Marcie Marcie Marcie

Tickle Your Fancy is one of our Themes. Since The Reading Cafe is a place we can all hang out, while we drink our coffee or sip our margaritas, the talk of everything books can lead to funny stuff when we are having fun. Since we have been enjoying this feature…It is time for another Marcie…..

Adventures on Vacations

For anyone who loves to go on vacations I’m sure you’ve all had your share of mishaps, funny incidents and just plain old out of your hands situations.  Well my friends I’m no different and I swear every time I go on vacation, whether it’s a short one or long one, the trip disaster fairy decides to show up.   

For example, for one of our first big adventures, we decided it would be fun to take the train and travel to Montreal and Quebec.  Not wanting to leave our car for a week in another city, we took the Greyhound bus to get there.  All was going well till we reached our destination and have been introduced to the trip disaster fairy.  We were told the train would be delayed for 3 hours due an emergency stop.  No vehicle with us we were stuck at the train station in the middle of no where.  I’m serious this train station is called a junction point and it’s in the middle of the bush with nothing around but the people who work there.  Talk about an exciting 3 hours.  One creepy worker wouldn’t leave us alone, kept talking to us, played cards with us, even talked to us about our nail polish since we decided to paint our nails to pass some time.  Who does that at their job????  Oh and lets not forget the wildlife, they came out to visit too.  At one point we couldn’t identify this one creature, who came out of the bushes and crossed the tracks, probably looking for food.  Upon returning from our trip, Mr. Creepy decided to drive us back to the bus station because he felt bad for us having to wait all that time for our train and didn’t want us to have to wait for a cab to come get us. Again who does that, and why did we agree to the ride??????  Must have been tired from our trip.  😉

Flying is always another adventure for us as it seems we are never destined to get home on time.  For one reason or another we are always delayed, either due to weather or mechanical issues.  Coming back from Las Vegas our first time we were delayed landing in Detroit due to weather.  I’m stuck on the plane with turbulence and trying not to be sick.  Finally land only to learn our connecting flight is delayed, and delayed, and delayed.  Thought we were never leaving Detroit that night, but finally at midnight they have us board the plane.  We go to take off, the plane goes into darkness as the trip disaster fairy strikes again.  We’re told the electrical part of the plane has no power and needs to be charged.  So we are stuck on the plane with no power as they call for a generator, it’s hot, humid and we’re exhausted.  Enter the giggle fairy, we can’t stop laughing and we’re dying of heat.  At one point, my sister is laughing so hard she almost falls out of her seat and flight attendants are looking at us like we’ve lost it (which I’m pretty sure we had at this point) and asks us if we’re okay.  In between fits of laughter and snorting I reply, ‘it’s been a really long day, can you open a window’.  Yup I had lost it by now.  😉  Flying is always an adventure for us and the trip disaster fairy never disappoints us. 

Over the years as we’ve traveled throughout North America we’ve had some pretty funny situations, from spending a week out East in total fog and looking like drowned rats every day thanks to the moisture in the air, to being out West for the Calgary Stampede, and dealing with weather changes almost every 10 mins.  Everyone in Calgary told us they having a saying, ‘if you don’t like the weather, wait 10 mins’. They weren’t kidding.  I can go on and on about our adventures on vacation courtesy of the trip disaster fairy but I fear you’d be reading forever.  Just know whenever I travel, you can be sure something crazy and out of my control will occur, and all involved will be attacked by the giggle fairy, completely loosing it over the situation we are finding ourselves in.   Well that’s all for now, got to go pack for my next adventure, let’s hope the trip disaster fairy stays home this time.  😉 



Lisa Nowak-Interview with the Author

Lisa Nowak-Interview with the Author


Lisa Nowak-Interview with the Author

The Reading Cafe would like to introduce YA Indie author Lisa Nowak.



You can find Lisa at the following:

Amazon Kindle edition
B&N Nook edition

TRC: Hi Lisa and welcome to The Reading Café. Would you please tell us something about yourself?

Lisa: I’m a YA author who writes coming-of-age books about kids in hard luck situations who learn to appreciate their own value after finding mentors who love them for who they are. I’m a retired amateur stock car racer, an accomplished cat whisperer, and a professional smartass.

TRC: You have posted (on your website) quite a bit of personal information about yourself and your love of racecars. How did your love of cars evolve?

Lisa: When I bought my first car (a ’72 Gremlin) my sense of independence led me to want to know how to work on it myself. Once I started learning the basics, I fell in love with cars and driving.

