Hot Holiday Nights by Jaci Burton – a Review

Hot Holiday Nights by Jaci Burton – a Review


Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo / BAM

Victoria “Tori” Baldwin is a successful sports agent whose career has always come first. She enjoys her work, her clients, and, on the occasional free night, a love life that’s short, hot, and uncomplicated.

While unwinding over Christmas in Hawaii, she chances upon a surfing competition, and all the lean hard men that come with it—especially Alex McConnell, a young surfer at the top of his game, and Ben Reynolds, ex-surfer and Alex’s business manager. The physical attraction Tori feels to these two completely different men is off the charts. They’re smart, sexy, and the nights are filled with the hottest passion Tori has ever felt.

Soon, Alex and Ben will move on to the next big wave and Tori will head back east. But as the days and nights go by, Alex and Ben’s feelings for Tori start to swell. Tori’s feeling it, too, and for the first time ever, she’s thinking twice about the men she’ll leave behind.

It won’t be long before this hot threesome has to decide if the romantic wave they’ve been riding is nothing more than a vacation fling, or the kind of love that could change all their lives forever.



Gulping down glass of ice water while fanning self….Hot Holiday Nights by Jaci Burton is one very steamy, and hot romantic read. Just when I thought Jaci couldn’t put anymore steam into her already steamy stories, she goes and proves me wrong. I swear each scene between Tori, Alex and Ben just kept getting hotter and hotter. I actually thought my poor Kobo was going to start shooting out flames at one point, LOL!! Having said that, I must also say that, as hot as her sex scenes get, they don’t come across as vulgar, over the top, or cheap. Jaci has a certain style to her writing that to me, makes the scenes relevant to her characters growing attraction and feelings to one another.  Sure in this particular story, the relationship between Tori and Alex, and Tori and Ben starts off as a just a holiday fling, a time to unwind and have fun, but as the story progress we get to see a the growing bond of not only friendship developing between our trio, but also respect for each other, admiration, trust, and the all important love factor. What really got me, was the ease in which both Ben and Alex accept each other’s love towards Tori and decide that they will tell her they love her together and let the chips fall where they may.

Alex and Ben are two very strong male characters, yet never once were they jealous of Tori’s growing attraction to the other. They just accepted the relationship the way it was, and being a trio in a relationship really worked for all of them. There was no awkwardness in any of their scenes together, they just clicked from the first scenes they were in, and the story progressed from there. It was a fast, roller coaster of a ride for Tori, Ben and Alex, but in the end, they all fell in love and are able to make it work between them. It’s a very easy going, laid back relationship, where they take care of each other, respect each other’s needs and wants in a relationship without anything ever getting sticky, or weird between them. I was really hoping that when Ben and Alex went to tell Tori how they felt that one wouldn’t be left out in the cold. I wanted her to choose both men, and find a way to make it work, and that’s just what Tori did. I loved the necklace they gave her for a Christmas gift, a gold chain with three diamonds and the world ‘Ours’ in the middle, thought it fitting and very romantic.

Hot Holiday Nights, is a fast and steamy read, with lots of surfing action, well developed characters and storyline given the fact that it’s a novella. Sometimes I feel shorter stories can be rushed and feel like the characters are just pushed at one another. This isn’t the case here. Somehow Jaci manages to let the reader learn who these three characters are, and create a love story that doesn’t feel rush or pushed on us. Hot Holiday Nights is a short story where everything just clicks and falls into place from the first scene. Being a fan of Jaci’s Play-by-Play series, I really enjoyed this addition to the collection and am eagerly anticipating her next one in the series.

Until next time, happy reading!!!

Reviewed by Marcie



Target Engaged (Delta Force #1) by M.L. Buchman-Review, Sampler Tour & Giveaway

TARGET ENGAGED (Delta Force #1) by M.L. Buchman-Review, Sampler Tour & Giveaway / / B&N / KOBO / The Book Depository / BAM

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 1, 2015

Kyle Reeves was trained by his father to do one thing: be the very best. So he isn’t daunted by the Delta Force selection process—the toughest military training on earth—or when the very best woman falls into his arms.

Carla Anderson buried her heart in Arlington when she lost her mother and brother to combat. She wants nothing more than to give her all in the line of duty until she too is laid down beside them, and Delta training might just be the challenge she’s looking for. Little did she know, the true challenge was coming in the shape of a sexy, alpha-male military operative.

Surviving brutal training is just the beginning of the merciless path to Delta, but it’s also the dawn of the hottest passion Kyle and Carla have ever known…


REVIEW: TARGET ENGAGED is the first installment in M. L. Buchman’s contemporary, adult DELTA FORCE military, romantic suspense series-a spin off from The Night Stalkers/ Firehawks series. This is sergeants Kyle Reeves, and Carla Anderson’s storyline. TARGET ENGAGED can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Some of the previous series characters cross over in secondary roles.

Told from several third person perspectives TARGET ENGAGED follows a number of intersecting paths: the building relationship between Kyle, and Carla-the first and only woman to serve with the Delta Forces; the training and acceptance in to the military’s exclusive Delta Force program; and the take down of a drug lord in the Venezuelan cartel.

