The Forever Girl by Rebecca Hamilton – a review

The Forever Girl by Rebecca Hamilton – a Review

The Forever Girl is Rebecca Hamilton’s first novel.  The theme is considered urban fantasy, with paranormal tones. 

Official Excerpt:
Sophia Parsons’ family has skeletons, but they aren’t in their graves…

Solving the mystery of an ancestor’s hanging might silence the clashing whispers in Sophia’s mind, but the cult in her town and the supernaturals who secretly reside there are determined to silence her first.

As Sophia unknowingly crosses the line into an elemental world full of vampire-like creatures, shapeshifters, and supernatural grim reapers, she meets Charles, a man who becomes both lover and ally.

But can she trust him?

It’s not until someone nearly kills Sophia that she realizes the only way to unveil the source of her family’s curse: abandon her faith or abandon her humanity. If she wants to survive, she must accept who she is, perform dark magic, and fight to the death for her freedom.


The heroine in this book is a young girl named Sophia, whom you meet immediately and see that she is tortured by an incessant buzzing in her mind.  Sophia, who is wiccan, cannot control the buzzing, nor does she understand what it means. She discovers there are skeletons in her closet, as one of her ancestors was a witch that was burned in the Salem witch hunts.  

The interesting thing about The Forever Girl, is the new types of supernaturals that Rebecca introduces to us early on in the book, which includes vampires, ghosts, and mainly different types of elementals.  At first, when I started reading about the different creatures (elementals), I had a hard time keeping up and understanding.  But as the story continues, Rebecca successfully pulls me into this interesting modern world she has created. 

You can’t help but like Sophia, and feel her fears and pain.  Who can she trust, as even her closest friends would turn away from her, if they found out about her problem?   Sophia comes across as intelligent, strong, and once she meets Charles, she becomes more determined to find what she really is.  Even in this grave world, Sophia did have a sense of humor, which was a nice touch. 

Charles, who is a shape shifter, is one of the elemental creatures that Sophia meets.  But in time Sophia and Charles fall in love, and together they must fight the evil that pursues them.  The Queen of the elemental faction wants Sophia, to turn her into a vampire (Crucor), and they also want to kill Charles.  Together, with help from some of Charles supernatural friends, they learn all they can about Sophia’s history.  It is Sophia, who must accept her destiny, and embrace her powers, that will save them all. 

After a bit of slow start trying to grasp this world, and its characters, I was totally hooked.  The story became very exciting, as you are pulled into this thrilling tale of survival against a powerful adversary.  You will care about Sophia, and Charles, as they face insurmountable odds. The romance between Sophia and Charles was slow to begin, but you end up caring very much for them.  I thought the end was excellently done, and the addition of the two young children is a great way to lead into the next book in this series. 

Rebecca Hamilton has done a great job writing her first book, and making it her own, with the different types of supernaturals.  I look forward to the next book in this series, as I am adding Rebecca to my list of authors that are on my preorder list.  The Forever Girl is definitely worth it for you to pick up to read.

Reviewed by Barb

Tune in tomorrow, when The Reading Cafe interviews Rebecca.


THE GLASS SHOWER by C E Snyder-a review & interview with the author


THE GLASS SHOWER by C E Snyder-A Review

THE GLASS SHOWER is the first release by new author C E Snyder. Written in the romance/mystery genre, The Glass Shower, to be released March 2012, is the first book in The Glass Shower series. Initially thought to be part of a trilogy, C E is considering in which direction this particular series will go, but the option for more than 3 books, is always a possibility.

Englishman Nikolas Patten, has a new job in America, working as a bonds trader for a large corporation. He is not happy about the move, not happy about the job, not happy about the circumstances that have brought him to the US and not happy about America, but a realistic dream about a crying woman, while on the flight to the USA, has him convinced that something is about to change.

Written in first person point-of –view, The Glass Shower follows a few days in the life of Nik Patten-we see everything from his perspective including his thoughts and feelings about the world in which he is now involved. But a terrifying sight, across from his apartment window, starts the ball rolling on a mysterious woman, an organized crime syndicate and the abduction and assault of someone who will become part of his future.

