Just Desserts (Sweet Temptation 3) by Ashley Lister-a review

JUST DESSERTS (Sweet Temptation #3) by Ashley Lister-a review

Just Desserts

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / BAM

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 24, 2015

Trudy McLaughlin was an ambitious culinary arts graduate. Nowadays, her success and reputation have made her a household name in fine dining. But what she really wants is to be Bill Hart’s lover.

Baking entrepreneur Trudy McLaughlin and celebrity chef Bill Hart have the perfect romance except for a sprinkling of small details: Bill’s remarried his ex-wife, Trudy’s dating a handsome doctor, and no one can know they’re still secretly seeing one another.

Trudy understands Bill needed to remarry his ex-wife. She also knows she has to go on dates so no one suspects she’s still seeing Bill. And she’s about to discover that the worst thing that could happen for all of them would be if her old business rival, Donny, discovered that she was still involved in a torrid sexual relationship with Bill.
Once again passion and betrayal season every serving in this final instalment of the gourmet dining romance.


REVIEW: JUST DESSERTS is the third (and final?) installment in Ashley Lister’s contemporary adult Sweet Temptation erotic romance series focusing on executive chef Bill Hart, and baking entrepreneur/celebrity cooking judge Trudy McLaughlin. JUST DESSERTS should not be read as a stand alone as many of the events in the first two installments lead up to the events in Just Desserts.

Told from single, third person limited point of view (Trudy) JUST DESSERTS focuses on the turmoil of Trudy and Bill’s relationship upheaval due to the events in Bill’s personal and private life. Bill remarried his ex wife to keep the woman from being deported, and with it comes the heartbreak between two people whose love for one another must face another obstacle and road block on the path to their own happily ever after. Bill and Trudy’s relationship will become gossip between friends and the media, and the threats against Trudy and Bill will continue long after Bill’s marriage to appease his ex-wife.

JUST DESSERTS continues to focus on the erotic BDSM relationship between Trudy and Bill. Bill is a man who likes to punish Trudy for some perceived wrong, and spanking is Bill’s form of chosen discipline. I am not sure how I feel about the BDSM scenario throughout the series- it always felt unnecessary and voyeuristic as though it was an afterthought to the story. But while Bill and Trudy’s relationship must be kept secret from the public eye, their past will come full circle when their secrets are about to be exposed by a jealous ex-lover who wants Trudy all for himself.

The colorful secondary and supporting cast of players includes all of the previous storyline characters including Trudy’s co-workers and friends; Bill’s ex-wife Aliceon and their daughter Imogen, and grandson little Bill. Trudy’s ex business partner Donny continues as the requisite evil but this time he has brought along a couple of co-conspirators for the ride.

JUST DESSERTS is a fast paced, quick read that addresses the trials and tribulations between Trudy and Bill while Trudy’s former friend and business partner is wreaking havoc upon her and Bill’s lives; and Bill’s hasty wedding to his ex wife finds our heroine planning nightly rendezvous with the man that she loves. The premise is intriguing; the characters are animated and engaging; the conflict resolution was a bit scattered; I am not sure if the people responsible for the attacks against Trudy and Bill would be free to walk around until the final few pages of the story. Law enforcement should have been aware of the identity and whereabouts of the guilty parties.

JUST DESSERTS appears to be the end of Trudy and Bill’s story although it could also be the beginning of a new adventure. Thank you Ashley Lister for allowing me a ride on the roller coaster relationship between Trudy and Bill-if only we could have seen more than a happily ever after-for now.

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley.

Reviewed by Sandy

Series Spotlight

A Taste of PassionA TASTE OF PASSION
Sweet Temptation #1
by Ashley Lister
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance, BDSM
Release Date: June 26, 2014

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk/ Barnes and Noble / KOBO /

About the book: Release Date June 26, 2014

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of A TASTE OF PASSION

When baking entrepreneur Trudy Cole falls for celebrity chef Bill Hart, all is far from sweetness and light. Instead passion, betrayal and ambition makes for an explosive mix in the high stakes game of gourmet dining.

Trudy Cole is an aspiring chef with ambitions to own her own patisserie. When she encounters celebrity chef Bill Hart she finds the older man antagonistic but disconcertingly attractive. Sexual chemistry soon boils to an unbearable temperature and they become lovers.

But Trudy’s affair and ambitions for her own business become too hot to handle when she discovers that Bill has a wife. To make matters worse, her business partner and ardent admirer, Donny, threatens to destroy her patisserie and Bill Hart’s reputation.

At a stately home where Trudy wants to woo investors with her culinary masterpieces, the paths of all three players cross again and the heat is turned up to a much higher setting…


Turning Up the HeatTURNING UP THE HEAT
Sweet Temptation #2
by Ashley Lister
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance, BDSM
Release Date: October 30, 2014

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk/ Barnes and Noble / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 30, 2014

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of TURNING UP THE HEAT

The second book in the passionate Sweet Temptation trilogy.

Bill and Trudy’s tempestuous relationship veers from hurling insults in the kitchen to intense passion in the bedroom. The love/hate rollercoaster is made worse by a new revelation:

Bill also has an ex-wife whom he neglected to mention. To throw oil onto the flames Donny is back and more determined than ever to hammer a wedge between the couple and ruin their business.


Not Vanilla: Spanking by Jennifer Lynne and Roz Lee-Review and Promotion

Not Vanilla: Spanking by Jenifer Lynne and Roz Lee-Review and Promotion

undressing female

99¢ ebook: Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO /  iBooks  /  All Romance eBooks  /  Smashwords

NOT VANILLA: Spanking by Jennifer Lynne and Roz Lee

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 22, 2015

A tempting 2-in-1 bundle that is so erotic it will turn your cheeks pink!

First Time by Jennifer Lynne – On their anniversary weekend away, will a spanking paddle help re-kindle Grace and Henry’s waning libido, or will their first kinky time also be their last?

Domestic Discipline by Roz Lee – How can April tell the man she’s promised to marry that she needs more in the bedroom…that she needs a good spanking?

This sexy duo will take you into the erotic world of spanking and being spanked, offering a tantalizing glimpse into a range of flavors that are definitely not vanilla!

