Heart Strike (Delta Force #2) by M.L. Buchman-Review, Book Tour & Giveaway

HEART STRIKE (Delta Force #2) by M.L. Buchman-Review, Book tour & Giveaway

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Delta Force #2
by M.L. Buchman
Release Date: August 2, 2016
Genre: adult, contemporary, military, romance

Heart Strike

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 2, 2016

Richie Goldman is the team geek of Delta Force, a warrior and a technical wizard-but nothing is more mysterious to him than women. When a feisty new recruit joins the team just in time for a dangerous mission in the Colombian jungle, he’ll have to make it out alive if he ever wants to figure her out.

Melissa Moore is going to be the best woman in Delta Force. Ready to do battle, her biggest challenge is avoiding Richie’s sweet and sexy distractions. She was prepared for combat, but falling in love is an entirely different battlefield


REVIEW: HEART STRIKE is the second installment in M. L. Buchman’s contemporary, adult DELTA FORCE military, romance series focusing on the men and women of the elite Delta Force squad. This is tech geek Richie ‘Q’ Goldman, and Staff Sargeant Melissa ‘The Cat’ Moore’s story line. HEART STRIKE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story is revealed where necessary.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Richie and Melissa) HEART STRIKE focuses on the latest mission for the members of the secret Delta Force group known as The Unit- a dangerous mission into the Colombian jungle to take down one of the largest cocaine processing centers in the country. Melissa is a new grad of The Unit’s rigorous six month training program and the second woman to make the Delta Force team. When her fellow grads are sent on a different assignment Melissa finds herself assigned to The Unit’s number one team-a cohesive group of Delta Force operators already working in the field. What ensues is the building relationship between Melissa Moore, and the Delta Force team’s computer geek Richie Goldman, a potential problem with group cohesion, and the undercover operation to search and destroy.

The world building continues to focus on the illegal drug trade of South America; the elite team of The Delta Force unit; and the camaraderie and friendships that continue to grow within the team. HEART STRIKE is an ensemble story line. All of the team members from book one including Kyle and Carla (Target Engaged) play secondary and supporting roles throughout the story.

M.L. Buchman’s stories are rich in military lingo, technical flight information, and a descriptive picture of the Colombian and South American jungles. HEART STRIKE is a story of suspense, mystery, romance and fiery action wrapped in lush green and striking blue of the land and sea. The premise is intriguing and imaginative; the characters are colorful, dynamic, and passionate; the romance is intimate and seductive-M.L. has upped the sexuality of his stories.

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

Guest Post

The first book in my new Delta Force #1, Target Engaged was called “His best yet” by Booklist and was also named a finalist for RWA’s prestigious RITA award.

Well, my answer to that is Heart Strike, releasing August 3rd, 2016. But it got me thinking. What are my favorite sequels? For a change-up, I focused on the action side rather than the romance, and here’s what I came up with.

5. The Color of Money Paul Newman and a very young Tom Cruise in The Color of Money. The original Jackie Gleason and a very young Paul Newman The Hustler was a master work of a tight psychological drama. They upped the stakes and made it utterly captivating in the highly energetic sequel.

4. Jason Bourne Jason Bourne #2 & #3 didn’t disappoint…for a single second. They sustained the tension, remained true to the character (an essential), and found ways to ratchet the tension higher in each successive one. Number 4? Not so much.

3. The Wrath of Khan The Wrath of Khan notoriously took one of the most disappointing movie launches ever, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and created a massive and incredible franchise that has continued ever since. Khan is still one of the great, over-the-top, out-of-control villains.

2. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Sometimes a great sequel comes third rather than second. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade pitted Harrison Ford against Sean Connery in gloriously foolish father-son mayhem that completely honored the first film.

1. The Dark Knight Rises This choice surprises me. I like the Dark Knight reboot, but I’m not a big fan of the comic book heroes in general and frequently skip them. It took me a couple of years to catch up with this one and what I love about it isn’t the acting (which was wonderful), or the action (which was dramatic). It was the story. The writer and director completely set us up to thinking this story was going one direction…then in the last half hour it went another way entirely. AND that twist was perfectly in character, just wholly unexpected.

Now, I write romantic suspense, so the ending is fairly predictable, but I certainly hope that you enjoy the journey of my latest Delta Force novel, number 2, Heart Strike!