Acting on instinct, Nik involves himself with what he believes to be a domestic assault, but when the police are seen accepting ‘bribe’ money from the men involved, Nik makes it his concern, and begins to investigate the woman that was assaulted in ‘the glass shower’. When Nik realizes exactly who and what is involved with the mysterious attacks against the woman, he assumes a more aggressive role in discovering what is going on. But before long, his employers and the people he works for, all seem to have a connection to the very crime syndicate, he has been trying to avoid.

Carolyn is the woman in the glass shower. She has been abused, widowed, abducted and now she no longer has custody of her children, due to the actions of her first husband. But her connection to Nik becomes more personal when he realizes she is the woman in his dreams. He is drawn to the mysterious lady and he soon finds himself falling in love. But Nik has been warned, and on more than one occasion, he fears for his life as well as the life of the woman he is trying to save.

Nik works furiously to find and save Carolyn’s children from further harm. When he succeeds in discovering their whereabouts, Nik sets into motion a series of events, that will culminate in a search and rescue by the people tied more closely to Nik than anyone could have imagined.

The Glass Shower is a short story, a novella. As an introduction storyline, we meet the major players involved, and are given just enough background information about the characters, that does not overwhelm. The story ends with what should be a happily ever after, but not all endings are as compact as they seem. We have to wait for the next instalment in The Glass Shower series, to know that organizations like the mob, will never forgive or forget.

C E Snyder tells an interesting story. I was slightly confused as to the genre as the storyline progressed. At points I thought it was a romance, then mystery and then crime. There is a romance, there is mystery and there are crimes, but C E Snyder blends all together, and in the end, writes an introductory novel, that will keep you wondering, at every turn of the page. I have no problem recommending The Glass Shower, and I hope everyone takes the time, to read this story from new author C E Snyder.

Reviewed by Sandy

The Glass Shower is available for pre-order from Amazon or




Title of Book: The Glass Shower

Date of release: March 2012

Publishing House: Tate Publishing

Biographical Information

Name: C E Snyder (Carrie Snyder

Home town: Waterford, PA

Year of Birth: 1981

Married/Single/Divorced: Divorced twice

Children: 2 Daughters Sabrina and Sierra

Family (# siblings etc): I have 2 Sisters and a brother

College/University: none

TRC:  Hi Carrie, and welcome to The Reading Cafe.  It is always nice to meet the authors behind the stories.  

TRC: Tell us a little bit about yourself, that perhaps, would be of interest to our members and readers.


CES: Well I’m divorced for the second time. I still believe in love and someday I will find someone that will love me. I am raising my 2 daughters alone with no help. Well my mom helps. I have never had a easy life. I never felt that I belong where I am. I plan on taking my girls to California in a couple of years because I feel like that is where I am being called. I want to do a lot of traveling before I die and I want to do as much as I can too.

TRC: How did you get started writing?

CES: I have written all my life but I got serious about it when I turned 29.

TRC: Is this your first published novel? If not, please tell us about your other works.

CES: Yes it is but I will have a second published this year as well.

TRC: Would you please give us some background information about the premise of the book.

CES: It follows the story of Nic Patten. He has moved from England to start a new job in New York City. He begins to suspect that things are not what they seem and he finds the love of his life. But she comes with a price and daughters.

TRC:  Will this be the first book in a series?

CES:   Yes I am planning on making a series. I had started the second book but I had put it aside for a time. I have been thinking of it lately and as soon as I finish the one I am working on, I will go back to it. 

TRC:   What will you call the series?

CES:   It will be called the Glass Shower Series.

TRC:  What genre do you consider this novel?? crime-fiction/ mystery-romance?

CES:   It is mystery-romance, but I suppose that it is a little crime-fiction as well.

TRC:   Where did you come up with the premise for The Glass Shower?

CES:   Well, that is kind of funny. I had just turned 29 and I had a horrible week. I started to have the impulse to throw myself up against the shower wall. The wall being a window. And someone was watching me from up above. It was so bad that I actually did it. It really did hurt but it still didn’t go away. So I decided that I was going to write about it. So that is how that glass shower became a story.