Contains erotic content including sex scenes and spanking, suitable for Adult readers only.


FIRST TIME by Jennifer Lynne
When I suggested a weekend away to rekindle the flame of our fifteen year old marriage, I had no idea Henry would take it as an opportunity to bust out the credit card at our local sex shop. But now I’m sitting in this country cottage on Saturday night, surrounded by nothing but forest for miles in every direction, and staring at my husband holding the spanking paddle as I wonder if I really have the nerve to bend over and let him use it. ~ Grace

REVIEW: FIRST TIME follows Grace and Henry as they celebrate fifteen years of marriage. Their sex life has become predictable and with the arrival of children a loss of intimacy and fun. When Grace books an anniversary weekend cottage getaway Henry hopes to put some spark back into the marriage with a little bit of spanking and a few sexual toys.

The novelette is a quick read that reveals a little bit of Grace’s previous history, and Henry’s need to dominate the woman he loves. Told from alternating first person points of view we are pulled into the thoughts and desires of two people who feel that life has become complacent, along with the $ex in their marriage. Jennifer Lynne’s FIRST TIME looks at spanking as a form of discipline that will lead to a profession of love. The discipline is limited to spanking with a little bit of nipple and anal play as an added bonus; there is no bondage or darkness seeping into the need or desires.


I can’t imagine not marrying Brendan, but I can’t bring this discontent into our marriage either. My friend, Beth, is right. I have to talk to my fiancé, but how do you tell a man who does everything right in the bedroom that you need more–that you need him to spank you? ~ April

REVIEW: DOMESTIC DISCIPLINE follows April as she secretly wishes for something more from her relationship with her fiancé Brendan but embarrassment overrides her ability to communicate what it is she wants and needs from her man.

Told from first person point of view (April) Roz Lee blends several of her previous storyline couples into each novelette installment giving a familiarity to each successive story. DOMESTIC DISCIPLINE is a short story that focuses on spanking and discipline, and what it takes to get the kink back into April and Brendan’s life. The $ex scenes are graphic and erotic, with a little bit of anal play.

NOT VANILLA: SPANKING looks at two couples whose #$ex lives have become predictable, boring and a little too vanilla. Each of our couples looks to spanking as a form of foreplay both in and out of the bedroom. The language is sexually graphic; consent is never in question; love is the underlying premise.

Reading Order and previous reviews
Not Vanilla: Voyeurism
Not Vanilla: Bondage

Copy supplied by the author.

Reviewed by Sandy


FIRST TIME by Jennifer Lynne


“Now, Grace. I’m waiting.” Impatience flares briefly in Henry’s features, and then disappears behind the stranger’s mask. This is my husband, and yet somehow it’s not.
My instinct is to immediately bend down and grab my ankles; let him do whatever he wants. The wet slickness that coats the seam between my legs is testament to how much I want to comply. My mind has yet to catch up with my body, though, and for some reason it won’t release the fear that is still holding me captive.
So I play for time and challenge him instead. “Why are you talking like that?” I know why. Of course I do, and yet these stupid questions spill out of my mouth. “Since when is that your thing?” I nod toward the paddle he’s cradling. It’s a style I would have bought myself, if I’d had the nerve. It’s quite large—a good beginner tool, because the larger head diffuses the impact. It’s made of wood, and I can see one side is cushioned with a padded leather cover. Henry is stroking that side on his palm. Clearly he loves the feel of it against his skin, and I have to confess, the thought of that leather caressing my body sends a signal straight to my sex. A breath catches in my throat as my long-dormant clit awakes with a throb.
This weekend might be just what we need, after all.
A slap echoes through the room in a loud staccato and I jump, but he’s struck his own palm, not me. I catch a sudden glitter in his eyes before it’s gone, equally fast. That glimpse shows me just how much Henry really wants this, and I shiver at the realization that I’m going to get a proper spanking tonight.
He smacks the paddle against his palm a second time, and then starts to circle around me, pacing slowly as if studying my form. He pauses when he reaches my back, and a caress meanders down my spine. It’s too rigid to be his fingers. It feels firm and yet somehow slightly squishy. Perhaps he has the paddle on its edge, angled more toward the padded leather side? Goose bumps form along the wandering trail he creates, and when he reaches my butt cheeks he keeps going, sliding the implement into my crevice and continuing the forward swipe.
I look down and see the edge poking out from my mound, and then it swivels slightly until the flat side rests against my pussy.
“Time to do what you’re told, Gracie.” His voice sounds much closer than I expect. A puff of breath warms my skin in that sensitive crick between shoulder and neck, and I arch my head almost involuntarily to one side, willing him to kiss me there. He doesn’t, but his mouth is so close my nerve endings react as if he has. Somehow, he has branded me without a single touch of his lips.





“Babe.” Brendan’s arms enfold me against the starched white cotton covering his chest. “I knew I’d find you here.”
His heartbeat against my cheek is a reminder of how steady this man is. “I didn’t want to be alone,” I say, squeezing my arms tight around his waist. It’s like hugging a slab of marble that’s been sitting in the sun all day—solid and warm. He’s wearing my favorite aftershave, the one with base notes of nutmeg and vanilla. My body reacts instantly, softening and preparing to take him inside. For a brief second I’m ashamed the thought of breaking our engagement ever crossed my mind. I could never be happy without Brendan. The hard part will be finding a way to be happy with him.
“I showed up at your place, tired, but needing to hold you before I went to sleep, and where do I find you? At The Lone Star, dancing the night away with my best friend. I should spank your pretty little ass for that.” There’s a teasing quality to his voice I recognize even as his hand lands on my right ass cheek hard enough to make me jump.
Warmth spreads from the point of contact all the way to my pussy and out to the tips of my fingers and toes. My nipples tingle and perk up. God, that feels good. Too good. I clamp my thighs tight, and bury my face in the placket of his shirt, hoping he won’t hear the moan I can’t hold back. Blood rushes past my ears so fast the music playing is nothing more than a faint suggestion.
Wondering what is happening to my body, I clench fists full of Brendan’s shirt. He’s gone still except for the erection growing and pressing into my belly. One broad, callused hand finds flesh above the waistband of my jeans—slips lower to cup my ass skin to skin. “Christ, babe. I never thought you’d like that.”
Leave it to my man to read my reaction for what it is—flaming desire. I don’t have a clue how to play this, whatever it is. All I know is, the playful spanking lit me up. I haven’t been this horny in recent memory. Desperate to hold onto this feeling, I chance looking up and get lost in the depth of his gaze.
“You want to play this out, babe?”
God, yes. I bite my lower lip and dip my chin in a barely there nod. One hand on the small of my back, the other still cupping my ass beneath my jeans, he snuggles me closer. His chin rests on the top of my head. His unmistakable erection presses between us. My breathing matches his, shallow and rapid. I don’t really know what’s going to happen, how he intends to play this out, but knowing he’s as turned on as I am gives me courage. I can see this through if he’s with me.
“Stay with me, babe.” He slips his hand out of my pants, pushes me away. The sparkle in his eyes and the way his lips fall short of flatlining clue me in a second before he grabs my hand. “I told you not to leave the house tonight.” He grabs my purse off the table and shoves it at me. Instinctively, I clutch it to my breasts.
“You know what happens when you disobey me.”
Before I can signal my girlfriends with a wink or even an eye roll, he’s dragging me toward the front of the bar. I have no idea what happens when I disobey Brendan, but God, it promises to be good.





