An Interview with Elke Feuer
The Reading Cafe is happy to welcome Elke Feurer as our guest today. Before we meet Elke, let’s find out more about her.
I was born and raised on Grand Cayman where I live with my husband and two wonderful kids. To my surprise, I enjoy writing romantic suspense, and even more surprising, writing about serial killers. I’m fascinated by what motivates them to kill. I also write historical, time travel and contemporary stories to even out my dark side.
Reading, spending time with my family, traveling, and meeting people, are my joy. Writing is my passion.
I sometimes wonders if I’m not Billie Holiday incarnate because of the strong connection I feel, along with the urge to sing jazz, but I quickly remember I’m too chicken to get onstage. I pacifies the urge by listening to jazz while I write, and dancing. My favorite dance is salsa, however since having kids the only dancing I do is to get my daughter to sleep.
Let’s meet Elke.
Hi Elke. Thank you for taking the time to answer some questions today. We are always looking forward to reading about the author behind the book.
Elke: It’s a pleasure to be here, Barb. Thanks for having me. I’m happy to answer anything but my deep dark secrets. 🙂
TRC: Will you please tell us about yourself?
Elke: Oh. I always go blank when people ask me this question, but here goes. I live on the island of Grand Cayman. I’m married, with two wonderful kids. Reading, traveling and meeting people is my fun. Writing is my passion. My favorite music to write to is jazz or salsa.
I have a strong connection to Billie Holiday and sometimes wonder if I’m not her reincarnated. No, not really, but I am a big fan.
I wrote really bad, heart wrenching poetry in high school that I use to sing as lyrics. I can laugh about that now, but I took it very serious at the time. LOL!
TRC: Have you always been interested in writing?
Elke: Oh yes! I got my first typewriter (yes, I’m that old) for my ninth birthday and I’ve been writing ever since.
TRC: Is there anything (in general) you find particularly challenging about writing?
Elke: Hmm, it used to be editing. I’d rather have a root canal, but I made peace with it and now enjoy it. I think of it as making my work better. Now writing settings give me the heeby jeebies. I could write a whole book and not think about the settings at all. The only exception is my debut novel. The settings (the house and jazz club) floated around in my head for years, so it was easy for them to become part of the story.
TRC: For the Love of Jazz is your debut novel. Can you tell how you came up with the idea of this story?
REVIEW: For The Love of Jazz
Elke: Yes, I was having a bubble bath (This was long before I had kids.), listening to jazz when the image of a house came to me along with the main characters. I dreamed about the club a few nights later. It rattled in my head for years before I got it down on paper.

TRC: Would you please tell us the premise behind For the Love of Jazz?
Elke: Love can overcome any obstacle: death, race, social background, and of course, murder attempts.
Links to order For The Love of Jazz:
Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo
TRC: You write Romance, have you ever thought about writing in another genre?
Elke: Not until recently. I love a good ‘who dun it’ and really enjoy writing them, so I’m thinking about mysteries and thrillers. I’m fascinated by serial killers. Not in the creepy I want to write them in prison way, but what shapes them and motivates them to kill. That’s not creepy at all, right? LOL.
TRC: What are you currently working on?
Elke: My next book is called Deadly Boodlines. It’s about, you guessed it, a serial killer. The story is based where I live. I’m hoping to turn it into a series. Murder in Cayman, maybe?
TRC: What is your writing process? Do you like to write at specific times, in a special place?
Elke: My perfect schedule got thrown about the window the second I had my second child six month ago. LOL. Now I write when I can: when the baby sleeps on the weekend, after the kids good to bed at night, and during my lunchtime.
TRC: Many authors bounce ideas with family and friends. With whom do you bounce ideas?
Elke: I brainstorm or write my ideas in a journal for later. I change my mind too often and would drive my family crazier than I already do. My best friend Katie is my critique buddy. She’s provides me with invaluable feedback. I’ve been warned, however, not to bring her my first draft. I tend to change the story before she gets the next chapters.
TRC: What books, authors or people in your life have influenced your writing?
Elke: I loved reading Nancy Drew and it’s probably why I still love mysteries today. When I got older, I read Amanda Quick, Johanna Lindsay, and Jude Deveraux, more than any other authors.
Definitely, Leigh Michaels. She teaches on-line romance writing classes at Gotham. I sat in my own little writer bubble for many years writing a lot of stories, but getting nowhere. Her class dragged me into the reality that I had a lot to learn. I still do, but she helped me come a long way. Without her classes I wouldn’t be published today.
TRC: Would you like to add anything else?
Elke: I love writing, but the thing that surprised me the most is how open and supportive everyone is. There are no writing groups in Cayman, so I don’t have that support like other authors. Thankfully over the years I’ve met some amazing people on-line whose friendships mean so much to me. I couldn’t survive without them.
Favorite Food: Anything I can fit in my mouth. LOL. I love to eat and there’s very little I don’t like.
Favorite Dessert: Anything covered in caramel or peanut butter. YUM.
Favorite Author: That’s a tough one. Historically, Amanda Quick.
Favorite Novel: Too many to mention.
Favorite Movie: The Holiday
Milk or Dark Chocolate: Dark
Thank you Elke, for answering our questions. The Reading Café wishes you the best of luck with For The Love of Jazz.
Elke: Thanks for having me, Barb. It was fun!
If you are interested in finding out more about Elke, you can find her at the following links: