HAUNTED MOON (Otherworld #13) by Yasmine Galenorn-a review

Haunted Moon by Yasmine Galenorn-a review


Amazon. / Barnes and Noble / KOBO / The Book Depository /

Otherworld Series book #13

About the book: Released January 29, 2013

We’re the D’Artigo sisters: savvy half-human, half-Fae ex-operatives for the Otherworld Intelligence Agency. My sister Delilah is a two-faced werecat and a Death Maiden. My sister Menolly is a vampire married to a werepuma. And me? I’m Camille, a wicked-good witch with three sexy husbands. I’m a priestess of the Moon Mother, and I’m training under the Queen of Darkness. Unfortunately, playing in the dark means that sometimes you stumble over secrets better left buried…

There’s a new Fae sorcerer in town—Bran, the son of Raven Mother and the Black Unicorn—and I’m the unwilling liaison between him and our new Earthside OIA. With cemeteries being ransacked and spirits being harvested by a sinister, otherworldly force, Aeval sends us to rescue the missing wife of a prominent member of the Fae nobility. Our search leads us to the mysterious Aleksais Psychic Network and, ultimately, to face the Lord of Ghosts where Morio and I must undergo a ritual that will plunge us directly into the world of the dead.


The D’Artigo sisters have been waging a battle with Shadow Wing, the leader of the evil force that is trying to break through the portals to wreak havoc in Otherworld as well as on Earth, since the beginning of this series. Galenorn has, over the life of this series, introduced us to her magical world of Fae, goblins, ghouls, bhouts, bone-walkers, necromancers, shifters, witches……..The list goes on and on. Each book centers on one sister, in repeat order: Camille, Delilah and Menolly. Each book is also a continuation of the previous, so reading in order, in my opinion, is a must in order for you to fully understand and appreciate all that happens in the storyline.

Camille, and one of her husbands, Morio, have been working on their death magic together for a while now, growing stronger and stronger. Once again, the sisters are called in as unexplainable things begin to pop up around Seattle . First zombies and then it seems someone or something is sucking up the souls of the dead around town, and there’s only one reason someone would do that. Power. Unfortunately, they realize that it’s Gulakah, the Lord of Ghosts, and that they know they may be in over their heads. Oh yeah, he’s also a god. They just can’t seem to catch a break………….

The sisters have an extensive extended family, and a powerful one. Camille’s other two husbands, Smoky (a half white and half silver dragon) and Trillian (a Svartan, one of the Charming Fae), along with Morio (a Japanese Fox Demon) are a formidable foursome. But, once they figure out that they will have to venture into the land of the dead, they delve into their treasure trove of extended family and face their nemesis head on.

Once again, Galenorn has written an intriguing tale of good versus evil. The list of supporting characters in this series is long and varied, and awesome. Usually, once I read the blurb about a book and I see the word Fae, I glaze over, but for some reason, this series works for me. I love it. I have from the first. She writes with passion and the story that she weaves leaves you anxiously waiting for the next. The stories are action packed and hot as hell. Even though each book centers on one sister, you get to see interaction with all of them. You don’t have to wait for two more books to see what’s going on with any of them. I can’t wait for the next one!!

Reviewed by Vickie

Copy supplied by publisher through Netgalley


One Year Anniversary Giveaway-February 13, 2013

First Year Anniversary Giveaway-February 13, 2013


Today’s FIRST ANNIVERSARY prize package is a 5-book (paperback) giveaway of AMANDA HOCKING novels including Switched, Torn and Ascend from her Trylle trilogy and, the first two books in her Watersong series-Wake and Lullaby.

ONE giveaway winner will receive all 5 paper books in the Prize Package.


TO ENTER: Giveaway open to ALL ages

NOTE: Register at The Reading Cafe using the log-in at the top of the page or by using one of the social log-ins. If you are using a social log-in such as Twitter or Facebook etc, please post your email address with your comment, as Twitter etc does not account for email contact.

1. Open to US and CANADA only

2. Please post a comment telling us to enter you in the giveaway.

3. Giveaway runs until February 28, 2013


An Interview with Lois Gresh

An Interview with Lois Gresh

pictureThe Reading Cafe is happy to welcome Lois Gresh as our guest today.

