Jeffrey S.Stephens-Interview with the Author

Jeffrey S.Stephens-Interview with the Author


February 19, 2013 marks the release day for Jeffrey S. Stephens latest installment in the Jordan Sandor series-TARGETS OF REVENGE.

FOLLOW Jeffrey at : Website / Blog

TRC: Hi Jeffrey. Welcome to The Reading Café. Thank you for agreeing to answer a few of our questions.

We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?

Jeffrey: I grew up in New York City where I attended public school. I remember all of my teachers from those days, especially those who encouraged my writing, even at an early age. The impact teachers have on our lives is immeasurable, on many levels. There are memories from those dedicated people I will always treasure.

Later, after college at Penn State, I graduated from Fordham Law School at Lincoln Center and, despite a lot of traveling, have remained in this area ever since. There is something about the energy of New York City, both good and bad, that does not exist anywhere else.

As a criminal and civil lawyer, how much of your experience goes into writing your novels?

I have written books that incorporate legal issues, including a courtroom drama we have not yet published. Just like everyone else, all of my experiences in life help define who I am, and I suppose my work as an attorney informs all of my writing, even when the connection is not obvious. One influence I should mention from my legal career is the ability to see both sides of an issue. I realize some people find this maddening about the law, but it is not an exact science. Unlike math or physics, the law is always open to dispute. Describe a problem to an attorney and ask him what he thinks, he’s likely to respond, “Which side of the debate do you want me to argue?”

Targets of Revenge

TRC: TARGETS of REVENGE is the latest release in your series featuring Jordan Sandor. Would you please tell us something about the premise?

ORDER LINKS: Amazon / Barnes and Noble / The Book DepositoryINDIEBOUND / Books-A-Million / Simon & Schuster

Jeffrey: Jordan Sandor embarks on an unauthorized mission to assassinate Adina, the Venezuelan terrorist responsible for the casualties and damage in the prior novel, TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY. Along the way, Sandor discovers a scheme to unleash a biological assault on the United States. Changing course, he and his team pursue every available lead to prevent this monstrous attack. The action takes him from Egypt to Moscow to Mexico and back to New York City for the climactic scenes.

TRC: How much research is involved writing this particular series? Logistics? Background? Travel?

Jeffrey: I travel a great deal, do my research and rely on my own experiences. I pride myself on the authenticity of all locations, weapons, technology, governmental agencies and protocol in these novels. Readers today are too sophisticated to be sold a bill of goods. When viewers want to watch motion pictures based on comic book characters, that is another type of entertainment. The Sandor series is gritty and real and, hopefully, more compelling for those qualities.


TRC: Have you ever considered writing a ‘romance or love’ interest for Jordan Sandor?

Jeffrey: There is a brief affair in the new book, TARGETS OF REVENGE, that factors importantly in the story. As for Sandor’s former love interest, Beth Sharrow, she will be featured prominently in the next novel in the series, which is still in the works. In the first book in the series, TARGETS OF DECEPTION, a mysterious woman played an important role, and in TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY a female agent was critical to both Sandor and the action. Sandor’s love life, and his relationship with women in general, are extremely important to his character.

TRC: How many books do you have planned for the series?

Jeffrey: I will keep writing them as long as I can come up with original ideas that interest my readers.

TRC: Will you please give us a hint as to who will be the next ‘great villain’ in your series? 😉

Jeffrey: The villain in TARGETS OF REVENGE returns from the prior book, but he brings with a him a new cabal of dangerous players. Be prepared for a group of ruthless individuals who mean our country harm.

TRC: What challenges or difficulties have you faced as a writer?

Jeffrey: I love writing, that’s the fun part. For me, the difficulties were in finding an agent, then a publisher and then an audience. I have seen that as more people read the Jordan Sandor series, the more they feel connected to Sandor and to the people who populate his world. The stories are gripping, because they are realistic and because they touch people, and the characters become the reader’s loyal friends. These are page turners, and hopefully people will want a lot more of them.

TRC: What do you believe is the biggest misconception about you?

Jeffrey: That’s a tough one, since I have no way of knowing what people actually think. As a writer, I hope readers judge the work and not me. This is all about Jordan Sandor and his adventures, not about who I am.