Skinshifter by Alycia Christine – a Review

Skinshifter by Alycia Christine – a Review


SkinshifterAmazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo

Skinshifters are a curse. The Asheken deadwalkers proved that fact when they used skinshifters to spy against the Sylvan races during the Second War of Ages. Now, after three centuries of peace, the deadwalkers have found a secret way back onto the Sylvan Continent and this time they seek not just to conquer their enemies, but to enslave them body and soul.

When the Feliconas Clan suffers the deadwalkers’ first raid, one werecat—a skinshifter who has concealed her abilities—survives the massacre. Even as Katja struggles with her grief and guilt over her murdered kin, she must unite with other Sylvan refugees to defeat the deadwalkers before they can butcher and defile the other races. But can this skinshifter trust her newfound allies or will their secrets prove even more treacherous than her own?


Skinshifter by Alycia Christine is the first book in this promising Sylvan Cycle series. (It does have a novella as an introduction to the series). It’s a great read, and it has all the elements a YA needs to keep them interested. It is an amazing adventure, well written and very descriptive. The world once I stepped into it, kept me hooked. 

Katja Escari, our heroine, is an great character; she is tough, brave, a hardy female, and a werecat. But she has a secret that not only endangers her, but those around her as well. When the other members of her Feliconas Clan are ruthlessly murdered by the greatly feared Asheken deadwalkers, Katja flees determined to survive and seek vengeance for her clan. (Asheken deadwalkers are vampires, they can create zombies, no redeeming qualities. They want to rule the entire world.).

Princess Lauraisha is also a character on the run for her life from the evil deeds of her wicked father. The two females, although quite different in some ways, soon learn just how similar they are and they eventually develop a friendship so deep, it is like they are sisters.

After agreeing to help each other achieve their goals against the predominant evils in their lives, their direction is unexpectedly altered by a plea for help from a surprising source that sends them running into the adventure of a lifetime to save the Sylvans from the coming Asheken hordes. With danger at every turn, they join forces with other Sylvans in a race against time.  

I enjoyed Skinshifter. Author Alycia Christine developed an entertaining story, full of fantasy, moments of tense action, and has lots of intriguing characters. This book is a great introduction to the series. Skinshifter was a worthwhile read and I look forward to the next in the series.

Reviewed by Julie B.

Copy provided by Author


Undaunted (Knights in Black Leather #1) by Ronnie Douglas-Review and Book Tour

UNDAUNTED (Knights in Black Leather #1) by Ronnie Douglas -Review and Book Tour


Knights in Black Leather 1
by Ronnie Douglas
Genre: new adult, contemporary, romance, MC
Release Date: September 15, 2015


Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / BAM

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 15, 2015

Being fearless has never looked so good . . .

Aubrey Evans needs to get her life back on track after her father is indicted for embezzlement. All she has to do to hightail it out of small-town Tennessee is save up money for college tuition and steer clear of hard-muscled boys on motorcycles. Yet there’s no ignoring someone like Zion. A knight in black leather, Zion looks like every bad idea she’s been told to avoid, but she can’t resist him. Whenever she’s in trouble, he’s there. Appealing as his rough exterior may be, it’s the protective, principled man beneath who tempts her like crazy.

Zion knows Aubrey doesn’t intend to stick around. She claims to want only friendship, but he senses there’s a naughty girl hiding on the inside—one whose intense desires match his own. For now, he’ll be patient and play by her rules. But he knows it’s just a matter of time before he weakens her resolve.

As they join forces to figure out who’s behind a local crime spree, it’s clear that the danger goes deeper than Aubrey guessed. And when she needs someone tall, dark, and undaunted to keep her safe, Zion intends to be there—now and always.


REVIEW: UNDAUNTED is the first installment in Ronnie Douglas’s (aka Melissa Marr) contemporary, new adult Knights in Black Leather MC romance series. This is college student/bartender Aubrey Evans, and Zion aka Killer’s storyline.

Told from first person point of view (Aubrey) and some third person perspective from Zion UNDAUNTED focuses on Aubrey and Zion’s growing but forbidden relationship. Aubrey is new in town from Portland, Oregon, living with her grandmother, attending Williamsville college in Tennessee and looking for a job when a fellow student Ellen suggested she go check out the local biker bar Wolves and apply for a job. There she will find her ‘knight in black leather’ –Zion-who aided in her rescue a few weeks before when she ended up drunk at a local fair. What ensues is a forbidden relationship between Zion and Aubrey-one that goes against the Wolves MC and biker bar laws.

Throughout the story there are several incidences of property abuse and attacks against Aubrey’s grandmother’s home and neighborhood but Grandma Maureen has some deep connections to the Wolves MC, and with it comes years of familiarity and a friendship wherein Aubrey and Grandma have the promise of protection from MC President Echo, Zion and the Club.