TRC:   If this is to be a series, how many books do you have planned?

CES:   I have had 3 books in mind but I’m not quite sure where they will go. The second is called Something old. It is about their wedding.

TRC:   Will Nik and Carolyn be the principle characters throughout the series?

CES:   Yes they will be the principle characters. Something old will be Carolyn’s journey in England. What is holding it up is that I have never been to England. But I plan on it as I have a good friend there now.

TRC: What or who inspires your writing?

CES: Believe it or not but Christine Feehan has inspired me to be the writer I always wanted to be. Someone let me borrow a book of hers and I was hooked from then. I had a nervous break down when I turned 29 and with her book I decided to do what I always thought I would do, and that is become the writer I was meant to be.

TRC: What are you favorite genres to read? Who is/are your favorite authors?

CES: I like paranormal, Of course Christine Feehan, Stephenie Meyer, Steven king. And recently I just discovered Amy Plum.

TRC: What are you reading right now? (at the time of the interview)

CES: I am working on Christine’s Murder Game

TRC: What do you do when you are not writing?

CES: I work full time at a manufacturing shop. I do wish I can quit that job real soon. Or I am spending time with my daughters.

TRC: Do you “write” using pen and paper, or do you write on the computer?

CES: I do all my writing with the computer.

TRC: We have heard, you are considering a paranormal storyline. Have you started to write this novel? And if so, what type of characters are involved?

CES: No I have not started to write that novel yet. But it will have Jolene Nicson who is a Medium, she can see dead people and she can read minds. But not all minds:  she cannot read the mind of the man that she loves. Nathan Brite is a shifter and in love with the one he cannot have. Jolene and Nathan first met 10 years earlier. Nathan leaves shortly because he was called to duty for his community. Jolene found that she was pregnant with their daughter. They see each other from time to time but she never told about the child and he wouldn’t stay long to find out. It had been 5 years since they saw each other and Jolene found her self in a bar in his home town. She can’t hear anyone’s mind and this upsets her. Nathan walks in after being held hostage for years and finds her drinking at the bar. And then the story begins. She tells him that she is a medium and that they have a child. Nathan tells her he is a shifter and they start the journey to find their daughter, Natalie.

TRC:  Thank you Carrie, for the wonderful answers.  The Reading Cafe wishes you all the best with your writing career.

Thank you


The Only Problem with ‘Chic-LIt’ is The Name

From an e-news article at the

Recently I’ve read a lot of reviews of Pamela Druckerman’s book French Children Don’t Throw Food. And one thing that many of them mention is the fact that French mothers just tend to get on with doing things their way. They have the kinds of births they want with all the pain relief they want, they bottle-feed their children if they want to, and they certainly don’t spend hours on internet forums criticising each other’s parenting choices.

Reading Decca Aitkenhead’s interview with Sophie Kinsella in yesterday’s Guardian, I remembered this, and wondered whether French women also care less than British women about what other French women read? I’ve no idea but I do hope so. Because as a publisher of commercial women’s fiction, I seem to spend an awful lot of time these days reading articles by intelligent women asking – as Aitkenhead’s piece yesterday did – things like “why a woman of [Kinsella’s] intelligence would want to write about women at their silliest”. And why other women would read it. Aitkenhead wonders whether “it was the only way to make big money”, and is evidently looking for an “acknowledgment of conflict” in the fact that Kinsella is Oxbridge-educated and also writes commercial books that millions of readers enjoy reading. Readers and writers of women’s fiction on Twitter felt predictably patronised.

To use the formulation beloved of “chick lit” heroine Carrie Bradshaw, I couldn’t help but wonder how much of this sort of fiction Aitkenhead has actually read. She describes both Jane Eyre and Allison Pearson’s Kate Reddy as “klutzy”; neither is anything of the sort. Jane Eyre is a quiet, good, sensible woman struggling with a very passionate love. Kate Reddy is a highly intelligent, highly organised woman struggling with the demands of working parenthood. Some of Sophie Kinsella’s heroines do indeed have silly and ditzy aspects (though some of them also do not) but that’s no surprise: she is writing comic fiction, and brilliant comic fiction at that. Why her books are so successful is no mystery – it is because she is one of the very best writers of this type and millions of women and possibly even (gasp) a few men have recognised that fact, and buy her books. Aitkenhead is correct that much in this genre is written by educated women, and this is because most books are written by educated people. Educated people, for obvious reasons, tend to write more confidently and therefore produce better books. The bigger question is: why is so much energy expended on patronising this particular area of the market?

What publishers know very well, and what the “chick lit is fluff” lobby often forgets, is that book jackets are decisions made by publishers. We decide what a book looks like and this is a complicated decision, influenced by what we think looks good, what we think will position the book most clearly in the marketplace, and how best to signal quickly to both retailers and readers what kind of book it is. The downside of this labelling process is that a whole range of completely different books get lumped together and confused. The only thing that “these books” really have in common is that they’re written primarily by women and about relationships. Apart from that, they encompass as wide a range as any other genre. Kinsella and Jennifer Weiner, say, have no more in common than do Alan Hollinghurst and Jonathan Franzen, or Lee Child and Mark Billingham. But I’ve yet to read an article in which either of the latter two pairs have had to defend their difference from one another and the rest of the genre, or engage in hand-wringing analysis about why their books sell so well.

What I kept thinking of, reading Decca Aitkenhead’s piece, was the question Caitlin Moran’s How to be a Woman suggests we all ask ourselves on a regular basis, and that is, “Are the men doing this?” Why do I so often hear intelligent, educated women admitting that they read commercial women’s fiction, but only as a “guilty pleasure”? Are there millions of clever men out there feeling guilty about reading John Grisham? Why are Jane Eyre, Kate Reddy and Becky Bloomwood even being discussed together in the same paragraph? They have nothing at all in common apart from being female characters created by female authors.

Decca Aitkenhead admits that the chick lit debate has been on a “literary loop” for the last 20 years. So here’s how to close that loop: let everyone read what they enjoy reading and stop sneering about others’ literary choices.

Jenny Geras is editorial director for fiction at Pan Macmillan

PIcture courtesy of :


HOWL FOR IT by Shelly Laurenston & Cynthia Eden

HOWL FOR IT by Shelly Laurenston & Cynthia Eden

HOWL FOR IT by Shelly Laurenston & Cynthia Eden

From Cynthia Eden’s website: Release Date September 2012

I’ve got mad love for this cover. I could just look at it all day (but I promise I’m not–I’m working, really!). I’m thrilled to be in a new anthology with Shelly Laurenston (I can’t even tell you how addicted I am to her books). HOWL FOR IT is a September 2012 release, and, yes, as the name implies, there are wolves in this story. Hot, sexy werewolves. My contribution to the anthology is a 40,000-word tale called, “Wed or Dead” (I’ll be sure to share the blurb soon!).


J.K. Rowling News

J.K. Rowling News

“Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling announced that she was writing a new book, this time for adults.

Adult fans of J.K. Rowling can rejoice: She has a new novel coming, for grownups.

The kids will have to wait and see.

The author of the mega-selling “Harry Potter” series has an agreement with Little, Brown in the United States and Britain to release her first adult novel, the publishers announced Thursday. The title, release date and details about the book, long rumored, were not announced. Her seventh and final Potter story came out in 2007, and in recent years the British author has said that she was working on an adult book and on a Potter encyclopedia. Rowling’s Potter books, which broke sales records around the world, were published by Bloomsbury in Britain and Scholastic in the U.S. Rowling will now share the same publisher with Stephenie Meyer, whose “Twilight” series at least partially filled the gap opened by the conclusion of the Potter stories.

“Although I’ve enjoyed writing it every bit as much, my next book will be very different to the Harry Potter series, which has been published so brilliantly by Bloomsbury and my other publishers around the world,” Rowling, 46, said in a statement released by Little, Brown. “The freedom to explore new territory is a gift that Harry’s success has brought me, and with that new territory it seemed a logical progression to have a new publisher. I am delighted to have a second publishing home in Little, Brown, and a publishing team that will be a great partner in this new phase of my writing life.”