TRC: If you could change something about yourself personal or professional, what would it be and why?

Jeffrey: That’s a long list, I’m sorry to admit. A bit more patience would be a reasonable start.

TRC: Who or what has been the biggest influence in your life and why?

Jeffrey: My father. Because he drove me and, years after his death, he drives me still.

TRC: Is there a question that you would like to be asked in an interview, but nobody has asked? If so, ask away!

Jeffrey: Have you ever been in covert operations yourself? Now that I’ve posed the question, you didn’t say anything about providing a response. You don’t really expect me to answer, do you?

TRC: 😉

TRC: What five things would you like to accomplish in the next ten years?

Jeffrey: I want to complete ten more novels. To help my sons achieve whatever happiness they seek. To remain healthy. To continue working to keep my marriage happy. To shoot par or better in at least one full round of golf 😉

TRC: What are your thoughts on book reviews-good or bad?

Jeffrey: I hate to admit it, but bad reviews feel worse than good reviews feel good. In the end, however, you cannot please everyone. I have been incredibly fortunate in receiving almost universally wonderful reviews, and I thank everyone who has taken the time to read my work and to offer their opinions, whatever they may be. Well, almost everyone.

TRC: On what are you currently working?

Jeffrey: TARGETS OF POWER, the next Sandor thriller. A steamy psychological thriller. And a couple of other projects which are in their early stages.


Favorite Food

Favorite TV Show

Favorite Movie

Last Movie You Saw
Silver Linings Playbook

Star Wars or Star Trek
Star Trek—the original tv version.

Dream Car
Aston Martin

TRC: Thank you Jeffrey for taking the time to answer our questions.
Congratulations and best wishes for a successful writing career.


The Jordan Sandor Series by Jeffrey S. Stephens-a review

The Jordan Sandor Series by Jeffrey S. Stephens-a review

Targets of DeceptionTargets of Deception (Jordan Sandor .5) by Jeffrey S.Stephens

ORDER LINKS: Amazon / Barnes and Noble / The Book Depository / KOBO


Targets of Deception (Variance Publishing), while written as fiction, is based on actual events and Jeffrey Stephens’ ( A Local Author) hair-raising tale of espionage has readers trying to identify a genuine special forces hero who matches the description of the lead character, in much the same way researchers insist they have discovered who inspired the characters of Jack Bauer, Jason Bourne and Jack Ryan.


Targets of Deception by Jeffrey S. Stephens is the first installment of the Jordan Sandor series. It’s an exciting saga of intrigue and adventure.
This novel is extremely well written, intelligent and, for me the scariest part of all, – realistic! Not full of “Bond” gimmicks and devices…just really intelligent observations and skills. I love the determination and patriotism of Jordan Sandor, he’s my kind of hero.

Jordan starts out as a disappointed ex-agent turned journalist…and quickly leads into an adventure of espionage, murder and terrorism. This story has many intriguing twists and turns, making it one of the most interesting thrillers I’ve read. It’s descriptive, but never boring! Exciting action and thrilling fight scenes. Exotic travel and romance are part of the charm without taking over the story.

This is a wonderful read and I highly recommend this series. I look forward to more in this most interesting of series from this talented author!

Reviewed by Georgianna S.


Targets of OpportunityTARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY (Jordan Sandor # 1)

ORDER LINKS: KOBO/ Amazon / Barnes and Noble / The Book Depository

Whisked from his Manhattan town house to a gabled CIA safe house in Virginia, Sandor faces off with a top terrorist agent from Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. In exchange for protection from his own side, Ahmad Jaber is offering the CIA explosive information: word of a secret, unholy alliance forged among operatives in the Middle East, a ruthless South American, and Kim Jong-Il’s North Korea. Jaber claims not to know specific details, only that the strike will target the heart of America

Brilliantly conceived, electrifyingly paced, Targets of Opportunity captures a terrifying twenty-first century reality: terrorists can—and will—try as many times as they need to attack the United States. For the brave men and women who defend our country, failure is not an option.


Targets of Opportunity (Jordan Sandor #1)

Targets of Opportunity is the second book in the Jordan Sandor series by Jeffery S. Stephens. It’s a masterpiece of plot, characters and action!
Jordan Sandor and his team go into North Korea as Canadian visitors to gain information on a plot against the US. Again Mr. Stephens takes us on a globe traveling adventure into exotic places with rich descriptions and admirable characters.