We are witness to the Delta Force training program-the hardships, tests, endurance and psychological exams that weed out the weak leaving the best of the best. Enter Kyle Reeves and Carla Anderson, along with their team including Richie, Duane and Chad. Five members of an elite Delta Forces team that go where no one else is able to go. The large ensemble cast of characters adds color, turmoil, and the possibility of several more future stories. Carla and Kyle’s personalities and characteristics are compatible, well drawn out, and thoroughly entertaining.

M.L. Buchman’s TARGET ENGAGED focuses on the South American drug cartels, and Delta Force’s take down of the people at the top. Buchman’s DELTA FORCE series is written with military precision, romance, suspense and heart stopping action focusing on the camaraderie, friendship and organized refinement of the Delta Force Team and the missions they are ordered to undertake. Once again, Buchman’s use of military jargon, lingo and technical information brings the reader into the pages, onto the front lines of the dangerous missions, and into the minds of the Delta Force members.

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

guest post

This December starts off with a bang as M.L. Buchman releases TARGET ENGAGED, the first in his brand new (and action-packed) Delta Force series! To celebrate his new release, Sourcebooks Casablanca is sharing the first six chapters of Target Engaged for FREE! Click HERE to download the first six chapters and check out a special note from M.L. Buchman below.

A Note from M.L. Buchman

Dear Reader,

Welcome to my newest series: the first women of Delta Force. I can’t begin to tell you how much fun this was to write. Most of us know little more about Delta Force than the Chuck Norris movies (which leave a lot to be desired) or perhaps we only know the name. In researching my Night Stalkers series, I kept running into these guys. They are the elite of Special Operations Forces. They are at a level of SEAL Team 6, and most would argue they were even beyond that. They are the ghost and shadow warriors who helped take down drug lord Pablo Escobar, capture Noriega, were undoubtedly behind the locating of Saddam Hussein, and are the main reason that Al-Qaeda abruptly stopped being a topic in the Iraq War when over three thousand of their leaders were swept off the board. Yet the Pentagon states that they don’t exist. Fascinating.

And while they often work with undercover female operatives, no woman has yet managed to kick in the front door on one of the most arduous selection programs in the military. I decided to change that. Carla Anderson stepped forward to take the challenge. She is a not a woman out to prove she can match any man, she’s out to prove that she can beat them at their own game. And that was the first thing that I loved about writing this series.

In the Night Stalkers, the women were strong, excellent, and determined. To be a Delta Force woman, Carla had to add enough attitude and drive to plow through all obstacles which just made her so much fun. Nothing was off the table when it came to her attitude or her actions. And that was the second thing I came to love about this series launcher, Target Engaged. Being Delta Force, they really do operate outside so many bounds. They are sent to do the tasks that no one else can. To that I added the additional challenge that Robert Ludlum gave to Jason Bourne (though I’m quoting the movie): “I don’t send you to kill. I send you to be invisible. I send you because you don’t exist.” I’m pretty convinced that this is part of Delta’s mission.

It is occasionally said by retired Delta Force operators (as the on-duty ones never speak): “If we’d been sent in to take down bin Laden, you still wouldn’t know how it was done.” To bring that to life gave me a permission as a writer to run my characters into hard and strange places and be just a little gonzo doing it. But writing is a give and take, and I can’t begin to tell you how much the characters I created shaped my telling of this story. I like to think that they had as much fun as I did bringing this story to life.

I hope that you enjoy the reading even half as much as I enjoyed the writing!

M.L. Buchman (the Oregon Coast, November 2015)

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The Lover’s Surrender (No Exceptions #4) by J.C.Reed- Review and Release Day Tour

THE LOVER’S SURRENDER (No Exceptions #4) by J.C. Reed-Review and Release Day Tour


No Exceptions #4
by J.C.Reed
Genre: adult,contemporary, erotic, romantic suspense
Release Date: November 25, 2015


99¢ ebook: / / B&N / KOBO / itunes /

Add to your “GOODREADS” shelf.

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 25, 2015

LOVE…sometimes it’s good. Sometimes it’s bad. And sometimes it’s dangerous.

Brooke Stewart, a realtor in New York, is sure of one of thing. She should never fully trust someone who has secrets. Especially when said bad boy is the sexiest man walking on earth. She is running away and has no intention of ever returning to him. But when a friend is killed and the one man she thought she would never meet again is accused of murder, she knows the story doesn’t add up.

Dangerously sexy and arrogant millionaire Jett Mayfield knows his secrets are not doing him any favors. However, when they serve to save Brooke’s life, he has no intention of revealing them. When problems spiral out of control and his life is turned upside down, he knows he needs her more than ever. He needs her more than he knows. But will he be strong enough to do what needs to be done?

In a world where truth shatters and danger is closing in on them, where love is their only sanctuary, will they be able to find each other or is it time to let each other go?