TRC: You are part of the INDELIBLES indie publishing website. How has your experience with the indie publishing affected your love of writing?

Lisa: Going indie empowered me as an author. When I was pursuing the traditional route, I was always scared, always waiting for someone else to tell me I was good enough. I’d put my dreams and goals into the hands of other people, so I had no control over them. Now I’m in charge of my own destiny and make my own decisions about every aspect of my publishing career. I love it.

TRC: What have been the challenges you have faced as an indie author?

Lisa: Mostly finding time to do everything I want and need to do. Marketing is the biggest issue. Like most indies, I have plenty of ideas about how to promote my book, but not enough time to implement them.

TRC: RUNNING WIDE OPEN, GETTING SIDEWAYS and now DRIVEN are all books you have released that focus on Cody Everett and the people in his life. Would you please tell us about the inspiration behind the series?

Lisa: My experience racing at Eugene Speedway introduced me to the stock car racing community, a group of loyal, passionate, family-oriented people, and I wanted to show the world what they were all about.

TRC: The references to the car makes and models, as well the movies and television shows of the late 80s and early 90s is very nostalgic, but can be somewhat confusing to those who have never experienced the history. Why have you focused the series timelines in 1989-1990?

Lisa: Three reasons. The first is that the landscape of Eugene, Oregon, the setting of the book, has changed quite a bit since I was racing there. The track doesn’t even exist anymore. I wanted to preserve a snapshot of that time and place. The second is that driving laws for teens are much more restrictive now than they were in 1990, and driving is a big part of my books. The third is that today’s technology, with cell phones and the internet, has open up all kinds of possibilities that teens didn’t have in the past. I wrote the original drafts of both Running Wide Open and Driven in the early ’90s, and rather than change the story to include all that new technology, I decided to keep it set in that time. Because these books work as crossover novels, and much of my audience is adult stock car racing fans, I haven’t found it to be an issue for most of them.
TRC: Would you please tell us about the premise behind your new release DRIVEN?(see our review below)

Lisa: Sixteen-year-old Jess wants to be a mechanic, but no one will take her seriously because she’s a girl. She’s never even considered having a boyfriend because she thinks no guy would look twice at her. When she lucks into the opportunity to work on a race car, she’s befriended by a boy who doesn’t mind the grease under her fingernails and drawn into the family-oriented speedway community. These new friendships make it increasingly difficult for her to keep her mom’s alcoholism and neglect a secret—something she must do at all costs to avoid getting stuck in a foster home.

TRC: The storyline POV (Point of view) in DRIVEN is now the female lead Jess Deland. Is there a reason you are now focusing on this particular point of view? Will the next installment in the series continue to focus on Jess?

Lisa: I never intended the whole series to be about Cody, and in fact, I liked the idea of showing him from an outside point of view. As a woman who loves cars, I wanted to write about a young girl who shares that trait. The next book Redline, continues with Jess as the protagonist. The last book in the series, tentatively titled Never Surrender, alternates between Jess’ and Cody’s viewpoints.

TRC: Would you please tell us something about the next book in the series? Do you have a working title or premise?
Lisa: Redline is already written and off with my editor. I expect to release it around Thanksgiving. It’s hard to say too much about it without giving spoilers for Driven, but it takes up where Driven leaves off, following Jess as she attempts to enjoy life as a normal teenager for the first time. And then her past catches up with her, leading to a devastating event.

TRC: Are the characters or experiences based on anyone you know or the events in your life?

Lisa: Not so much. A few of the minor characters share traits with people I used to race with, but the main characters are all straight out of my imagination. That said, there’s a little bit of myself in all of them. Like Jess, I’m stubborn and driven, and like Cody, my emotional nature makes life more difficult than I’d like it to be. I also poke fun at my own quirks, such as my extreme Christmas spirit and my habit of listening to the same CD over and over again in the car because I’m too lazy to change it.

TRC: You offer classes and guidelines (about writing) to new authors. What would you consider the most important thing to remember when writing a book or series?

Lisa: These days, most of my writing advice is geared toward indie publishing, rather than actual craft, but if I had to come up with a single piece of advice for new authors, it would be what one of my racing mentors once told me: you just gotta keep on keepin’ on.

TRC: Many authors bounce ideas and information between friends, family and each other. With whom do you bounce your ideas?

Lisa: My husband, my critique group partners, my writing friends, sometimes even my landscaping customers (landscaping is my day job).

TRC: On what are you currently working?