This novel is a delight of twists and turns with so much action, a little romance, and really great dialog. The villain has a plan that is actually quite brilliant, scarily so, but fortunately for us Jordan is a talented and determined adversary.

This story is paced superbly with Jordan piecing together this mastermind plot and following leads all over the globe to thwart this latest threat to our nation’s safety. The pace increases the closer he gets to the actual event. Ending with a breath taking last minute ( ….oops…almost a spoiler) heroic saving actions (whew, saved that one)!

If you love action/thriller novels this one is just the ticket! I thoroughly enjoy this author’s talented storytelling! Can’t wait for more!

Reviewed by Georgianna S.


Targets of RevengeTARGETS OF REVENGE (Jordan Sandor #2)

ORDER LINKS: Amazon / Barnes and Noble / The Book Depository

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date-February 19, 2013

COUNTRY FIRST. All the bureaucratic scolding in Washington cannot stop resourceful CIA Agent Jordan Sandor when he’s hungry for revenge. This time he’s on the hunt for the cold-blooded sociopath known as Adina, whose indiscriminate slaughter of innocent people, including Sandor’s close friend, represents man at his worst.


Targets of Revenge – Review by Georgianna S

Calling all fans of 24 and espionage everywhere – meet Jordan Sandor! This is a wonderfully complex and often compelling story of intrigue and danger. It’s masterfully written by Jeffrey S. Stephens.

Mr. Stephens via Jordan takes us on an exciting journey to many ports of call from the US to Venezuela, Mexico, Egypt, and Russia. Using his extremely proficient skills of intelligence, martial arts, and deadly weapon expertise he begins a rogue mission of revenge in the jungle and turns it into a department uniting venture in anti-terrorism and anti-drug smuggling.

Taking us deep into the world of espionage we see how our world has changed and how issues develop around the globe. His insights into national defense problems and the political posturing that goes with our government are astute and right on target. Handling these sensitive issues with finesse makes this thriller a really complex story adding to the great plot.

As I mentioned earlier, this is masterfully written which makes it just a little too real and more than a little scary! The intricate plan of a super villain, to create a horrible disaster in the US using anthrax powder and explosives, is so exciting and well thought out I can only hope we have a Jordan Sandor keeping watch over us for real! Working so hard to find the path of this villain and uncover his very intricate plans is amazing, not to mention life threatening. The way Jordan does this makes my head spin! Of course a few night with Jordan could make any girls head spin!

We even get a glimpse of his softer nature as he tries and fails to save a lovely young girl from a horrible death at the hands of a ruthless Russian drug lord. He vows revenge for her innocent life and he is a man of his word! Sorry, I don’t want to spoil the story for anyone…
For all adventure and danger junkies…Targets of Revenge is a must read! I highly recommend this book and this series!

Copies supplied by publisher

Reviewed by Georgianna S.


Carly Fall Prize Package Giveaway

Carly Fall Prize Package Giveaway-Six Saviors Series.


Today’s ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY prize package has been graciously donated by Carly Fall. Carly is offering the first four ebooks in her SIX SAVIORS series.

ONE winner will receive all 4 ebooks and some bookmarks.

Click HERE for Carly Fall’s website.


TO ENTER: Giveaway open to 18 years of age and older

NOTE: Register at The Reading Cafe using the log-in at the top of the page or by using one of the social log-ins. If you are using a social log-in such as Twitter or Facebook etc, please post your email address with your comment, as Twitter etc does not account for email contact.

1. Open to US and CANADA only

2. Please post a comment telling us to enter you in the giveaway.

3. Giveaway runs until February 28, 2013


Carly Fall: Time or Money Blog Tour and Giveaway

Carly Fall Blog Tour and Giveaway-Time or Money promotion

Valentine's Day Collection Tour Badge Feb 11-20

Release Date: February 11
Blog Tour February 11 – February 20, 2013

Time or Money - Final

Time or Money by Carly Fall: Short Summary

Click HERE for our review.

Carly Fall introduces us to Bridget and Mason in Time or Money, where missed calls, a broken cell phone, and a surprise that never came off on the most romantic day of the year, might just signal the end of their dreams.