Action sequels, even romantic suspense ones, only have a short moment of introduction before it’s time to get everyone moving…and moving fast! Delta Force #2, Heart Strike, opens with the team from Delta #1, Target Engaged, mapping coca fields in Boliva. They’re targeting them for massive defoliant drops from the CIA’s 747 tanker plane. Trouble comes when command issues an order for the team to pull out ahead of schedule to pick up a new team member and a new assignment. Thankfully, no one anywhere adapts faster to a changing situation than a team of Delta Force operators.

Sunrise was less than an hour off when Chad jostled his shoulder. Richie hadn’t been asleep and barely managed to suppress an oath as Chad shook him hard enough to wake the dead-his idea of humor. Richie noticed that he was a little more cautious with Duane who often woke with his knife half-drawn. Kyle and Carla were already at the hut’s entrance. Kyle had taken one look at the order and, in minutes, outlined a plan of how they were going to exit the farm with hopefully minimal exposure and risk. The guards they were anticipating would be off duty and the patrol timing would be wrong, but Kyle’s plan was as solid as they could get with what they knew. No way would Richie be missing this place. Dirt floor, woven grass mat, and a thatched roof that could really use some thatch before the next rainstorm but wasn’t going to get it. He felt sorry for the laborers. Some of the farmers were about to have an even worse season than the last one. At a big site like this, they were little better than slaves. Once the coca was gone, they’d be free, but with no assets and no working farm crop. In the coca business, locals just weren’t part of the profit equation. Rolando and the drug lord’s other armed guards Richie liked well enough, but had less sympathy for. The Delta team slipped out into the darkness, just a hint of the blue in the sky that was already washing out the fainter stars. They passed the farmers’ huts and were almost to the road leading out of the camp. “Where are you going, amigos?” Rolando, his AK-47 no longer over his shoulder but now in his hands. “Hey, buddy.” Chad started forward, but stopped and tried to look stupid when Rolando flicked off the safety. Carla stepped forward with an easy sway of her hips. Her dirty blue work shirt unbuttoned far enough to reveal that her assets weren’t all that much less impressive than the fabled Mayra’s. Rolando’s eyes dropped to her cleavage. She moved a hand up to his chest. With a little flick of her wrist, she revealed the long KA-BAR military knife she was holding and rammed it up under his chin and into his brain. Rolando twitched once. “That’s for trying to ram it up my backside without asking.” “He what?” Kyle snarled, but Carla didn’t waste any time answering. If there was ever a woman able to defend herself, Richie knew it was Carla Anderson. Then Rolando collapsed to the ground and his finger must have snagged on the trigger. A single 7.62mm round gave a loud crack and zinged off into the trees. “Shit!” the whole team said pretty much in unison. With their clandestine departure blown, Chad swept up the AK-47 and fired a security round into Rolando’s forehead. In seconds, they were fifty meters away and moving fast. Kyle had Rolando’s sidearm and Carla had a subcompact Glock 27 that she’d produced from somewhere-where was one of the questions Richie suspected he’d be better off not asking. Still, it was an interesting problem because they’d all been checked on arrival as being unarmed. Richie had pre-buried his GPS and satellite gear in the jungle, carefully crossing then recrossing the mined perimeter before they’d come into the camp so that he could retrieve them once the team had been accepted. The two guards at the main gate were half-awake when they stumbled to their feet. They went back down fast and Richie and Duane now had AK-47s as well. Chad stripped them of a pair of Makarov handguns, tossing one to Richie that he caught midair. There was an old Jeep parked by the gate, but neither of the guards had a key. It was probably back in the open, on Rolando’s body. Chad started hot-wiring it while the rest of them stood watch. Then Richie heard it. Distant at first, but building fast. The four-engine gut-thumping roar of a loaded 747. “Come on, Chad,” Carla pleaded. “Get us out of here.” The Jeep’s engine roared to life and they piled in. Duane tossed his AK-47 to Chad and dove into the driver’s seat-he was the best driver they had. He’d been working up the sprint-car circuit toward NASCAR when he’d taken his detour into the military. Kyle and Richie dropped two more armed guards who came rushing from the huts, half-dressed and scared awake. Duane raced the Jeep out of camp along the road, praying for no booby traps. Then the largest tanker plane in the world descended and began its run. The 747, converted for firefighting, had been put into deep storage in the Tucson desert when its owners went out of business. The CIA had found another use for the massive plane, which now began its dump of twenty thousand gallons-over eighty tons-of defoliant across the exact coordinates that Richie had sent to them just six hours ago. His Delta team had been to twelve coca farms in the last six months. And the 747 tanker had visited each in turn. Twelve farms that wouldn’t produce a single leaf of coca anytime soon. “Down,” Chad shouted. They all ducked and hung on as Duane rammed the heavy wooden outer barrier at thirty miles an hour. It blew apart. A four-by-four shattered the windshield and Carla knocked the remains of the glass clear with the butt of a Chinese QBB machine gun she’d acquired somewhere along the way before turning it around to shoot a guard who’d been standing well clear of the gate. Richie kept an eye out to the rear, but no one was following. If they were, they’d have a long way to go. The team had been pulled out of Bolivia. They were being tasked to a new assignment. That was fine. After six months training together and another six in the field, it was the last line of the message that had worried them all. Proceed to Maracaibo, Venezuela. Acquire new team member.