REVIEW: THE LOVER’S SURRENDER is the fourth installment in J.C. Reed’s contemporary, adult NO EXCEPTIONS erotic, romantic suspense series focusing on billionaire Jett Mayfield, and Brooke Stewart. The NO EXCEPTIONS series is a spin off from JC’s SURRENDER YOUR LOVE series featuring the same leading couple. THE LOVER’S SURRENDER should not be read as a stand alone as the storyline is the culmination of events leading up to the present timeline. You do not have to have read the first series to understand the events of NO EXCEPTIONS although some of the background information is important to understand the mindset of the players.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Jett and Brooke) THE LOVER’S SURRENDER is Jett and Brooke’s continuing (and final ?) story wherein our couple are at odds with Jett’s need to keep secret what it is he is doing to protect the woman that he loves. Several mysterious letters with thinly veiled threats, two dead girls with close connections to Brooke and Jett, and the potential for Jett’s psychotic brother Nate to continue his attempts to destroy Jett and Brooke’s lives have resulted in an uneasy truce between our leading couple. Brooke has issues of trust, and Jett is making it difficult for Brooke to accept that he is telling her the truth when everything circles back to the problems from the past, and Jett’s need to protect Brooke from everything that he is and was. Their back and forth, yin and yang, does he or doesn’t he relationship is dizzying. Jett is an over protective, passionate, alpha male who has fallen for the woman who could break his heart.

THE LOVER’S SURRENDER is the conclusion to Jett and Brooke’s story that focused on family and friendship, romance and love, betrayal and revenge that all began with Brooke’s inheritance of the Lucazzone Estate (in Italy) from Alessandro Lucazzone in JC’s SURRENDER YOUR LOVE series. Although only one year has passed from the original series to the present day, our couple have had to weather many conflicts, insecurities, and threats against their relationship and one another. The sexual relationship between Jett and Brooke continues to be sensual and provocative, with a little bit of kinky play on the side. Our leading couple like to play games both in and out of the bedroom.

If I had one issue with the storyline it would be the anti-climactic and quick resolution to the external conflict(s).  The epilogue advances the series approximately fifteen months where we get a quick glimpse at their growing family, and revelation into the guilty parties.

THE LOVER’S SURRENDER is the end of a journey (I believe) for fans of Jett Mayfield and Brooke Stewart. The premise is intriguing and tense; the characters are memorable and charismatic; the romance leads to a happily ever after. JC Reed has a passion for writing alpha males who love too hard.

Copy supplied by the author.

Reviewed by Sandy


About The Author beige

JC ReedFollow:Facebook / Goodreads / Blog / Twitter

J.C. Reed is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author of SURRENDER YOUR LOVE and CONQUER YOUR LOVE. She writes steamy contemporary fiction with a touch of mystery. When she’s not typing away on her keyboard, forgetting the world around her, she dreams of returning to the beautiful mountains of Wyoming. You can also find her chatting on Facebook with her readers or spending time with her two children.

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NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the author


Chance of a Lifetime by Marissa Clarke – a Review

Chance of a Lifetime by Marissa Clarke – a Review



Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo / BAM

Sometimes the biggest risk is playing it safe.

Gen Richards is tired of living down to her family’s expectation of the helpless blind girl. Resurrecting her high-school bucket list that begins with “kiss a total stranger” seems just the thing until she finds herself in a panty-melting lip lock with her big brother’s best friend.

Chance Anderson thrives on adrenaline, but Genny’s the one risk he’s not willing to take. His recklessness a decade ago landed her in the hospital and ejected him from her life. He’s bad for her and everyone knows it—especially her big brother.

Chance reluctantly helps Gen complete her bucket list in order to keep her out of trouble. Running through a freezing fountain, playing spin the bottle while fending off a mad horde of stinging insects, and skinny dipping with homicidal attack swans don’t hold a candle to the real danger: falling for the one person he can never have.




Today had brought home just how misdirected her entire life had been to date.

When Genevieve takes stock of her life and decides to live it, exhilarated and carefree, she tackles her bucket list. Who could have ever imagined #1, kissing a stranger, would involve the object of her obsession aka her big brother’s best friend aka the a-hole who humiliated her at the age of 15?! Thankfully, Marissa Clarke is at the helm of Chance of a Lifetime, and she gives us a thoroughly romantic story of two people who finally got honest.

Misunderstandings. Too often they muck up a perfectly reasonable explanation. When Chance (the a-hole heartbreaker) allows the problem to go unresolved for 10 long years, let’s say Gen is in no mood to listen. Let’s also assume her hurt feelings have festered into rage. Gen is bitter. Gen can’t speak to Chance without snapping. Like a coin, however, there are always two sides and Ms. Clarke gives Chance a chance to make it right.

-and he was going to pay the price…again. All because he couldn’t stay away. He’d never been able to stay away. She was like a drug. He needed more. He always had. He was addicted, but had been able to control it and hide it… Until last night when she’d kissed him. He’d fallen off the wagon.

Truth is, Chance has been smitten with Gen for years, but has kept it a secret to honor the “bro code”. Problem is Gen was unaware. What happened to being honest about your feelings or, at the very least, keeping it a secret from big brother?! Chance is too honorable for that. Plus, that incident of epic proportions from 10 years ago was supposed to keep Chance away permanently, so his declaration wasn’t of the utmost importance. Until the fated kiss, however. A kiss so charged, is either willing to take a dive? (Incidentally, skinny-dipping is also on her list!)