Lois is here today to discuss her new book, Nightfall, just recently released, as well as to tell us a little bit about herself.


Hi Lois.  Thank you for taking the time to answer some questions today. We are always looking forward to reading about the author behind the book.

TRC: Let’s start with some background information. Will you please tell us about              yourself?

Lois: I consider myself to be fairly ordinary, although I do have a vivid imagination. I read constantly – magazines and nonfiction books of all kinds, as well as a wide variety of novels. I’m crazy about art, so I enjoy visiting galleries whenever I travel to writing conferences. As for music, I listen to everything from metal to the blues to rock n roll to pop to sound tracks to classical: it just depends on my mood. I swim almost every day, and I also like riding my bike. I enjoy nature – forests, oceans, lakes, birds, animals of all kinds, and in particular, beautiful fish.

Professionally, I’m written 27 books and more than 50 short stories. NIGHTFALL is my first erotic paranormal romance novel. I hope readers give it a try and like it. Half of what I’ve written is fiction -- spanning dark fantasy to paranormals of all types to whatever strikes my fancy at a given time -- and the other half is pop culture.

TRC: When did you start writing?  Have you always liked to write?

Lois: When I first learned how to read, I instantly loved books.  I actually remember the   moment. I began writing stories at a very early age and never stopped. As a child, if I
dared to whine that I was bored on rainy Saturdays, my mother would say, “Go read the
dictionary. It’ll give you something to do.” I found that I loved the rhythm of words, and I became very fond of the thesaurus. We weren’t particularly well off – that’s a nice way     of saying we didn’t have much – and so, I spent a lot of time at the library and reading an    ancient (1930s!) set of encyclopedias that my mother kept in the hallway outside my          bedroom. At 9, I wrote a 55-page science fiction story; at 12, a 220-page “report” about      ancient Egypt; at 16, a 250-page book about poverty; at 22, a 500-page novel; at 23, a        400-page novel; and during college classes, I wrote horror stories featuring my             professors.

TRC: Many authors bounce ideas and information between friends and family. With whom do you bounce your ideas?

Lois: I must be the rare case of writer who prefers to keep my ideas buckled down tightly until I’ve finished a story. This way, family and friends who read my final drafts don’t know anything about the stories. Their reactions are along the lines of typical readers’ reactions.

That said, I’ve spouted a lot of ideas at my longtime agent, Lori Perkins. Whenever I’m around Lori, I spew story ideas. She’s now the publisher of Riverdale Avenue Books (RAB), which just opened in late December, 2012. NIGHTFALL is one of the first books from RAB, and as a newcomer to the erotic romance scene, all I hope is that readers will give it a try.

nightfall-largeTRC: Will you please tell us about the premise of Nightfall, and how did you come up with the idea for this story.

Lois: I like to say that NIGHTFALL is Paranormal Romance Gone Wild. Not only do we have a liberal dose of Forbidden Love — in this case, between an ancient voodoo priestess and a sexy vampire — but I also think we have some new, very unusual twists.  These twists are what made the book fun for me to write, and I would love to immerse myself in this world again and again (and again, etc.) because I really enjoy spinning these tales. When you read NIGHTFALL, you’ll probably realize right away that I was enjoying myself while writing it.

For one thing, writing about a voodoo priestess is a tremendous blast, not to mention writing about her best friend, Skipp the poetic ghost, her anorexic always-drunk girlfriend, the sexy vampire Vadim and his incredibly odd father, and the gargoyle familiar who helps Alex (the voodoo heroine) in all of her exploits. Oh, and lest I forget, the lovely Venus de Milo is also in NIGHTFALL. This is why I say it’s Paranormal Romance Gone Wild.

The story takes place in an ordinary town that could be most anywhere. It’s bleak and quiet there, tucked away in the countryside. But little do people know that also living in this quiet corner of the world are paranormals who seek solitude and isolation. When several local old folks die in mysterious ways, all friends of Alex’ Uncle Frenchie, she’s determined to help save the lives of other elderly citizens in town. Along the way, she falls in love with sexy Vadim, who falls in love with her. Problem is, they come from clans that have been feuding for centuries. Their love is forbidden. Not just because their clans will object, but also because their actual blood cannot be allowed to fuse in any way. It could spell death and destruction. But they love each other, and so, they must find a way to overcome this problem and be together. Yes, you’ve guessed it. I love these characters. : )

Links to order Nightfall: Amazon/ Barnes & Noble/ Kobo

TRC: Nightfall is paranormal romance, what made you decide to write in that genre?

