Lifemate To a King by M.A. Abraham – a Review and Giveaway
Life Mate to a King
Elven Chronicles #4
by M.A.Abraham
Release Date: July 24, 2013
Links to order Lifemate To a King:
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Garoldth is a warrior King or great stature, and he can have no vulnerability. With that in mind he has lived his life. Marriage is for convenience, to make sure he will have sons to follow in his footsteps. He has twelve sons, and all are warriors of great power. He rules his family as he does his people in this he must be firm. He loves his people, loves his family, but still he is alone. All of his life he has known nothing but war and strife. He is King Garoldth and he rules the lands beyond the portal.
Five hundred years before the wars across the boundary are brought to an end Tári meets an Elf who she recognized is her Life Mate. She knows their time is not now, for she has the sight. The call of the bond that declares them one, however, would not be denied. Despite knowing their love was not meant to be in this time they act on it, after, she disappears into the shielding rock caves of her land, refusing to speak the words they must to complete their bond. One hundred years later they meet again, and again the call of their souls to unite is too powerful to resist and they spend their time together in love. This time he can offer his love nothing, caught in an alliance not of his choosing. He is joined with another, one he does not love or want. To offer to take the one he does love to his world would be a great dishonor to her, as well as dangerous.
As Garoldth stands beside his peers on the day peace is brought to his land he sees a movement in the forest beyond. Is it his love, his Life Mate? Has she has come to him again? He is sure of it. He is quick to give chase, but she has disappeared once more. This time he will not be denied. He will seek her to the end of the world. This time he is free to offer her everything, body, soul, heart, mind. They can be one. She will be his Queen, and he will have no other. He will never be forced to live without his love again. This time he can offer her a safe haven, his home and his arms.
Lifemate to a King is M.A. Abraham’s 4th novel in her wonderful Elven Chronicles series.
If you have not started this series, you should begin with Gabriel, so that you can meet all the main characters, as Abraham introduces them. She continues to get better and better in her storytelling with each book, and she has created such wonderful fun characters you come to care about. The amazing thing about her writing, is she makes them all feel like your own family. You are invested in what happens to your favorites, and there many for me…Eden, Marious, Tamarak, Gabriel, King Daroth, Serenity, Haylo; just to name a few, and in Lifemate to a King, we can add Garoldth and Tari to our family.
In Lifemate to a King, we learn more about Garoldth and his relationship with his lifemate, Tari. Because of his kingdom in the midst of long long war, Tari refused to commit totally to Garoldth, and he married someone else, having 12 sons. We get to meet all the sons. But centuries later, with his wife dead, and the end of the demon war, Garoldth is now free. While his kingdom needs to rebuilt, he and all his people are staying in King Daroth’s portal. Because of Daroth’s foresight, Garoldth and Lexior are sent to help some maidens. It turns out they are two of his daughters that he did not know about. Gilraen was happy to see her father, and she also has the sight. But the other daughter, Aredhel, is a warrior and even if her mother was the one who kept this secret, she did not open her arms to her father. But Aredhel is another story, as she is destined for someone else in a future book.
What takes place thereafter is Garoldth, his sons and some of Daroth’s warriors make haste as Gilraen’s vision shows Tari in danger. The focus of the story is when they discover a group of young female elves caged by slavers. But something is not right, so they have to thread carefully to rescue the maidens.
We will meet a few more Elven Kings from different kingdoms, one being the Grey Elves, who come to Daroth’s kingdom to find his two missing daughters. This leads to an exciting last half of the book, with sides being taken, betrayals, a revolution in the making, and a possible war. Do you want to know what happens? Buy this book.
What I loved about this book, was seeing all of our favorites again, especially Eden, who is still great, with special powers; Marious, who continues to be a riot; Gabriel, who is still the master general; Serenity and her White Dragon; and the rest of the family.
If I have to make one comment that I would have preferred, it would be the introduction of so many new characters at once. I loved meeting Garoldth’s sons, but there were way too many to keep up with. I got confused a few times as to who was who. Then we meet the other Kings and their warriors. It was just a bit hard to keep up with who belonged to who. However, I am sure Abraham is setting the stage for more wonderful characters in this fun and entertaining Elven world.
Lifemate to a King is another wonderful addition to M.A. Abraham’s Elven Chronicles series. As she continues this series, each book gets better, more intricate, filled with excitement, entertainment, and lots of humor. If you love romance, fantasy, wonderful fun characters,and unique Elves, with different powers, then the Elven Chronicles is for you.
Reviewed by Barb
Copy provided by Author

Angel’s Haylo
The Price of Betrayal
King’s Champion
Celebration of Light
Life Mate to a King
Daroth, King of the Light Elves has seen a day when all Elves are once more united under one King, though he does not want to be the one who bears that responsibility. The Demon Wars are over and it is time to begin to bring his people home and start restructuring the Elven Empire. With his visions to guide him, Daroth begins by working on his own Kingdom, but things keep happening, nothing is running smoothly.
With peace comes the complication of living life, falling in love, securing bonds, raising children, rescuing other Kingdoms, and dealing with a growing power base that no one understands. Where are all these new talents coming from? How do they deal with them? There are legends of Elves who once welded enormous power, but the Library of the Ancients that can answer all their questions has been lost for millenniums.
