The Gaius Realm: Echoes of Choice by JW Frederick & TL Hughes-review & excerpt / / / /
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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date January 11, 2025
Aiden and Leia thought they’d live happily ever after… until his superpowers knocked her into a coma.
Romance, superpowers, and psychology come together in The Gaius Realm: Echoes of Choice. Aiden’s desperation to gain control of his powers leads him into the heart of a hidden war, and he discovers that both sides of the conflict know more about his powers than he does. New revelations force him to make an impossible choice with far-reaching consequences.
All Aiden wanted was a life without superpowers. A life with Leia. But, depending on what he chooses, there may not be much of a life left to go back to.
REVIEW: I wasn’t sure I’d like this at first. It’s been a while since I’ve read a book with an established couple. Usually it’s a second chance or a new relationship. There isn’t a lot of blurb to read, so it felt like going in blind.
We have the romance, we have paranormal (well it’s not normal to have a superpower, right?) and the psychology part? Well it got me thinking well after the last page….
Really well written. The plot gets you engaged and the characters keep you reading to find out more.
Told from Aiden’s point of view. He keeps his talent/curse to himself, only close family and Leia know the truth at what Aiden can do. His powers react to emotions, so even he gets upset, things happen! Aiden needs to keep calm.
Poor Leia is in a coma! (Not a spoiler, it’s in the blurb😉) and it’s all Aiden’s fault! How? Do we find out? (We do) And will she ever wake up?
Aiden’s powers begin to grow, and so does his confidence, but he’s still unwilling to share what he can do.
Something different and totally unexpected.
Copy supplied for review
Reviewed by Julie B 🦋
At least nothing’s broken—this time.
“Is it safe to assume you did this as well?” he asks.
I hesitate before giving a dry, “Yeah.”
Dr. Larson presses his lips together, swallowing as he surveys the scene again.
“Did you… not appreciate the work of our overpaid interior designers? I’ve always thought this room had some weird feng shui myself, but I can’t say I understand your stylistic choices either.” He strokes his chin, his eyes narrowing as though he’s analyzing an abstract painting at an art gallery.
“I didn’t try to… It just happens sometimes.”
His tone shifts, the sarcasm vanishing. He turns to face me fully, his expression serious now. “So… you have an active LET, and you can’t control it?”
My head drops. I inhale deeply, trying to fill my lungs with enough air to keep out the truth I’ve avoided admitting. When I finally let the breath go, it takes the last scraps of hope I had for a normal life along with it.
I worked so hard to keep my powers a secret for so long. I had a few slip-ups, but the only people who really knew were my parents, my brother, sister, fiancée, and best friend. I trust Dr. Larson enough to answer his question, but still… where is this going to go once I tell him?
“No… I can’t control it.”
His expression sharpens with the curiosity of his relentless scientific mind. That curiosity is exactly what I wanted to avoid because I know it leads to a question that I do not want to answer.
“The details of Leia’s accident have always been somewhat vague to me,” he says slowly, his voice quieter. “Now I understand why. ARL has agreed to send a specialist, but he’ll need all the information relevant to Leia’s injury in order to diagnose and effectively treat her condition.” He pauses, his gaze locking onto mine. “Aiden, I have to ask you—what really happened that night?”