Lois:  I’ve written about everything from vampires to ghosts to demons to angels. I think that paranormal stories — whether dark or romantic or both at the same time — are interesting for many of the same reasons.

The forms of fantasy — its tropes and motifs, its structures and magic systems — overlap between, say, paranormal fantasy and dark fantasy, paranormal fantasy and urban fantasy, and so forth. The boundaries of fantasy are blurred.

One characteristic of fantasy, in general, is that it involves magical creatures, objects, and/or events existing in our real world. Stories that fuse magic and mythology with reality touch us deeply on the inside and urge us to find order and meaning in our world. Whether dark fantasy or romantic paranormal fantasy, this type of story incorporates villains, mentors, adventures, obstacles, morals, ethics, and the search for truth and identity.

With romance, I like the idea that love conquers all, that things end up okay at the end and people are happy.

TRC: You have written other genres, such as thriller, dark fantasy/scifi, and            children’s book.  Do you have a favorite genre, and if so, why?

Lois: My favorite genre is the one that I’m working on at any given time. I do write in a   lot of different genres, as you say, thrillers, dark fantasies, science fiction, and young         adult and children’ books. I love them all, that’s just the truth of it. The story and the    characters drive me, not the genre. I do tend to gravitate toward writing stories that      include fantasy and thriller elements, though I’ve been known to write a lot of very             strange science fiction stories, too. : )

With NIGHTFALL, I take my love for fantasy and paranormals and merge it with the idea that love conquers all and people can indeed end up happy no matter what obstacles        they face.

Given that I’m currently finishing THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS COMPANION, an unofficial guide to the first seven novels by Cassandra Clare, I’ve been immersed in paranormal romance and urban fantasy for quite some time now. I’ve learned a lot from her books, as well from a lot of other paranormal romances I’ve been reading over the years. I study books as I read them. I find myself drawn to paranormal romances in urban fantasy settings.

TRC: You also have two companion books (The Hunger Games, and The Mortal     Instruments. How did you come up with the idea of writing these companion books?

Lois:  In short, I was gripped by Suzanne Collins’ THE HUNGER GAMES trilogy and felt that the books were filled with important messages. For example, people should focus on what matters (kindness, peace, nurturing their children, health, food for all) than on things such as what they look like and how mean they can be to other people. Is it more important to get ahead – literally to survive in THE HUNGER GAMES — by stabbing other people in the back, or does it make more sense to get ahead by using your skills and intelligence and trying to help the people around you?

As for THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS COMPANION, I love this series of novels by Cassandra Clare. Talk about paranormal romance and fantasy – wow! I’ve been studying these books because they’re incredibly action-packed and spiced with romance and good characterization.

TRC: What are you currently working on?

Lois:  As of this very moment on 010813, I’m finishing the draft of THE MORTAL       INSTRUMENTS COMPANION. Then I’ll write a few stories that are due within the                 next month. And then, maybe I’ll work on another novel.

TRC: Where do you like to do your writing?   In a quiet room…by yourself?  Do you have specific times that you like to write?

Lois: I write as soon as I get up in the morning. I head into my cubbyhole space wearing my pajamas and switch on the computer. Then I make two cups of espresso with sugar and bring them into my cubbyhole. I work until I can’t do it anymore, then I knock off for the day and try to get some exercise before tackling household chores and errands -- which as we all know, never ever  end -- and if that isn’t clear enough, what can I say about chores and errands? THEY NEVER NEVER NEVER END!

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Lois: Again, as a newcomer to the erotic paranormal romance scene, all I hope is that    readers give NIGHTFALL a try.


Favorite Food: probably espresso with sugar

Least Favorite Food - I hate anchovies, so we’ll go with that!

Favorite Place to Read - in bed

Favorite Movie: MISERY. Stephen King.

Milk or Dark Chocolate: milk chocolate

Favorite Colorthe color of the ocean

Do you have a favorite fictional character (not your own):
Dracula. Loved Anne Rice’s Lestat.

