Grey (Fifty Shades #4) by E.L. James-a review

GREY (Fifty Shades #4) by E.L. James-a review / / B&N / KOBO / The Book Depository

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 18, 2015

Christian Grey exercises control in all things; his world is neat, disciplined, and utterly empty—until the day that Anastasia Steele falls into his office, in a tangle of shapely limbs and tumbling brown hair. He tries to forget her, but instead is swept up in a storm of emotion he cannot comprehend and cannot resist. Unlike any woman he has known before, shy, unworldly Ana seems to see right through him—past the business prodigy and the penthouse lifestyle to Christian’s cold, wounded heart.

Will being with Ana dispel the horrors of his childhood that haunt Christian every night? Or will his dark sexual desires, his compulsion to control, and the self-loathing that fills his soul drive this girl away and destroy the fragile hope she offers him?

This book is intended for mature audiences.


REVIEW: There is quite a bit of hoopla surrounding the release of GREY-Christian Grey’s point of view-from E.L. James’s Fifty Shades of Grey Series and as in my review of the original series, I am not going to focus on the style of writing (which hasn’t changed); or the similarities to Stefanie Meyers’s –never released-Midnight Sun (Edward Cullen’s POV) because the Fifty Shades Series is a work of fan fiction based on the young adult Twilight Series by Meyers. GREY is what it is –Christian’s version of the events, his emotions and thoughts, as it pertains to his growing relationship with, and need for Anastasia Steele.

We all know the backstory behind Christian’s need for Dominance, and I was hoping for a little more insight from the now adult Mr. Grey. We get a front row seat into some of Christian’s nightmares and what occurred in his first few years of life but I found there was something lacking in the retelling of the events- perhaps it is the mind of a four year old that is unable to comprehend the extent of what had happened, and in this, the details are limited and inadequate.

What we do get is a little more information about the history between Leila and Christian but sadly very few details regarding his earlier years with Elena (aka Mrs. Robinson). Grey’s history with Elena would have made the storyline a little more exciting or perhaps a little more revealing as to the how and why. I say this because we are inside Christian’s head for most of the storyline: we are privy to his thoughts, need, ideas and emotions, yet when he reflects upon the past, the details are limited to what the reader is exposed.

The storyline follows the Fifty Shades of Grey outline but ends at the point in Fifty Shades Darker (Book 2) where Christian has offered Ana a ride to Jose’s photography exhibit. Christian has a problem with any man paying attention to Ana, and in this, we see to what extent his jealousy and insecurity control a good portion of his need to dominate, but again, the build up of his current lifestyle barely scratches the surface of the man and his need.

In the end, if you read the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy, I don’t know if you really need to read GREY to understand Christian’s mindset. The original trilogy was quite revealing about Christian’s ‘fifty shades of f*ckedupness’ and GREY, in my opinion, adds nothing new or exciting to the original plot.

I enjoyed the Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy-it is a story about addressing the truth, acknowledging responsibility, the loss of power and control, and the fight to gain it all back. This story is also about acceptance, finding love, losing and taking steps towards recovery (as per my original review) BUT there are no new revelations in GREY that would suggest the reader was missing something the first time around. I was hoping for more details into Christian Grey’s earlier life.

Reviewed by Sandy


Exit Strategy by Lena Diaz – a Review

Exit Strategy by Lena Diaz – a Review


Exit StrategyAmazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo / The Book Depository / BAM

When Sabrina Hightower awakens to the sound of an intruder, she figures he’s there to rob her, murder her— or worse. She doesn’t expect to be carried off by a muscle-bound stud with male-model good looks… or that he came to rescue her.

Mason Hunt became an enforcer with EXIT Inc. to eliminate the bad guys—terrorists, militia groups, all those who would do America harm. But his latest target is innocent. If EXIT could lie about sultry, strong-willed Sabrina, what darker truths might they be concealing?

Going rogue in the rugged North Carolina mountains, Mason risks everything to keep Sabrina close, especially now that EXIT’s lethal assassins are chasing them down. The heat is on… but it’s nothing compared to the slow burn of seduction.


Killer opening scenes have become synonymous with Lena Diaz. Sabrina slipping on blood while scrambling away from the stranger who broke into her house puts you so on edge, you’re holding in an empathetic breath. EXIT Strategy is the first book of a new series although the agency was introduced in her Deadly Games series by the delicious Buchanan brothers. Never fear: Ms. Diaz reclaims her stride with excellent, suspenseful, thrilling writing.

“You’re here to protect me, right? Someone other than my family is after me? They want to hurt me?”…

He shook his head as if she were daft. “They don’t want to hurt you, Miss Hightower. They want you dead

A renewed stab of fear shot straight to her gut. “Why are you so sure?” she whispered.

“Because I’m the one they hired to kill you.”

How do you rationalize desire for the man who knocks you out and kidnaps you: Stockholm syndrome? Far from it as that would imply a devious nature from Sabrina’s captor and Mason Hunt is not going Freudian on us.

He had a rugged, wild, bad-boy charm that could melt away a woman’s defenses with one well-aimed grin. And while Sabrina certainly wasn’t immune to his particular twist on tall, dark and handsome, it was his quiet strength, his confidence, and the way he’d risked his own life to protect her that had her so confused.

Mason has been thrust into an extraction where EXIT (officially Extreme International Tours specializing in dangerous, thrill-seeking adventures. Unofficially, an agency “sanctioned by the government as a weapon of last resort”), the company he’s been loyal to, is accused of behaving unethically. Before proof of complete compromise, Mason goes off grid, a breath away from wanted rogue, to rescue Sabrina. It helps that swoon-worthy Devlin Buchanan is orchestrating the mission (Take the Key and Lock Her Up review available here), but Mason is an enforcer NOT a goon. He researches and goes with his gut (which fortuitously coincides with Devlin’s, lol): Sabrina has been erroneously targeted for termination based on fake charges.

The chemistry was on point! Not only was Sabrina a sound companion (a dead shot and fast learner to boot), they connected on an emotional level despite their rough introduction. Steeeaaamyyy cornfield sex – Mason can rock ANY location, I’m certain. They’ve even got humor to keep them endlessly amused. It’s not all perfect; they clash on a number of issues (mostly involving Sabrina’s safety), but they shine as a couple!

For as efficient a company as EXIT is, Ms. Diaz did an amazing job of describing some of the key players as bumbling amateurs. As despicable as the head of the snake is, I actually felt bad for “the big bag” to rely on an inept second. EXIT is imploding and failure trickles down from the top. Is there a way to salvage this once respected organization?

I downplayed the impact of this book, my friends. Not only has Ms. Diaz maintained strength in awesome storytelling, she’s exploded onto the scene with EXIT Strategy. Compelling subplots increase interest and tension. Everyone has a back story and Ms. Diaz makes you reconsider even the most dastardly. Action is ratcheted up to the very end; intense does not suffice!

There’s no denying the feeling that Lena Diaz clearly enjoyed writing this book because when you create a hotter than hell character like Mason, your writing must be as fiery and intriguing. Nailed. It.

Reviewed by Carmen

Copy provided by Author


Minutes to Kill by Melinda Leigh – a Review

Minutes to Kill by Melinda Leigh – a Review


Minutes to killAmazon / Barnes & Noble / The Book Depository

After corporate attorney Hannah Barrett tries—and fails—to stop a kidnapping in Vegas, she can’t shake the haunting image of the terrified young girl she couldn’t save. She tells herself that a visit to her hometown in Scarlet Falls could be a welcome distraction. But soon, Hannah realizes the kidnappers have all the info they need to track her every move. And when chilling e-mails about the victim appear in her inbox, it’s frighteningly clear what happened in Vegas has followed her home.

Eight months after a terrible family tragedy, Hannah turns to Detective Brody McNamara once again. Brody is eager to help, though he’s embroiled in the investigation of a brutal murder. But the closer they work together, the stronger their feelings grow…and the more they stand to lose when two seemingly unrelated, but equally deadly, cases collide.



What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. That’s a thing, right? It’s supposed to be a thing.;) Not in the case of Hannah in Minutes to Kill, book 2 of Melinda Leigh’s Scarlett Falls series. Mottos aside, this is that age-old scenario where you try to do the right thing yet incur the wrath of an unseen, avenging villain who is gunning after you for getting involved. This is why people look away. In Minutes to Kill, Ms. Leigh scares you and motivates you in equal measure!

Hannah (Grant’s younger sister) is on her way to the airport when she intercepts a young girl’s escape for her life. She helps her without pause/concern for her own safety, “You know me. All leap, no look.”, but gets herself knocked out in the process. Miserable bastard got away with the girl…and Hannah’s purse. CHILLS, right?!

The assault occurs right before her return visit to Scarlett Falls, but Hannah doesn’t allow it to dampen the mood of the visit: Baby Faith is turning a year old. Grant and Ellie (our happy H/H from Hour of Need) are making a real home for the kids since the tragedy (Hour of Need review available here). All Hannah wants to do is surround herself in family (and maybe a certain Detective Brody McNamara who’s made himself invaluable to her brother’s case). A haunting email arrives in Hannah’s inbox, disrupting any attempt to decompress at home.

Clues don’t exactly pour in, but Brody is a professional, willing to keep Hannah safe at all costs, and, an attraction is simmering. The love story was slow to start, but Hannah functions conservatively. Brody knows he’s attracted, would like something to come of it, but keeps himself in check (such will power, ugh!) until Hannah meets him halfway.

