Rise of the Notorious by Katie Jennings – a Review

Rise of the Notorious by Katie Jennings – a Review


Rise of the Nortorious

Links to order Rise of the Notorious:
Amazon / Barnes & NobleThe Book Depository

When their empire fell, darkness descended upon the Vasser Hotel family and shrouded them in chaos. It was a darkness layered in violent sins and staggering deception, made only more potent by a haunting truth. Murder, it seemed, was a burden they couldn’t escape.

With a scandal plaguing the family’s reputation, the Vasser heirs must rise to the occasion and utilize a killer’s advice to turn bad publicity into good, and tradition into innovation.

If only it was that easy.

In an elaborate game of hidden motives and sinister agendas, more dirty truths from the past will resurface, truths that could bring about victory or bloodshed. But how will the Vasser siblings react when the real threat to their family not only has power and control on the mind, but assassination as well? What will they do when it becomes clear that someone out there wants them destroyed, no matter the price?

The Vassers may have fallen from grace, but now they will rise as notorious.


Rise of the Notorious by Katie Jennings is her second and final book in her Vassar Legacy series.  I enjoyed the first book, When Empires Fall, and found this book to be even better.

This book continues the Vassar family saga story; about their elite Hotel chain, and the family we became totally invested in.  When we last left off in When Empires Fall, the Vassar family was heading towards hard times with their hotel, after a major scandal.  Madison was chosen to be the heir apparent to run the hotel, bypassing others in the family, thereby creating much dissention.  Other then the youngest sister, Kennedy, the immediate family, Grant & Linc, and their loves Quinn and Lynette, stood by Madison to continue to work together, no matter what to save the hotel.

Madison was the heroine in this story.  In the first book, she was a pivotal character, but not as likable as she is in this book.  I really liked Madison’s growth, her ability to stand up to fire, as everything around her was falling apart; with scandals, jealousy, betrayals, threats to her and her family. She had many people against her, who were willing to do anything to make sure she would lose the hotel. Katie Jennings did a masterful job showing Madison rise up, as she faces each threat, as well as the false accusations against her. Rise up she did, surprising many, as she became a public figure, with the majority of the people identifying with her, as she became the respected and admired Vassar family leader. 

Her romance with Wyatt, played an important part in this book, as she knew she still loved him, and needed to learn to trust him again.   What I love about family sagas is that we get to spent time with the family through these hard times.  It was great to see them bond together to join forces to find who is behind the plot to destroy Madison, which includes a kidnapping, a murder attempt, as well as the false accusations to ruin Madison and the Vassar family.   

This story flows beautifully throughout, as there are many surprises and twists.  Who is behind the plot to destroy the family?  Who inside the Vassar domain is betraying the family?  Will Kennedy be saved?  Will Wyatt convince Madison that he truly loves her? Will the hotel survive? You will need to read this book to find out.

One thing you can be sure of is that her brothers will stand beside her, even if they originally were not too happy with Madison taking over the reins of the hotel.  I loved seeing Grant with Quinn again, and their love continues to blossom. I liked that Quinn found a way to win over Madison.  Linc and Lynette were also a great couple that would have to withstand her father’s continual attacks against the Vassars, to help his campaign for reelection.

I thought this was a wonderful series by Jennings, and felt she could have written more books concentrating on other family members.  But she does a great job in tying all the loose ends, and bringing together a satisfying climax.  If you enjoy family sagas, which takes you on an emotional ride every step of the way, then this series by Katie Jennings is perfect for you.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Author


Hellhound by Kaylie Austen-A Review and Interview with the Author

Hellhound by Kaylie Austen-A Review and Interview with the Author


Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk / Barnes and Noble / KOBO / The Book Depository

HELLHOUND by Kaylie Austen

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 1, 2013

Selene is the Hellhound, a powerful and ruthless descendant of the Greek gods. She is bound by tradition and tied by bloodlines to lead her people against the mortals. Although she is arranged to marry Nathanial, she falls for Demetrius, the self-professed Black Angel, and things take a bitter twist. When she stumbles across the corpses of her father and Nathanial, all eyes move in on Demetrius. Selene must take the assignment to hunt down her accused lover. Facing the untrustworthy cerebral chamber, powerful shape-shifting sentinels, superhuman archers, and a deceitful Council, the Hellhound must work quickly to uncover the truth before she is forced to annihilate her lover


REVIEW: HELLHOUND is the first storyline in Kaylie Austen’s new series focusing on the fantasy world of the Mythian. There are shapeshifters, Hellhound, Black Angel and a cerebral chamber where the truth, as seen by the mind’s eye, can always be revealed. The political infighting is rife with deceit, betrayal, nepotism and the Council of Elders whose need to rule by power and intimidation are pushing the lower classes towards an uprising of epic proportions.

The world building is intense-so intense that I will try to explain the sociological description and implications.

The story is awash in a hierarchal political system, almost caste like (and Marxist) in structure where those beneath you are considered unworthy or minions. Minions is a term that is used quite frequently (throughout the novel) by those who consider themselves above reproach and in control. The entire societal structure of the Mythian culture reeks of ethnocentrism (whereby one judges all others based on the culture and belief system of one’s own) and in this, the Mythian society believes themselves to be better and more powerful than other species, societies and humans.

There is a definitive sociological and power elite premise at work within the story. The class structure is very Marxist and the relationship between the power elite and the lower class workers is definitely a study in class, status and power. There are arranged marriages and a hierarchy of inherited families (castes), class conflict, inequality, division of labor and of course, because of the powerful ruling elite-a revolt on the horizon.

The caste-like society within HELLHOUND is similar to many South Asian cultures and belief systems. The story is a study in discrimination, prejudice and stereotyping of anyone considered not within the same class. Classes are segregated in domiciles and work levels where the physical distance between the groups is to ensure there is no unnecessary contact or interaction. There were also issues of sex and gender. Selene was either objectified as a female of worth and power, or she was considered second class because of her gender and age. And the women within one particular class were considered nothing more than whores or to be objectified as a vessel for sex.

But I digress. Hellhound is a story about Selene-a young woman who is expected to ascribe (by bloodlines) to the position of ruling royalty of which she wants no part. She is also a woman who is expected to marry into an equally powerful family and bring forth an heir to continue the royal bloodline. Two powerful bloodlines insures the continuation of their supernatural powers and position within society, culture and the Council of Elders. But falling in love with Demetrius-a tracker and a man beneath Selene’s status- is enough to send the power families to war against one another. All too soon Demetrius is accused of killing Selene’s father and her future husband (arranged by the ruling families), and the memories of others could never be wrong. Selene is ordered to hunt for her elusive lover but in doing so she knows, to extract the truth will mean death to Demetrius-one way or another.

The writing is simple. There is no sex (implied only), no graphic or vulgar language but there is some violence and death. Because of the ‘cerebral chamber’ there are many flashbacks from retrieved memories. But I had a few issues of cohesion. Perhaps it was a problem with editing but the story (in several spots) seemed to jump into another scene without a break or build up.

HELLHOUND is an interesting storyline of murder and mystery; of friendship and love. But the relationship aspect of the story was lacking. Because the author chose not to delve into the romance/sex and love issues, the love story fell flat. I did not feel the connection between Selene and Demetrius. I do not need implicit sex scenes to grasp the love between two people, but there was very little to assure me that Demetrius and Selene were truly in love or had ever been intimate and close.

HELLHOUND is also a study in class distinctions, social structure, power and control. I am not sure if many readers will see the same sociological problems as did I, but the story is a definite study in social relations and class and, the struggle of the working class to gain a foothold in society.

Copy supplied by the publicist.

Reviewed by Sandy

Interview beige


KaylieAusten_5TRC: Hi Kaylie and welcome to The Reading Café. Congratulations on the May 2013 release of HELLHOUND.

Kaylie: Thank you, and thanks so much for having me!

TRC: We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?

Kaylie: I grew up in Austin, TX., and as it turns out, I’m pretty much what one might expect: I was a UT Longhorn, I love Dr. Pepper and Blue Bell Ice-Cream, and the annual rodeo is the best time of the year. I live in the Pacific Northwest with my husband, am an undercover nerd, and I intend to bring plaid back.

HellhoundTRC: HELLHOUND is your latest release. Would you please tell us something about the premise?

Kaylie: Selene is the Hellhound, a powerful and ruthless descendant of the Greek gods. She’s bound by tradition and tied by bloodlines to lead her people against the mortals. Although she’s arranged to marry Nathanial, she falls for Demetrius, and things take a bitter twist. When she stumbles across the corpses of her father and Nathanial, all eyes move in on Demetrius. Selene must take the assignment to hunt down her accused lover. Facing the untrustworthy cerebral chamber, power shape-shifting sentinels, superhuman archers, and a deceitful Council, the Hellhound must work quickly to uncover the truth before she’s forced to annihilate her lover.

TRC: What was your inspiration behind writing a storyline about a Hellhound rather than writing about another supernatural species?

Kaylie: I’ve always loved Greek mythology. I’ll admit, I starred in the mythology portion of the Latin decathlon in middle school. Those warped, tragic stories stuck. Besides, I was tired of hearing about vampires, werewolves, and elves and didn’t have anything to add to those creatures.

TRC: How many books do you have planned for the series?

Kaylie: So far, just the one, but who knows?

TRC: How thoroughly do you plan out your characters and story before you begin the first draft or do you “fly by the seat of your pants”?

Kaylie: I guess I write the way I live, by the seat of my pants! My characters come to me and they dictate everything. They tell me where to go and how they want to behave and look. After the first hurried draft, I go back and try to make sense of everything and tie loose ends.

TRC: What challenges did you face getting your novel to publication?

Kaylie: Rejections. There were lots! It’s just something every writer has to deal with. Rejections have a purpose, they let you know you’re not hitting the mark. Sometimes it’s subjective and the way the market is heading, which a writer has no control over. Other times, it’s the craft or story itself. When it’s the latter, it’s time to get down to revisions and use those rejections as helpful tidbits toward a better novel.

TRC: Writer’s block is a very real phenomenon for many authors. How do you handle the anxiety and pressure of writer’s block?

Kaylie: I read. When I come across a great story, I think, “Why didn’t I write that!” Usually it starts a spark to another story. Sometimes the spark sets fire to an entire novel, and sometimes it doesn’t. When it comes to writer’s block on a project already in motion, I’ll usually watch something in that genre to get the creative juices flowing.

TRC: With whom do you bounce ideas and storyline suggestions?

Kaylie: Friends, husband, co-workers, fellow authors, anyone who listens. I get the reader side and the writer/professional side.

TRC: If you could change something about yourself personal or professional, what would it be and why?

Kaylie: I would be more out-going. I’m very shy and quiet. I haven’t mastered charm, yet. When I do speak, it’s not small talk, it’s to the point because I speak to people for a reason. Being a little more fluid and a people person would help personally and professionally.

TRC: Who or what has been the biggest influence in your life and why?

Kaylie: My parents. They’ve been there from the beginning and, as parents do, molded me to be the way they wanted me to be and a reflection of them. They’re honest, sweet, hardworking, and still they face injustices that seem to befall the nice ones. I’ve learned a lot from them, and I could learn a lot more.

TRC: Is there a question that you would like to be asked in an interview, but nobody has asked? If so, ask away!

Kaylie: If I could live in a movie/sitcom/book, what would it be, why, and which character would I be. I’ll go ahead and answer that: Jean Grey in the XMen comics. She’s a class 5 mutant, powerful, beautiful, desired, and the Marvel Universe is a place that is both torrid and tragic. Superheros don’t have a happy ending, and maybe I secretly like a little drama.

TRC: What five things would you like to accomplish in the next ten years?

Kaylie: Get an agent. Get a major deal with my dream publisher. Make a bestseller’s list. Finish my degree. Have a baby.

TRC: What are your thoughts on book reviews-good or bad?

Kaylie: Book reviews are subjective, just like reviews on movies. I enjoy reading good ones. They encourage others to read. When there’s a bad review, I think people should keep it nice. As long as reviews are professional, they’re okay. It’s when a person gets into hateful words that leaves a black mark on reading.

TRC: On what are you currently working?

Kaylie: A multicultural new adult contemporary romance. Say that five times fast!


Favorite Food: Chicken crunchy tacos

Favorite Dessert: Chocolate cake

Favorite TV Show: The Big Bang Theory

Last Movie you saw: Iron Man 3

Dark or Milk Chocolate: Milk

TRC: Thank you Kaylie for taking the time to answer our questions. We wish you all the best in your writing career.

Kaylie: Thank you again!


Lisa Kessler – Moonlight Blog Tour, Guest Post & Giveaway

Lisa Kessler – Moonlight Blog Tour, Guest Post & Giveaway


Searching For Acceptance in Paranormal Worlds

Hi Everyone –

I’m so excited to be visiting the Reading Café today!  My new Moon Series just kicked off this week with book 1, Moonlight, and I often get asked “What is Moonlight about?” so I thought I’d try to tackle that answer here…

You see, while there is a werewolf pack, jaguar shifter assassins, and a company that is highly interested in Lana’s ability to shift into a jaguar, for me, that’s not really what Moonlight is “about”.

The heart and soul of Moonlight is the tagline on the cover. “Embrace your destiny”. Moonlight is about finding out who you really are and finding acceptance within yourself before others can also embrace you.

The book actually started out as a short story, but I could stop wondering what would happen next for Adam and Lana. Six months later, Moonlight was finished and it took me on a journey I never expected when I wrote the opening.

Lana grew up in foster care, abandoned as a baby. Her whole life she’s been haunted by the knowledge of that abandonment, and although she does her best to hide it, the deep seeded insecurity is always lurking there in the shadows.

The hero, Adam, is next in line to be the Alpha of the Pack, but this is a responsibility he never asked for and he doesn’t think he wants it.

Because jaguar assassins have been encroaching on the Pack’s territory, threatening to expose them to the humans, the Pack patrols Reno, willing to kill any trespassing jaguars if necessary. When Adam realizes that Lana is his mate, he finds himself on the verge of losing his family, and Lana teetering on the edge of running away. If she stays, Adam could lose the only thing she’s ever wanted.

The conflict in this book was delicious to write, and although both leads have paranormal abilities, at heart they’re just like all of us.

They want to find a safe haven where they can be accepted for who and what they are…

What are some of your favorite themes in Paranormal Romance?

Thanks again for having me on the blog!

Lisa Kessler


About the Author Black and Orange


Lisa Kessler is an award winning author of dark paranormal fiction. Her debut novel, Night Walker, won a San Diego Book Award for Best Published Fantasy-Sci-fi-Horror as well as the Romance Through the Ages Award for Best Paranormal and Best First Book.

Her short stories have been published in print anthologies and magazines, and her vampire story, Immortal Beloved, was a finalist for a Bram Stoker award.

When she’s not writing, Lisa is a professional vocalist, performing with the San Diego Opera as well as other musical theater companies in San Diego.





Lisa Kessler
Moon Series- Book 1
Release Date: July 15, 2015

MoonlightLinks to order Moonlight: Amazon / Barnes & Noble

“A fabulous read. Lisa Kessler is an up and coming author to remember!”
Sherrilyn Kenyon #1 NYT Bestselling Author of the Dark-Hunter Series

Rancher Adam Sloan is more than meets the eye. As the heir to his Pack, the sexy werewolf’s biggest challenge is keeping his kin’s true nature under wraps. But a group of jaguar shifters threatens to reveal the pack, blasting into town killing humans in plain sight. And when he smells one at the local diner, his standing orders are to take her out.

Lana Turpin doesn’t realize she’s a moving target. Raised in the foster system, she only knows that she blacks out during the new moon and wakes up without remembering a thing. But now she’s being tracked by some strange organization that wants her back–even though she’s never stepped foot inside their compound. And the stranger across the diner is watching her like an enemy. It should be a simple mission for Adam, but when he touches the frustratingly beautiful Lana, his inner wolf howls…mate. Now, the two must find and stop the people who hunt her…and Adam must keep his own family from killing the only woman he will ever love.


Rafflecopter Giveaway

Lisa is giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card to one lucky winner

NOTE:  The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Moonlight by Lisa Kessler – a Dual Review

Moonlight by Lisa Kessler – a Dual Review


Links to order Moonlight: Amazon / Barnes & NobleKobo

Both Julie B. and Erin read this book, and they both enjoyed it. So we decided to give you a treat with a dual review.  It’s fun to see how each person views the book.  Enjoy!

Review by Erin:
Moonlight is the first book in The Moon Series by Lisa Kessler.  

Lana Turpin grew up as a foster child, now hunted, alone and on the run.  People, she is unsure who they are, are after her.  But for what – she has no idea.  Believing that she has a sleepwalking disorder that strangely only occurs during the new moon she knows that she must find someplace to hide at least until the new moon passes. 

Adam Sloan is the son of the Pack leader and the next in line to ascend to Alpha. He is a rugged, hard working sexy werewolf horse trainer who is content with the way his life is at the present moment.  That is until, Lana happens to cross into his territory.  Set with the intent on killing the new stranger in town, Adam is completely caught off guard when he happens upon his enemy – or is it his mate? Will Adam be able to fight his inner wolf that screams out for the one female he can’t have?

I loved the character development right from the first few pages.  The main character of Lana was intriguing, street tough and real.  I felt emotionally attached and protective of her very quickly. Adam is a handsome, emotional, delicious, rugged, cowboy type! (I kept picturing him working the ranch in jeans, a cowboy hat and no shirt – did I mention he was delicious?). Lana is on the run from men that are after her.  She believes they are after her to return her to the mental hospital she escaped from but that proves not to be the case.

Having a meal in a diner before the next new moon Lana is confronted by a handsome yet angry looking man who takes a seat at her table. The moment Adam touches her – he realizes that he can’t kill this girl he has been sent to take out! He must protect her at all costs.  I loved the immediate connection and the fact that it was an unknown and forbidden to their kind.  Adam’s warm and kindness in showing Lana who and what she truly was cinched it for me!  And from that moment on I did not want to put the book down.  The secondary characters were mysterious and intriguing as well – the author leaving you with just the right amount mystery to make you crave more! Adam’s twin Aren is the right mixture of arrogant hotness that makes you swoon to hate and want to get to know more of! And my hope is that the next book in the series will be his – because he definitely deserves the spotlight!

The story is fast paced and emotional. The epic battle left me with tears and tissues. I love when you feel the emotions so deeply that there is no holding back no matter how hard you try. This book did not disappoint! Patiently – yet not so – waiting for book two! 

Review by Julie B.
WOW !!!!!!! My favourite Genre 🙂  Great Start to a series. (well i’m hoping its a series …. hint ) lol

Adam is an alpha in waiting, his dad is the alpha at the moment, and Adam loves to play the field. He avoids commitment and loves the ladies, he has no intention of settling down and producing the next alpha. Well not yet anyway.  He is the older brother in a set of twins. In fact ALL the wolves in this story are born male, and in sets of twins. Females are usually bitten and converted. An offspring can only be made that way, so no unplanned pregnancies.

Lana doesn’t have a past, but she knows someone is following her, and wants her back. She has spent a lot of time running and hiding from someone. We will find out more along the way, but she does wonder if she is going crazy.

When Adam firsts meets Lana he is there to kill her !! He is a wolf, and she is a jaguar. The two groups hate each other with a fierce passion, with orders to kill each other on sight. But when Adam goes to grab Lana out of her chair, he is stunned by the electric shock that pulses through his body. NO WAY HIS MATE !!! They don’t mix, so how the heck can they be mates ?  But Wolves mate for life, Jag’s don’t, so Lana doesn’t feel the intense pull between them, but she does feel something for the good looking, if not arrogant stranger. And what is more ….. Lana has NO idea she can transform with the changing of the moon’s cycle. She just remembers waking up in strange places, usually naked, and remembering strange dreams.

So within hours Adam is fighting his intense desires to marry and mate this female, along with head shouting out for caution, this could be a trick from the jag’s, he needs to keep his distance, but that is easier said than done. Lana feels the need to be with Adam, but she knows someone is after her, so it would be wiser to leave this little town, and get back on the road, but her body is refusing to move.

Adam stuns Lana with the news that she can shift into another being when the moon’s cycle changes, at first Lana thinks he is crazy, but with a few choice sentences, and actions (like scaling a rather large rock formation), Lana begins to believe him, in fact this is where they share their first kiss.  But someone is watching, Adam can sense it, then smells the scent of a male jaguar. He goes into Hunter mode. But what he finds, upsets him greatly.

And Lana …. well, she is really special. And she has a lot of different people chasing her. She assumes she was abandoned, but after a lot of digging through her past, she finds out, that maybe her parents did love her, and that they might not have willingly given her up.  Oh and Adam has a love rival, and boy does Adam have issues with the Jag in question.                                                                          

The story is a fast paced action story, with lots of characters, and an incredible amount of plot.  Adam has to fight his feelings for his mate, and hide her from is friends and family. He knows they would kill her on sight.  I love the differences that this author has brought to this story. It tells of an almost insurmountable number of reason why they shouldn’t be together, but through all the obstacles, they are destined to be together. I also liked how it set up the next book (hooray, it will become a series).  We meet a varied cast in this book, and I am hoping all of his pack get a story. We deal with death, we deal with the facts that love didn’t nearly conquer all, but we also find out that families are a really big deal in the shifter world.

But as I read through the book, lines became blurry, friends had issues with each other, there was mistrust, and enemies started to help you. It kept me on my toes, I wondered who I trust in that situation.

Copy provided by Publisher


Music for My Soul by Lauren Linwood-A Review and an Interview with the Author

Music for My Soul by Lauren Linwood-A Review and an Interview with the Author

Music for My Soul

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 15, 2013

As the third wife of an abusive French vineyard owner, Madeleine Bouchard hasn’t produced the expected heir after three years of marriage. Fearing he plans to kill her, she flees during a trip to England. Unable to make her way home, she joins a troupe of traveling mummers and reinvents herself as the only woman troubadour in the land, captivating audiences with both song and story.

Nobleman Garrett Montayne’s fascination with Madeleine causes him to pay the troupe to bypass their next stop in order to journey to his estate. Though he suspects Madeleine of being a thief with dark secrets, love blossoms between them under the magical moon of summer solstice.

But Madeleine’s past is about to catch up with her, as her husband is set to arrive to conduct business with Garrett. Madeleine determines to free herself from her loveless marriage and make a new life with Garrett, no matter what the cost.


REVIEW: First just a word of caution, this book is very hard to put down! LOL…

It’s difficult to do this review justice as it’s one of those you have to read to believe how good it is! The story is one of basic old world abuse of wives, only this one escapes and finds the love of her life. It’s actually double that, as the hero has also been abandoned and heartbroken…

Madeleine is a young woman married to a monster. Henri de Picassaret is a vineyard owner and makes champagne. He is wealthy and has had three previous wives who have died. Her father thought he would be a good provider for her, not knowing of his love of “punishing” his wives. But after the marriage Heenri forbade her contact with her family and told her family the break was her idea. He has “punished” her for small failings often and severely. She has many scars on her back and legs from his punishments and even a circular scar on her cheekbone from his signet ring. She walks with a slight limp, due to a broken knee from Henri, when she told him she didn’t think her lack of children was her fault or his previous wives, but his. Madeleine is desperate to escape from Henri because she knows she will not live much longer if he has his way.

Fearing for her life and planning to return to her family, then to spend the rest of her life in a convent so as not to evade her marriage vows, Madeleine escapes via a “sally port”. She has secreted many of the jewels Henri gifted to her, (more for his own reputation than for caring for her) inside the hems of her tunics and skirts to pay for her passage to her family in France and her care at the convent.

Finally escaping to the road, she comes later upon two men riding, and fearing capture or that they were bandits she claims to be the wife of Lord Montayne – who has a reputation so dreadful that no one would touch her lest he come after them. However, since one of the men was Lord Montayne they knew she was lying but went along with her story to see what she was up to. Garrett who called himself “Sir Garrett” to Madeleine and his friend “Sir Ashby” decided to help “Lady Montayne” get to London as they tried to find out who she really was.

Garrett’s wife Lynette had run away about three years before and had never been heard of again, leaving him with a lovely little daughter and a broken heart. Here the story truly begins, though I’ve left enough details out so you will still be surprised and intrigued!
Of course, Garrett begins to fall for lovely Madeleine, who BTW sings like a bird and can tell imaginative and wonderful stories to entertain everyone! A very talented lady who plays the lute (another valuable she brought along – her only real possession). Garrett and Ashby stop at a small house outside of London to repair his horse’s shoe, Madeleine gets the smithy’s wife to help her hide from the men (concocting another story for the smithy’s wife) since she’s afraid to go to London with them because she really isn’t Lady Montayne…

Ok, enough spoilers…this is a marvelous and intricate story of desperation, escape, finding love…also of forgiveness, mystery, danger, and righting old wrongs! The tale is incredibly well told with some humor as well as a building romance. The characters are loveable, some you can hate, and some are comic…a little bit of everything!

Lauren Linwood is a wonderful writer with a fantastic imagination. I hope this is only the beginning of many wonderful tales! Believe me, it’s hard to put this one down, I found myself awake until the wee hours of the morning because I just had to know what was going to happen! This book has it all ladies! Please enjoy this one for yourselves, no regrets!

Copy supplied by the author

Reviewed by Georgianna S.

Interview beige

The Reading Cafe would like to introduce the author behind MUSIC FOR MY SOUL-Lauren Linwood

Lauren LinwoodTRC: Hi Lauren and welcome to The Reading Cafe. We would like to start with some background information.  Would you please tell us something about yourself?

FOLLOW: Website / Goodreads/ Facebook / Twitter

Lauren: I turned my passion for history into a career and taught teenagers for many years, hoping to spark their interest about people in the past and help them connect today with previous yesterdays.

I’m a so-so cook (although I do make a mean tortilla soup) who’s fascinated by MasterChef and The Next Food Network Star. I love to watch historical dramas such as Downton Abbey or The Borgias, yet I also wouldn’t miss Modern Family, White Collar, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, or Grey’s Anatomy.

I wish I could be the host for House Hunters on Vacation, eat at least once in one of Gordon Ramsay’s restaurants, and get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Something tells me none of these will ever happen!

TRC: Your bio states you have an interest in the medieval historical period. What about this era draws you in and why?

Lauren: Everything! The politics, culture, war, architecture & art, the Church, the Black Death. It actually spans quite a long period in history. So much happened, and that’s the beauty of writing a story with such a rich backdrop of history to draw from.

Music for My SoulTRC: MUSIC FOR MY SOUL is your May 2013 release in the medieval fiction genre. Would you please tell us something about the premise?

Lauren: As the third wife of an abusive French vineyard owner, Madeleine Bouchard hasn’t produced the expected heir after three years of marriage. Fearing her husband plans to kill her, she flees during a trip to England. Unable to make her way home, she joins a troupe of traveling mummers and reinvents herself as the only woman troubadour in the land, captivating audiences with both song and story.

Nobleman Garrett Montayne’s fascination with Madeleine causes him to pay the troupe to bypass their next stop in order to journey to his estate. Though he suspects Madeleine of being a thief with dark secrets, love blossoms between them under the magical moon of summer solstice.
But Madeleine’s past is about to catch up with her, as her husband is set to arrive to conduct business with Garrett. Madeleine determines to free herself from her loveless marriage and make a new life with Garrett, no matter what the cost.

TRC: How many books do you have planned for the series?

Lauren: I wrote MUSIC FOR MY SOUL to be a stand-alone, yet Garrett’s very charming best friend kept trying to run away with the story! I finally told him if he’d go off to London for part of the book, I promised him he could come back to Stanbury in time to see things resolved, plus I’d write him his own story. I’m hoping my editor at Soul Mate Publishing will be interested in hearing how this flirtatious nobleman has his heart stolen and wants to settle down with his one true love.

TRC: How did you keep your plot of MUSIC FOR MY SOUL unpredictable without sacrificing content or believability especially for a storyline of the medieval genre?

Lauren: Having Madeleine join a troupe of traveling mummers as its troubadour helped somewhat. Being on the road lends itself to unpredictability. When the troupe comes to a faire at Stanbury, the hero’s home, it’s something new and out of the ordinary for his world, so that also changes up what usually happens at a castle. And then I have Madeleine injure herself so that the troupe goes on without her, and she has to think beyond Plan B, C, & D.

TRC: Do the characters talk to you and direct your writing, or do you have complete control over the direction of their story?

Lauren: Oh, I wish I had control over these people! Sometimes it’s like herding cats to get them to do as I wish. I start out with a very general outline, usually a single page with a bullet point list of 15-20 things I want to happen throughout my story. I feel if I get too deeply into an outline, it’ll take the fun out of the writing for me and my characters. I like being surprised!

One example bullet point in MUSIC FOR MY SOUL?

“Madeleine runs away – heads to London.”
Now how she got there – and what happened along the way – simply unfolded as I wrote. I run a movie in my head as I sit at my computer, so my people act and speak while I type furiously to get everything down. At times I try to have them streamline things and take the interstate to their destination. They much prefer getting off on farm-to-market roads and bypasses and meandering awhile, finding new conflicts and dangers that I hadn’t foreseen. They can be quite unpredictable! Eventually, they get back on track – but it’s always on their terms – never mine.

TRC: How thoroughly do you plan out your characters and story before you begin the first draft?

Lauren: I always start with the name of the hero and heroine. Once I have those names, I start visualizing them from their hair length and texture to height and body frames. I dress them, often researching the era online and saving pictures of clothing I think they would wear. Then I sprinkle in character traits. Are they brave? Impatient? Stubborn? After that I give them families, friends, and a back story. Half of this may never make the pages I write, but I have it in mind as I do so.

Once those character sketches are complete (definitely for the hero and heroine, sometimes for the antagonist and a few important secondary characters, but not as full-blown), then I do the brief outline I mentioned. I keep it a bit vague to give me options and let the characters be partners with me throughout the writing journey.

Henry and EmmaTRC: If you could virtually cast the lead characters of Music For my Soul which actors and models would be represent your ideal image?

Lauren: I adore Henry Cavill and think he’d make a terrific Garrett. Emma Stone has the spunk and inventiveness that characterizes Madeleine.

TRC: What challenges (research, historical, etc) did you face writing this particular novel?

Lauren: Research is much easier nowadays with the Internet. I had access to pictures and diagrams and timelines. The hardest part is integrating historical details that will lend an air of verisimilitude and help my readers learn a little about the period while they’re reading without coming across as a dry history lesson or distracting them from my story.

TRC: How do you deal with the stress and anxiety of writing deadlines?

Lauren: Red wine. Yoga. And I walk 4-5 miles almost every day, which is my major stress-buster. I’m actually very organized, so I like knowing my deadline and plan accordingly. Yes, I was that girl in high school who turned her senior research paper in 2 days early. Hey – it was done and I wanted it gone! Of course, everyone in my class hated me as they raced to slap theirs together, but I digress…

TRC: What do you believe is the biggest misconception about yourself?

Lauren: As a debut author, I just want to land on people’s radars! I doubt there are ANY misconceptions about me because people are just learning about who I am.

TRC: If you could become a contestant on one of the reality television shows, on which show would you like to be a participant?

Lauren: I have never missed a single episode of Survivor. I wish I had the smarts, athleticism, and social game to play it … but besides lacking in those areas, I HATE SNAKES!!! And I’m a mosquito magnet. I’d be the first contestant ever evacuated for having so many mosquito bites, I’d be on death’s doorstep.

TRC: On what are you currently working?

Lauren: I’m finishing up a western historical about a heroine who writes dime novels under a man’s pen name. She jilts her groom at the altar (Don’t worry, she didn’t love him!) and runs west to experience what she writes about. She falls for a gambler running from a gunslinger who wants him dead.

I’m also working on final edits for two western historicals coming out soon. OUTLAW MUSE is an October release about a schoolmarm about to hang for murder and the English playwright who stops the execution and takes off with her. Along the way, he finds his muse and proves her innocence. A GAME OF CHANCE comes out in January, and it’s the story of mistaken identity, with twins literally separated at birth. They don’t know the other exists, and the heroine puts two and two together – all while she’s impersonating her own mother! It’s a true story of mistaken identity.

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Lauren: Simply that I appreciate The Reading Café for hosting me and helping give MUSIC FOR MY SOUL exposure. Thanks so much!


Favorite Food – dark chocolate, hands down (when seafood is not calling my name)

Favorite Dessert – crème brulee

Favorite TV Show – Game of Thrones

Last Movie You Saw – Now You See Me (as I’m answering – but I’m sure I’ll have seen another half-dozen by the time you’re reading this because I’m mad for movies!)

Dark or Milk Chocolate – the darker, the better

Favorite Flower – tulips

TRC: Thank you Lauren for taking the time to answer our questions.  We wish you all the best in your writing career and congratulations (once again) on
the release of Music for My Soul.


Meet Me At The Cupcake Cafe by Jenny Colgan-Sugary Sweet Spotlight and Giveaway

Meet Me At The Cupcake Cafe by Jenny Colgan-Sugary Sweet Spotlight and Giveaway

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The Meet Me at the Cupcake Café Sugary Sweet Spotlight!

It is no wonder that the flirty and frothy food-themed novel, Meet Me at the Cupcake Café by Jenny Colgan is an international success: with relatable characters and scrumptious recipes at the start of each chapter, Meet Me at the Cupcake Café is pure delight to women’s fiction readers everywhere. This summer, Colgan is bringing her hilarious and heartfelt stories—with a dash of deliciousness—to the United States! To celebrate, Sourcebooks is giving away copies of this book ALL MONTH LONG!

Each day this month, look for opportunities to win a print copy of Meet Me at the Cupcake Café with bloggers all over the book blogging community. Additionally, there will be a few guest blogs and interviews with Jenny sprinkled throughout—a great way to get to know a new author!

Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk /Barnes and Noble / KOBO / The Book Depository

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 2, 2013

Baking is in Issy Randall’s blood. Growing up above her grandfather’s bakery taught Issy that a delicious pastry could make any day better. So when she’s laid off from her desk job—by the man she thought was her boyfriend, no less—Issy knows now is the time to start her own little café.

Armed with her grandfather’s tried and true recipes, as well as her own new dishes, Issy’s new dream job should be a piece-of-cake, right? But managing a café, delivering products on time and trying to have a new love life aren’t exactly going as Issy planned. And when her ex comes back into the picture, perhaps with his own motives, Issy’s search for the perfect pastry and a groundbreaking idea to save her café are much more than she bargained for…

About The Author

Jenny ColganABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jenny Colgan was a fussy eater as a child and didn’t even begin to learn to cook until she was 21, when her then boyfriend tried to teach her a few basics purely out of exasperation. While she is now able to make a variety of good, wholesome food for her family, she still can’t make scones. A former columnist for The Guardian, Jenny contributes regularly to national BBC radio and is the bestselling author of more than eleven novels, including The Loveliest Chocolate Shop in Paris (coming out in the US in early 2014). She is married with three children and lives in London and France. For more information, please visit http://www.jennycolgan.com/ and follow her on Twitter, @JennyColgan.


Blog Tour Schedule





7/1 Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell
7/2 Celtic Lady’s Reviews
7/3 Books-N-Kisses
7/3 Chick Lit Central INTERVIEW
7/4 A Bookworm’s World
7/5 Delighted Reader

7/8 Beth Fish Reads
7/9 Booking Mama
7/9 The Bookish Dame INTERVIEW
7/10 The Book Binge
7/11 Simply Ali
7/12 Debbie’s Book Bag

7/15 The Bookish Babe
7/16 The Reading Café
7/17 Book Hounds
7/17 Cocktails and Books INTERVIEW
7/18 Peeking Between the Pages
7/18 Fresh Fiction GUEST BLOG
7/19 Jenny Loves to Read
7/19 Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers

7/22 Anna’s Book Blog
7/23 Ramblings from This Chick
7/24 Books and Quilts
7/24 A Bookish Affair
7/25 Broken TeePee
7/26 Thoughts in Progress

7/29 Books and Needlepoint
7/30 The Reading Reviewer
7/31 Reading Between the Wines


8/1 Book of Secrets
8/2 Luxury Reading

8/5 Radiant Light
8/6 Ruby’s Reads
8/7 Caffeinated Book Review
8/8 The Romance Dish
8/9 My Book Addiction and More


Sourcebooks and Jenny Colgan are offering a papercopy of MEET ME AT THE CUPCAKE CAFE at every tour stop throughout the month long promotion. Stop by each tour stop and enter for your chance to WIN a copy.

Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe 21. Please register using the log-in at the top of the page or by using one of the social log-ins.

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment


4. Giveaway open to USA and CANADA only

5. Giveaway runs from July 16 to July 30, 2013


Robyn Thomas – Guest Post

Robyn Thomas – Guest Post


Famously Engaged

Famously Engaged has a rock star hero… but his life of fame and fortune is not all it’s cracked up to be. Back in third grade, Jake Olsen was the only kid who stood up on career’s day and proudly announced that he wanted to be a rock star.

He chased the dream and made it a reality, but he never gets any downtime and privacy is non-existent. He lives out of a suitcase and is always on the road. After eight gruelling years in the world spotlight, he has accepted that music is his life and his fellow band members are the closest he’ll ever come to having a family or ‘significant other.’

A host of outrageous things have been printed about him over the years and he’s about to add to the list. For the first time ever he’s going to sow the seed of a wildly improbable story and use the media to his own advantage. The glare of his fame will safeguard two Australian women from a man they care about, a man who was previously married to one and is about to marry the other.

Jake’s half-sister is the bride-to-be and Jake feels certain that her would-be husband is still hung up on his ex-wife. Stalker is the word that springs to mind because the impending groom never stops talking about his ex-wife and what he doesn’t know about her eating and sleeping patterns and daily schedule isn’t worth mentioning.

Jake considers his options and decides on a fake engagement. If Beth, the groom’s ex, was publicly engaged to him he’d have reason to move in with her. They’d be surrounded by security and she’d be free from her ex-husband’s constant attention. It’s a fool proof plan because Jake can assess the man his half-sister wants to marry, free-up Beth’s time and catch a well-deserved break as well.

How could such a well thought out man-plan possibly go wrong? What would be the worst possible moment for one of the world’s hottest stars to land on your doorstep with “proof” that he’s engaged to you?   