The relationship between Aubrey and Zion is one of immediate attraction but Aubrey has a multi-year plan that doesn’t include dating or getting involved with any man. Zion continues to pursue Aubrey who is constantly sending out mixed signals and in this I had some difficult times with Aubrey’s characters and her wishy-washy attempts to stay away from Zion. There is also the potential for a love triangle with Zion’s cousin Noah, and throughout the story my anxiety continued to build as Aubrey played one cousin against the other. Not only is Aubrey the new girl in town, but she has caught the eye of every eligible young man. I thought I was reading a YA storyline-the build up, lack of romance and one lone (mostly implied) sexual encounter did not read like a new adult or adult storyline but a premise directed at the young adult or teen reader. Aubrey’s ‘no dating policy’, her attitudes towards her ‘virginity or lack thereof’ and the parents as representations of all things corrupt and the epitome of dysfunctional parenting, all screamed young adult and not NA. When I looked further into the author, I discovered Ronnie Douglas is the alter ego of prolific and number one selling young adult author Melissa Marr and thusly my thoughts about the YA connections were confirmed.

There are several charismatic and colorful secondary and supporting characters throughout the storyline that are the backbone of the story and kept everything on track: Uncle Karl, Echo, Nash, Ellen, Grandma Maureen and all of Grandma’s neighbors and friends. Grandma’s connections to the Wolves MC and especially Club president Echo were touched upon briefly but I wish there was more background and history revealed between a number of these characters-in fact, there is very little background and history revealed about most of the storyline characters including our leading couple. For me, or any reader, to be pulled into a story we need history and background to understand the mindsets and emotions of the characters.

UNDAUNTED is not your typical MC storyline but a much tamer and vanilla version.
If you are a die-hard MC series fan, UNDAUNTED will probably be a disappointment as it is missing most of the MC dark and dangerous habits and storyline tropes, but if you are a fan of YA type storylines, then UNDAUNTED may be for you.

Copy supplied by the publisher

Reviewed by Sandy




When Beau looked her way, she gestured toward a cluster of senior citizens. “Tell the girls to meet me in the kitchen. Might as well have tea if we’re already up.”
Then my grandmother walked toward the bikers, who were leaning on their motorcycles watching everything. They gave her the sort of look that made me think that they were watching approaching royalty. It was a mix between Southern gentlemanliness and the way a fighter acknowledges an equal.”
“If I were the sheriff I’d be sweating like a hussy in the Good Lord’s house right now,” Beau murmured from beside me.
When I looked his way, my confusion must’ve been obvious because Beau added, “Miz Maureen has influential friends. She doesn’t like to call on them, but she’s about fed up waiting on the sheriff. That man couldn’t find his ass with both hands and a map. Those boys there”—he nodded toward the street—“they get things done. Maybe not the way the law likes, but they get results.”
“So they’re not the ones doing this?”
Beau laughed. “Echo would dip a man in honey and stake him out for the bears to find if any one of them boys touched Miz Maureen.” Beau inclined his head toward the bikers who were talking to her. “Your grandmother has the ear of one of the most powerful men in the state. She doesn’t call on Echo for anything, so people forget that she could do so.”
“Not a bad thing.” Beau patted my hand. “Eddie Echo would steal the stars out from under the angels themselves if Miz Maureen so much as hinted that her yard wasn’t bright enough.”
I followed his gaze. I couldn’t make out many details about the two men standing with my grandmother. They were both, obviously, riding Harleys. I didn’t know enough about bikes to be more specific than that. One of the guys lifted his gaze and looked my way. Dark hair brushed the edge of a black leather jacket. Strong jaw, sharp cheekbones, and a mouth that looked made for sin, he was the sort of contrast in beauty and danger that made me think there had to be a trick of light. No man looked that good. Even as I argued with my own perception, I could tell that he was near my age, fit, and held himself with the kind of restrained energy that made sane girls look away and unhappy girls want to step a bit closer. I told myself that I was sane, that I was going to look away any moment now, that I didn’t want to find an excuse to go check on Grandma Maureen.
I was lying.
“Ask your gran about Echo before you go staring at the likes of those boys,” Beau paused and then added, “I’m going to head inside.”



Guest post-Black and White

Ronnie Douglas talks about music and writing

Music is how I get into any mood. Writing romance is part of writing most of my books, so I have a few years of trying out different strategies. Often, though, I just turn on my music and let go. I don’t need a special room. In fact, for the sequel to Undaunted, I wrote the sexiest scene in the book while I was at a layover in Iceland. It made me giggle out loud at one point to realize that I was in a lounge with all these businessmen in their suits, and I was curled up in a chair sipping my tea and writing a sex scene.

My default was Lana Del Rey, but I use music to tweak my moods, so depending on what mood I needed, I’d swap out to a specific song and just play that song on repeat for the emotion I needed to call up. A few of the ones I used were:

a. Beyoncé “Crazy in Love”
b. Rihanna “Pour it Up”
c. Rihanna “Rude boy”
d. Missy Elliot “Get Ur Freak on”
e. Leon Else “Cheap Hotel”
f. Train “Bruises”
g. Charlie Worsham “How I Learned to Pray”

About The Author Black and White

Follow: Website / Twitter / Goodreads / Facebook-Melissa Marr

Ronnie Douglas is the writing name for a multiple New York Times bestselling author. Drawing on a lifetime love of romance novels and a few years running a biker bar, she decided to write what she knew—dangerous men with Harleys and tattoos. Her debut “Ronnie book” was indie-published as part of a series she created and wrote with friends in 2014.

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Blue Baby by Carolyn Arnold – a Review

Blue Baby by Carolyn Arnold – a Review


Blue Baby
Brandon Fisher FBI series – Book #4
by Carolyn Arnold
Release Date: September 25, 2015

Blue BabyAmazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo

Happiness is elusive for many, but from the killer’s standpoint, it’s something he creates. And he’s determined to get it right…at least one more time.

The murders were one year apart, but the similarities have the interest of the FBI. Both victims were found in their tubs, dressed in their wedding gowns. But that’s not the worst of it. When a third body is found, Brandon Fisher and his team make the chilling discovery that more than the killer’s method of operation connects the women


Blue Baby by Carolyn Arnold is the 4th book in her Brandon Fisher FBI series. This is an excellent mystery thriller written so well by Arnold, which covers violent crimes, usually serial killers. I thought Blue Baby was the best book in this series.

Though Brandon Fisher is the series name, and he is more or less the narrator of this series, to me this is an ensemble storyline.   Jack is the leader of the investigative team that handles these violent crimes. Paige and Zach are part of the team, and we get to spend time with all of them.

This was an exciting story about a serial killer who leaves his female victims in a wedding dress, with full makeup and in the tub. We learn early on that the murderer envisions himself to be an angel who gives unhappy woman what they want…happiness in a better world.

The time frame between the two murders that were similar was a year apart, but when another murder happens quickly, the team must race against time before the murderer decides to act again. Jack, Brandon and the rest of the team split themselves to check with each victim to find any clues, and just when they think they are on the right track, they become stymied again.

To say too much more would be spoilers, but this was a tense, exciting adventure from start to finish, with a few twists along the way. I am not sure why, but frankly I am not a big fan of Brandon, though I do like the overall team. I actually like Paige better then Brandon. With that being said, this to me reads as an ensemble group of characters that work together to solve these difficult cases. If you like murder mysteries, serial killers, and a team that finds each of them with their own issues; then you will enjoy this series. Again, I must praise Carolyn Arnold for her knowledge of police procedures and her flawless writing.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Author


Under His Skin by Stacey O’Neale – a Review

Under His Skin by Stacey O’Neale – a Review


Under His SkinAmazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo

Earth girls are never easy. But they’re worth it.

Bakery owner Annabelle Sparks’ business is booming ever since she won reality TV’s Cupcake Wars. The one thing deflating her happy soufflé? The extremely sexy Kaden Chance only sees her as a best friend-and Annabelle wants so much more. After waiting a year for him recognize their chemistry, she’s giving up and dating other people.

What she doesn’t know is Kaden’s heart doesn’t actually beat. He’s not human. Heck, he’s not even from Earth. To retain his intergalactic immunity, no one can ever know he is an extraterrestrial. But when Annabelle starts dating, something strange happens to Kaden’s unmoved heart: it begins to beat. Now he faces an impossible choice-tell Annabelle the truth and be deported-or lose his last chance at love.




Under His Skin by Stacey O’Neale was a fun and quirky read.

Kaden, our hero,has liked and has been proud of his friend, Annabelle’s achievements; he has also harboured weird feelings for her as well. Kaden isn’t human, and falling for her and revealing who he actually is, will get him sent home. But as he begins to watch Annabelle dip her toes in the dating pool, he wonders if she isn’t worth all the hassle she will bring down on his head.

Kaden is an alien from another planet, he has two brothers (who I hope get their stories told) and a heart that doesn’t beat, that is until a few weeks ago. At first it’s just the occasional murmur, but now it’s racing at the very sight of her. And he is almost convinced that a beating heart means Annabelle is his mate. He is now torn, does he tell is almost mate, that they are meant to be together, and oh yeah I’m an alien, and risk being sent back to the study lab, and home. Or does he live in her shadow, hoping that one day they can be together.

Annabelle, our heroine, is a renowned baker after winning a TV show: Her business is booming, and she is where she has always longed to be. But Annabelle wants more, she wants the man of her dreams. But after a year of sending signals, she realises that Kaden isn’t interested in her that way, so she tentatively makes a go at the dating game.

All the characters in this book are really likeable. The interaction between the three brothers is well written. We have the serious one, the studious one and the fun loving “earth girls are easy” one. Even the FBI aren’t all bad in this.

I loved reading about all the other characters, especially Hilary, (Annabelle’s best friend); she is hilarious, she puts Cam (Kaden’s baby brother) in his place almost instantly, but there are sparks, so I’m hoping they are paired up in a future book.

So,if your looking for a fun read, give Under His Skin a try.

Reviewed by Julie B

Copy provided by Publisher





Rival Seduction (Cover to Covers 6) by Alexandrea Weis-Review and Book tour

RIVAL SEDUCTION (Cover to Covers ) by Alexandrea Weis-Review and Book Tour


Rival Seduction
Cover to Covers #6
by Alexandrea Weis
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance
Release Date: September 14, 2015

Rival Seduction

99¢ ebook deal: Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N /

ABOUT THE BOOK : Release date September 14, 2015

Strong willed, independent, and competitive as hell, Heather Phillips isn’t going to let anyone beat her in the show ring … that is until Grant Crowley started taking away her blue ribbons. A wealthy cattle rancher with an attitude and taste for beautiful women, Grant is the only person who ever made Heather feel second best. Yet she is determined to beat him, no matter the cost.

When an accident brings the two rivals together, their heated dislike has to be put on hold. Outside of the show ring, they slowly get to know each other. But what happens when these passionate competitors discover a different kind of spark? Will Heather use what she learns about Grant to take advantage of him in the ring, so she can be number one?

Winning can mean everything until something sexier comes along.


REVIEW: RIVAL SEDUCTION is the sixth installment in Alexandrea Weis’s contemporary, adult Cover to Covers erotic romance series. This is ER nurse Heather Phillips, and wealthy Texas cattle rancher Grant Crowley’s storyline. RIVAL SEDUCTION can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty as can all of the installments in Weis’s Cover to Cover series.

Told from dual third person perspectives RIVAL SEDUCTION follows Heather and Grant’s acrimonious relationship on the competitive horse jumping circuit. Heather has continuously placed second to Grant’s first place wins over the season, and with it comes the animosity between winners and losers. Grant’s reputation as a manwhore, both in and out of the bedroom, is the stuff of headlines and gossip news, and Heather wants nothing to do with the man who plays a lead in all of her fantasies and dreams. When Grant is injured while working on the family ranch Heather is hired by Grant’s father Tad as Grant’s personal and private nurse. What ensues is Grant’s pursuit of Heather and the potential of a promise for the future for two people whose history and past lives are filled with heartbreak and betrayal. Grant’s success hides a the broken heart of a young boy whose mother walked away without looking back; Heather’s family history is rife with scandal, addiction, and the fall out of a criminal past.