It wasn’t easy to like Gen. The chip on her shoulder was beyond off-putting. Her defensive posture, full of barbs and low blows, was intended to drive away Chance. Out of loyalty, however, he agreed to assist her and Chance is unwilling to walk away without finally revealing his heart.   Gen isn’t immune to Chance and when she accepts he’s as vulnerable, the teenaged attraction evolves into something curious, something fierce and hungry. Throwing caution to the wind would be something akin to a freefall (skydiving…who doesn’t have it on their list?!)

I did not expect such an outpouring of emotion! Chance stopped taking chances and put himself out there for all, especially Gen, to believe. His words, his professions of love, swept me away. I genuinely hugged my Kindle! Marissa Clarke created a swoon-worthy man. Not only will he satisfy all your needs (in abundance), he will offer his whole heart. Ms. Clarke addresses love gone wrong, but she also endowed Gen with courage to face her own personal dilemma; “dirty laundry” you’re not supposed to talk about in mixed company. It was life-affirming and empowering.    

What more can I say but tell you that second chances make for a splendid forever?

Reviewed by Carmen

Copy provided by Publisher


Mercer Street (American Journey #2) by John Heldt-a review

Mercer Street (American Journey #2) by John Heldt-a review / /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 21, 2015

Weeks after her husband dies in the midst of an affair in 2016, Chicago writer Susan Peterson, 48, seeks solace on a California vacation with her mother Elizabeth and daughter Amanda. The novelist, however, finds more than she bargained for when she meets a professor who possesses the secret of time travel. Within days, the women travel to 1938 and Princeton, New Jersey. Elizabeth begins a friendship with her refugee parents and infant self, while Susan and Amanda fall for a widowed admiral and a German researcher with troubling ties. Filled with poignancy, heartbreak, and intrigue, MERCER STREET gives new meaning to courage, sacrifice, and commitment as it follows three strong-willed souls on the adventure of a lifetime.


5 out of 5 for this reader folks!

Oh John Heldt … is there anything you write that I won’t fall in love with? NOPE! LOL

I have come to expect one heck of a journey when I pick up a John Heldt novel, one that brings time travel, history, shock, love, sniffly “I just peeled an onion” moments, the need for a box of kleenex, nods of the head and a deep satisfaction that all is how it should be. Mercer Street is the second book of John’s American Journey series and like his first one I was completely smitten and captivated.

Susan Peterson has recently become a widow and decides to take a vacation in hopes of some healing. Bringing along her mother Elizabeth and her daughter Amanda, little does Susan realize that this vacay is going to throw her back into history and change her life forever. After meeting with a professor who is an expert on time travel, all three ladies soon find themselves on their own time travelling journey… together!

Thrown back into 1938 with New Jersey as the backdrop, Susan, Elizabeth and Amanda are not only flabbergasted at the experience of time travel, but completely at the mercy of what 1938 means. Pre WW2, being women, each having a different perspective on life as naturally three generations would, it was incredible to read these women navigate from 2016 to 1938.

As we bounce from one woman’s story to the other it amazed me how different their experiences were. Elizabeth befriends her parents as young immigrants (and meets herself as a baby .. that was weird …lol). Susan, after finding out her husband was unfaithful, has a tendency to have issues with trust. When she finds herself falling in love with an admiral, these issues surface. Amanda falls in love with a German and this brings much left to be desired as a war is brewing, and German’s were not on the same side as Americans.

SO MUCH MORE than all of this to the story (it’s hard to touch on details without giving too much away), and while all three main characters have their own spotlighted stories, it is amazing how weaved together these three individuals are. They each require healing in their own way, and they each seek to find something poignant and meaningful. I dare say they find all and so much more. One thing I came away with while reading this, is a mother will never stop being a mother. In spite of all good intentions, advice and suggestion wasn’t always adhered to, but a sense of learning and acceptance can be seen in all three strong willed women.

I often imagine how hard it has to be to be thrown back in a time, and want to do everything one can to prevent a harsh history from happening. I am glad this struggle is touched upon. John writes complex characters and story line that in my opinion are completely refreshing and engaging. His descriptions blow me away and I feel like I am experiencing the time as much as his characters are.

THANK YOU John for writing another captivating time travel novel. I have never made it a secret that I am not a huge fan of time travel, but you have erased any doubt I had and set a bar that is very high to match. I always look forward to reading one of your books and I sure hope there is more to come!


Copy supplied by the author

Reviewed by Rachel T.


Merely Immortal (The Untouchables 1-3) by T.A. Grey-reviews

Merely Immortal (The Untouchables Series 1-3) by T.A.Grey-series review


(The Untouchables #3)
by T.A. Grey
Genre: adult, contemporary, paranormal romance

About the book: Release Date October 31, 2015 / / B&N /

In the third installment in The Untouchables dark, paranormal universe….one brother finds love in an unusual woman…

Lucas Blackmoore. Rockstar and all around playboy, doesn’t know what to think of the mysterious young were who happens into his life. But he knows one thing—he must help her.