Any Rowling book would seem a guaranteed million seller, although it’s questionable that her new novel will have the same mass appeal as Potter. Adult authors from E.B. White to Sherman Alexie have nicely managed the transition to writing for young people but, once a writer is defined as a children’s author, the transition can be tricky. Winnie the Pooh creator A.A. Milne, a successful playwright in his early years, once confessed that he was forced to say “goodbye to all that” after his beloved books about the bear and friends. Margaret Wise Brown, author of the classic “Goodnight Moon,” tried for years to write stories for The New Yorker.

But Rowling does begin with one advantage: The Potter books had an enormous following among readers of all ages and she is widely credited with revealing to publishers that children’s books were no longer just for the young. Meyer’s vampire novels and Suzanne Collins’ “Hunger Games” trilogy also have caught on with both parents and kids. Meyer herself wrote an adult book, “The Host,” a best-seller in 2008.

“It would just be cool if my existing fans liked it,” Meyer told The Associated Press in 2008. “And I hope to get some new readers who would never go into the YA (Young Adult) shelves.”

Rowling’s novel will be available in both print and electronic formats. The author held out for years on allowing the Potter books to come out digitally, but announced in 2011 that Potter e-books would be sold through her own “Pottermore” website. The books were supposed to become available last fall, but have been delayed until sometime this year.

Information: Associated Press & Jill Lawless/


The MacKade Brothers Review

The MacKade Brothers by Nora Roberts – a Review

The MacKade Brothers, is another wonderful series by Nora Roberts. A four book series about four brothers; Jared, Rafe, Devin and Shane. Equally handsome with the ability to set a woman’s pulse racing at 20 paces with only a single look. These are the bad boys of the small town of Antietam, Maryland.



The Return Of Rafe MacKade – Book 1

After 10 years of being away from his home and family the bad boy of Antietam Maryland has returned.   Rafe MacKade returns home a success, owning his own business, with plans to stay.  He purchases the old Barlow Place on the hill, which is said to be haunted, with plans to turn it into a Bed and Breakfast.  Enter Regan Bishop, an Antiques dealer who owns her own shop Past Times and moved to Antietam 3 years ago.   At first glance Regan appears too neat and tidy to be drawn to a man like Rafe MacKade.  However, once their paths cross there’s no denying the attraction between the two.  No matter how hard they try to keep a professional relationship they can’t deny the attraction each feels for the other. 

As Rafe and Regan’s relationship develops we learn that Antietam was the scene for the bloodiest day of the Civil War and that many ghosts from that day still haunt the area.  The story of the two Corporals who met and fought in the woods that border the MacKade farm and the old Barlow place is perfectly woven and tied to Rafe and Regan’s budding romance. 

As the story moves along Nora introduces us to Rafe’s 3 other brothers, as well as Cassie and Joe Dolin.   Cassie has been a friend of the MacKades since childhood, and has been in an abusive relationship with her husband for years.  Regan and Cassie became friends over the years and Regan has been encouraging Cassie to get out of this relationship.

The Pride of Jared MacKade – Book 2

Bad boy turned town lawyer Jared MacKade takes front and center in book two of this series.  Having already been married once and divorced,  Jared, the eldest of the brothers isn’t sure he wants to go down that road again.  He’s quite happy in his life right now, running his own law firm down in Hagerstown, and recently selling his home there and returning to the MacKade farm.  Life is good until he turns down the laneway to deliver news to the newest inhabitant of Antietam, Savannah Morningstar. 

Savannah and her son Bryan have just moved into the log cabin bordering MacKade  land, and Rafe and Regan’s Bed and Breakfast.   Savannah is a single mother, who got pregnant at 16 and was tossed out by her rodeo circuit Bronco riding father.  She was drawn to the town of Antietam, particularly the woods, with the hope of starting fresh and giving her son the chance at a life she never had.  However, when she and Jared meet for the first time sparks fly, and it’s just the beginning of a wild and exciting ride for them.  Both are attracted to the other from the start, but they each need to come to terms with the other’s backgrounds.  