Lisa: Now that Driven is out, I’m taking a little break to promote it and keep my landscaping customers happy. Later in summer, when my business slows down, I’ll either tackle revisions to Redline or I’ll make some changes to another book I’m working on, Dead Heat, and run it by my editor. Dead Heat is shorter and has a paranormal aspect, plus I have a unique marketing opportunity for it, so I’m considering publishing it next. It’s a gritty story about this kid, Alex, who’s a machine whisperer (he can figure out what’s wrong with any broken machine just by touching it). His meth addict dad beats him and exploits his ability. When his mentor, Cole, dies he gets a glimpse of just how bad things are for Alex, and what his future holds, so he hangs around as a ghost, risking his own chance at eternal peace to protect him.

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Lisa: Perhaps an animated gif of a dancing hamster.


TRC: *snort*..I bet you didn’t think we would post the pic of the animated hamster 🙂




Favorite Food
I hate having to choose only one. It makes all the other foods feel bad. But probably Mexican or pizza.

Favorite Dessert
Anything with chocolate

Favorite TV Show
Seriously? Just one again? Can I cheat? Leverage, House, Grey’s Anatomy

Favorite Movie
What if I throw you for a loop and say something obscure like Regarding Henry or Stand by Me?

Last Movie you Saw

Dark or Milk Chocolate

Favorite Song
Ugh. My brain just doesn’t work this way. It depends what mood I’m in. How about if I just tell you the song that was one of the inspirations for Driven? Car Crazy Cutie by the Beach Boys.

Thank you Lisa for taking the time to answer our questions. The Reading Café wishes you all the best with your writing career.



DRIVEN (YA) by Lisa Nowak

DRIVEN (YA) by Lisa Nowak

DRIVEN (YA) by Lisa Nowak

DRIVEN (Full Throttle series)  is the third book and May 2012 new release from Lisa Nowak’s Young Adult series. DRIVEN focuses on Jess Deland, a shy 16 year girl trying to keep up appearances in a world full of betrayal and shame. Knowing your mother is a drunk and thinking your father never wanted you forces Jess to put all of her time and effort into her studies and re-building cars. But when she meets Teri-Sue Cline and Cody Everett at the local speedway, she doesn’t know how her life is about to change.

Jess knows how to keep secrets. For years her mother’s drinking has forced the young girl into being the parent. But when Teri-Sue Cline, a beautiful, young amateur racecar driver offers Jess a position with her pit-crew, she jumps at the opportunity to earn more money-and the fact that she will be working on racecars makes it the best job (ever).

Cody Everett is a fellow amateur racecar driver. But living in the shadow of the infamous racecar driver and uncle-Horatio “Race” Everett, places Cody in the unenviable position to try and prove worthy. Cody’s love and worry for his uncle is well placed, following the previous year’s harrowing accident that almost killed the man. But when he sideswipes Teri-Sue’s car on the track, he finds himself the target of a very emotional and pretty 16 year old mechanic. And now his prime motivation will be to meet and get to know-Jess Deland.

Jess is determined to keep her distance. Hoping no one will discover her family secrets, Jess has few friends and is determined to push Cody away. Teri-Sue’s family has welcomed Jess with open arms, and she is reluctant to accept any favors or gifts. And Teri-Sues younger brother Rhett tugs at Jess’s heart. An easy-going young boy of 10, Rhett’s desire is to have contact with his absentee mother. But a horrific accident has placed the Cline’s family at odds with each other, and Jess seems to be the only person who is able to break through Rhett’s façade. And Jess soon learns that appearances are not always what they seem. She is not the only person to keep secrets buried. Cody’s demons ride him hard and it will be a 16 year old girl who will help tame and wipe away the tears of a young man.

Life for Jess is about to change. As her relationship with Cody grows, the relationship with her mother pushes further apart. But finding herself alone and homeless will force Jess to test the limits of her abilities. Keeping secrets and fearing the authorities will take her from the people that she has grown to love, Jess begins to risk her health and her happiness in an effort to keep the others from discovering the truth. But it will be the love of her new family that will help discover the real-truth about her past.

DRIVEN is a fictional young adult storyline. Written in first person POV from the heroine’s perspective, the reader is taken on a journey of discovery into first love and the feeling of betrayal by a parent. The character of Jess was, at first, a little difficult to like with her misplaced anger at Cody Everett, but looking beyond the obvious, Jess is a wounded child hiding a multitude of pain and shame. Anger is an emotion she knows only too well. Driven is a sweet story about accepting who you are and asking for help when the going gets tough.