About The Author Black and Blue


robyn thomas
Robyn is a cheesecake connoisseur, caffeine addict, and mother of two boys. Happily married, she lives in Melbourne, Australia. Writing romance helps her balance the effects of living in an all-male household. Robyn loves movies, art glass and browsing in quirky gift shops.


Website:        http://www.robynthomasromance.com/
Twitter:          @robynsromance
Facebook:      https://www.facebook.com/robynthomasauthor
Goodreads:    http://bit.ly/WXktF6


Famously Engaged by Robyn Thomas – a Review

Famously Engaged by Robyn Thomas – a Review

FamouslyEngaged-new template

Links to order Famously Engaged: Amazon / Barnes & NobleKobo

About the Book:
A chef and a rock star. They couldn’t be from more different worlds…

Rock star royalty’s favorite son, Jake Olsen, couldn’t help but interfere after listening to his future brother-in-law talk non-stop about his ex-wife, Beth Carlisle. Jake decides that the only way to get the groom’s mind off his ex-wife is to give her a fake fiancé.

Before Jake can convince Beth of his plan, he’s forced to move in with her to avoid the paparazzi. Their instant attraction makes for a sizzling “first date”, but soon Jake’s fame gets in the way and Beth wants out. Too bad Jake’s figured out just why her ex is so obsessed with her, and he’s afraid he’s not going to be able to give her up either.

Now it’s up to Jake to convince this chef together they make the perfect recipe.



It’s survey time.  Put your hand up if you’ve ever had this dream/fantasy.  Famous rock-star shows up on your doorstep claiming to be your fiancée from a bridal lottery he held, and he’s drop dead gorgeous(looks around the room). That’s what I thought, everyone has their hand up.  😉  Yes I think every woman has had a similar fantasy, but for Beth Carlisle it’s now her reality. 

In Robyn Thomas’ Famously Engaged that scenario is exactly what happens. Talk about the rug pulled out from you moment.  I know if it were me; first reaction, mouth hanging open, blank look on face, chill bumps breaking out all over, but I’d recover quickly of course, let out a scream while jumping up and down, and be all, that’s awesome, when do we get married, as I drag him to the nearest church.  😉  Okay, okay, enough about my fantasy, let’s move on. 

Famously Engaged is a fun filled quick read, where the catalyst of the book’s plot  kicks off from the get go.  Now I’m the kind of person who likes a slow build up between the two main characters as I just find it helps me better understand and connect with them. Somehow, I didn’t need this with Famously Engaged. The way Ms. Thomas sets up the storyline, develops her main characters and carries us away on this fun filled modern day Cinderella adventure between Jake and Beth, I found myself swept away on their adventure as if I were a member of the paparazzi chasing after them. 

For me Beth and Jake are two characters who are easy to like.  Heck what’s not to like about a famous, handsome and very charming rockstar.  Yes at times that part of Jake’s personality does show through, but how can it not when it’s his life, and the only thing he truly knows.  He’s sworn off love and romance after what happened between his mother and father, so this is all new territory for him .  It isn’t until he meets Beth, has to move in to hide from the paparazzi thanks to his brilliant plan, that he sees just what he’s missing out on.  As Jake falls more and more in love with Beth, and her life, I couldn’t help but feel for him and want to see the two of them figure out a way to be together.  Even though Jake is famous and enjoys his life, there is a part of him that yearns for the everyday normal, and he sees this in Beth.  For him the attraction is instantaneous and we see this in his comments and actions toward Beth.  I found myself falling for Jake and wishing for my own Prince Charming rock-star to show up on my doorstep.  Jake is a wonderfully written character, who pulls you in, draws you to his side, making you root for him to the very end, all the while hopping Beth can come to terms with the rock-star part of his life.  

Beth’s whole life has recently been turned upside down with the death of her grandmother. Feeling she’s at her lowest point in her life when suddenly boom, crazy-town hits her doorstep in the form of rockstar Jake Olsen.  I had to laugh at their initial meeting as she didn’t recognize him right off and he seem perturbed. It was perfectly written and I could picture the look on his face at that moment when I read that scene.  Once the introductions are made and the story laid out at Beth’s feet the fun begins.  Beth at first thinks he’s crazy and even comes up with a cute nickname for him, Famous Man, love it.  As Beth tries to come to terms with everything that has happened to her from her grandmother’s death, to Jake popping up un-announced on her doorstep she feels as though her world is going insane. However, once she starts to open up and spend time with Jake she finds that it’s as if he’s always been there with her and can just be herself around him, even when she gets the urge to cook like a madwomen at 4 in the morning.  As she finds herself being drawn closer and closer to Jake, and finally realizing that she does love him, she doesn’t know if she can handle the famous part of his life.  If she could lock the two of them away from the rest of the world I think she would’ve have.

Jake and Beth are a charming couple.  There scenes together are cute, touching and I really enjoyed their wit and charm towards each other.  Watching them fall in love and trying to figure out a way to make it work in each other’s lives was fun and at times heart breaking.  You really want these two characters to make it and have that HEA.  Just when you think they won’t make it, the light suddenly dawns on our Prince Charming regarding what needs to be said and done for both of them to be happy.  Like the rock-star Prince Charming he is, he swoops in and saves the day.  Being the romantic at heart that I am, I loved this part of the story and was happy to see an epilogue showing them 1 year later and how they’ve adapted to each other’s lives.  If you are looking for a fun filled romantic read that can satisfy your rock-star fantasy, then this one’s for you. Happy reading, until next time. 

Reviewed by Marcie

Copy provided by Publisher