Complex was the only word for Hannah. She was a puzzle he wanted to solve but not in any rush. He wanted to take his time and get to know all her layers.

With alternating POVs, Ms. Leigh outlines the revenge mission against Hannah and it’s just psychotic and unnerving, but oh so compelling. There wasn’t a boundary the bad guy wouldn’t cross to “take the edge off”; cutting a violent, cruel path towards his objective.

Melinda Leigh wrote a gritty, countdown thriller with striking details. The rhyme and reason of criminals is so thoroughly fleshed out, you’re begging for justice to be doled out! I’m a big fan of her storytelling; the balance between violence and romance is deftly executed and she keeps you hungry for more. My instincts tell me Mac (the youngest Barrett sibling) gets his voice next? Whatever she’s writing – I’m reading! You should do exactly the same. 😉

Reviewed by Carmen

Copy provided by Author


Searching for Always by Jennifer Probst – Reviews & Giveaway

Searching for Always by Jennifer Probst – Reviews and Giveaway

Searching for Always Banner


Searching For Always
Searching For series – Book #4
by Jennifer ProbstRelease Date: June 30, 2015

Searching for AlwaysAmazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo / The Book Depository / BAM

She’s an expert in helping others de-stress, but Arilyn Meadows is running on fumes. Along with her job counseling singles seeking soul mates at the Kinnections agency in Verily, New York, she’s a yoga teacher, animal shelter volunteer, anger management therapist, and helping hand to her beloved grandfather. No time to find Mr. Right—but after discovering her yogi boyfriend in a compromising asana, Arilyn would rather dog-sit for her honeymooning friend Kate than risk her heart on another downward dog. And when police officer Stone Petty—radiating masculinity and bad-boy attitude—is sent to her for mandatory lessons in cooling off when the job gets too hot, Arilyn vows to ignore his seductive glances and sexy grin. But there’s no halting their sizzling flirtation—a red-hot, high-speed chase that’s breaking all the limits.


This is another winner! SEARCHING FOR ALWAYS is the 4th novel in the Searching For series by Jennifer Probst and it is the conclusion of our group of women who run Kinnections, a matchmaking agency in Verily, NY. I will no longer fear book covers with a happy bridal couple! They contain some great contemporary romance novels! Arilyn comes face to face with the cop who irritated her so much in Gen and Wolfe’s story. One word to describe Arilyn and Stone’s relationship: Combustible!

Arilyn Meadows is our very Zen like counselor and yoga teacher at the agency. She fosters abandoned dogs, meditates daily and teaches anger management classes. Stone Petty is our local policeman, who curses, is surly and has a bit of a temper. Well, a bad temper which lands him in Arilyn’s anger management class! She comes off as a little too perfect and he comes off as a jerk. I don’t know how it happens, but page by page I came to adore both of them! Now, that is writing talent! Arilyn has just dumped her Yoga teacher slash boyfriend who she found in a compromising position and she has some repressed anger that she is only too happy to unleash on Stone! He can take it and gives it right back at her! Stone is everything that Arilyn doesn’t want in a man, or so she thinks! He is a smoker, he eats meat, he has a bad boy attitude and he is very masculine! Opposites really do attract and as they get to know the other person behind the facade, they might have more in common than they think!

All of our favorite women from past novels make an appearance to help our couple see what is right in front of them, their soul mate! We also get to meet Poppy, the grandfather who helped raise Arilyn and is he a delight! It seems he doesn’t really like the nursing home and he escapes on a regular basis. He befriends our terror of a neighbor from previous books, Mrs. Blackfire and we learn her story. One of my favorite scenes is when Arilyn makes vegetarian lasagna for the group and let’s just say, it doesn’t go over well!

Our couple has some obstacles to overcome, but they are hilarious and hot together. We get to read the details of one of the weddings and the hilarious girls’ night out party, complete with a stripper. Did our women set up Stone for the job? Somehow, Stone gets a foster dog too, a little rat of a dog named Pinky! I laughed out loud during some of the action and learned that our Zen like yoga teacher really has fire in her and nicely complements our favorite local police officer! Their relationship is steamy hot! The writing will draw you in from page one, I could quote whole passages, but I will let you enjoy them on your own! I highly recommend this series and I’m off to read the earlier novels. Lucky me!


Searching for Beautiful
Searching For series – book #3
by Jennifer Probst
Release Date: May 26, 2015

Searching for Beautiful

 Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo / The Book Depository / BAM

Genevieve MacKenzie has her life completely under control. About to wed the charming Chief doctor at the local hospital, she’s an up-and-coming surgeon with everything she could ever want. Until an escape through the church window on the day of her wedding sends her life into a tailspin…and flings her right into her best friend’s arms.