Secrets abound in the Elven world that no one expects and even a seer as powerful as Daroth cannot begin to envision… walk with me through my world and I will tell you of things only whispered of throughout the realms. Tales of Dragons and the Elves who ride into battle upon their backs, tales of hidden treasures lost and found, tales of love and beauty, tales of Kingdoms reunited in friendship and the brotherhood of the Elves, and tales of an Empire waiting to be reformed by the new world forged by the blood and visions of an ancient past still waiting to be found.
From out of the past a vision comes of a King, and a world where Elves are free and secure to raise their children in a time of peace. Will it be as safe as they hope? Or will their children be forced to relive the battles that made the Empire strong? Only time will tell the tale.

M.A. Abraham has graciously offered one lucky member of The Reading Cafe a signed copy of Lifemate to a King.
1. Please register using the Log-In at the top of the page, or by using one of our social log-ins.
2. If you are using a social log-in e.g. Twitter, please leave your email address along with your comment.
3. Giveaway open to US & Canada Only
4. Contest runs from July 27 to July 30, 2013
Wonderful review Barb and great post. Congratulations to Mary Ann on the new release.
Thanks Sandy, the article is great. Overwhelmed.
Great review, looks like a fun read. I like the video too.
Thanks Irada, Barb and Sandy have done a fantastic job of putting this together.
Eniko did the video and I loved the job she did on it. 😀
Pingback: Review and articles on Life Mate to a King | M. A. Abraham
Wow. I am putting all these books on my list. I wonder how many I can get to on my vacation.
Hi Kelly, I guess the good news on that is some are short stories. 😀
That was an amazing review, Barb! Love it! And love the book as well. It was a wonderful read! … So excited to read the next book!
Hi AL… I am glad that you enjoyed LM to a King when you read it, and you will be excited to hear ‘Return of the Legend’ is in the hands of the editor …. I have started on ‘King’s Daughter’ and ‘Lúthien’s Song’
*Beams* Wonderful!
King’s Daughter ..Luthien’s Song. geez. lol are these novellas or full novels.
King’s Daughter will be a full novel… I am HOPING ‘Lúthien’s Song’ will be a novella, but one never knows when it comes to the Elves.
Great review Barb. This one sounds good. Sad I’m so behind in this series I need to catch up soon. Great post and congrats MaryAnn on another great release.
Thanks Marcie it has been interesting.
Nice review Barb. Sounds like an interesting series. Congratulations Mary Ann on the new release.
Thanks Alicia
Great review Barb. It was indeed a busy book but I loved it and I do think Mary Ann was setting up for future stories. I really look forward the the next two especially so I can see what happens. As I am an Elfanatic as Eniko says . Try these books I love them.
Thanks Fran, and this one just kinda overflowed into the next (which you found so funny because it was supposed to be a short story and ended up as a full novel.)
Loved the review Barb, Congrats on your book Mary Ann , I do have to say that I haven’t had the chance to read much in the past year so I have missed so many great reads. Looking forward to checking this series out.
Lori, when I first started the Chronicles I thought it wouldn’t go past 3 or 4 novels… now I am looking at ‘Return of the Legend’ being the half way point. I also know what you mean about not having the change to read much over the last year. 😛 Where it used to take me a day to read a novel, now it is 1-3 weeks… not performance.
Oh I know I what you mean , I find that when the baby goes to bed so do I . lol Or I have a book in my hand and I fall asleep reading it, Then wake up and I have to find the page I was reading only to fall back to sleep. lol And here I thought when he turned 18 mths life would be easier . LOL Well slap me with a stupid stick it only gets worse . ; p
Congratulations on winning the signed book Lori. Hope you enjoy it. Will get it off ASAP. 😀
Terrific review, Barb. I like this series, its fun. I have not read this one yet.
Hi Amy, pleased to hear you are enjoying the series… and who knows, maybe you will win this one. 😀
Another nice review Barb. Mary Ann is a new author for me. I haven’t heard of this series or the author. Thank you.
Congratulations Mary Ann on your new book.
Thank your Sassy… and Barb writes really great reviews.
Great review Barb, this is an interesting and exciting series! Congrats, M.A. on your new release!
Thanks Georgie. Never thought it would last this long.
Nice review Barb. Sounds like a sweet series.
Glad to see you here Ember, and good luck on the draw.
Nice review Barb. Love the cover!
Thank you Alexis, I will pass on that comment to Becca who does the covers for the Elven Chronicles.
This book is a must read. Will finish it tonight (I have the ecopy but would love a paper copy also) and I recommend it to everyone. Mary Ann is a sensational author of paranormal. I am fascinated with her books. Thank’s to TRC for the great review.
Good luck Katie and thanks for the kind words.
Great review Barb. Congrats on the new release Mary Ann love love your books and this cover as well.
I will pass the word on to Becca, and good luck on the draw
Great review! Love the synopsis and blurb. Congrats on the new release and thanks for the opportunity to win!
Best of luck Amanda
I absolutely LOVE the review. I am just starting this series and would love an autographed book! Thanks for the opportunity 🙂
-DawnD (
Good luck Dawn, hope you like the books
Great review. Looks like an awesome read,Mary. 🙂
Thanks Amanda and good luck