To Order:
AMAZON Kindle LINK: Driven

1. Running Wide Open
2. Getting Sideways
3. Driven

reviewed by Sandy


WARRIORS of POSEIDON- a poem based on the series by Alyssa Day

A few months ago I had the opportunity to write a poem about the Warriors of Poseidon to honor Alyssa Day on her birthday. 

Alyssa had a birthday wish.
She wanted just one thing.
For Conlan to be crowned at once,
And all to call him king.

Erin lit the birthday candle,
A witch of mighty power.
But Ven was hoping for a dance,
By twelve, the witching hour.

Lord Justice had a gift or two,
And Keely brought the cake.
She noted how the gathered few,
Were waiting by the lake.

Bastion called, “She’s coming home…
All hide, around the castle.”
Some tumbled through the kitchen door,
Kat yelled,” Oh no, who broke the vassel?”

Alaric blessed the chosen race,
But Quinn refused to hide.
Conlan grabbed the Trident spear,
And Riley beamed with pride.

“Alyssa’s here, she’s on the walk.”
Grace whispered to the hall.
Alexios stood, by her side,
All male.. .so big and tall.

“Atlantis Rules”, they shouted out.
As Brennan hit the lights.
Tiernan laughed, her lover moved,
She sighed…”Tonight’s the night.”

Fiona ducked as Christophe waved,
His arms, all in a flurry.
“All quiet now, Alyssa’s home.”
Some laughed, but no one worried.

Denal looked out, he couldn’t see,
Who trailed along the walk.
Serai and Daniel both agreed,
Perhaps it’s time to talk.

Jack was first, he called her name.
“Alyssa, welcome home.”
Your friends are here, to wish you well,
And greetings with this poem.

It took some time, we wrote this down,
we tried in every way.
From your friends and fans who wish the best,

Written by Sandy


Insurgent by Veronica Roth – a Review

Insurgent by Veronica Roth – a Review

“Insurgent” by Veronica Roth is the second book in her Divergent Trilogy.  I loved the first book in this series Divergent, and expected this book to be good, but was totally surprised to find Insurgent to be even better.  Kudos to Veronica Roth, who takes us right from the start on a non stop journey that does not end with this book.  In Insurgent, Roth seamlessly brings us into the action right away, as if you were still reading Dviergent, and it flows beautifully. 

To give you a refresher, this story takes place in Chicago in the future.  There are five factions, which each person is born into.  Abnegation: being selfless. Amity: peace and love. Candor: honesty. Dauntless: courage. Erudite: knowledge. Each of these factions consists of different professions, different clothes, and different lifestyles. Abnegation is the political arm of all the factions, as they are considered selfless, and less likely to be corrupted by power. Dauntless protects the borders of the city.  Erudite, being intelligent, wants the power of Abnegation and this will be a major focus of this story later in the book.  Our heroine Tris, and hero Tobias (or Four) have escaped from their faction, Dauntless, after stopping an Erudite created simulation that brainwashed the Dauntless to kill the Abnegation faction.

Now begins Insurgent, with Tris unable to cope with guilt of killing her friend, even though he would have killed her, as he was under the simulation to kill.  It was kill or be killed for Tris.   They with other survivors come to Amity for sanctuary, only to be forced to leave, as the Erudites & Dauntless traitors are coming after them, especially for all those that are Divergents.  We know from the first book, that Tris and Tobias are Divergents, as are others whom we meet in this book.  We get to meet the factionless, whom are more then anyone expected, and they are run by Tobias’s mother.  The Factionless are the key to defeating the Erudites, as their members were those tossed away by all the other factions, and their numbers are now bigger then the other factions. They will team with the loyal Dauntless to fight this war of survival.

Jeanine Matthews is still the villain in this book, but Roth brings in so many new characters….friends, enemies, family, and betrayers.  Though at times you might get confused who is on whose side, Roth does a good job giving us a better insight into these really good characters.  We learn so much more about these characters, such as Peter, Christina, Caleb, Tori, Uriah and so much more.

Tris is a great heroine, as she is tough, vulnerable, strong and still has her own flaws, but you are on her side all the way through,especially when she willingly offers her life to save others.  Tobias is perfect for her, as he is truly a leader, who I expect to come on his own, when this is over.  They love each other, but they know that now is not the time, as they have a war to fight.   But we do get to watch them discover more about each other, even to the misunderstandings.  Very well done.