When Wolfe catches his best friend falling out a window on her wedding day, he doesn’t ask questions. He whisks her away, determined to watch over her and discover the truth behind her desperate escape. But when his feelings turn more than platonic, he realizes he may risk his most important relationship in order to protect his damaged heart, and the woman he loves.

Can Genevieve and Wolfe’s friendship turn into something deeper—or is it already too late for true love?


I LOVED THIS BOOK!! I’m talking about SEARCHING FOR BEAUTIFUL by Jennifer Probst. To be honest, I usually run from the romantic novels with the happy bride and groom on the cover. This is my first novel by this author and it will not be my last. It can be read as a stand along novel, but now I have to go back to read about other characters, so it’s up to the reader. Gen is our runaway bride who is about to marry her “dream man” when her gut tells her to “RUN”. She listens and escapes through the church window into the arms of her best friend, Wolfe.

Wolfe and Gen have been best friends since she was twenty. They went through school together and have a great bond. Wolfe is a former underwear model and Gen is an up and coming surgeon. Wolfe doesn’t question her escape, he just whisks Gen away to a safe place, Vera Wang dress and all! He gives her the space she needs and learns that her fiancé hasn’t been the nicest guy. David, the jilted fiancé, has been controlling Gen throughout their relationship, making her feel bad about herself, demeaning her sexually. He was emotionally abusing her and planting the seeds in her family and coworkers minds that Gen “had issues”. Gen has got a great group of girlfriends and they add some much needed support. I didn’t know any of these characters before this novel, but I would want them by my side! They are hilarious and fiercely loyal!

Wolfe and Gen soon find their feelings are more than platonic, but we see glimpses of Wolfe’s dark past and he “doesn’t do relationships”. Soon they can’t deny their attraction to each other and the pages turn scorching! David, the spurned fiancé tries to win back Gen and he is a master manipulator. The police are called several times due to threats and vandalism. I’m sorry this is just a basic summary, but the writing is so captivating, it’s something you need to experience for yourself! Gen is so darn cute. She doesn’t want to be the Disney Princess that needs rescuing! The novel is full of great one liners and “product placement”. The author has many references to TV programs and movies. I happen to agree with the assessment of all of the shows, so I loved it. The burning question behind this story is: Will Wolfe be able to trust Gen with his past and his heart and turn this relationship into true love?  I swooned over the ending and how Wolfe’s adopted family helped him heal. You will LOVE this novel. I can’t wait for Arilyn’s novel and I am going to backtrack and read Jennifer Probst’s whole back list! I need to learn more about this group of women and their lucky men!

Reviewed by Jules

Copies provided by Publisher

Giveaway beige

Jennifer Probst’s publisher and The Reading Cafe are offering a paper copy of SEARCHING FOR ALWAYS to ONE (1) commenter at The Reading Cafe.

1. If you have not previously registered at The Reading Cafe, please register by using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

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8. Giveaway open to USA only

9. Giveaway runs from June 29-July 3, 2015


Witchlock by Dianna Love -Review, Interview & Giveaway

Witchlock by Dianna Love -Review, Interview & Giveaway

Witchlock Banner

Belador #6
by Dianna Love
Release Date:July 7, 2015
Genre: adult, paranormal, fantasy


WitchlockAmazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo

The Beladors are back in WITCHLOCK, Book 6 of the bestselling urban fantasy series by New York Times bestseller Dianna Love.

Witchlock vanished in the 13th century… or did it?
Some win. Some lose. And some will never be the same again.

After finally earning her place among the Beladors, Evalle is navigating the ups and downs of her new life with Storm when she’s sucked into a power play between her Belador tribe and the Medb coven. Both groups claim possession of the Alterants-turned-gryphons, especially Evalle, the gryphon leader. But an influx of demons and dark witches into Atlanta threatens to unleash war between covens, pitting allies against each other as a legendary majik known as Witchlock invades the city and attacks powerful beings. Evalle has one hope for stopping the invasion, but the cost may be her sanity and having to choose which friend to save.

Witchlock by Dianna Love is the 6th book in her wonderful urban fantasy Beladors series. Those of you who have read my reviews know that I am a big fan of this series, and it’s heroine Evalle. Dianna Love, who is a master at writing romance suspense thrillers, once again gives us another sensational new story, with most of our favorites, Evalle, Storm, Tzader, Quinn and my wonderful Feenix. Thank you, Dianna for giving me more of Feenix. 🙂

In Witchlock, one of our regulars, Adrianna, steps up to the plate playing a major part of this story, and escalates herself to be one of Evalle’s group, and an ultra powerful ally. I really loved Adrianna in this book. Make no mistake though, as much as we love the secondary characters, the Beladors series belongs to one of the best kick-ass heroines, Evalle. I have always loved Evalle from the start of this series, and she just continues to get better, especially now that she has the love of her life, Storm.