Long Summary:

Mason Jackson knows his marriage to Bridget is in trouble. He’s been putting in exhausting hours for months to try to make partner in his accounting firm. He knows that it is putting a strain on his marriage, but he has trouble escaping the memory of the poverty of his childhood. He never wants his wife, or the children they yearn for, to know the struggle that he endured when he can provide a better life for them. But things are reaching breaking point; he and Bridget are more like roommates than a married couple. He needs to think of a way to get their marriage back on track and what better way than to make Valentine’s Day, Bridget’s favorite holiday of the year, a new start for their marriage? Mason puts in place plans for an elaborate evening designed to surprise Bridget.

Bridget is miserable in her marriage, and often longs for the days when they were dirt poor. They may have struggled financially, but at least she had her husband around. Mason is always working, and Bridget feels that he has chosen his work over her. She’s tried to talk to him about the way she feels, but he doesn’t seem to hear her. He just keeps telling her that once he makes partner then everything will be all right. But Bridget is sick of Mason forgetting the things that are important to her … like their anniversary a few months ago. She is at the end of her tether and decides that if he forgets Valentine’s Day, her favorite day of the year, then divorce just might be on the cards.

At the end of the day, this couple has only one decision to make: Time or Money?



Mason Jackson finished with the last loop of his striped blue and black tie and shimmied the knot up to his throat. He ran his hands over his gray button-down shirt and tucked it into his black pants.

Mason studied his reflection in the mirror. His eyes were blue; the same ocean blue as in his tie, and his thick, black hair needed a trim. There were a few gray hairs at his temples. He reached for the tweezers to pluck them out. He wasn’t quite ready for the older, distinguished gentleman look yet.

His nose bent slightly off-center, the result of a break when he played high school football, and his just-shaved skin was tanned from weekends on the golf course. He stood at six foot two, and his wife had described him as “ruggedly good looking.” What that meant, he wasn’t sure, but as long as she was happy with it, so was he.

Not quite as muscular as he had been in his twenties, at thirty-five he was trim and looked pretty good; there wasn’t a sign of that gut that seemed to plague many of his male friends and colleagues who were the same age. Even with his grueling work schedule as a chartered accountant, he managed to find time to exercise a few times a week.

Checking his watch, he figured he would make it to the office by seven. He was trying to make partner at his financial firm, and had been told that the more hours he put in and the more money he made for the firm, the better his chances. So for the past six months, he had been getting to the office early each morning and staying late.

He turned and looked at his bed where his wife, Bridget, or Ms. B, as he sometimes called her, slept soundly, oblivious to his gaze. Wrapped up beneath the dark-brown comforter in the fetal position, and looking as if she were trying to avoid the approaching morning, she reminded him of Pigs in a Blanket, his favorite breakfast from his childhood.

She definitely wasn’t a morning person. The sunlight that was starting to peek through the blinds glistened off her short, blonde hair. It looked a little lighter than usual, but he hadn’t noticed until now. He wondered when she had gotten it colored and chastised himself for not seeing the change sooner.

As Mason stared at the shining tips, he smiled as he remembered the first time he had laid eyes on her, which was at an AC/DC concert of all places. She was seated two rows ahead of him and had caught his eye right away. During the concert he had paid little attention to the band, his focus being on her and her then long, blonde hair that swayed across the middle of her back as she danced. At some point during the concert she turned around and smiled at him. When their eyes met, he knew he was a goner. After the concert, he asked her out, and they had been inseparable from then on. A year later they were married, and she had given him the surprise of his life on their wedding day when she had all of her hair cut off into the sexy blonde spikes she wore now. He loved the short hair more than the long, blonde waves.

His smile faded as he thought, yet again, about how long it had been since they’d spent any quality time together. They hadn’t made love in over two months. Their respective jobs kept them both so busy; it seemed like there wasn’t time to do anything but work, eat, sleep, and do it all over again the next day.

He’d been at the office until nine the previous night and had come home exhausted. He and Bridget had a stilted conversation in the kitchen about their days for ten minutes over a glass of wine, and then they had gone to bed. Mason was asleep within seconds. It seemed as though if they weren’t arguing, they had trouble talking about anything. There was so much tension and strain in the relationship, he felt like he had to be careful with every word that came out of his mouth. Frankly, sometimes it was just easier to not say anything at all.