Insurgent was very exciting from start to finish; total action, suspense and so tense at times.   This book totally blew me away, as I could not put this book down, nor could you even attempt to skip anything in fear you would miss the many revelations.   This has to be one of the best second books of a series that I have ever read. Totally awesome.   The plot, the constant surprises, the betrayals, and twists, and though this has some romantic undertones with Tris and Tobias, it is not a romance story.  It is considered YA dystopian, but it is not YA only, as this book is all adult; with the violence, the intensity, the danger, not to mention the complexity.

The wild ending was a cliffhanger, and most of you know I hate cliffhangers.  But this was done so very well by Roth, totally amazing, and you will be thinking of this for the next year….until the third and final book comes out.  Bravo to Veronica Roth for her ability to create this world and write such a fascinating story that will not let you go.  If you have not read this series, I urge you to buy Divergent and Insurgent now, since if I have to rate this book,.. I give it 5 stars.

Review by Barb


Vampire in Atlantis by Alyssa Day – a Review

Vampire in Atlantis by Alyssa Day – a Review


Since we plan on “Catching Up with Alyssa Day” on Monday, we thought that perhaps this was a good time to catch up on the last book of the series.  Sort of a refresher where the Warriors of Poseidon left off.

December brings us the long awaited story of Alaric and Quinn. So lets take a look at what happened  when we last left our warriors.  Vampire in Atlantis is Daniel’s story.





“Vampire in Atlantis” is the seventh book (plus two novellas) in Alyssa Day’s The Warriors of Poseidon series. The next book in this wonderful series will be released in December, 2012.  “Vampire in Atlantis” is Daniel’s book, and many of us have been waiting for this.

The story picks up with Daniel now ready to give up on life, and face the dawn.  Daniel’s whole existence has been about atoning for his early years of being a vampire when he was all about killing and maiming. He spent 9000 years underground to stop himself from continuing the bloodlust. He returned to join hands to help the Atlanteans working undercover against the vampires.  But his futility and being alone has forced him to finally give in to ending it all.

Serai is an Atlantean princess, who was one of a group of young maidens, who agreed to be placed into a magical stasis to ensure the future of the Atlantean race,and be saved for a future King of Atlantis. This was 11 thousand years ago, when Atlantis went under the sea.  Serai has now awakened, as something is wrong with the Emperor jewel, which protected all the maidens in the stasis.  The Emperor jewel is also one of the jewels needed for the Trident, to help Atlantis rise.   Serai uses her magic to help her escape.  She wants no part of Atlantis, that seemed to have forgotten her, and calls the portal to run. But she knows she must find the missing jewel to save the other maidens who are still locked away from a sure death.

When Daniel is walking into the sunlight, he is suddenly pulled away and lands at Serai’s feet. He shockingly recognizes her, and she does too, but her mind is still in a state of confusion.   11 thousand years ago, Serai was Daniel’s first and only love.  But circumstances and timing tore them apart, as Atlantis was shortly ready to disappear.  Serai was visiting the jewelry shop where Daniel worked, and as it was attacked, he shoved her into an underground hiding place. When Serai came back up, Daniel was near death and she made a fast decision to save his life.  She allowed a nightwalker mage to change Daniel. This was how he became a vampire. Serai returned home intending to check up on Daniel soon, but her father who felt Daniel was not worthy of her,lied to her and said Daniel was dead.  Atlantis shortly went under the sea and she was one the “lucky” maidens placed in stasis, for a few years (which ends up to be 11 thousand years).

Serai’s goal is to find the person who is misusing the power of the Emperor jewel, as it is killing her and her sisters. But Daniel is not going to let Serai go now that he has found her, even if that means they die on this mission together.  This story is about a wonderful love story of two people who though separated for thousands of years, have never forgotten one another.  This was their second chance to rekindle their romance.  At the same time find the missing jewel that threatens to destroy them, as well as Atlantis. The majority of the story takes place in the red rock country of Sedona, Arizona. Their true love is more emotional then in the previous books, and it is also a chance for the redemption Daniel needs.  It was great to watch them rediscover their love, her see a world that has totally changed, and for Daniel to finally have what he has always wanted…someone to share his life with and to love with passion.  When they reached the soul-meld, it was very emotional, as Daniel now knew he did indeed have a soul.

The story is also filled with lots of action and danger.  It was great to see Riley, Erin, and Keeley helping to try to save the maidens.  Then at the end to see all of the couples together (Riley/Conlan, Ven/Erin, Justice/Keeley, Alexios/Grace, Brennan/Tiernan, Christophe/Fiona) come together to help save Daniel and Serai.  Also fun to see Poseidon again.  There are also some interesting revelations in this book.  Some have to do with Daniel and Serai, but another was confirmation that we have suspected before….Serai tells them that priests do not have to be celibate, as they are stronger magic users when they have been through the soul-meld…Great news for Alaric and Quinn.