As their relationship progresses Nora continues to weave the ghost story of the two Corporals who met in the MacKade woods, and did battle during the Civil War.  As in Rafe and Regan’s story, the two Corporals and the woods they battled in are also tied to Savannah and Jared.  We also get to see the progression that Cassie and her children are making now that she is divorced from her abusive husband and moving on. 

The Heart of Devin MacKade – Book 3

Who would ever have thought the town’s resident bad boy Devin MacKade would one day be keeping the peace in the small town of Antietam Maryland.  Devin MacKade is now the town sheriff and takes pride in his small town and looking out for its residents.  One resident in particular, Cassie Dolin.  Devin has always been in love with Cassie but was never brave enough to ask her out.  Now, after years of pining over Cassie, Devin has decided to step up to the plate and take matters into his own hands. 

Cassie Dolin has always been a friend of the MacKades since childhood.  She married Joe Dolin, but had a miserable life with him, as he abused her both physically and verbally.  Thanks to the help of her friend Regan, and the MacKades, Cassie is finally free of her miserable life and moving on.  With her ex husband in prison, Cassie and her children Connor and Emma can finally start over. Now the proud manager of the MacKade Bed and Breakfast, Cassie is starting to see Devin in a different light.  But does she have the courage to take the leap?

Nora continues to weave her ghost story of the two Corporals, as well as the ghosts of Abigail and Thomas Barlow who were the owners of the Old Barlow place back at the time of the Civil War.  Once again Nora does an amazing job of overlapping the lives of Devin and Cassie with that of the past lives of Abigail and Mr. Barlow. 

The Fall of Shane MacKade – Book 4

Shane MacKade, youngest of the MacKade brood, resident bad boy and ladies man is happy living his life on the MacKade farm.  He’s a man of the earth and loves riding his tractor, tending the earth, looking after his livestock and charming Antietam’s ladies.  Shane is not one to turn away from a challenge and when Dr. Rebecca Knight strolls into town on a ghost busting mission, Shane goes on high alert. However, for all his charming and charismatic ability with the ladies, Shane for once is baffled.  All he’s ever known goes right out the window as the town’s resident ladies man begins  to fall into the realm of love and commitment.  An area he’s never been in before and doesn’t know what to do.   

Dr. Rebecca Knight, kid genius turned psychiatrist has had enough of her academic life.  She’s tired of being the frumpy nerd girl who never fit in.  Now back from Paris with a new look and view on life she’s ready for something new and challenging.   Shane Mackade is just what the doctor ordered.

Like Savannah, Rebecca finds she’s drawn to the town of Antietam and the battle that took place there.  Through dreams she’s been having she feels a strong connection to the area and decides it’s time to find out why.  As Rebecca digs deeper into Antietam’s history and what happened on that fateful day, Nora continues to weave the story of the two Corporals and role the MacKade’s great grandparents played.  Shane is resistant to any talk of ghosts and the paranormal, but over time begins to see that it’s too strongly tied to him to ignore it any longer. Through Shane and Rebecca’s love for each other and acknowledgement of the past the spirits that have been haunting the area can finally find a semblance of peace. 

If you’re looking for a series that has love, romance, paranormal and humor this one’s got it all.  You can’t go wrong with Nora’s bad boys of Antietam Maryland.      

Reviewed by Marcie


NEFERET’S CURSE -#3 in the House of Night Novella series

NEFERET’S CURSE by PC  & Kristin Cast

Neferet’s Curse-Release Date July 2012

With more than 12 million books in print, rights sold in almost 40 countries, and over two years on the New York Times bestseller list, the House of Night series is an international publishing sensation. Now, the excitement continues as the Cast mother-daughter duo shares the back stories of a few of the House of Night’s most important – and mysterious – characters.