Thank you, Lois for answering our questions. The Reading Café wishes you the best of luck with Nightfall.  Keep us informed about your upcoming releases. We look forward to working with you again.

If you would like to learn more about Lois, you can visit her at the following links:



Lois has graciously offered to give a member of The Reading Café a chance to win an e-copy of her new book, Nightfall.
1.  Please register using the Log-In at the top of the page, or by using one of our social log-ins.

2.  If you are using a social log-in e.g. Twitter, please leave your email address along with your comment.

3.  Giveaway open Internationally.

4.  Contest runs from February 13th – February 16th.



Nightfall by Lois Gresh – a Review

Nightfall by Lois Gresh – a Review

Secrets…they always find an ugly way of revealing themselves, don’t they?  In Nightfall by Lois Gresh, near-fatal situations could have been avoided altogether had characters just been honest.  Especially when the person on the verge of causing harm is none other than legendary Voodoo Queen, Marie Leveau.  Even when facing evil vampires, truth frees (and offers options).

Raised by her Great Uncle Frenchie since the age of 2 in Havenshire (a rural village in upstate New York), Alexandra Leveau is a 22 year old mathematician who works intermittently in a knife shop to ensure bills are paid.  Life is a routine until she meets Vadim Blerinca…and Alex begins to ask questions.

“I’d sworn to myself that I was done with Vadim Blerinca before we’d even started anything, but here he was now, right in front of me, and I couldn’t pull myself away from his gaze.  We were locked in time, in the moment, drawn together by an irresistible force that I didn’t understand.”  

Before she analyzes Vadim’s unique ability, Vadim communicates telepathically and impresses upon her the one word that should have warned her away:  Vampire.  Yeah, I wouldn’t have run away, either! 😀  Problem is, Vadim DOES.  He vanishes, but his mere presence has Alex prodding Uncle Frenchie for their family history.  Uncle Frenchie begrudgingly shares knowledge that could no longer be denied (should NOT have been denied), as it pertains to Alex’s own protection.  Secrets…I tell you!  Uncle Frenchie gives Alex a ring with a gem that shone like ten different colors of green.  The dazzle only momentarily distracts Alex. 

“Frenchie said, “In essence, Alex, as long as you have that ring on, you are Marie Leveau.  You must stay away from Vadim Blerinca.  He could try to kill you.  Or worse, his father might do it for him.”  

Greeeeeaaat…the Montagues and Capulets have nothing on this family!  What ensues is further exploration into Alexandra’s previous life as Marie.  Vadim was her one true love gone awry.  Unfortunately, Frenchie downplayed the venom possessed by Vadim’s father, Haimon, for revenge:  Marie killed Haimon’s human lover.  Together, and apart, Alex and Vadim try to right previous wrongs to secure an eternal future. 

Nightfall had juicy elements to entice and delight, but I was repeatedly lost by too many additional characters.  Granted, Alex is slowly coming into her own as Marie, and with that come persons already familiar with her (just a matter of reacquainting/refocusing), but their roles (and true identities) didn’t enhance the story by much, IMO.  There is also a subplot involving imposter cardiac medicine that was perfected by Alex/Marie in the throes of near death.  It was necessary for the author to complete the story line, but it seemed incongruous to the more vital part of the book. 

Some irritants:  Vadim constantly refers to Alex as Marie, encouraging her to embrace Marie’s memories and abilities, but when Alex has her first face-off with Haimon, who is hell-bent on preventing this ill-fated union, Vadim not only refuses to part with personal information critical to Alex from Marie’s long-ago actions, he goes so far as to threaten Alex with her own life!  What happened to the love?  If Vadim had freely given/shared past experiences involving Marie, perhaps Alex would have avoided certain confrontations.  When Alex accepts she and Marie are one and the same, and she has the power to command the elements, minds of humans and even supernatural creatures, how dare Vadim then recoil from her?  And don’t get me started on Alex, suddenly empowered with Marie’s skills that nearly eclipse Vadim’s own vampire strengths.  I hate it when that happens.

Hmmm…the book does tie up all loose ends and we thankfully receive a HEA.  I wish certain story lines hadn’t been as featured as others were left unanswered:  Why did Vadim focus on that certain group of “blood donors”; who did Venus de Milos end up with; did Naomi and Skipp find their final resting places; why on earth did Alex/Marie bite Vadim?  If we’re lucky, Ms. Gresh will continue this series and charm us with further discovery.  

