Molly Harper -Interview with the Author

From the Website: When Molly Harper was eight years old, she set up a “writing office” in her parents’ living room, complete with an old manual typewriter and a toy phone. And she (very slowly) pecked out the story of her third-grade class taking a trip around the world and losing a kid in each city. She had a dark sense of humor even then.
When Molly was considerably older, she headed for Western Kentucky University, where she majored in print journalism. After graduation, she landed a job with the Paducah Sun and married her high school sweetheart, David, a local police officer. After six years at the newspaper, Molly took a more family-friendly secretarial position at a local church office.
Her husband worked nights and Molly was alone with their small child in the “The Apartment of Lost Souls.” A big fan of vampire movies and TV shows, she decided to write a vampire romance novel. “I wondered what would be the most humiliating way possible to be turned into a vampire—a story that a vampire would be embarrassed to share with their vampire buddies over a nice glass of Type O,” said Molly.
Read Complete Bio: Molly Harper Website
TRC: Hi Molly and Welcome to The Reading Cafe. Congratulations on the release of The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires. We would like to start with some background information. Please tell us something about yourself?
Molly: I am a former newspaper reporter turned romance author from small-town western Kentucky. I wrote my first vampire book, NICE GIRLS DON’T HAVE FANGS, at night while I was working as a church secretary. I’m married to my high school sweetheart, David, a local police officer. He was the inspiration for the character, Monroe, in AND ONE LAST THING…
TRC: What have been some of the challenges you have faced in your writing career?
Molly: I think, comparatively, my road to publication was fairly smooth. There are people who spend years trying to get representation and sell one manuscript. It took me a year to finish NICE GIRLS, and then about four months to find an agent and sell it. I can’t complain at all there and realize that this is not a typical publishing story. I am very, very lucky.
The challenge came after, when I was working full-time and writing at night to meet contract deadlines. For about five years (2007-2012), I was getting an average of 4 to 5 hours of sleep at night because I would stay up way past midnight to write my manuscripts. Then I’d get up at 5:30 to get my kids ready for school, and go work a full day. That wears on you after a while. Fortunately, we reached the point where I could stay home and write full time earlier this year. So I’m finally getting enough sleep. J
TRC: Many authors bounce ideas and information between each other and their family and friends. With whom do you share ideas and information and why?
Molly: I have a few author friends who are kind enough to put up with me when I’m stuck or need a barometer to determine if an idea stinks. My mom, a lifelong romance reader, is also a good sounding board.
TRC: You have quite a wicked sense of humor that shows in your writing style. How would you describe your particular style of writing?
Molly: Snark-tastic. For some reason, I see the world at a slight angle, and people seem to find it amusing. My mom and dad are both very dry, funny people. The stories and humor at family gatherings tend to be hyperbolic and wacky. I think that shows in my writing.
TRC: Your heroine Jane Jameson is quite the ‘eclectic’ heroine. Is there anyone in particular that you have ‘mirrored’ or emulated in the creation of Jane?
Molly: Myself. I am shameless about injecting my own personality into Jane. I wrote a book years before, which will never see the light of day. It didn’t work, because there was nothing of my personality in the character. I felt no connection to her and the intimacy that I seem to share with Jane and her world just wasn’t there. So I gave Jane my love of books, my clumsiness, my occasional social awkwardness, and my ability to curse creatively. We’re very similar, but different, because there are things Jane does that I would know better than to try. (Mixing coffee and synthetic blood, for example.) So far, it’s worked for me.
TRC: NICE GIRLS DON’T BITE THEIR NEIGHBORS was your February 2012 release in the Jane Jameson series. Would you please tell us about the premise of the story?
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Molly: Just as Jane Jameson’s unlife seems to be stabilizing, fate sinks its fangs firmly into her butt. Despite her near-phobia of wedding planning, her no-frills nighttime nuptials to her sexy boyfriend, Gabriel, are coming along smoothly. That is, until she turns a fatally wounded teenage acquaintance, and the Council pronounces her responsible for the newborn vamp until he can control his thirst.
Jane’s kitchen barely holds enough Faux Type O to satiate the cute teen’s appetite and maintain Gabriel’s jealous streak at a slow simmer. As if keeping her hyperactive childe from sucking the blood out of the entire neighborhood isn’t enough to deal with, the persnickety ghost of Jane’s newly deceased grandma Ruthie has declared war on the fanged residents of River Oaks. Suddenly choosing monogrammed cocktail napkins and a cake she can’t even eat seem downright relaxing in comparison.
Tensions inside the house are growing…and outside, a sinister force is aiming a stake straight for the center of Gabriel’s heart. Most brides just have to worry about choosing the right dress, but Jane fears that at this rate, she’ll never make it down the aisle for the wedding all nice girls dream of…
TRC: Have you had any particular challenges with the character of Jane or the Jane Jameson series of novels?
Molly: Giving Jane so many problems. I am afraid sometimes that I’m stretching believability that Jane – someone who’s generally pretty likeable – seems to attract so many mortal enemies.
TRC: THE CARE AND FEEDING OF STRAY VAMPIRES is your July 2012 new release. Will you please tell us something about the premise of the book and the new spin-off series?
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Molly: I seem to be fascinated with poisoned vampires lately. I shot Gabriel with a poisoned arrow in NICE GIRLS DON’T BITE THEIR NEIGHBORS. I dosed a vampire’s blood with ghost chili oil in an upcoming anthology story, THE UNDEAD IN MY BED. And in CARE AND FEEDING, Iris Scanlon, Half-Moon Hollow’s only daytime vampire concierge, knows more about the undead than she’d like. Running all their daylight errands–from letting in the plumber to picking up some chilled O neg–gives her a look at the not-so-glamorous side of vampire life. Her rules are strict; relationships with vamps are strictly business, not friendship–and certainly not anything else.But then she finds her newest client, Cal, poisoned on his kitchen floor, and only Iris can help.
Cal – who would be devastatingly sexy, if Iris allowed herself to think that way – offers Iris a hefty fee for hiding him at her place until he figures out who wants him permanently dead. Even though he’s imperious, unfriendly and doesn’t seem to understand the difference between “employee” and “servant,” Iris agrees, and finds herself breaking more and more of her own rules to help him – particularly those concerning nudity. Turns out what her quiet little life needed was some intrigue & romance–in the form of her very own stray vampire.
TRC: Do you have any plans to continue the Jane Jameson series now that you have started a spin-off series?
Molly: No, I have written the last title focusing on Jane. But I really love doing the spin offs. I can go back to that world and those characters but still have fun with new characters.