This has been a great read and a fun series.  Loved every single one of the books, and can’t wait for Heart of Atlantis…and Quinn and Alaric…December,2012 seems so long to wait.  Thank you Alyssa Day for this wonderful series…..

Review by Barb


MEAGAN SPOONER-Interview with the Author

Meagan Spooner-Interview with the Author

The Reading Cafe would like to welcome NEW YA author Meagan Spooner

You can find Meagan at these LINKS:



TRC:  Hi Meagan and welcome to The Reading Café.  We recently had the chance to review your new novel SKYLARK, which will be released in October 2012. Now is our chance to learn about the author behind the book.

TRC: Would you please tell us something about yourself?


Meagan:  Hi, and thanks for the welcome! Well, the short story version is that I’m a young adult author from Virginia, with a weakness for dark fairy tales and epic space operas. But some things the internet may not know about me? Hmm… well, I can stand on my head indefinitely, or until the blood rushes to my head and I pass out. I’m six feet tall. And I know how to fend off a drop bear attack.

TRC:  Your biography states that you have travelled extensively around the world
including Egypt, Greece, Chile and the Artic Circle. What were the
occasions to visit such exotic locales?

Meagan:  I was lucky enough to have the awesomest parents ever. I definitely inherited my love of travel from them. Ever since I was a baby, they’d take me and my older sister with them when they traveled the world. And they tended to gravitate toward the unusual and the exotic, as opposed to the more common vacation destinations. The best part is that even though now my sister and I are both adults, doing our own things, my parents still take us with them when they travel. I’m actually headed for southern Africa in a week!

TRC:  What is your favorite travel destination and why?

Meagan:  I’m torn, because if we’re talking about my favorite place to visit on repeat, that’s Australia. I love it there, and I love the people. I have so many friends there, and it’s a great place to live. But if we’re talking exotic vacations, then I’d have to say my favorite was Antarctica (though Egypt runs a close second!). There was just something completely awe-inspiring about being able to stand on the desk of the ice-breaker ship and watch the icebergs float by under the midnight sun… there’s no experience on Earth like it. It was truly like being on another planet.

TRC:  Your older sister started you on your love of science fiction.  Who is
your favorite science fiction author and book, and why?

Meagan:  Hmmm. Straight up science fiction? I’d probably have to say ENDER’S GAME, by Orson Scott Card. In my mind, science fiction is all about self-examanation–we use it like a lens through which to view our own humanity. And there’s nothing quite like the moral questions raised in ENDER, presented side by side with the sheer brutality humans are capable of. Of course, that makes it sound like a super dry, philosophical book! It’s also just really exciting and impossible to put down. Not to mention packing a twisty punch that still gets me every time I read it.

But my love of fantasy developed hand in hand with my love of science fiction–which is why it’s not always clear which SKYLARK is. For fantasy, I’d say some of my favorites include STARDUST by Neil Gaiman, THE LAST UNICORN by Peter S. Beagle, and THE GOLDEN COMPASS by Philip Pullman.

THE GIVER by Lois Lowry is one of my all-time favorite books. It’s not really hard science fiction, but it’s not fantasy either. It’s dystopian, but not in the way we think of dystopian novels today. It’s a quieter book, but no less harrowing. I think it’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever read.

TRC:  SKYLARK (Young Adult novel) will be your first published novel.  What
inspired you to write your first book?

Meagan:  I think what inspires me to write is the need to reach out to other people I might otherwise never meet. It’s not just about telling a story, although I do love that part of it. But it’s also about forming a connection with someone while they’re reading your words. From “once upon a time” until “the end,” you get to speak directly to that person’s heart through your characters and your world. To me, that’s magic.

TRC:  Will you please tell us the premise behind SKYLARK and the Skylark trilogy? (see our review below)

Meagan:  SKYLARK takes place in a world much like our own, except that instead of electricity, magic powers technology. In the past, this power was abused to the point where wars broke out–now, the only safe haven in the world is a city inside a dome. Or so Lark believes. When she finds out that the rulers of her city plan to enslave her and make use of her newfound unique abilities, she decides to risk everything and flee beyond the Wall. No one has left the city and survived in over a century, and so Lark finds herself in a magic-ravaged wilderness unlike anything she could have imagined. She must fight her way through the magically twister monsters outside, and the machines her city have sent after her, searching for a fabled place where people like her can be safe.