I researched Marie Laveau, as I lacked in my own knowledge of the voudoun practitioner, but there weren’t so many facts to consider as there were theories about her vast abilities.  Kudos to Ms. Gresh for bringing to life such an enigmatic character worthy of attention in this world of the paranormal.         

Reviewed by Carmen

Copy provided by Author.


ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY Giveaway-February 12, 2013

ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY Giveaway-February 12, 2012

Giveaway Banner

Today’s Anniversary Giveaway is a copy of LORD’S FALL by Thea Harrison donated by The Reading Cafe.

Comment for your chance to WIN a copy of LORD’S FALL (Elder Races) by Thea Harrison

lords fall

TO ENTER: This giveaway open to adults 18 years of age and older

NOTE: Register at The Reading Cafe using the log-in at the top of the page or by using one of the social log-ins. If you are using a social log-in such as Twitter or Facebook etc, please post your email address with your comment, as Twitter etc does not account for email contact.

1. Open to US and CANADA only

2. Please post a comment telling us to enter you in the giveaway.

3. Giveaway runs until February 15, 2013


A Cast of Shadows by Hailey Edwards-a review

A Cast of Shadows by Haleigh Edwards-a review

A Cast of Shadows

Book 2.5 in the Araneae Nation Series

About the book: Released February 12, 2013

Daraja has grown up watching her brothers journey down the river on the traditional Deinopidae rite of passage. Each returned with riches from their travels, and lovers with whom to share their lives.
Now she has reached the age where she would strike out on her own to seek her fortune—if she were male. Instead, she is expected to sit patiently, weave her nets and wait for the river to bring a husband to her.
Patience, however, has never been her strong suit.
Brynmor haunts the forest surrounding the city of Cathis, his disembodied spirit inextricably bound to the wild canis roaming his lands. Until the day he stumbles across a brazen trespasser in his woods.
Compelled to step in when the canis suspect her of poaching one of their own, Brynmor fears he has lost a piece of his ragged soul to the feisty, adventure-seeking female. And when the canis confront the real poachers, he is forced to choose which life to sacrifice. Hers…or his own.


We met Brynmor in the previous book, A Feast of Souls, and I was immediately intrigued by his character. And, I have to tell you, when I saw that his book was next, I was like “how’s that going to work?”. Well, it worked out just fine.

Once Brynmor runs across Daraja, he knows his life will never be the same. Daraja sets out to follow the river, not as the women of their people do, but as the men do. She’s tired of being alone and strikes out to see what lies beyond their village. And once she encounters a mysterious stranger, she doesn’t know if she should welcome him or be scared. One thing she knows for sure is that she is intrigued. But, once she discovers exactly what Brynmor is, or isn’t as the case may be, will they be able to overcome their differences, or will Brynmor once again miss out on love?

I’m glad that Haleigh Edwards wrote A Cast of Shadows. Brynmor’s story broke my heart in the previous book. Edwards cleverly crafts her worlds in this wonderful series and gave Brynmor something to look forward to, rather than looking back on what he lost. If you haven’t read any of the Araneae Nation Series, I highly recommend it as it is a departure from the types of books that are flooding the market at present. I hope you enjoy getting to know the characters as much as I have, and I look so forward to the next installment.

ORDER LINKS: Amazon / Barnes and Noble /

Copy supplied by the author

Reviewed by Vickie M.


Vanilla on Top by C.J.Ellisson-Blog Tour and Giveaway

Vanilla on Top by C.J.Ellisson-Blog Tour and Giveaway


Click HERE for our review.

Title: Vanilla on Top (Walk on the Wild Side, #1)
Author: C.J. Ellisson
Genre: Category – Contemporary
Length: 279
Release Date: January 2013
ISBN: 978-1-62266-798-7
Imprint: Brazen

Vanilla on Top

LINKS TO ORDER: KOBO / Amazon / Barnes and Noble

Discover your inner bad girl, and set her free…
Heather Pierce is done being a wallflower, both personally and professionally. Desperate to live a different life for one night, she attends a speed dating event. Maybe here, anonymous unless she chooses otherwise, she can become someone new. When a man way out of her league sits across from her, Heather gathers her courage and takes charge of what she wants, secretly fearing he won’t desire the real person she’s desperate to hide.