Evalle is tough, powerful, loyal and totally independent, not to mention always having to prove herself to the gods.  Because she will never cease to fight for her friends, and responsibilities,her relationship with Storm becomes strained at times, due to his wanting to always protect her and keep her from harm, which does not sit well with Evalle. It was fun to watch them try to solve this issue, while all hell was breaking loose around them.

Witchlock continues with both the Beladors (Macha is their goddess), and the Medb coven (lead by the recently revived goddess, Maeve) fighting for control of the Alterants, who are lead by Evalle. The Alterants currently are part of Belador, but Medb wants them, as well as Evalle. While this fight goes on, with Evalle in the middle, the crux of this story belongs to a powerful witch, who has been secretly absorbing powers from other powerful witches. Many many years ago, Witchlock, the ultimate power, disappeared, as the witch who had that power died. That witches coven has been grooming a young witch, Veronika since she was a child, to be able to take on this power and become the most powerful of them all.

Since I do not want to give any spoilers, what follows is an exciting pulse pounding thriller that has Evalle working with Adrianna and others to stop this witch or everyone will die. At every turn, it begins to look hopeless, as Veronika is already an unstoppable force. The last half of the book was a nail biter, which had me unable to put this book down until I reached the end.  

If you have not started this series, and enjoy urban fantasy, a fantastic heroine, fun exciting stories, a beautiful romance that keeps building, great secondary characters….then I ask you, why have you not started the Beladors series? I love Dianna Love’s writing, her wonderful imagination, and her ability to grab us from the start of each book she writes, and keeps us there until the end… Everytime. Witchlock was a wonderful exciting and fun read, and Dianna once again justifies why her last name ends with Love 🙂 .   Please give yourself the enjoyment of reading this series.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Author



Hi Dianna. Thank you for taking the time to visit us again at The Reading Cafe, and to give us an update on your new release, Witchlock as well as what else you may have upcoming in 2015 or early 2016.

Dianna:  I’m thrilled to be back at The Reading Café. I love this site and all the great books and interviews you share with readers!   

TRC: On July 7th, you will be releasing Witchlock, which is the 6th book of your wonderful Belador series. Can you please tell us the premise of this series, for those who may not have read it?

Dianna:  Beladors are descendants of an ancient race of Celtic warriors, and are governed by the goddess Macha. Beladors look human, so present-day Beladors live among humans all over the world. Many of them are part of VIPER, a coalition of powerful beings who protect the world from supernatural predators. The series is primarily set in Atlanta, Georgia.    

TRC:  Witchlock is your next book in the Belador series, which is expected to be released on July 7th. Can you give us a brief description of this book?

Witchlock vanished in the 13th century… or did it?

Some win. Some lose. And some will never be the same again.

After finally earning her place among the Beladors, Evalle is navigating the ups and downs of her new life with Storm when she’s sucked into a power play between her Belador tribe and the Medb coven. Both groups claim possession of the Alterants-turned-gryphons, especially Evalle, the gryphon leader. But an influx of demons and dark witches into Atlanta threatens to unleash war between covens, pitting allies against each other as a legendary majik known as Witchlock invades the city and attacks powerful beings. Evalle has one hope for stopping the invasion, but the cost may be her sanity and having to choose which friend to save.

TRC:  How many books are you planning for your Beladors series? Hopefully many many more.

Dianna:  LOL, yes, I do plan many more and thank you for reading them. 🙂 I can’t give you an exact number, but we’re in the early stages of the series arcs. We had one major arc complete at the end of RISE OF THE GRYPHON and the next one has already begun, with big things in store for the main characters. I don’t believe in continuing to put books out when it’s clear the series should have wrapped up so I’ll just say that when it’s time, I’ll let everyone know. 🙂 

TRC:  What is it like to have created, and continue to write such a fantastic heroine in Evalle? How hard is it to keep Evalle being as great as she is? 

Dianna:  I just love Evalle. She has come from the most horrific background and was treated as an outcast among her own people for so long that it’s such a joy to watch how she evolves, which is one of the things that makes me want to write these stories. I’m flattered at the response to this character. As for continuing to develop her – she’s got a lot of things yet to learn about herself and the world, so it’s like opening up a new petal on a flower every time I work on her. Writing is hard, but not nearly as difficult when it’s a character who constantly tugs on my heartstrings. Plus, she’s with Storm, so I also get plenty of Storm time. ;0)  

TRC:  What’s coming next for your Slye Temp series? 