TRC:  Did you find anything particularly challenging with writing SKYLARK?

Meagan:  Lark is alone for much of the book, which was extremely difficult. The easiest way to reveal information about a character is through their reflection in the people around them, so I had to find ways to bring the reader into Lark’s psyche without the benefit of those ready-made mirrors. But the cool thing was that this actually ended up being a real help–the necessity to give Lark someone to interact with when she first leaves the city led to the creation of a creature which quickly became one of my favorite characters I’ve ever written.

TRC:  If the Skylark trilogy becomes a runaway hit with the readers, would you
consider extending the series beyond 3 books?

Meagan:  I don’t think I’ll ever write another novel about Lark after the end of the trilogy. I could see a short story here and there, but I know where the series is going and her story will be done at the end of the trilogy.

That said, I’ve toyed with the idea of writing a prequel about Lark’s older brother, Basil. He left the city a few years before Lark did, but never returned, a disappearance that continues to haunt Lark throughout her story. Basil’s story is almost as fascinating to me as Lark’s, but we only learn about him in glimpses and flashes as Lark’s journey progresses. I’d love to go back after finishing all three Lark books and write about the boy who really started it all.

TRC:  THESE BROKEN STARS  is another Young Adult novel (and the first book in the trilogy) you have co-authored with Amie Kaufman due for release in the summer of
2013. Will you please tell us the premise behind this new series?

Meagan:  THESE BROKEN STARS is a dual-POV novel following two people who were never supposed to meet–Lilac, a socialite celebrity and daughter of the richest man in the universe; and Tarver, a young war hero from the humblest possible origins. They’re thrown together when the vast spaceliner they’re both traveling on crashes, and they have to depend on each other to survive on a planet which, by all galactic records, doesn’t exist. As they make their way across the wilderness in search of rescue, they begin to unravel the mysteries surrounding the abandoned planet; and together, they uncover a terrible secret that sets into motion a story spanning worlds.

Each book in the TBS trilogy follows a different couple on a different planet, and each builds upon the mysteries and revelations in the previous novel. Three worlds, three loves stories, one enemy.

TRC:  What are you currently working on?

Meagan:  I’m finishing up the first polished draft of the second book in the SKYLARK series, and working on line edits for THESE BROKEN STARS. Although having two trilogies going simultaneously is pretty hard, whenever I do get a spare moment, I spend it on a project titled HUNTED–a retelling of Beauty and the Beast set in medieval Russia. Given my current work load it’ll probably be years before I can do too much with it, but I love working on it.

TRC:  Have you learned anything during your writing experience that has been
beneficial to you as a writer?

Meagan:  Are you kidding? I feel like I learn something new and invaluable every day. But I think the single most important thing I learned happened when I first started writing SKYLARK. I used to think that creativity was something that came in inspired flashes, that you could just wait for your muse to show up. But this is rarely consistent enough to build a career on. I learned that books may get started through a burst of inspiration, but they get finished with hard work, every day, whether you feel like writing or not. If you want to be a professional writer, if you want to make books your job, you have to treat it like a job. One that you do every day, even on the days when you’d rather be outside, or playing video games, or reading.

Despite all of that, I still think it’s the best job in the world.

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Meagan:  I love talking to readers and writers alike, and I don’t bite! So if anyone has a question or a comment, don’t hesitate to stalk me at any one of my various internet haunts.


Favorite Food

Favorite Dessert
Flourless chocolate anything

Favorite Movie

Favorite TV Show

Last Movie You Saw
The Avengers

Dark or Milk Chocolate
Milk Chocolate

What book are YOU currently reading?
BITTERBLUE, by Kristin Cashore.

TRC: Meagan, we would like to thank you for taking the time to answer our
questions.  We wish you the best of luck with your writing career.  Please
keep in touch and let us know about your future novels and storylines.

Meagan: Thank you so much for having me here at The Reading Cafe! It’s been a blast answering these questions.


SKYLARK (YA) by Meagan Spooner -a review

SKYLARK (YA) by Meagan Spooner-a review

SKYLARK (YA) by Meagan Spooner

SKYLARK is the anticipated August 2012 release from author Meagan Spooner. SKYLARK is a Young Adult novel written in both the utopian and dystopian genre of literature. Exploring both the political and social structures of a post apocalyptic nightmare, SKYLARK- divided into three sections-follows 16 year old Lark Ainsley and her endeavor to discover who and what she (is). The world as she has been taught, is not the world she will come to know. There is a lot of background information, by way of explanation, that must be revealed to understand the premise of the story.