Evie reminds him of a human whom he’d had far too much affection for—a woman whose life ended abruptly. Struggling with guilt over her death, Lucas’ mourning gets an unexpected interruption when newfound emotions blossom over Evie. He should be mourning not feeling hot under the collar, yet that’s exactly what’s happening. What he needs to do is keep his icy touch to himself, but all he aches to do is lay a single finger on her body.

With no memories to speak of, Evie, a newly transformed werewolf, needs help to discover what happened to her and to find out who or what bit her. As the infamous and wealthy Blackmoore family steps in to help Evie through her battle, things take a turn for the dark and titillating. Creatures, not quite were, not quite vampire are after her and one has marked her for its own. What are these hideous creatures and what do they want with Evie?


REVIEW: MERELY IMMORTAL is the third installment in T.A. Grey’s adult, contemporary THE UNTOUCHABLES erotic, paranormal romance series. This is vampire/rock star Lucas Blackmoore, and Evie’s storyline. MERELY IMMORTAL can be read as a stand alone although for backstory and cohesion I recommend reading the series in order as each consecutive installment builds upon the events of the previous storyline.

Told from several third person perspectives, following three intersecting premises MERELY IMMORTAL begins immediately after the events of TAKE ME (Untouchables #2) and the aftermath of the explosion and fire that killed Lucas Blackmoore’s girlfriend Beth. Beth was a human female, and the woman Lucas believed to be his ‘bruid’-his fated mate. But the relationship between Lucas and Beth came to a grinding halt when Beth caught Lucas in a compromising position, and her death began to push Lucas over the edge. When a mysterious female finds her way into Lucas’s life, Lucas begins to have visions of deja-vu about the woman who calls herself Evie- a woman who has no memory of her previous life; who is not quite vampire, not quite werewolf, and definitely no longer human. What ensues is the search for Evie’s past and her ‘maker’; and the mysterious woman known as ‘O’ who aided Evie when no one else would; and the use of dark magic in the world of the supernatural.

The relationship between Evie and Lucas is quick to build as there is a familiarity between our leading couple. Lucas is drawn to Evie but he is concerned that his awareness of Evie is due in part to the loss of Beth and his ongoing grief. The $ex scenes are intimate, provocative and intense. There is a definite pattern in the romance department throughout the series as it pertains to the quick turnover time between grief and finding a new love.

All of the previous storyline characters including Dom and Felicity, Gray and Ara, Vas, Diane, Julianna, crazed Alpha Were Zeke, and mercenary for hire Were Kane Gunner play secondary and supporting roles throughout the story. We are introduced to investigative reporter Tabitha, who may or may not have caught the eye of Kane Gunner.

The world building continues to focus on the Blackmoore family; the vampire/ were relationships; Arabelle’s continuing search for Zeke Hunter’s missing mate. There is also the potential for Vas to find his ‘bruid’ in an all too familiar female whose presence is unwelcome in the Blackmoore Estates.

MERELY IMMORTAL and the Untouchables Series are enchanting and imaginative. The premise is action packed and suspenseful; the characters are determined, charismatic and sensational; the romance comes with a bit of a twist but a twist that was easily detected from the very start. MERELY IMMORTAL is not as graphically violent as TEMPTING GRAY #2 which in and of itself is a bit of a relief-sometimes the violence can be overwhelming and take over the entire emotional feel of a storyline.

There are still a number of issues with spelling and grammar that need to be addressed and corrected. As mentioned in my previous reviews, another round of proof reading and thorough edits is advisable. Although the errors did not affect my enjoyment of the storyline(s), the problems are noticeable and distracting.

Copy supplied by the author.

Reviewed by Sandy


(The Untouchables #1)
by T.A.Grey
Genre: adult, contemporary, paranormal romance

About the book: Release Date February 27, 2013

FREE ebook: / / B&N /


Dominic Blackmoore meets the woman who captures his mind and body with a look and he’s instantly taken with her. When he was ordered to take another mate quickly after separating from his ex, he loathed the idea. However, after catching sight of his bruid he quickly changes his mind. He finds her utterly captivating, sensually erotic, and yearns to learn everything about her.


The woman he’s mistaken as his bruid is none other than the event planner, Felicity Shaw, for his mating ceremony. Now Dominic will do everything it takes, even lie to the woman he craves, to keep her at his side. He needs to mate with his bruid in order to win his political campaign but he finds himself falling in love with Felicity Shaw. In the end he must choose between work or love. He may make the right decision, but is it too late to save his lies from hurting Felicity?


REVIEW: TAKE ME is the first installment in T.A.Grey’s contemporary, adult The Untouchables erotic, paranormal romance series. This is vampires Dominic Blackmoore, and events coordinator Felicity Shaw’s storyline.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Felicity and Dom) TAKE ME follows the building relationship between our leading couple. Felicity is hired as the organizer for Dom’s upcoming mating to a Blue Blood female vampire named Juliana, but is mistaken by the soon to be ‘groom’ as his intended ‘bruid’ –his mated bride. While Dominic Blackmoore begins a slow seduction of the woman he believes is his new mate, Felicity finds herself falling for the man she knows nothing about. What ensues is a forced friendship that leads to something more when Dominic professes his love for the woman who is not his intended mate. To add insult to injury our hero is running for the president of the paranormal council, and to ensure his victory, Dom needs to mate with someone of his class, and Felicity’s heritage screams low-born and below Dominic’s status.