TRC: Do you have any plans to continue the werewolf series? If not, is there a particular reason or aspect that determined your decision?
Molly: I hope to make an announcement about that soon.
TRC: Have you ever been approached about a television series for any or all of your books? Have you ever considered writing for a television series?
Molly: No, I would love to see any of my titles make it to the screen. But I’ve never been approached. And I would love to write for TV, but I would probably be the “funny quip” writer who adds meat to the already sturdy plot structure provided by other writers.
TRC: Would you please tell us on what you are currently working?
Molly: I could tell you, but then I would have to send werewolves after you. (Sorry, the contracts aren’t actually signed yet, so I don’t want to jinx the project.)
TRC: Would you like to add anything else?
Molly: If you don’t have time to read, I would recommend looking up my books on Audio. It’s a handy way to get your reading time in while commuting to work, doing chores, etc. I never would have finished the Percy Jackson series without them. J, iTunes and carry all of my titles on audiobook. Amanda Ronconi does a beautiful job narrating each one.
Favorite Food
Chicken Marsala
Favorite Dessert
Chocolate Truffle Cake
Favorite TV Show
The Office
Favorite Movie
“Daddy’s Dying, Who’s Got the Will?”
Last Movie you Saw
Lost in Austen. (Does that count? It was a miniseries.)
Dark or Milk Chocolate
Do you have any pets?
Two dachshunds.
Last Vacation Destination
Panama City Beach, FL.
TRC: Thank you very much for taking the time to answer our questions. We are looking forward to all of your new releases and re-reading our favorites. We wish you the best of luck with your writing career.

Molly has graciously offered a copy of THE CARE AND FEEDING OF STRAY VAMPIRES to THREE (3) lucky members at The Reading Cafe.
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