Dianna:  Speaking of ending a series – the last official Slye Temp novel, FATAL PROMISE, will be released summer 2016. That one is Sabrina and Gage’s story. It will conclude the major Czarion arc that has connected the entire series. But … the HAMR Brotherhood romantic suspense series will launch and include characters from Slye Temp. Those who read KISS THE ENEMY met Marguax, Logan and Logan’s HAMR Brotherhood team.

Logan and Margaux were on stage again, helping Tanner during DECEPTIVE TREASURES, and they’ll be around during the last Slye Temp book, too, then you’ll see more of them and the other Slye Temp characters as the HAMR Brotherhood books take off..    

                    TRC:  I cannot wait for Sabrina’s story. I so look forward to this.  I am also thrilled about your new series featuring Logan’s team. I loved their story.

TRC:  What are you currently working on now? Also, would you like to share with us what you may have upcoming in 2015 or early 2016.  

Dianna:  I am so excited to share that Tristan (character in the Belador series) will have a novella this winter (his story is just starting to unfold so we’ll see more of him in the upcoming stories, too), because I couldn’t fit him into WITCHLOCK without distracting from the main story that had to be told. The next full-length Belador novel, ROGUE BELADOR, will be out April 2016, and I’ve got other books brewing, but I want to be sure of the schedule before I share all that.  

TRC:  Would you like to add anything else?

Dianna:  I have so many surprises in WITCHLOCK. I’m as anxious to get that book to readers as–they keep telling me–they are to receive it. I really appreciate the huge support readers have given this series, which keeps me excited to spend more time in the cave on new novels.  

             TRC:  I absolutely loved Adrianna in this book. 

TRC:  Thank you, Dianna for giving us an update on what we can look forward to in 2015/2016, and we wish you the best with Witchlock

Dianna:  Thank YOU, Barb for sharing so much with readers and supporting authors every day.

About The Author

Dianna Love

New York Times bestseller Dianna Love once dangled over a hundred feet in the air to create unusual marketing projects for Fortune 500 companies. Now she focuses her energetic muse on storytelling. The first book she wrote won a RITA® Award and sold out in six weeks. She writes high-octane romantic thrillers and urban fantasy. STOLEN VENGEANCE, book 6 in the sexy, fast-paced Slye Temp romantic suspense series released March 2015, and WITCHLOCK, book 6 in the bestselling Belador urban fantasy series will be out July 7th.
When not in the writing cave, Dianna loves touring the country on her BMW motorcycle. She lives in the Atlanta, GA area with her motorcycle-instructor husband and a tank full of unruly saltwater critters.

Connect with Dianna on facebook at Dianna Love Fan Page or sign up for the crazy fun on her Dianna Love Street Team

Excerpts of all her books are at

You can learn more about Dianna at the following links:
Facebook (Fan page)  / Dianna’s Street Team / Website / Twitter




Dianna Love is graciously offering an ebook of WITCHLOCK and a set of signed Belador Keeper Kase Cards to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe

1. If you have not previously registered at The Reading Cafe, please register by using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment.


4. Please FOLLOW us on Twitter for an additional entry.

5. Please FOLLOW us on GOODREADS for an additional entry.

6. Please LIKE us on TSU for an additional entry.

7. Follow Dianna Love  on Facebook.

8. Giveaway is open Internationally.

9. Giveaway runs from June 29 to July 3 , 2015




MIss Match by Laurelin McGee-a review

MISS MATCH by Laurelin McGee -a review

Miss Match / / B&N / KOBO / The Book Depository

RELEASE DATE: June 30, 2015

Welcome to the sexy, crazy, wildly unpredictable world of modern matchmaking, where fixing up strangers is part of the job—but falling in love is an occupational hazard…
He’s The Perfect Catch.

Blake Donovan is tall, handsome, rich, and successful—so why would a guy like him need a matchmaker? Andrea Dawson has no idea, but a job is a job. After being blackballed from a career in marketing, Andrea agreed to use her unique profiling skills to play matchmaker out of pure desperation. But when she meets her highly eligible—and particular—first client face to face, she wonders what she’s gotten herself into…

Is She His Perfect Match?

Blake knows exactly the kind of woman he’s looking for—and it’s the total opposite of Andrea. Though smart and undeniably sexy, she is simply too headstrong for a man who’s used to being in charge. Still, Blake’s blood pressure rises whenever she’s near him. How can he explain the smoldering attraction that sizzles between them? And how can Andrea deny she’s feeling it, too? Maybe, just maybe, they’ve finally met their match…


REVIEW: MISS MATCH is the first full length installment in Laurelin McGee’s new romance series focusing on the modern world of matchmaking co-authored by Laurelin Paige and Kayti McGee. This is Blake Donovan, and Andrea Dawson’s storyline. We were first introduced to our couple in the prequel novella-misTaken-found in the May 2015 Hot Alphas Anthology. MISS MATCH can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Some of the timeline runs parallel with the events in the introductory novella.