The relationship between Dom and Felicity begins as a case of mistaken identity but Dom’s attraction to Felicity does not go unnoticed by family and friends. Dom’s need for Felicity drives a wedge between himself and his intended mate, but our heroine will not be the other woman-the mistress-to any man. For all intents and purposes Dominic’s arranged mating has everything to do with class and appearances, and nothing to do with love or friendship. Dom wants Felicity regardless of his mating status and is willing to make Felicity his mistress to keep her in his life. Felicity, on the other hand, is not willing to be the ‘other woman’ but continues to find herself in sexual situations with a man betrothed to someone else. The $ex scenes are intense, intimate and provocative.

We are introduced to Dominic’s extended family including his half brothers-Vas, musician Lucas and security specialist Grayson-Grayson’s story is heartbreaking and tragic. Dom’s mother Diane is a Blue Blood vampire; a woman of higher breeding and the one person who seeks her son’s happiness at all costs. We are also introduced to Felicity’s best friend Beth, whose attraction to Dom’s half-brother Lucas once bordered on obsession. Beth’s realistic dreams and fantasies about Lucas have yet to be explained or addressed. The requisite challenge to Dom’s leadership of the paranormal council comes in the form of ‘crazed alpha Were’ Zeke. Zeke’s need to win is more about finding mates for his pack brothers than preserving the vampire line of succession on the council.

The world building focuses on the existence of the supernatural races-Vampires and Weres. There is a tepid peace between the species one that must be addressed as the new paranormal council focuses on mating between species, same sex lovers, between different packs and clans.

TAKE ME may be a controversial storyline for some readers in that our ‘hero’ proves to a selfish jerk; an immature male who isn’t willing to remain faithful to the woman he is about to mate. Dom wants it all-a mate and a mistress, and for some this is a big no-no in a romance storyline. For Dom and his family, it is all about appearances, and mating a Blue Blood will give the appearance of power and control. IN the end our heroine does something rather stupid and insane, placing herself in the direct line of danger and the possibility of losing it all.

TAKE ME is an interesting and unusual look at a vampire romance where our hero’s need for the woman who calls to his heart is more of an obsession than a fated love match. The characters are controversial; the premise is imaginative. The happily ever after comes with a challenge

Reviewed by Sandy


(The Untouchables #2)
by T.A.Grey
Genre: adult, contemporary, paranormal romance

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 21, 2013 / / B&N /

It all began nearly 600 years ago…

A dangerous vampire, mated to a woman his heart no longer beats for.

A mistake that would change his entire life.

A mistake so horrific it would lead Grayson Blackmoore back to one woman.

A woman who holds the power to shatter him completely—Arabella Donahue.

Vengeance, bloodshed. The hunt is on and Grayson won’t stop until they’re all dead.


REVIEW: TEMPTING GRAY is the second installment in T.A. Grey’s adult, contemporary THE UNTOUCHABLES paranormal romance series. This is vampire Grayson ‘Gray’ Blackmoore, and Were Arabella ‘Ara’ Donahue’s storyline. TEMPTING GRAY can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty although I suggest reading the series in order for backstory and history.

Told from several third person perspectives TEMPTING GRAY is first and foremost a story of revenge. Vampire Grayson Blackmoore is a security specialist whose latest assignment goes horribly wrong and in retaliation Grayson and everyone he loves is targeted for annihilation by the Donato family of psychotic vampires. In desperation, Grayson approaches the new President of the Supernatural Council –crazed Alpha Were Zeke Hunter-in the hopes of assistance in tracking down the vampires responsible for the destruction of his family and home. Enter Arabella Donahue, a non-shifting Were who has the ability to locate ‘missing’ objects, and the woman who has haunted Grayson’s dreams for close to one hundred years.

On the eve of his fated mating to his ‘bruid’ Anita of Redenver one hundred years earlier, Grayson met and fell for a mystery woman, and in the ensuing time he has never forgotten their heated kiss. Fast forward to present day, and Grayson’s fantasy woman is his only hope to locate the sadistic killers who destroyed his life. What ensues is the search for a family of psychotic vampires, and the festering guilt of a man who cannot forgive himself for the murder of his long-suffering wife.

The relationship between Gray and Ara is one of second chances. But for a fleeting kiss one hundred years earlier, Gray knew nothing about the woman that called to his heart as he was about to enter into an arranged marriage with his fated mate. Gray’s happiness is short lived when his ‘bruid’ (mated bride) goes off the rails and spirals into the depths of h*ll following two traumatic miscarriages, leaving Grayson a shadow of his former self. Reconnecting with Ara finds our hero torn between the grief and revenge for the loss of his mate, and the compelling need to seduce the woman he met years before. The $ex scenes are intimate and provocative.