about the author

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ML BuchmanM. L. Buchman has over 25 novels in print. His military romantic suspense books have been named Barnes & Noble and NPR “Top 5 of the year” and Booklist “Top 10 of the Year.” In addition to romance, he also writes thrillers, fantasy, and science fiction.

In among his career as a corporate project manager he has: rebuilt and single-handed a fifty-foot sailboat, both flown and jumped out of airplanes, designed and built two houses, and bicycled solo around the world.

He is now making his living full-time as a writer, living on the Oregon Coast with his beloved wife. He is constantly amazed at what you can do with a degree in Geophysics. You may keep up with his writing at www.mlbuchman.com.

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Dark Carousel by Christine Feehan – Dual Review & Giveaway

Dark Carousel by Christine Feehan – Dual Review & Giveaway

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Dark Carpathians #30
by Christine Feehan
Genre: adult, contemporary, paranormal romance
Release Date: August 2, 2016


Dark CarouselAmazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo / BAM / The Book Depository

The moment Charlotte Vintage walks into his club, Tariq Asenguard’s blood is set on fire. The ancient Carpathian had given up hope of finding his lifemate, but now he will do anything to make Charlotte his own. What Tariq doesn’t know is that Charlotte is using herself and her best friend as bait—to try to draw out the bloodthirsty killers who have already murdered Charlotte’s brother and mentor.
Charlotte is familiar with Tariq. Not only is he one of the richest and most eligible bachelors in the city, but he’s also a renowned collector of old carousel horses, which Charlotte restores. Their shared passion opens Charlotte up to trusting him with her life and with the desire she can no longer control. But it also makes her vulnerable to a centuries-old curse that will unite her and Tariq in a war against the enemies of humans and Carpathians alike…


Barb’s Review:

Dark Carousel by Christine Feehan is the 30th book in her Dark/Carpathian series.  For those of you who have been reading my reviews on this series, you know I have been disappointed in most of the books Christine has written since my favorite book, Dark Slayer.  I did not like most of the heroes (still loved Dimitri), who were abusive/arrogant / macho to their mates for a large part of the story, as well as the books being more erotic then story driven.  I also did not like that many of the earlier characters, or villains, such as the Malinovs, did not play much of a part in most of the books. In Dark Carousel I have to say……..CHRISTINE FEEHAN IS BACK.  I loved Dark Carousel and I love Tariq.  Now to my review.  🙂

We have been waiting for Tariq Asenguard’s story for a long time, and in Dark Carousel he finally gets his story and his lifemate.  Charlotte Vintage is our heroine, and we meet her from the start.   Charlotte is with her best friend at a club owned by Tarig, where they act as bait to find the men responsible for the death of members of each of their families. Charlotte and her friend, Genevieve were part of a special psychics evaluation that was done for women who have psychic abilities.  We did learn many books ago that Psychic women are suspected of being lifemate candidates for the Carpathian warriors. When they leave the club, they are surrounded by dangerous men, who are vampires.  Tariq sensed in his club the scent of a woman who pulls on him, and who he suspects is the lifemate he has spent his life looking for.  It will be Tariqand his friends who will save Charlotte and Genevieve from the vampires.

