An Interview with Kalayna Price

The Reading Cafe is thrilled to have Kalayna Price with us today.
This is a very busy time for Kalayna, as she has just released her third book in her Alex Craft series, and will also release her third book in her Novels of Haven very soon.
Let’s meet Kalayna.
Hi Kalayna. Thank you for taking the time to answer some questions today. We are always looking forward to reading about the author behind the book.
TRC: Can you please tell us about yourself?
Kalayna: Well, I’m the author of two urban fantasy series, the Alex Craft novels and the novels of Haven. I’m also a hoop-dancer, a painter, a photographer and recently I decided to learn violin (in all that free time I don’t have. LOL. Of course, I’m also an avid reader.
TRC: When and how did you become interested in writing? Have you always liked to write?
Kalayna:I started my first ‘novel’ at twelve. It was one of many false starts. I didn’t get serious about writing until I was twenty-three. Then I actually sat down and worked through the stumbling blocks that had always stopped me before and wrote my first real novel in just under three months.
TRC: We see in your bio, you like to paint or take pictures with a camera. Is this your hobby, or perhaps a way for you to relax and get more ideas to write?
Kalayna: Both are hobbies. Photography reminds me to stop and actually look at the world, so you could say it influences my writing. Painting is simply a relaxing hobby these days. It let’s me transfer my thoughts into a different medium.
TRC: What was your first book published? ONCE BITTEN from the Haven novels?

Kalayna: Yes, Once Bitten was my very first novel, both written and published.
TRC: How did you come up with the idea of Kita and the Haven Novels? The third book in this series, Third Blood comes out in August. How many books do you plan for this series?
Kalayna: Ideas are so hard to pinpoint. Writers are like sponges—we suck up all the information around us. There it simmers until something new emerges. Kita and several of the other characters just showed up one day and started talking. So I’m sure many things inspired them, but I couldn’t tell you exactly what. As far as my plans for the series. There will be two main arcs over the course of six books. Third Blood will end the first arc and start the second, so I’m very excited to share it.
TRC: Can you tell those who are new to your books the premise of the Haven Novels.
Kalayna: The stories follow Kita Nekai, a shapeshifter on the run from her clan and responsibilities. In the first book she gets turned into a vampire and drawn into the underworld of a city called Haven. If she thought being the smallest shifter was hard, being a dead one really sucks. Literally.
TRC: The Alex Craft novels is your other series, with the third book, GRAVE MEMORY out this month. How many books do you plan for this series?
Kalayna: I have a definite end planned for the series, but I’m not sure how many books it will take for Alex to reach that end. Currently six books are contracted for the series.
TRC: Can you tell us the premise of Alex Craft, and also something about Grave Memory.
Kalayna: Alex Craft is a grave witch, which means she draws the memories from the dead in the form of shades. She uses this ability in her PI business and also to assist the police. Unfortunately, business isn’t going well, so she’s broke. When a case involving a dark cop, a sexy reaper, and a soul silencing killer lands at her feet, she has no choice but to take it. But this case might cost her more than her rent—it may cost her soul.
TRC: Both Alex Craft and the Haven Novels are Urban Fantasy. Do you ever think about writing another genre in the future?
Kalayna: I have a couple ideas on the back burner, including a futuristic dystopian and a YA, but right now I’m focusing on only these two series.
TRC: You consider your writing genre as Urban Fantasy. How do you explain to someone-what is Urban Fantasy literature?
Kalayna: Urban Fantasy is a mixed genre. At it’s most basic level it is a story in which fantastical elements are essential to the plot. But books in the genre also draw strongly from other genres so most have elements of romance, horror, humor, and/or mystery. The voice can be anything from a sassy chick lit to a dark noir. It really is a diverse and fascinating genre.
TRC: Who is your favorite Author? Did this author inspire you to write urban fantasy?
Kalayna: Oh, that is too hard to narrow down. I love tons of writers, both in and outside my genre. I will say though, until I was about fifteen I wrote mostly High/Epic Fantasy. Then I read the early Anita Blake novels and wanted more of the same, but at that time, the genre didn’t exist. So I started writing what it was I wanted to read—which later became known as Urban Fantasy.
TRC: What is your favorite book you have read?
Kalayna: If I can’t narrow down an author, I definitely can’t narrow down a single book!
TRC: What are you currently working on?
Kalayna: I’m currently finishing up a Haven Novel and am about to start the next Alex Craft novel.
Favorite Food: Breakfast
Favorite Movie: Labyrinth or Princess Bride
Favorite TV Show: Don’t really have one
Last Movie that you saw: Despicable Me
Last book that you read: I’m currently reading Blood and Bullets by James R Tuck
Favorite Character from books you have read: Oh no, definitely can’t narrow that one down.
Last vacation destination: Uh. I can’t remember the last time I took anything but working vacations. I should put vacation on my to-do list. ^_^
TRC: Would you like to add anything else?
Kalanya: Thank you so much for having me here. I’ve had a lot of fun.
TRC: Thank you, Kalayna for answering our questions. The Reading Café wishes you the best of luck with both Grave Memory and Third Blood. We look forward to talking with you again in the future.
Kalayna: You as well!
Kalayna and her publisher have graciously offered to give five (5) members of The Reading Café a chance to each win copies of the first two books of her Novel of Haven series.
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3. Please post a comment and say hello to Kalayna
4. Giveaway open to US or Canada only
5. Contests runs from July 12-15, 2012.