The relationship between Heather and Grant begins as competitors on the horse jumping circuit wherein Grant continues to best Heather in each successive event. Heather’s anger at her inability to succeed finds our heroine lashing out at friends, family, co-workers, and Grant Crowley. As Grant continues to pursue Heather in the hopes of a sexual relationship, Heather’s past and her personal perception of the events finds our heroine pushing away the people that she loves. At times, Heather comes across as acerbic and angry with a tendency to quickly lash out but her family history finds our heroine on the defensive for something that is out of her control. The $ex scenes are erotic, passionate and seductive. Grant and Heather like to play a little rough in the bedroom.

Rayne Masterson and Trent Newbury (The Riding Master #2) play secondary and supporting roles throughout RIVAL SEDUCTION as Trent is Heather’s ‘riding master’. The addition of this couple adds cohesion to the series by way of familiarity and history. We are introduced to Grant’s father Tad, and Grant’s sister Gigi, as well as Heather’s brother Stewart-a researcher in the cardiology department at Baylor. The characters are relatable, engaging and charismatic. The requisite evil(s) presents itself byway of Grant’s soon to be ex Vanessa; Dr. Ben Eisenberg who pursues Heather for something more permanent; and Heather’s inability to see the potential for a future with Grant.

RIVAL SEDUCTION is a well-paced, engaging and provocative storyline. The characterization provides all of the necessary tools to get up close and personal with Grant and Heather, as well as providing information about the people and places close to their hearts. The storyline conflict follows several paths but the major battle between Grant and Heather is Heather’s inability to let go of the past-a conflict within Heather’s heart and mind. While Grant’s reputation precedes his introduction to the reader, his present actions do not parallel his history with women in the past-we do not ‘see’ his manwhoring ways. The epilogue fast forwards the storyline approximately one year wherein we get a glimpse at Grant and Heather’s future, family and love.

RIVAL SEDUCTION is my favorite COVER TO COVERS installment thus far.

Copy supplied by the author.

Reviewed by Sandy


Scurrying down the short entrance hall done in brown stone and decorative plaster inlay, she placed her hand on the brass door handle, punched in the alarm code on the panel to her left, and put a saccharin smile on her face. But when she yanked the heavy door open, it was not her elderly neighbor standing there with yet another casserole, it was Grant.
His long arms were stretched out, gripping either side of the doorframe around the entrance. His blue button-down shirt was open halfway, and his gray slacks looked a little wrinkled. His amber eyes were drawn together, and his thin lips were pulled back in a displeased scowl.
“Why did you leave?” His voice was saturated with anger.
Heather tugged at the collar of her robe. “I thought it was better this way.”
He furrowed his brow. “Better for whom? Because it sure wasn’t better for me. I didn’t like waking up to find you gone.” He bounded in the door. “Don’t do it again.”
“Hey, wait a minute,” she fussed as he rushed past her.
He stood in the hallway, analyzing the decor. “We’re going to have a little chat.”
“A chat?” The loud whack of the front door closing resonated around them. “How did you get my address, and my cell phone number for that matter? What are you, some kind of stalker?”
“It’s in your employment record at Lewisville Medical.”
She came up to him, fuming. “You talked to Ben, didn’t you?”
His eyes traveled the curves of her robe. “Of course not. I called your hospital administrator, Tim Wellborn. I told him I wanted to thank you for all the personal care you gave me.”
“You manipulative bastard.”
He inched closer. “Why did you leave this morning?”
She marched past him and into her living room, trying to formulate an answer that would appease him and sound somewhat reasonable. At the white sofa, she stopped and faced him, shoving her damp hair aside. “You know why I left. You have Vanessa and I—I have Ben. Last night was just one of those things that can never be repeated.”
He barreled up to her, glaring into her eyes. “Bullshit. You know last night was a hell of a lot more than that.”
She tossed her hand in the air. “You’re practically engaged, Grant.”
“Do you honestly think I can marry her after last night?”
“That’s what your father wants, right? Don’t you always do what he wants?”
The fire in his eyes scared the crap out of her. She knew he was capable of real rage, she had seen it in the show ring, but never had she expected to be in the line of fire. His hands gripped her arms, pulling her against him. His fingers were squeezing into her robe, crushing her flesh.
“Don’t ever speak to me like that again,” he snarled. “You have no idea what….” He went quiet. His face was inches from hers. She could feel his hot breath on her lips. “Tell me to go away and I will.”
She mustered the strength to ask him to leave, but could not form the words. Having him so close was setting off a firestorm of desire. She ached for him … she longed for one more night naked in his arms.
He pushed her away. “That’s what I figured.” He untied the belt of her robe and slowly slipped it through the loops as Heather held on to the lapels.
Wrapping the thick piece of terrycloth about his right hand, he then lowered her hands from the robe.
“You can’t push me away, not without consequences, Heather.”
Her stomach balled into a knot. “What consequences?”



Series Spotlight

Cover to Covers
by Alexandrea Weis
Genre: contemporary, adult, romance
Release Date: February 1, 2014

FREE ebook : Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk/ Barnes and Noble / The Book Depository

Cover to CoversA man driven by his desires.

Tyler Moore is considered cold, ruthless, and determined to get everything he wants. CEO of a flourishing oil company, he thrives on order and never gives up control to anyone.

The woman from his past.

Monique Delome has left her unhappy past behind to pursue her dream of becoming a writer. Love is something she believes is better suited to the pages of her novels and not meant for real life.

Whether in the boardroom or the bedroom, Tyler Moore is always in charge. But when Monique Delome walks back into his life, everything changes. A successful romance author, all the sexy leading men Monique writes about strangely remind everyone of Tyler. Intrigued, Tyler sets out to seduce the one woman he could never forget. Soon Tyler gets more than he bargained for, and his grip on his well-ordered life is turned upside down.

Tyler Moore is about to find out what happens when a romantic tale jumps from the pages and comes to life between the sheets.


by Alexandrea Weis
Release Date April 26, 2014

The Riding MasterAmazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk/ Barnes and Noble / The Book Depository

A woman finding her way.
After a devastating divorce, an emotionally skittish Rayne Masterson swears off men and vows to devote her life to her passion, horses.

A man with insatiable desires.
Trent Newbury is an expert rider who is arrogant, brash, and has a ruthless reputation for getting any woman he desires.