Right now they were more roommates than a married couple, and roommates that weren’t getting along very well. There wasn’t the connection that they used to share.

Marveling at how far they had grown apart, he recalled the first months of their marriage when they lived in a small studio apartment. They were happy with macaroni and cheese for dinner, boxes of wine, and each other. He looked around the huge bedroom with its expensive Southwest decor; done in warm browns, rust colors, and deep yellows. The travertine floors gleamed white. It was about the size of the small apartment he grew up in. He was proud of his success and having risen above the poverty that plagued his childhood, but as he stared back at his wife, he felt utter loneliness shudder through him.

Mason loved Bridget now more than the day he married her five years ago, and he couldn’t imagine his life without her in it. His heart literally hurt to think about that scenario. However, he did know that something had to give in the relationship. They had to find some way to reconnect, to become a couple again. Four years ago they had talked about starting a family, and he still wanted that. But for a family to happen there had to be a set of loving parents.

If they kept this up, Mason knew they were destined for a divorce that he didn’t want.

He sighed, running his hand through his hair. Yes, they needed some time to talk, some time to get reacquainted and, dammit, he needed to get his hands on her sweet little body and make love to her.



Carly Fall 2

Carly Fall is a wife, a mother and a slave to Nicky the dog.

She loves to laugh, and thinks chocolate and wine should be considered their own food group. She also wishes Christmas happened twice a year.

Three years ago, she decided to take a break from writing business material and dip her toe in the fiction pond, and has loved watching her imagination come to life on the page. She is the author of contemporary and fantasy romance.

Website Link:

{LIKE} Carly at : Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter

Sign Up for Carly’s Newsletter: HERE



Bottom Drawer Publications

Bottom Drawer Publications is a new publishing house that specialises in romantic and erotic romance fiction across a range of genres, with both het and gay characters. Our genres include: Contemporary, Historical, Literary/Drama, Alternative Lifestyles, Paranormal/Sci-fi/Fantasy, Mystery/Thriller and Steampunk.

Our books are available for sale on our website as well as over 8 booksellers, including: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBookstore, All Romance, Rainbow eBooks, and a range of others. All reading devices are catered for with a comprehensive range of formats.

We are always on the lookout for fresh and interesting manuscripts within these genres, and from time to time will put out calls for anthology submissions.

Visit our website: for our new release information and our writing submission guidelines.

TO PURCHASE:  Time or Money

Buying Details:

The list price for TIME OR MONEY by Carly Fall is $1.99, however for the duration of the tour TIME OR MONEY will be discounted by 25%, and until the end of February, when purchased on the BDP website, using this discount code: bdpvdttommw01

Blog Tour Schedule-red

Feb 4: Coffee Beans & Love Scenes  

Feb 5: Love In a Book

Feb 5: Veiled Secrets Reviews

Feb 6: My Reading Obsession (Review)

Feb 6: Victoria Danann and Paranormal Romance News

Feb 7: Sweet n’ Sassi (Review)

Feb 8: Brianna’s Bookshelf

Feb 11: Danita Minnis

Feb 11: A Little Fiction of Every Flavour

Feb 12: Musings of a Writing Reader

Feb 12: Riverina Romantics

Feb 13: Janna Shay’s Fair Play

Feb 13: The Avid Reader

Feb 13: Elizabeth Morgan’s Blog

Feb 14: Book Reviews & More by Kathy

Feb 15: Readaholic’s Reviews (Review)

Feb 15: Kacey’s Kreations

Feb 18: The Reading Cafe

Feb 18: I Am, Indeed


Carly is offering an e-book copy of TIME OR MONEY to one lucky reader.

1. Please register using the log-in at the top of the page or by using one of the social log-ins.

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment as Twitter etc does not account for email contact

3. Giveaway open internationally.

4. Giveaway runs from February 18 to 21, 2013

REMINDER: Carly is offering a SIX SAVIORS prize package in our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY celebration and giveaway.