Top acquisitions officer and international playboy Tony Carmine is about to close the biggest deal of his career. But then he meets Heather at a speed dating event…and discovers losing control may be exactly what he needs. Her blossoming sensuality occupies his every thought, consuming him with the need to possess the most intriguing lover he’s ever encountered—until he walks into the boardroom and sees Heather on the other side of the negotiating table.


CJ Ellisson


C.J. Ellisson, author of contemporary fantasy and erotica, lives near DC with her husband, two children aged 11 and 9, two Staffordshire Bull Terriers and a young cat she’s newly allergic to. After spending most of her working life dealing with real estate – either as a sales manager in wholesale mortgage banking, a corporate trainer, a Realtor, or as a property manager – she’s now writing full-time and happy for the first time in years. Writing has become her passion and to find people want to read her stories feels like a dream come true.

Author Website: http://www.cjellisson.com/

Facebook Fan Page:  http://www.facebook.com/groups/cjeseethe/


C.J. and Brazen/Entangled Publishing are offering an ecopy of VANILLA ON TOP to ONE lucky member at The Reading Cafe.

1. Please register using the log-in at the top of the page or by using one of the social log-ins.

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment as Twitter, Facebook etc do not allow for email addresses.

3. Giveaway open INTERNATIONALLY.

4. Giveaway runs from February 12-24, 2013


Vanilla on Top by C.J.Ellisson-a review

VANILLA ON TOP (Walk on the Wildside #1) by C.J. Ellisson

Vanilla on Top

ABOUT THE BOOK: Released January 2013

Discover your inner bad girl, and set her free…

Heather Pierce is done being a wallflower, both personally and professionally. Desperate to live a different life for one night, she attends a speed dating event. Maybe here, anonymous unless she chooses otherwise, she can become someone new. When a man way out of her league sits across from her, Heather gathers her courage and takes charge of what she wants, secretly fearing he won’t desire the real person she’s desperate to hide.

Top acquisitions officer and international playboy Tony Carmine is about to close the biggest deal of his career. But then he meets Heather at a speed dating event…and discovers losing control may be exactly what he needs. Her blossoming sensuality occupies his every thought, consuming him with the need to possess the most intriguing lover he’s ever encountered—until he walks into the boardroom and sees Heather on the other side of the negotiating table


I was first introduced to C.J. through her amazing and sexy V.V. Inn series about a powerful vampire and her seethe of vampires and werewolves. As an example of a powerful woman, Vivian is the ultimate hunter-she knows her prey and they know what to expect.

VANILLA ON TOP is another example of a strong woman-but a woman who must think outside her protective cocoon and step up to play the game.

Heather Pierce is a woman who is tired of waiting in the wings for something exciting in her life. On the advice of a friend, she reluctantly attends a speed-dating event only to find she is intrigued with the idea of bringing a man to his knees-literally. Heather venture into the wild side will change everything she ever knew about herself and more.

Tony Carmine is the ultimate alpha-male. He knows what he wants and he goes for the jugular every time-especially in the world of hostile corporate take overs. But when a chance encounter at a speed-dating event brings Tony to his knees, he is no longer sure of anything in his life. Something has to give and Tony knows he has to make the ultimate sacrifice if he wants to survive.

CJ Ellisson writes a story of one woman’s desire to step outside of her comfort zone and explore the wilder side of life. It is every woman’s fantasy to take control and in VANILLA ON TOP we live the fantasy through CJ’s writing. From Heather’s explorations of sensual picnics, smexy texting and seductive foot wear, the reader will be pulled into the storyline and experience one woman’s re-awakening at the hands of the man with whom she is falling in love and the experience of exploring one’s inner vixen-all in the name of power and control. The likelihood of such an abrupt 180 turn around in reality may not be plausible without something major precipitating the change, but Vanilla on Top is a fun story to push the proverbial edge-after all it is a work of fiction and every reader wants to escape the reality of their own lives. And in the end, the ultimate power and control over each other’s heart is what this couple had been looking for –all along.

LINKS TO ORDER: KOBO / Amazon / Barnes and Noble

Copy supplied by publisher.

Reviewed by Sandy