As the new riding master at Southland Stables, Trent is eager to make sure all of his riders are the best they can be. But when he meets Rayne, he takes a special interest in taming the beautiful woman’s stubborn nature. Slowly and deliberately, he weakens her defenses with his charm and beguiling good looks. And just when he thinks he has won Rayne’s trust, his philandering past threatens to pull them apart.

She thought no man could ever touch her heart, until she met…The Riding Master.


The Bondage ClubThe Bondage Club
by Alexandrea Weis
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic romance
Release Date: July 29, 2014

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk/ Barnes and Noble /

A man looking for a new beginning.

Hunter Donovan is a writer who dreamed of penning the great American novel but settled for a job running the family business, Donovan Books. Trapped publishing other people’s stories, Hunter buries his frustrations in vodka and an endless parade of one-night stands.

A woman with a secret.

Cary Anderson is the perky, petite, and staunchly determined editor who is well versed in erotica fiction. But Cary has a kinky side that she is struggling to keep hidden from the world.

Fed up with dwindling sales, Hunter hopes to breathe new life into his publishing house by breaking into the risqué world of erotica. He hires Cary to rescue his company and she is keen to show her new boss everything she knows. But what starts out as a lesson in sexual fiction turns into an unexpected roller coaster ride of disastrous romantic encounters. And just when Cary helps stir Hunter’s creative voice, he uncovers the truth about her wicked ways.

Some ties that bind can cut right to the heart in…The Bondage Club


That Night With you

That Night With You
by Alexandrea Weis
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic romance
Release Date: November 2, 2014

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk/ Barnes and Noble

THAT NIGHT WITH YOU by Alexandrea Weis

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 2, 2014

Madison Barnett spent one-night with a stranger that changed her life forever.

But when she takes a job at Parr and Associates as their newest architect, Madison has no idea that the stranger she has spent five years trying to forget is about to walk right back into her life. And what she hoped would be a fresh start turns into a perplexing dilemma.

Soon Madison’s life is sent into a tailspin as she tries to juggle the demands of her controlling boss, Hayden Parr, with her persistent desires for her long lost sexy stranger.

Then, just when she thinks all hope is lost, everything changes.
Madison embarks on an education in the art of pleasure that began five years ago in the bed of the man who captured her heart. But there is one little catch…

When fantasies become reality, passion can turn addictive in…That Night with You.


Taming Me
Cover to Covers 5
by Alexandrea Weis
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance
Release Date: February 2, 2015

Taming MeAmazon.com / Barnes and Noble /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date February 2, 2015

Lexie Palmer is a writer in search of the perfect story.

When a case of mistaken identity introduces her to the charismatic dominant, Garrett Hughes, she discovers her salvation. In hopes of penning an accurate portrayal of the BDSM lifestyle, Garrett agrees to educate Lexie.

She eagerly places herself in Garret’s capable hands, but what starts out as just business with the sexy Mr. Hughes takes a turn toward the unexpected.

Soon, Lexie becomes immersed in his world, and finds Garret taking control of her life. Her experiences with Garrett may be providing wonderful material for her book, but how far is she willing to go to for her story?

Lexie Palmer is about to get a lesson in submission that she will never forget.

Taming Me falls in the Cover to Covers tie In Series but is a stand alone.

About the author

alexandrea-weis1FOLLOW: Goodreads / Website/ Facebook/ Twitter

Alexandrea Weis is an advanced practice registered nurse who was born and raised in New Orleans. Having been brought up in the motion picture industry, she learned to tell stories from a different perspective and began writing at the age of eight. Infusing the rich tapestry of her hometown into her award-winning novels, she believes that creating vivid characters makes a story memorable. A permitted/certified wildlife rehabber with the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries, Weis rescues orphaned and injured wildlife. She lives with her husband and pets in New Orleans.

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Blow (Tainted Love Duet #1) by Kim Karr-Review and Book Tour

BLOW (The Tainted Love Duet #1) by Kim Karr-Review and Book Tour


99¢ ebook special: Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 21, 2015

2 fatal sides.
1 epic love.
7 days to survive.

They met in the face of danger. They weren’t looking for love. They both knew better. But they couldn’t stay away, and they fell hard.

He is heart-stopping handsome, fearless—and haunted by deadly ties.

She is breathtakingly beautiful, determined—and in harm’s way.

They should have parted. They didn’t. They never should have fucked. They did. And now time is running out. One hundred sixty eight hours. That’s all that remains. While Logan McPherson fights to save them, Elle Sterling is forced to make a choice that could change everything.

When torn between right and wrong, tainted love doesn’t have a chance…or does it?


REVIEW: BLOW is the first installment in Kim Karr’s adult, contemporary Tainted Love romantic suspense duology focusing on Logan McPherson, Elle Sterling and the Boston Irish Mob.

Told from alternating first person points of view (Logan and Elle) BLOW follows Logan and Elle as they traverse the world of the Boston Irish Mob and a power struggle between warring factions of the Irish cartels. Logan’s connections go much deeper than Elle could ever have imagined but Elle’s own connections are closer than she could ever have known. Elle’s sister has been missing for three months and her sister’s husband Michael hasn’t been telling Elle the truth-there are secrets that could get everyone killed.

The relationship between Elle and Logan is one of immediate attraction and one that Logan knows can end with one of both of them missing or dead. But the heart wants what it shouldn’t want, and Logan can’t keep away from the woman who reminds him of someone he lost years before. Elle and Logan’s pasts are dark, dangerous and not without some horrific scenes of violence and death. The $ex scenes are erotic and seductive.

The world building focuses on the hierarchy of the mob; family, the struggle for power and control. There are scenes of graphic violence and sexual content that may not be suitable for all readers. Threats are made; alliances are formed; loved ones are caught in the direct line of fire. BLOW is a storyline where revenge for the sins of the past is a continuous and unending violent promise; where friendships could end in the blink of an eye.

We are introduced to several engaging secondary and coloful supporting characters who all play a role within the Irish mob. While some members are so deep there is no possibility for solace or going straight, others try to focus on the present in the hopes of staying alive to greet another day.

Kim Karr pens another intriguing, suspense filled, fast paced storyline that will captivate your imagination with her complicated and broken characters. There are moments of violence and revenge; hatred and love; falling in love and letting go. We are witness to the power of the mob, and the fear instilled by their very presence and perceived threats against loved ones, friends, enemies and associates. No one is safe when the Boston Irish Mob has pointed a finger in your direction. Revenge and betrayal are not just words but a promise.