Time or Money by Carly Fall-a review

TIME OR MONEY by Carly Fall- a review

Time or Money

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date February 11, 2013

Mason Jackson knows his marriage to Bridget is in trouble. He’s been putting in exhausting hours for months to try to make partner in his accounting firm. He knows that it is putting a strain on his marriage, but he has trouble escaping the memory of the poverty of his childhood. He never wants his wife, or the children they yearn for, to know the struggle that he endured when he can provide a

better life for them. But things are reaching breaking point; he and Bridget are more like roommates than a married couple. He needs to think of a way to get their marriage back on track and what better way than to make Valentine’s Day, Bridget’s favorite holiday of the year, a new start for their marriage? Mason puts in place plans for an elaborate evening designed to surprise Bridget.

Bridget is miserable in her marriage, and often longs for the days when they were dirt poor. They may have struggled financially, but at least she had her husband around. Mason is always working, and Bridget feels that he has chosen his work over her. She’s tried to talk to him about the way she feels, but he doesn’t seem to hear her. He just keeps telling her that once he makes partner then

everything will be all right. But Bridget is sick of Mason forgetting the things that are important to her … like their anniversary a few months ago. She is at the end of her tether and decides that if he forgets Valentine’s Day, her favorite day of the year, then divorce just might be on the cards.

At the end of the day, this couple has only one decision to make: Time or Money?


REVIEW: TIME OR MONEY is a short storyline-less than fifty pages in length that focuses on a few hours in the life of Mason and Bridget Jackson but tells of a lifetime of empty promises and broken hearts. Bridget has given herself an ultimatum-if her husband Mason ignores Valentine’s Day she is walking away for good. And following a series of mishaps, including a fall at home and the destruction of her cell phone, Bridget comes home to an empty house with no message from her husband and no acknowledgment on this day for lovers. As you can image, emotions and anxiety set off a roller coaster of built up tension and pent up anger and our couple must chose between two options-make time for each other or go for the money. Which would you choose?

TIME OR MONEY is an eye-opening short story that is probably very familiar to many people. Many couples find themselves in a rut-their daily lives taking them forward one day at a time-and in many cases-alone. Carly takes the reader on a very personal but short journey that reveals a lifetime of hurt and tears, when a couple grows apart, if for no other reasons, then to get ahead in the working world.

LINKS TO ORDER: Amazon / Smashwords /

Copy supplied by the author.

Reviewed by Sandy


M.A. Abraham Prize Package Giveaway

M.A. Abraham Prize Package Giveaway


Today’s ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY prize package giveaway has been graciously donated by M.A. Abraham. M.A. is offering the first three books in her Elven Chronicles series.

ONE winner will receive all three paper books.

Click HERE for M.A. Abraham’s Website


TO ENTER: Giveaway open to 18 years of age and older.

NOTE: Register at The Reading Cafe using the log-in at the top of the page or by using one of the social log-ins. If you are using a social log-in such as Twitter or Facebook etc, please post your email address with your comment, as Twitter etc does not account for email contact.

1. Open to US and CANADA only

2. Please post a comment telling us to enter you in the giveaway.

3. Giveaway runs until February 28, 2013


John Kane-Interview with the Author

John Kane-Interview with the Author

Men's Silhouette blueABOUT THE AUTHOR: I started as a film publicist, worked on the production of “Fame,” “Tender Mercies,” “Prince of the City,” and “Ricochet,” among several others. Then worked for HBO as a publicist on their films, most notably “The Far Pavilions,” an epic mini series filmed in India. Over the years I interviewed many stars, including Elizabeth Taylor, Bette Davis, Robert Duvall, Denzel Washington,Martin Lawrence, Ben Stiller, and Carol Burnett. I can share stories, mostly flattering, about them. But I would remind you that a publicist on a film set is like a eunuch at an orgy: everyone else is doing the work. You’re just taking notes.

I’m using that analogy because it was watching others do creative work that led me to finally attempt it. There were some one act plays done in various basements, but then I wrote a book in 1998, Best Actress, that changed things for me. It was published by Ballantine Books, published in six counties, and turned into a cable film by E! Entertainment. That led to work as a screenwriter. I wrote and rewrote several screenplays. None were ever made, but I was paid regardless. The film industry is peculiar in this respect: your product doesn’t have to get to market for you to get paid. Along the way I wrote a play, “The Eleven O’Clock Number,” that was produced in South Florida and won two Best Plays Awards. Finally, I wrote another book, Somebody is Killing the Trophy Wives of Beverly Hills, which, I hope, will be the start of a series.