Tariq will bring them and Charlotte’s niece to his mansion, where he will protect them. The mansion is also the safe house for a few children that Tariq and his men rescued from the vampires; with most having been tortured, and are in the process of healing.  Tariq has assumed responsibility for them, making them his family.  Almost immediately after arriving at the mansion, Tariq and Charlotte become a scorching hot couple, with Tariq using his sexual charm and trance to start the lifemate chant. There is no way Tariq will allow Charlotte to get away from him, since she is one person to keep him alive.  Charlotte was also falling in love with Tariq, with his loving care of her, and his promise to love her and care for her forever. 

What follows is a wonderful story, where Tariq and his Carpathian friends must find a way to save the children in their care, and also save Charlotte, who is in very much danger.   It was amazing how we saw all of the warriors work together to heal her from a splinter controlled by a master vampire.  As Charlotte’s life hangs by a thread; they had no choice but to convert her early.

 This was an exciting, action packed story that brought us back to the days left off in Dark Slayer.  The Malinovs are back, with Vadim being the master.  Sergey is also there, but so far, Vadim is the one in control.  There was a race to the climax to save one of the younger girls that was tortured, and a fight for life against one of Vadim’s other master vampires. I loved how Charlotte adapted to becoming Carpathian and loved her new powers and helping  Tariq, and living in his world.   Great story, great characters, great couple.    The story with the Vadim and Sergey was left open for future books.    Welcome back, Christine, I pray we get to see more like Dark Carousel and the rest of the people we just met.


Sandy’s Review:

DARK CAROUSEL is the thirtieth installment in Christine Feehan’s contemporary, adult DARK CARPATHIAN paranormal, romance series. This is ancient warrior Tariq Asenguard, and carousel restorer Charlotte Vintage’s story line. DARK CAROUSEL can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Several of the characters including Maxim and Blaze introduced in DARK CRIME found in the anthology EDGE OF DARKNESS (July 2015) play secondary and supporting roles throughout the story.

NOTE: DARK CAROUSEL is a story with brutally, graphic violence and issues of rape and abuse against women and children.

SOME BACKGROUND: All Carpathian males must find their lifemates before they turn vampire or greet the dawn. Without a lifemate, the males no longer see in color, feel pain or experience emotions. A lifemate is the light to their dark. She is the keeper of his heart and the keeper of his soul. As the unmated Carpathian male ages, the darkness begins to envelope his soul.

Told from several third person points of view DARK CAROUSEL follows Charlotte Vintage as she endeavors to come to terms with the deaths of several family members and friends seemingly linked back to her visit to a psychic center in Paris, France. As Charlotte and her friend Genevieve return to America, they are being stalked by an unknown source, and find themselves at a nightclub run by Tariq Asenguard-an ancient Carpathian male who has yet to find the woman who holds the other half to his soul. What ensues is the awareness for Tariq when Charlotte’s voice returns his emotions and color, and the quick building romance/insta love between two people connected by the past. While Charlotte struggles with her attraction and need for Tariq, there is something more sinister working behind the scenes. A master vampire is on the hunt, and Charlotte is one of his intended victims.

Like all of Christine Feehan’s male leads, Tariq is over protective and alpha, but in saying this, he is not abusive, not arrogant, not controlling or verging on total domination like many of Christine’s recent male ‘heroes’-a term I use lightly. For an ancient Carpathian, Tariq is quite modern, and willing to accept that his mate is his partner in many aspects of their relationship but fighting vampires is not in her repertoire.

DARK CAROUSEL, like so many of the recent DARK stories, is a graphically violent tale of murder, rape, blood shed, and gore with disturbing scenes and brutal imagery. Christine Feehan’s vampires are evolving into a darker, more sinister species with the ability to think and act independently, where no one is off limits, and children and women are the latest targets as the vampires struggle for power and control.

The large ensemble cast of characters is numerous including the introduction of several new ancients we first met in Dark Promises, who are struggling to retain their honor, as well as the triplets Tomas, Lojos, and Matais. All of the psychic children introduced in Dark Crime are now wards of Tariq Asenquard, and like Sara and Falcon from Dark Dream, Tariq and Charlotte are now the foster parents for several psychic children who are featured throughout the story. One young child will be the saving grace for an ancient Carpathian (reminiscent of Skylar and Dimitri). Vadim Malinov is the Master vampire and, for newcomers to the series, and as a reminder, Tariq reveals some history about the Malinov’s and their battle with the Carpathian people.