All of the previous storyline characters play secondary and supporting roles including Grayson’s brother Dom and his ‘bruid’ Felicity (Take Me #1), as well as his brothers Vas and Lucas, and his mother Diane. Felicity’s best friend Beth has some major issues with vampire rock star Lucas, and her presence at the Blackmoore Estates will become a nightmare when the family is attacked in their own home. And we can’t forget about the crazed Alpha Were Zeke Hunter who is slowly going insane since the loss of his mate three hundred years ago.

TEMPTING GRAY is a graphically, violent storyline of retribution and vengeance as two families set out to destroy one another in retaliation for the murders of their beloved kin. The premise is entertaining and engaging; the characters are colorful and spirited; the romance is fateful and arousing but saying that the connection between Gray and Ara felt stilted due to Gray’s grief and his overwhelming need for revenge-the rekindling of a relationship between our leading couple begins a matter of hours to days following the murder of Gray’s wife and is understandably awkward and sad.

As to the book format and editing etc, there are several issues of grammar and spelling missteps in the storyline that could have been easily caught with another round of editing and a good proofreader. Perhaps the errors have already been addressed and updated at the e-retailers, but my copy had a number of problems that need to be corrected.

Copy supplied by the author

Reviewed by Sandy


How to Seduce a Scot by Christy English-Review and Book tour

How To Seduce a Scot by Christy English-Review and Book Tour

How to Seduce a Scot graphic

How To Seduce A Scot
Broadswords and Ballrooms #1
by Christy English
Genre: historical, romance
Release Date: December 1, 2015

How To Seduce a Scot / / B&N / KOBO / The Book Depository / BAM

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 1, 2015

He’s the terror of the ton…

The plan is simple:
1. Descend from the Highlands to face the aggravation of a London Season;
2. Foist his wild sister off on some gullible English lord;
3. Retreat before the ladies of the scandalized ton can get any ideas.

Determined to see his hellion of a sister wed, Highlander Alexander Waters is willing to face anything—even the English. He just didn’t expect his own rough manners to cause such a riot…or for a blooming English rose to catch his eye.

Gently bred Catherine Middlebrook must find a respectable man to marry or her family will be ruined. She won’t allow herself to be distracted by Highland barbarians…no matter how her body may thrill whenever Alex is near.

Catherine wasn’t part of the plan, but as their battle of wills escalates, Alex comes to realize this “proper” English girl is as wild as the Highlands themselves…and nothing will stop him from having her.


REVIEW:  3.5 out of 5 for this reader folks!

What a great start to a new regency/historical/highlander romance series by Christy English. How to Seduce a Scot is the first book of The Broadswords and Ballrooms series (love the playful title to book and series) and over all I was impressed enough to come back for more.

Catherine Middlebrook is on the marriage market. With hopes of landing a husband that can save her penniless family, she is some what perplexed when she finds herself attracted to her new friend’s brother Alex. Alex would never do however as his is a barbarian Scots who has no decorum or sense of polite English anything within. Growing up proper, Catherine must find a reliable proper Englishman with lots of money.

Alexander Waters is doomed to escort his sister’s coming out and attend all these frilly pretentious balls. Having no desire to find a wife himself, he is surprised to find himself drawn to the very thing he abhors. Alex is rough around the edges and while he is capable of charming polite society when it serves, he must admit this polite little friend of his sister’s has a fire within her that once ignited will burn hot. Now he must convince her to ditch her expectations and realize that a little flame is so much better than a bucket of plain old water.

Ok, so this novel took a little to get into. It was a slow start, but once things got going, it was an engaging read. Catherine and Alex are so different yet both hold some passion within that seems to come out whenever they are close. I love that despite Catherine being courted by Mr Snoozefest (although to be truthful, he is kind .. just boring), Alex still would casually pursue her. Drove me nuts that Catherine pushed Alex away so much though. Honestly, what snagged me in this book was the humour between our main characters. Some of the one liners and playful interactions really was endearing and I absolutely love that. I do wish there was more heat to love scenes and that our highlander was a little more rugged, but that is personal preference and I did enjoy the gentlemen aspect as opposed to the barbarian .. it is .. let’s say … refreshing.

A great historical romance for those looking for a tamer romance, and a sweet story. I will absolutely read the next book in this series!


Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Rachel T.


TAKE THE QUIZ: What Kind of Historical Romance Heroine Are You?

excerpt “I need no husband,” Mary Elizabeth said. “In spite of my brothers’ scheming and my mother’s insistence, Papa will allow me to hunt and fish on our glen for the rest of my life. There is no need to marry to do that. But you…” Mary Elizabeth’s gaze did not waver, even as she blinked as if to clear her vision. “You shall marry for love.” Catherine found herself smiling then, and the smile was a true one. “There is no such thing as a love match that lasts.” “Of course there is. My parents have it. I think your parents had it, before your father died.” Catherine looked across the parlor to her strident mother, who had only become so after she had managed to crawl out of the chasm of her grief. It was almost as if, without her father present in the world, her mother was afraid of not ever being heard again. “They did,” was all Catherine said. “And we will find it for you.” Mary Elizabeth squeezed her hand. About The Author Black and Red Christy English   Ever since Christy English picked up a fake sword in stage combat class at the age of fourteen, she has lived vicariously through the sword-wielding women of her imagination. A banker by day and a writer by night, she loves to eat chocolate, drink too many soft drinks, and walk the mountain trails of her home in North Carolina. Website: Facebook: Twitter: Goodreads: rafflecopter giveaway NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions please contact the tour operator.