Let’s get started !

TRC: Hi John and welcome to The Reading Café. Would you please tell us something about yourself and your career?

John: I was a film publicist, working on the set of such films as “Fame” and “Tender Mercies,” moving on to work for several studios and networks, including HBO and United Artists. I always had an itch to write, often looked at a script and said, “Hey, I can do this.” So about a decade or so ago I began to scratch that itch.

TRC: As a child, what were your dreams and aspirations? Do you feel you have accomplished what you set out to achieve?

John: As a kid raised in New Jersey I was fascinated by Hollywood, this industry on the other side of the country where dreams are manufactured. I live and work here now so I count myself lucky.

Best ActressTRC: Your novel BEST ACTRESS (1998) was made into a television movie for E! Entertainment. Would you please tell us about your involvement in
bringing the book to TV?

John: Everyone should have their book made into a TV movie, first for the money, second for the humiliation. I was brought in to rewrite the screenplay. The executive in charge of production loved my work and offered me a long term contract. Two weeks later she stopped returning my calls. The script was rewritten by someone else, and the resulting film stank from here to Hoboken. But the check cleared and it got me into screenwriting, so, no complaints.

TRC: The Advocate ™ labeled BEST ACTRESS a cult novel. How do you feel about the categorization? Do you believe the categorization paid homage to the novel’s status at the time?

John: It’s sad but true that many people who read BEST ACTRESS later joined cults. Seriously, because it’s about the Oscars and has lots of inside gossip, people still seek it out. I actually get a couple of pieces of mail or email every year on that book.

TRC: What were some of the challenges (research, literary, psychological, and logistical) in bringing the book to publication?

John: BEST ACTRESS was the first book I ever wrote, ever attempted to write, so the biggest challenge was convincing myself I could do it. By that I mean that I could create a fictional world, sustain it over several hundred pages, and have faith that other people would be interested in entering that world. I learned two things in writing it that might help other aspiring authors. First, you don’t have to know everything that’s going to happen when you start out. Once you get going, inspiration kicks in and takes you places you never dreamed of. Second, it’s not a bad idea to stop writing while you’re inside something, really feeling the moment. That way you have a place of passion to return to the next day, instead of having to start from scratch.

TRC: Have you ever considered writing a sequel to BEST ACTRESS-a sort of “where are they now?”

John: At one time I gave some thought to BEST ACTOR, but the male nominess for the Oscar just aren’t as provocative as the females.

Trophy WivesTRC: Would you please tell us about the premise of your latest novel SOMEONE IS KILLING THE TROPHY WIVES OF BEVERLY HILLS?

Click HERE for our review.

ORDER LINKS: Amazon / Barnes and Noble / KOBO /

John: TROPHY WIVES is a comedy mystery set in motion by a tell all book that spills the secrets of a series of wealthy, pampered Beverly Hills wives. I had always wanted to write a murder mystery set in Beverly Hills, but could never come up with a proper detective. Then one day I read an interview with Jackie Collins in the Los Angeles Times, very dishy, very funny, and I thought, that’s it, Jackie Collins meets Nancy Drew. And I had my detective and I was off.

TRC: Do you have any future storylines proposed for Nikki Tyler or Rocco Stefano? If so, how many books do you have planned for the series?

John: I’m working on a second one right now, involving reality television. I’m a writer, not a mystic, so I can’t see into the future and tell how long I’ll sustain this. But the kind of good feedback I’m getting from this first book will probably keep the idea going for a few more.

TRC: The storyline was written from the heroine’s Nikki Tyler’s POV. What challenges did you face writing from the female perspective?

John: I found that once I had the tone of Nikki down, her blend of wit, sarcasm, and common sense, the rest of it flowed fairly easily. If you find your character’s voice, you’ve pretty much isolated their POV.

TRC: Are any of the characters or experiences based on events in real life? Or are they an amalgamation of many characters and your imagination?

