Rebecca Hamilton Interview
The Reading Café welcomes Rebecca Hamilton, who has published her first book…The Forever Girl. Before we start the interview, here is a little about Rebecca.

Born in New Brunswick, New Jersey in 1985
Hometown: Not sure. I moved so much, that I’ve never really lived in any one place long enough to consider it a hometown. I guess Hamilton, N.J., since that is where I tell people I’m from (because that’s where I spent my most formative years). Currently resides in Florida.
Favorite Authors of Fiction: Nancy Pickard, Marisa de los Santos, Anne Rice
Writing Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy and sometimes Horror and Literary Fiction.
TRC: When and how did you first become interested in writing? Have you always liked to write?
R.H: I have always enjoyed writing but I didn’t get serious about it until about four years ago.
TRC: What is the first piece of work that you have ever published?
R.H.: The Forever Girl
TRC: How does it feel to see your work available for others to purchase?
R.H.: It’s a bit exciting but also nerve-wracking. No matter how complimentary some reactions are to the novel, I tend to feel like the negative comments are what I need to pay attention to. And that’s probably true, in a sense, but I wish I had enough confidence to enjoy having my work published a little more.
TRC: Tell us a little about the premise of The Forever Girl.
R.H.: The Forever Girl is about a young Wiccan woman who’s cursed with a hissing noise in her head. Doctors couldn’t help, so she tries a ritual instead. The results are anything but what she expected. As Sophia digs deeper and deeper in her search to find silence, she uncovers a dark supernatural world, and her problems worsen. The only person who might be able to help her is a man she’s not sure she can trust.
TRC: Do you consider The Forever Girl as Urban Fantasy? How did you come up with the idea of the story?
R.H: Eh, I guess some might say so, but I don’t think it fits neatly into the genre. It doesn’t take place in the city, Sophia isn’t some crime-fighting toughie, and there’s no one on the cover dressed in leather and sporting a navel ring.
As for the story idea, it sort of came to me with a “what if” question. Unfortunately, one of the characters took over and we don’t get to that question in book one. But the question had been: What if you had to kill the man you love in order to save him? And that should come into play the next time we see Sophia in this series.
TRC: Do you have plans for more books in The Forever Girl series, and if so how many?
R.H: There will be seven books in total, along with some standalone-but-related novellas to hold readers over in between. Books 1, 4, and 7 feature Sophia, and books 2, 3, 5, and 6 are new characters.
TRC: What are you working on now?
R.H: I’m working on Her Sweetest Downfall (one of the Forever Girl Journals [ie: novellas]) and Come, the Dark (which is more formally book two in the series).
TRC: Are you interested in writing other genres?
R.H: Oh, yes! I have written a literary fiction novel and have another one planned, but haven’t have a chance to get back to them yet. I’m also co-writing a couple horror novels with my writing partner, R.P. Kraul.
TRC: Is there anything you would like to share with our readers, about what you have planned for the future?
R.H: I think my books are sort of genre mash-ups in some way, so I’m counting on an audience that won’t mind that. For example, some books in the Forever Girl Series are more paranormal fantasy while others are more historical paranormal romance and yet others might fall under a difference variation of paranormal. My plans for the future are to put my work out there and try to find the right readers for my books, despite my genre-bending and mash-up tendencies.
TRC: When you write, do you use a computer or first put pen to paper? Who is your muse? Do you bounce your ideas off anyone in particular?
R.H.: I use a computer. My muse … it’s usually a combination of my writing buddy, R.P. Kraul, and whatever character I’m writing at the time.
Favorite Song: Rolling in the Deep, by Adele
Favorite Music Group: I don’t have a favorite!
Dark or Milk Chocolate: Milk
Favorite Food: Tacos, usually. Or anything sweet.
Favorite Dessert: There is no way I could pick one.
Last Vacation Destination: Atlanta, Georgia
Favorite TV Show: Make it or Break it, Dexter, or True Blood
Favorite Movie: Becoming Jane
Favorite Actor/Actress: Emma Stone or Natalie Portman
Favorite Fictional Book Character: Cornelia Brown, from Love Walked In by Marisa de los Santos or Jody from The Virgin of Small Plains by Nancy Pickard
Thank You, Rebecca for being our guest on The Reading Café. We enjoying having you and wish you luck with The Forever Girl. We look forward to seeing you again soon.
Rebecca has graciously offered to give a lucky member of The Reading Café a free e-book of The Forever Girl. You must be a member of The Reading Café to be part of the giveaway. A winner will be chosen at random, and Rebecca will send the e-book to the winner via email. Good Luck to all.