Told from dual third person perspectives, MISS MATCH follows Andrea as she is hired to ‘find’ Blake Donovan a wife. Blake is a billionaire CEO of Donovan InfoTech, and doesn’t have time to date or go through the motions of falling in love. Our hero will place an ad for a ‘personal concierge’ who is responsible for finding the perfect woman who meets all of Blake’s ‘wife minded’ demands. Enter Andrea Dawson, a woman whose ability to ‘read’ people is the perfect person for the job. What ensues is a tempestuous relationship between Blake and Andrea when Blake first presents himself as a no nonsense, egotistical, arrogant pr*ck.

Throughout the storyline Andrea’s choices for Blake’s mate are met with negativity and rejection from our storyline male lead. Andrea believes she has found the perfect women as potential wife material but no one seems to catch Blake’s attention until he makes Andrea an offer she should have refused. While Andrea continues to hunt for a wife for Blake, she also becomes Blake’s sex with benefits friend-on the side.

The $exual attraction between our couple is palpable. There is a definite high energy push and pull between Blake and Andrea, one that does not go unnoticed by Andrea’s sister Lacy or Blake’s housekeeper. But Lacy fears heartbreak for Andrea knowing the inevitable is just around the corner.

The secondary characters include Andrea’s sister Lacy, a musician down on her luck, as well as Lacy’s boss Darrin-who may or may not have some attraction to our heroine’s younger sister. On Blake’s side, our hero’s limited number of friends finds his closest relationship with his housekeeper Ellen, who sees that her boss has fallen for the woman hired to find him a suitable mate.

MISS MATCH is a fun, fast paced, romantic storyline but some people may take offence with Blake’s ‘offer’ to Andrea of no strings attached $ex, while Andrea continues her search for a woman for Blake. As Andrea begins to fall in love with her boss, there is an unwritten expiry date on their sexual relationship. There is romance and love as our couple continue to grow with one another throughout the story but heartbreak, misunderstanding and sorrow when Andrea believes Blake has found his future wife. If you are a fan of romance stories with a little bit of romance, sex, heartbreak and a happily ever after then MISS MATCH is the perfect storyline for you.

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


Put Up Your Duke (Dukes Behaving Badly #2) by Megan Frampton-a review

PUT UP YOUR DUKE (Dukes Behaving Badly #2) by Megan Frampton-a review

Put Up Your Duke / / B&N / KOBO / The Book Depository

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 30, 2015

He was once happily bedding and boxing, but in the newest Duke’s Behaving Badly novel, Nicholas Smithfield has inherited a title and a bride . . .

To keep his estate afloat, the new Duke of Gage must honor an agreement to marry Lady Isabella Sawford. Stunningly beautiful, utterly tempting, she’s also a bag of wedding night nerves, so Nicholas decides to wait to do his duty—even if it means heading to the boxing saloon every day to punch away his frustration.

Groomed her whole life to become the perfect duchess, Isabella longs for independence, a dream that is gone forever. As her husband, Nicholas can do whatever he likes—but, to Isabella’s surprise, the notorious rake instead begins a gentle seduction that is melting every inch of her reserve, night by night . . .

To his utter shock, Nicholas discovers that no previous exploits were half as pleasurable as wooing his own wife. But has the realm’s most disreputable duke found the one woman who can bring him to his knees— and leave him there?


REVIEW: PUT UP YOUR DUKE is the third installment (there is a Valentine’s novella) in Megan Frampton’s adult Dukes Behaving Badly historical romance series. This is the new Duke of Gage-Nicholas Smithfield- and Lady Isabella Sawford’s storyline. PUT UP YOUR DUKE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty.

Told from dual third person perspectives, the storyline follows Nicholas Smithfield as he is named the new Duke of Gage when research discovered the previous heir to be descended from illegitimate stock. Along with his new title, Nicholas also learned that he was to wed the Lady Isabella Sawford in accordance with a debt owed by his newfound estate. What ensues is a building romance between the local rake, and a woman groomed, by a manipulative mother and controlling father, for a life of pomp and ceremony. Isabella was a puppet to her parent’s future plans.

The relationship between our couple is very slow to build once Nicholas discovers his new bride is chaste and pure. Her lack of experience finds Isabella a lonely bride when her husband spends most of his time at the local boxing arena, or with his brother Griff, who has been named secretary to the new Duke of Gage. While Nicholas tries to keep his distance, Isabella becomes more angry and forlorn believing she is not worthy of Nicholas’s love. The $ex scenes are limited with a little bit of ‘fooling around’ before Nicholas and Isabella consummate their marriage.