John: As Nikki, a chick lit author, says in the book, “Like the women in a harem, all my characters are thinly veiled.” The characters and situations in the book are purposely close to folks that we all read about and see on TMZ. I hope that’s part of the appeal of the book, that it has the irresistibility of a good piece of gossip.

TRC: What do you believe is the biggest misconception about you?

John: That I’m rich! Still working on that one, which is why I keep writing.

TRC: If you could change something about yourself personal or professional, what would it be and why?

John: See above for the superfical answer. The honest one is that as I grow older I don’t believe it’s constructive to think about “what if.” You take what you’re given and do what you can with it. And I think that works well enough for most of us.

TRC: Who or what has been the biggest influence in your life and why?

John: My parents believed in me and so did a high school English teacher, Mr. Sheratsky. To have someone invest in you when you’re young is everything.

TRC: Who is the first person you think about when you need someone to talk with and why?

John: I’d have to say my Dad, but he’s long gone.

TRC: What five things would you like to accomplish in the next ten years?

Establish Nikki Tyler as a series heroine.
See one of the books turned into a TV movie.
Take a course in French cooking.
Finish reading “Sophie’s Choice.” I stopped in the middle twenty years ago.
Be here for the next ten after that.

TRC: What are your thoughts on book reviews-good or bad?

John: Good, even if they’re bad (though, like all authors, I hate that.) You sat down and wrote something to reach someone, a reader you’ve never met. A review tells you if you were successful. That’s good information.

TRC: Many authors bounce ideas with family and friends, as well as other authors. With whom do you bounce ideas and information?

John: Truth is, I keep the idea to myself, mulling it over constantly, seeing if it seems “real” enough to write about. Only when I’ve convinced myself that it is real can I start the actual writing. Then I can talk about it, but not before. I’m very superstitious in that regard.

TRC: On what are you currently working?

John: Outlining the next Nikki Tyler book.

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

John: I’d love to hear from any of your readers! They can contact me at


Favorite Food
New York Strip Steak

Favorite Dessert
Haagen Dasz Deep Chocolate with Peanut Butter

Favorite TV Show
Downton Abbey

Last Movie You Saw
Zero Dark Thirty

Dark or Milk Chocolate
Dark with some fruit, cranberries or orange

Dream Car
A late 60s Mustang

Last Vacation Destination
New Orleans

TRC: Thank you John for taking the time to answer our questions. All the best
in your writing career.


Somebody is Killing The Trophy Wives of Beverly Hills by John Kane-a review

Somebody is Killing the Trophy Wives of Beverly Hills by John Kane- a review

Somebody Is Killing The Trophy Wives of Beverly Hills

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ABOUT THE BOOK: In Hollywood, all the stars, the top directors, the studio tycoons and, of course the rock stars have replaced their first wives with the younger, newer, hotter model. Everywhere she looks, glitz-writer Nikki Tyler sees trophy wives. Some of them are even her friends… but that doesn’t mean she wants one of them to send her their manuscript and ask for help placing it with her publisher. Still, Hollywood is all about connections and favors–Nikki figures she owes it to her friend Tamara to at least look at the project which turns out to be a story of blackmail and murder among the trophy wives of Beverly Hills.


Somebody is Killing the Trophy Wives of Beverly Hills by John Kane is the most delightful surprise I’ve had in months!

This incredibly well written novel is just full of wonderful humor and still has a story to tell. It’s actually told very well. Amid a mirage of fantastic names and great lines, this is a really clever murder story. You really don’t know who is doing the killing. I’m pretty good at figuring out twists, but this was really a stumper for me.

Nikki Tyler is an ex-actress, now bestselling author of fiction/romance/sex novels. She lives in Beverly Hills and has most of her adult life. Many of her acquaintances/friends are famous Hollywood celebrities and she has such a wonderful sense of humor describing them.

The new wife of her agent has written a book and she’s been “roped” into helping her with it, when she’s abruptly murdered. During the process (including meeting the miraculously endowed Detective Rocco Stefano) of the investigation of the murder – another friend is found also murdered! And that’s all the spoilers I’m giving out! LOL

This is a very entertaining book, hard almost impossible to put down. It’s truly a delightful story with so much to offer! I personally am looking forward to much more from this author! I’m now a fan of John Kane!

Copy supplied by the author.

Reviewed by Georgianna S.