Once again it is ‘Harvest’ time at the Institute. A graduation or rite of passage, Harvest time will determine each student’s capabilities and powers. But the Resource, the source of all power and magic at the Institute and within the Wall, needs to be replenished. And the source of that ‘Renewable’ energy is no longer available. Living in a domed city, run by the Machines, protected from the poisonous aftermath of the Wars fought so long ago, the people of the City are regimented and classified based on their abilities and power. Each person has the ability to use ‘magic’ or power, but to use one’s power requires permission and discipline. But Lark wants to be a historian. She wants to know what happened all those years ago. And why has her younger brother Basil gone missing for so many years?

The City and Institute thrive using the Resource and its’ powers. Artificial food sources, energy, oxygen, plant life and even the sun were all created by the Architects, who designed the Dome, following the Wars that devastated the world. A renewable source of energy (or magic) must be found before the Resource is no longer able to keep the citizens alive. And the source of the power is something only the people at the Institute are aware (of). But the perfect Utopian world comes with a price. Pixies (mechanimal spies) report the whereabouts and activities of every citizen of the City. Disobedience and disrespect are met with ‘Adjustments’ and banishment to the other side of the Wall where the aftermath of the Wars is still visible all around. Fear has been bred into the people of the City that cannibals and demons live on the other side of the Wall. But like all myths or lore, there is some truth to every story.

Lark is suddenly thrown into a world she never knew existed. The Harvest has discovered a power within Lark that must be contained by the Resource. As a ‘Renewable’, Lark finds herself trapped and forced into a series of medical experiments that leave her exhausted and in pain. But it is the ‘Resource’ that calls to Lark and imprints a series of directives and knowledge that will aid the young woman with her future plans. With the help of a young Architect-Kris-Lark escapes the confines of the Institute only to realize that her family can no longer be trusted. Fleeing the City, Lark finds herself on the other side of the Wall, embarking on an adventure of life, death, renewal, friendship, betrayal and power.

Part 2 follows Lark as she tries to understand the missives of the Resource and the unknowns of the world she knows nothing about. The destruction of the cities and towns surrounding the City remind Lark of the history books from the Institute. With Lark’s powers, she is able to see the spirits of the people who once inhabited the homes before the Wars annihilated the people. But Lark senses that someone is watching. Not a ghost, but a living being. When hunger and cold are all that is left to comfort a weakened Lark, the ‘shadow’ that has been following her, will rescue her time and again, from the savages and cannibals trying to end her existence. Oren is a young man who slowly gains Lark’s trust by aiding her on her journey to the Iron Forest. But Oren has a few secrets of his own and many of those secrets, are buried so deep, that even Oren does not know who or what he is. Passing through the ‘Pockets’ of concentrated magic, Lark and Oren enter into various worlds of growth, renewal and destruction, but Oren’s journey will end at the Iron Forest. In addition to Oren, Lark finds herself a companion in a modified Pixie. Nix, as it will soon be named, quickly develops a sense of self and is torn between duty and a developing friendship of trust and need.

Part 3 and Lark discovers the other ‘Renewables’ like herself. But Dorian the leader of the Others, knows that Lark is different. There is a power within the young woman that has yet to be challenged. Living with the Others, Lark is befriended by Tansy, a young woman who is a scout for her people and gathers power from the rain. But it is the appearance of two people from her recent past that will quickly escalate the struggle for survival in the village she has now learned to call home.

Betrayal by a friend will set in motion the destruction of both man and machine as it unleashes the power within Lark. But at the end of the day, Lark knows that she must follow her heart, already broken and torn, in search of her brother and the others like herself.

SKYLARK is a wonderful first novel in Meagan Spooner’s new series. There is a lot of detailed background information revealed in the storyline, but information that must be revealed for the sake of understanding the premise. Our heroine Lark is not a kick-ass warrior with an axe to grind, but a young female trying to discover who and what she is. As she searches for answers, she is consumed with the knowledge that everything she has been taught is perhaps a lie or close enough. Betrayal cuts a hole deep in her heart and the knowledge that not everyone is what they seem, will dig the hole even deeper. And friendships are not easily forged in a world known for deception, but one or two ‘people’ may be the only beings that Lark is able to trust. I look forward to the next instalment in Meagan Spooner’s new series. I have no problem recommending this book to both adults and teens. It is an interesting concept based on a world of lies, betrayal and the use of power—both literally and figuratively.

Skylark is available for pre-order from Amazon.


Copy provided by Netgalley.

Reviewed by Sandy