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The Striker (Highland Guard #10) by Monica McCarty-Review and Giveaway

The Striker (Highland Guard #10) by Monica McCarty-Review and Giveaway

The Striker Banner

Highland Guard #10
by Monica McCarty
Genre: adult, Highlander, historical, romance
Release Date:November 24, 2015

The Striker / / B&N / KOBO / The Book Depository / BAM

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 24, 2015

Six years ago, Eoin “Striker” MacLean endured the greatest betrayal of his life, a disaster that led Robert the Bruce to a crushing defeat and left Eoin without the spirited woman who ruled his heart. Eoin knew that falling in love with his sworn enemy’s daughter was risky, dividing him between a possessive desire for beautiful Margaret MacDowell and an undying loyalty to his king. He promised Bruce that he would keep his fiery bride in the dark about the elite Highland Guard, but he could not predict the dire consequences his secret would have on his young marriage. Nor could he foresee how surrendering to temptation could cripple Bruce’s cause, forcing Eoin to blame his wife—and himself for trusting her.

Now, as Bruce prepares to challenge the resistance’s remaining strongholds, Eoin finally has his chance for revenge against the woman he once loved so fiercely and her entire clan. But when ferociously independent Margaret reveals a surprise that unites her with Eoin, neither of them will let their love go down without a fight.


5 out of 5 for this reader folks!

OH YEAH .. Monica McCarty nails another one out of the park. WOW .. TOTALLY LOVED! 🙂

You know when you read a series and you expect by book 10 it will start to fade a little … UUMMM not so much with Monica McCarty’s Highland Guard series. The Striker is book 10 and it is right up there as one of my faves. Always full of action, history, yummy alpha highlanders, deception, and love, I was so sad when I flipped the last screen page because that meant it was over. SNIFF!

Eoin “Striker” MacLean has had one goal in his life. To become one of Robert the Bruce’s elite Highland Guard members. Despite being The Bruce’s kin, Striker had to prove himself over and over again. Known for his cunning pirate like strategy, Bruce agrees that Striker would bring a unique gift to share with his warriors .. only one small problem. Striker fell in love with the wrong woman at the wrong time, and married her.

Margaret MacDowell is a wild one, especially in her youth. As the youngest of many brother’s and the only girl, she has had to learn to live in a man’s world and to hold her own to be respected. In the fine courts however, and despite her innocence, she is cast as a whore and something despicable. Both Eoin and Margaret feel this strong pull to each other and decide on the spur of a moment that they are meant to be. A hurried marriage and consummation seals the deal, but neither of them truely know what it means for them to be together. Maggie is a member of a family that is the sworn enemy of The Bruce. How can a man who is to become a Highland Guard suppose to have a trusted marriage with such a woman. Sworn to keep his identity secret by The Bruce, Striker must walk a fine line with his Maggie. When they return to his home as a married couple, her reception is less than kind. With Striker constantly leaving her for missions and not telling her what is going on, it’s only a matter of time that she feel cast aside and runs away .. but not before accidentally betraying her husband.

Many years have past and Maggie believes Eoin to be dead. Now living with her family, she is raising her son (yup that’d be Striker’s son), and about to remarry. When Striker makes his appearance, Maggie is shocked .. relieved and fearful, she must ensure that Striker knows that she never intended to betray him. With so much hurt, a son, and another chance at love, can these two finally get their own heads out of their you know what’s and lay it all out .. or will their families and secrets once again tear then apart? Can forgiveness truely happen and can love conquer all?

OH ME OH MY .. LOVE LOVE LOVE! Monica really writes a great story. I am not usually a fan of books that start in the present and then fire back to the past, but for this book to be this good, it needed to be this way. Maggie stole my heart right from the beginning, and I love how strong and capable she was. Eoin (Striker) was most assuredly Highland Guard worthy. Their fast romance was captivating, hot, and so endearing. When they separate you wonder how they will find their way back to the other. Well Monica didn’t disappoint there either .. LOL Characters you love to hate, but also honestly feel sorry for were present and this entire story was wrapped around a landscape and history that was so rich and believable. My fave part of all the Highland Guard books is the end where Monica writes a little blurb on the true history that inspired her story. It amazing how much research goes into her novels.

I am not one to reread many books, but I would reread this series in a heartbeat. Please do yourself a favour and start with the first book The Chief .. I promise you, if you love a great highland historical romance, you will be very happy with this entire series!

Cannot wait for the next one!


Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Rachel T


The Reading Cafe and Monica’s publisher are offering a paper copy of THE STRIKER to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe

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9. Giveaway runs from November 27 to December 1, 2015