We are introduced to Isabella’s younger sister Margaret whose own life has been less than glorious as their parents have focused all of their energy on preparing Isabella as a future wife. But Margaret is no ‘stick in the mud’ and she has a few secrets of her own. Nicholas’s brother Griff is a learned scholar who aids our hero in his new role as the Duke of Gage. I am hoping Griff’s story is next and Margaret would be the perfect foil for the inexperienced younger Smithfield.

Throughout the storyline each chapter is introduced using an excerpt from the ‘unedited version of A Lady of Mystery’s serial’ that parallels some of the events in Nicholas and Isabella’s relationship. A similar line of storytelling between Nicholas and Isabella is a running theme throughout their story, one that is meant to ease the anxiety between Nicholas and his virgin bride.

PUT UP YOUR DUKE is a sweet story of romance with very little conflict or angst. There was the potential for rivalry and contention when the previous Duke threatened retaliation for the loss of his title, but for all intents and purposes, the struggle went in another direction and lost some of the momentum it was trying to build. A good portion of the storyline found the reader inside the heads of our leading couple whose inner dialogues reflected on the past, the present and the future, along with the ‘what ifs’ and ‘whys’ of their current predicament.

Reading Order
1. The Duke’s Guide to Correct Behavior
2. When Good Earl’s Go Bad
3. Put Up Your Duke

Copy supplied by the publisher through Edelweiss.

Reviewed by Sandy

About The author

Follow Megan: Website / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads

Megan FramptonMegan Frampton’s love affair with books began when her gormless parents (not an ounce of gorm between them. And let’s not even mention feck) moved her to a remote town in New Hampshire where there was only one television station.

And then the TV broke.

She devoured every book of fiction in her well-read parents’ library, finding special joy in Barbara Cartland (she was young, remember), Georgette Heyer, C.S. Lewis, Anya Seton and the fairy tales collected and translated by Andrew Lang.

Megan majored in English literature at Barnard College with a double minor in political science and religion. She worked in the music industry for 15 years, editing and writing music reviews for a music industry trade magazine. Eventually, she became the Editor-in-Chief and went on to develop music industry conference programs.

Megan married one of her former interns and lives in Brooklyn, NY, with him and her son. Now that she stays at home, Megan has returned to reading and writing the fiction that was her first love. She is a member and President of the Beau Monde (2004-2005), the Regency chapter of the Romance Writers of America, and a member of the NYC chapter of the RWA as well.


The Perfect Bargain by Jessa McAdams – a Review

The Perfect Bargain by Jessa McAdams – a Review


The Perfect BargainAmazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo / BAM

American lass seeks brawny Scot…

As if being newly single isn’t brutal enough, Sloane Chatfield’s friends are getting obnoxious about setting her up. When Sloane insists she’s waiting for a certain sexy fictional Highlander to come along, her friends surprise her with a trip to Scotland to find her a new boyfriend. She’d rather have a root canal.

But if she can find a Highland hunk to “break her heart” before her friends arrive…

In a remote Highland village, Galen Buchanan is struggling to keep the family pub afloat. Everything is falling apart, he’s running out of money, and now there’s an opinionated American lass parked at his best table, driving him mad. But then Sloane asks Galen to be her pretend Highland boyfriend…and offers him enough money to save the pub. It’s only for a few days, he figures. What’s the worst that could happen ?




The Perfect Game by Jessa McAdams (aka Julia London) is the first book on her new How to Marry a Highlander series.  Ok, be honest who uses accents in their heads ?? It took a little time for me to adjust to the writing style just because of the Scottish talk. Once I got to grips, it was easy to get into the swing of the story. And some of those scenes had me laughing out loud, they were very funny. One of my favourite scenes was the bathroom.

Then there is the romance, Sloane and Galen are perfect for each other. The back and forth banter between the two was hilarious, and the chemistry was white-hot. A perfect blend of humor and romance.

I really liked Sloane. She’s completely out of her element most of the time, but faces every obstacle with confidence and a positive attitude without being annoying. She comes across as strict and organized, yet unafraid to get her hands dirty.

I loved Galen; he was snarky, strong, and irresistibly Scottish. He needs money, and he needs it fast, as the family pub is in crisis. So when a loud American offers him a monetary solution, his head shouts yes take it, but he needs to tread cautiously. I could see him as a laird in the olden days, striding through the glen, with his broadsword on his hip, and his kilt swaying in the breeze ……

I loved The Perfect Bargain, it’s so funny. It’s definitely one of those books that makes you laugh so much that other people start giving you weird looks.

Reviewed by Julie B.

Copy provided by Publisher