In the third House of Night novella, the secret history we’ve all been waiting for is finally revealed… Neferet, the Tulsa House of Night’s darkly seductive High Priestess, wasn’t always a powerful vampyre, but she has always been beautiful. Raised in turn-of-the-century Chicago in a motherless home, her beauty makes her the prey of unwanted attention and abuse, leaving her with scars that will never heal – and a Darkness that will eventually need to find its way out. But when she is Marked and gains strength, both physical and magickal, she turns her anger into power and looks for a way to regain what was stolen from her. From victim to High Priestess, beautiful young woman to powerful seductress, Neferet’s journey begins…


Neferet’s Curse

By PC & Kristin Cast

Release Date:  July 2012



Anthony Catanzaro-Professional Fitness and Motivational Trainer,  and Cover Model.

The Reading Cafe would like to welcome Anthony Catanzaro.  

Hi Anthony 🙂 Thank you for allowing us to interview you about your life and career.  As administrators and contributors, as well as avid readers, we are always happy to learn about the man behind the romance/book covers.  We are pleased to chat with the cover model for G A Aiken’s—Last Dragon Standing (one of our favorite authors).


TRC:  Would you please tell us something about yourself ‘growing up”?

AC:  I come from a strict Italian family born and raised in Bayshore, New York. I have 4 sisters and one brother we all lived in a small house and as a kid, I used to share my bedroom with brother who was fifteen years older than me. It was pretty funny we had bunk beds and I was the top bunk. Times were simple back then my mom was a really great cook and my dad was a fisherman. I never knew what direction I was going in life but I knew I was destined for greatness somehow. When I turned fifteen, most of my siblings had already moved out. So I turned one of the spare bedrooms in my house into a workout room. I then found my love for lifting weights. Soon after that, I began a career as a fitness model and then got into romance modeling as well.

TRC:  You are from a large Italian family, with close ties to your God and religion. You ‘quote’ God and ‘faith’ in almost every aspect of your professional life. Would you tell us about your connection to your faith?

AC:  When I was growing up there was this statue of Jesus that was on the shelf in my room. I never really knew how it got there or why it was there, but I looked at that statue as one of my friends. I would pray to it when I was nervous or worried about something and it just seemed to always help me just like a good friend would. I think that was the beginning of my relationship with God. I’ve always said I’m not a religious person, but I am a very spiritual person 

TRC:  Several websites tell of your foray into the world of physical fitness as a teen. Would you please tell us about how you got started with training?

AC:  Yes everyone knows I started at 15 and my heroes back then were WWF stars like Hulk Hogan and Randy Macho Man Savage. But what some people might not know is the person who got me into working out was my sister Francine’s husband at that time. His name was Louie and he was a really nice guy he used to take me to Madison Square Garden to watch my hero’s live in action, and I used to workout with him sometimes as well. So he really is the one that influenced me the most back then.

TRC:  You have your own training studio in Ozone Park, NY–Tony’s Fitness Studio–. What prompted you to build your own studio? How long has the business been in operation? And do you –personally– oversee many of the training sessions?

AC:  Yes I’m the only personal trainer at my studio. It’s a small private studio and its one on one so I deal with all the clientele personally. And they love the fact that they can come to me as their resource for good health and well being. I love what I do and started this business to help people understand the truth and meaning behind getting in shape and staying in shape.

TRC:  You have been on the cover of many fitness magazines as well as in advertisements. But THE READING CAFÉ members know Anthony Catanzaro as a cover model for several romance novels, including G A Aiken’s LAST DRAGON STANDING and Terry McLaughlin’s A PERFECT STRANGER. How and when did you first get started in the world of romance covers?

AC:  I starred in the Reality TV show called “Mr. Romance.” I was chosen as one of 12 guys to live together in a mansion in Hollywood, California to compete in a pageant to see who would win the title of Mr. Romance. Although I didn’t win the show, I was awarded a contract for modeling for many romance covers soon after. 

TRC:  Do you know on how many covers that you have been featured?

AC:  I think I’ve been in over 15 romance covers to date. They’re a lot of fun and I plan on doing more in the near future.

TRC:  At times, there has been a ‘stigma’ surrounding the male model and romance covers. But the popularity of the paranormal, fantasy and romance novels have been skyrocketing in the last few years. What is your opinion about the recent upswing and popularity of the ‘romance cover model’?

