR A FAVOR is the second instalment in Helena Hunting’s contemporary, adult ALL IN erotic, romance series focusing on NHL’s newest expansion team from Seattle. This is Seattle team member Bishop Winslow, and twenty-four year old, physiotherapist Stevie Bowman’s story line. A FAVOR FOR A FAVOR can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary. The ALL IN series is a spin off from the author’s PUCKED series but you do not have to have read the original series to follow.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Bishop and Stevie) A FAVOR FOR A FAVOR follows the teammate’s little sister/enemies to lovers relationship between Seattle ‘s newest forward Bishop Winslow, and twenty-four year old, physiotherapist Stevie Bowman. Stevie Bowman’s life was spiralling out of control: a move to Seattle to start a new job and join her boyfriend finds our heroine homeless when she discovers said boyfriend in bed with another woman. Leaning on her brother for support, Stevie moves into Rook Bowman’s vacant apartment only to come face to face with his new neighbor, a man who pushes all of Stevie’s buttons and more. Enter Seattle’s newest defenseman Bishop Winslow, and the man with whom Stevie will fall in love. What ensues is the building but acrimonious relationship between Stevie and Bishop, and the potential fall-out when their relationship is discovered by Stevie’s brother, and the team coach.

Stevie Bowman had no idea what to expect when she moved to Seattle but finding her boyfriend in bed with someone else was never on her mind. Moving into her brother’s vacant apartment, Stevie will encounter Bishop Winslow, an irritating a$$hole who believes Stevie is nothing more than a desperate puck bunny looking to hook up with Seattle’s team captain. Bishop Winslow couldn’t believe the nerve of the woman moving into Rook Bowman’s apartment but a pre-season injury finds Winslow facing down his new neighbour when he discovers that Stevie is a physio-therapist, and the person who will help Bishop in his daily recovery.

The relationship between Bishop and Stevie begins acrimoniously. Bishop is all bark, and Stevie isn’t taking any of his crap. But an injured Bishop forces Stevie to make an offer Bishop cannot refuse-a favor for a favor-that will benefit both. The $ex scenes are limited but spicy and hot.

We are reintroduced to Stevie’s brother Rook ‘RJ’ Bowman and his wife Lainey, and coach Alex Waters and his wife Violet, as well as goalie Ryan Kingston: Bishop’s brother Nolan Winslow who struggles daily with his health; physiotherapists Pattie and Jules: and Stevie’s ex boyfriend Joey Smuck-yep Joey Smuck. Ryan’s story line is next in A Secret for a Secret.

A FAVOR FOR A FAVOR is a story of family, friendships, relationships and love; of stubborn men, and stronger women. The premise is entertaining and captivating; the slow building romance is passionate and seductive; the characters are colorful and energetic-the back and forth banter is often playful and fun.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one A LIE FOR A LIE

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

“Say you were taking a woman to a formal work function. Would you get her flowers or something?” I’ve gone on my fair share of dates, had a few relationships, but I’ve never been one for hearts and flowers or any of that bull. I’m thinking I might need to do that with Stevie, though, since she’s been screwed over pretty hard.

“Is this a date or a favor for a friend?”

“I guess she thinks I’m doing her a favor.” At least that was the impression that I got when I offered to go with her.

“Is that actually what you’re doing?”

“Yes and no.”

“Can you give me a little more to go on?”

“Her ex is going to be there and I don’t want her to go alone.”

“You don’t want her to go alone because you’re worried he’ll be a jerk or he’ll try to take advantage of her?”

“Sure, yeah, that’s part of the reason.”

“Instead of me dragging the information out of you, why don’t you lay it down for me?”

“So, Stevie—”

“Hold up, we’re back to Rook’s little sister?”

“Who else would I be talking about?”

“I thought you said there isn’t anything going on between you, and now you’re taking her to some kind of work function? That’s not a favor; that’s a date. Does Rook know?”

“It’s none of his damn business.”

“I’m not sure he’ll see it that way.”

“Well, he doesn’t have control over her or what she does, or what I do.” I’m agitated now. “She’s not going to that thing alone. I don’t trust that ex of hers, and I don’t want her to end up in a situation she doesn’t like.”

Kingston tips his head to the side. “Dang.”


“You like her.”

“Well, yeah, I like her.” What’s not to like? She’s gorgeous, and she’s funny and feisty; her body is rockin’; and she’s fun to be around, super chill, and genuinely selfless.

“Like you actually want to date her, though.”

I shrug, because what am I going to say? The answer to that is yes, I want to date her, but the timing needs to be right. “I don’t want the ex thinking he has another chance.“

“You really love complicated situations, don’t you?”

“They just tend to find me, is all.”

“When’s this event you’re supposed to take her to?” King asks.


He frowns. “We get back at noon on Saturday.”

“It’s in the evening.”

“You better hope our flight isn’t delayed.”

I hadn’t considered a delay. The only reason that would happen is if the weather isn’t good. “It doesn’t start until five. I should have plenty of time to get home and throw a suit on.”

Kingston nods and taps restlessly on the edge of the pool. “So would you call this your first date?”

“We hang out all the time.”

“‘Hang out’ meaning what?”

“Other than PT sessions, we watch hockey, eat pizza, stuff like that.”

Kingston blinks several times in rapid succession. “That’s it?”

“I pick her up from work a lot.”

“Have you ever bought her flowers before? Brought her any gifts?”

“I brought her over an aloe plant once. But, like I said, it hasn’t been like that.” I don’t get why he’s so hung up on the flowers.

“Again, please try not to take offense, but are you sure you haven’t inadvertently put yourself in the friend zone?”

“How do I know if I’m in the friend zone?” I haven’t had a lot of friends who are girls. Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever had a friend who’s a girl who isn’t related to me. And I only have two female cousins, whom I see a couple of times a year at family functions. They’re significantly younger than me, so mostly I avoid them.

It’s Kingston’s turn to blow out a long breath. “If you put your arm around her and she gets all snuggly but doesn’t try to take it any further, it could mean you’re in the friend zone.”

I don’t know what my expression must be, but the panic I feel inside quite possibly reaches my face. I feel like it should be obvious that I’m interested. A guy doesn’t spend endless hours with a gorgeous woman who combines weird pizza toppings for shits and giggles. But then again, I haven’t attempted to make a move on her since the almost-kiss. And any conversation I’ve tried to have with her about it has been shut down. In fact, she wants to pretend it didn’t happen. I hadn’t considered that this might be because she actually didn’t want it to happen at all. She seemed just as into it as I was. Or maybe I’ve been misreading the whole thing. “If I’m in the friend zone, how the hell do I get out?”

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FOLLOW: NTY and USA Today Bestselling author of The PUCKED Series, Helena Hunting lives outside of Toronto with her amazing family and her two awesome cats, who think the best place to sleep is her keyboard. Helena writes everything from contemporary romance to romance comedy, sports romance and angsty new adult romance.

NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the tour operator


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