Like the seeds of a dandelion….make a wish and just blow; but wishes like dreams don’t always come true.

Copy supplied by the tour operator

Reviewed by Sandy

View the Blow Book Trailer here: https://vimeo.com/139275727

blow teaser 2



Four Months Before
Mile after mile, I ran. Faster, feet pounding against the broken asphalt, breath crystalizing in the air. I’d been fleeing along the edge of the road for what seemed like eternity. Trucks zoomed past me, taillights fading in the distance, and still there were no sirens.
The moon slipped behind a cloud and left me moving blindly. Finally, a whistle filled the darkness. It was what I’d been waiting for.
Let’s see how bad they want this.
I spun in the opposite direction and spotted the familiar red and blue lights. With a quick jump, I vaulted over the damaged guardrail and found myself tumbling down a steep ravine.
Landing on my stomach, blood dripped from my nose, and the taste of rust flooded my mouth. I didn’t take the time to wipe it away. I had to keep moving. I’d started this game and I was going to finish it.
Quickly, I leapt to my feet and began to run again. When a sharp burning and throbbing pulsated in my right ankle, I knew my speed would be impaired. I must have twisted it in the fall. With everything I had, I tried to ignore the pain.
Adrenaline pumped through my bloodstream, making my heart race and giving me the strength I needed. I was no longer on the pavement and my terrain was harder to navigate. Trees, broken branches, and the sickening smell of the stagnant river surrounded me. I pushed onward.
It could have been worse—at least there wasn’t any ice.
Still, it was fucking freezing out here. Snow fell around me. Chilled to the bone, I tugged my hat farther down over my ears.
I didn’t stop, though—I had to keep going.
When my eyes were streaming from the cold and my leg muscles began to seize up, I knew my body needed a break. I’d find cover and play the wait-and-see game.
The dilapidated abandoned warehouse a few yards away seemed like my best choice. The hinges were rusted and appeared broken, but when I yanked on the door, it wouldn’t open.
With a sigh, I stomped my salt-stained shoes in the slush I was standing in and looked around.
No sign of them, yet.
They’d be here soon enough.
My lungs burned as I bent over with my hands on my thighs in an attempt to catch my breath.
Poised to move in any direction, I thought about my decision to bait them.
I couldn’t believe the game of cat and mouse I had entered into—with the Boston Police Department nonetheless.
But I’d had enough. They’d been following me around for almost a week. Their more-than-obvious tail was bordering on harassment. Pushed to the limit, today I’d decided it was time to find out what it was all about. I was going to force their move. I left my vehicle and took off. They were tracking me, but what they were waiting for to approach me, I had no idea. At this point I had two choices—approach them or keep going. Since I didn’t want to make it easy, I kept running.
Time seemed to be at a standstill as I looked around again. I knew they were close. Yet, as I searched my surroundings, there were no signs of life; everything around me was dark except for the golden glow from the cables of the Zakim Bridge.
The bridge.
I couldn’t believe I’d ended up on the West End. That was more than a slight hike from the tip of the South End, where I’d started all this.
What time was it anyway?
Before I could look at my watch—the one my grandfather had given me, the one worth more than most of the houses in the surrounding area, the pretentious Patek Philippe with an authentic enamel dial and custom-made rubber watchband, the one almost a match for his own—a yellow beam of light shined down on me.
I guess the BPD finally decided to make their move.
A heavily Boston-accented voice carried through the wind. “Put your hands in the air where we can see them.”
“Fuck me. Really? You’re going to arrest me? For what?” My gaze scoured the area until they came into sight.
There were three of them and one of me. I didn’t plan to keep running. I didn’t need to, but even if I wanted to, there was nowhere to go. The riverbank was on one side and they were on the other. The trio moved closer and drew their weapons. I responded with equanimity and raised my palms. Still, not a single one of them lowered a gun. Step by step, they moved toward me. When they were about five feet away, I decided to help them out and face them, but before I could, the tallest figure lunged for me.
He pinned me to the wall. “I just wanted to talk. I wasn’t going to arrest you until you assaulted me. But thanks for giving me a reason.”
“I was putting my hands behind my back, asshole,” I grunted.
“Right,” he snickered.
Nostrils flaring, the fatter one grabbed me by my collar and yanked me to him. “Stop resisting.”
What the fuck?
A quick punch to the gut and a kick to my leg had me belly down in a matter of seconds.
Most men would have been scared shitless, but not me. I grew up living in two very different worlds, the only similarity being power and greed. To look at me, you wouldn’t believe I was capable of doing the things I had done. Born with a silver spoon in my mouth, I was the grandson of one of the wealthiest men in New York City.
It wasn’t my trust fund background that anyone had to worry about, though. I was also the grandson of the former head of Boston’s Blue Hill Gang—a piece of me I had tried to renounce. That I wanted to escape. But my family ties kept me bound. The Irish Mob might have changed since my father’s father ran things, but there were some things that never changed.
I’d been raised in both worlds and these cops knew it. They were counting on the Blue Hill Gang part of me to greet them.
Well fuck them very much—but that’s not what they were going to get.



About the Author Black and Green


Kim KarrKim Karr is a New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author.

She grew up in Rochester, NY and now lives in Florida with her husband and four kids. She’s always had a love for reading books and writing. Being an English major in college, she wanted to teach at the college level but that was not to be. She went on to receive an MBA and became a project manager until quitting to raise her family. Kim currently works part-time with her husband and recently decided to embrace one of her biggest passions–writing.

Kim wears a lot of hats! Writer, book-lover, wife, soccer-mom, taxi driver, and the all around go-to person of her family. However, she always finds time to read. One of her favorite family outings was taking her kids when they were little to the bookstore or the library. Today, Kim’s oldest child is seventeen and no longer goes with her on these, now rare and infrequent, outings. She finds that she doesn’t need to go on them anymore because she has the greatest device ever invented–a Kindle.

Kim likes to believe in soul mates, kindred spirits, true friends, and Happily-Ever-Afters. She loves to drink champagne, listen to music, and hopes to always stay young at heart.

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