AC:  I think I came in on the very end of the masculine type novels like the Fabio type ones. Now the covers are more geared toward the woman being in control. I think that caters to the reader and whatever the reader wants to read they will supply the stories and then choose the model to best fit the story line.

TRC:  Nude photography can be a touchy subject with many models and actors. What is your opinion about nude photography and what would you tell the young and new models, just venturing into the world of modeling?

AC:  I have nothing against nude modeling. I think the human body is beautiful and if presented in an artistic way, there’s nothing wrong with it. I have posed nude I think you only live once and you shouldn’t feel ashamed of being nude as long as it’s tasteful. 

TRC:  You have a varied resume that includes personal trainer, TV and movie appearances, bodybuilding titles and model. Which of these, has been your personal favorites and why?

AC:  I’ve done many things to date and still continue to do so but what my true passion is above all is inspiring and motivating people to feel better and get the most of life by taking care of their mental and physical health. I was always searching for my true purpose for years until one day I woke up and said it’s been there all along.


TRC:  Would you tell us about the love of your life—Tina?

AC:  I met Tina back in November of 1993 I was 22 years old. My mothers had just died from cancer and it was a very rough time for me. I met Tina a couple of months later. My mother always told me when one door closes one will open for me. I never really understood that until I met Tina. I truly feel that she was sent to me from my mom. 


TRC:  Is your wife involved in any aspect of your professional career?

AC:  Yes my wife works and helps manage my career by being my manager. She works along side agents and helps me with booking, travel arrangements, media, etc, she also models with me in my romance shoot many times. 

TRC:  You are a contributing editor for fitness modeling and healthy eating at the Tracy James-New York Modeling Network. How did you get involved with the modeling network?

AC:  Yes I write articles and answer questions for them. The site is still under development but is a great source of information for people looking to get into the modeling business.

TRC:  What is your actual job outline with the NY Modeling Network?

AC:  I write articles and answer questions that are related to health and fitness.

TRC:  The last time we talked with Tracy, the New York Modeling Network, was just getting off the ground. The site was slowly building and he was looking at mentoring some young talent. Would you tell us how the Network is currently doing?

AC:  Tracy is a great guy we’ve known each other for a long time, I’m not quite sure were he’s at right now with the site but I know once the site is completed it will draw a lot of attention from people all over the world.

TRC:  What are you doing today? What is up-coming for Anthony Catanzaro?

AC: This week I’m flying to Florida to shoot PLAYGIRL magazine again, then I’m flying to Arizona later in the week to host a fundraiser. I’m also redesigning my website and have many photo shoots and TV appearances coming up. My latest TV appearance is for the CMT network called “The Bayou Billionaires” which airs every Saturday night at 9pm eastern time on CMT network. 

TRC:  Superman—explain the significance of the nickname?

AC:  Well they call me the Superman of fitness I guess because I look like Clark Kent and I help people all over the world regarding fitness. There’s so much information out there about getting in shape so many scams and promising information, but I’m here to lay down the truth about fitness and help save not just the day but their lives.

TRC:  Is there anything else you would like to add?

AC:  I like to tell all my friends and fans out there that I love them and I’m happy to be able to inspire them and motivate them. I’m glad to have this positive effect on every one of them Thank you and God Bless!


Favorite Food: Grilled chicken

Favorite Dessert: Pumpkin pie 

Favorite TV Show: Twilight Zone

Favorite Movie: Rocky

Last Movie that you saw: Rocky Balboa 2006 LOL! 

Last book that you read: everything from Joel Osteen

Boxers, Briefs or Commando: (we always ask) Commando 

Do you have any pets: Yes a little beagle named Tiny

Favorite type of car: Cadillac

Last vacation destination: ARUBA 

Dark or Milk Chocolate: both

Anthony, we would like to thank you for taking the time to answer our questions.  You are an amazing man, in love with your wife and your God.  WE wish you the best of luck and keep us informed about your career.

Click here for Anthony’s website: Anthony Catanzaro