Christine Feehan’s DARK CAROUSEL is a welcome return to her earlier writing style and story line presentation including the ongoing battle with the Malinov family, which has been missing for awhile, but the original characters we grew to love are absent and without representation. The Daratrazanoffs are mentioned for their healing abilities but have yet to make an appearance. The up-kick in graphic and brutal violence against women and children is still an issue-one that I don’t see coming to an end with the current direction of the series, and the ever-evolving vampires. The premise has plenty of action, fight scenes and sexual situations; the characters are an eclectic mix of humans, vampires, children and Carpathians; the romance is a quick build to lifemates and love.

For diehard fans of the series, many are aware that the characters from DARK CAROUSEL are part of a ‘lost’ manuscript previously started by the author-the premise has somewhat changed from the recovered text.

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley

Copy provided by Publisher



Christine’s publisher is offering a Hardcover copy of DARK CAROUSEL to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

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8. Giveaway open to USA only

9.. Giveaway runs from August 2 to August 6, 2016





Flight From Mayhem (Fly By Night #2) by Yasmine Galenorn-a review

Flight from Mayhem (Fly by Night #2) by Yasmine Galenorn- a review

Flight from Mayhem

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / BAM /

About the book: Release Date August 2, 2016

I’m Shimmer, a blue dragon shifter. Thanks to a mistake, I was exiled from the Dragon Reaches and sentenced to work for gorgeous, exasperating Alex Radcliffe, a vampire who owns the Fly by Night Magical Investigations Agency. Every time I turn around, somebody’s trying to kill us. But you know what they say: All’s fair in love and bounty hunting…

A serial killer is stalking the elderly Fae of Seattle, draining their bank accounts before brutally murdering them. When Chase Johnson asks for our help, Alex and I discover that the sociopath is also a doppelganger—able to change shape to match his victim’s deepest desires. Our friend and colleague Bette volunteers to act as bait, but the plan goes dangerously awry. Now, unless we find her first, she’s about to face her worst nightmare.


REVIEW: Flight from Mayhem begins with all kinds of goings on. Someone in training, and unsupervised, accidentally let something horrible in through a portal she opened; the house across from Shimmer is haunted and she wants to help a trapped ghost; Alex’s ex, Glenda, is out for revenge; Tonya, a friend of Shimmer’s, is having a hard time and she thinks she’s being stalked, and, oh yeah………there’s a serial killer on the loose killing members of the Elder Fae and taking their fortunes. As the Fly by Night team goes from one crisis to another, one thing is for certain: They ARE a team and will move mountains to help each other and those they take on as clients.

Flight from Mayhem is a wonderful addition to the Fly by Night series. I love how Galenorn portrays her characters’ strengths and vulnerabilities. Shimmer is coming into her own and figuring out her path in a way that will be relatable to everyone who reads her story. Her boss, and now boyfriend, Alex, may have a hero complex but you can feel his need to help others, sometimes to his own detriment. The other team members, Bette and Ralph, are just as honorable and steadfast as the others and round out a wonderful ensemble cast. There are secondary characters that will have you cheering and jeering, as well as laughing out loud at times.

There are also crossovers, of sort, from Galenorn’s Otherworld Series; Chase Johnson and Yugi from the FH-CSI make several appearances; Roman, the leader of the Vampire Nation is shown and the D’Artigo sisters are mentioned, but don’t actually show up. This was bound to happen due to both series being set in Seattle and it blends perfectly.

Galenorn has once again written a story full of suspence, drama and wonderfull characters. The world building is as phenomenal as it is intriguing. We find out a bit more about Ralph in this one. We also find out a bit more about Bette, but as I said in my review of Flight From Death, I want MORE of Bette’s story and you will too after you read Flight from Mayhem. If you’re a fan of paranormal stories chocked full of intriguing characters that bring a little romance, a little intrigue and a lot of action, you will never go wrong by reading anything by this author. Well done, Yasmine Galenorn! Very, very well done!!!!

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Vickie M


Exiled (Madame X #3) by Jasinda Wilder-Review & Giveaway

EXILED (Madame X #3) by Jasinda Wilder-Review and Giveaway

Exiled Banner

Madame X #3
by Jasinda Wilder
Release Date: August 2, 2016
Genre: adult, contemporary, dark, erotic, romance


Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / BAM /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 2, 2016

My name is Madame X.

My heart is torn in two.

And now I have to choose…

Caleb is everything to her: lover, caretaker, the man who gave her life meaning when she had none. But as she seeks the truth about herself and her past, she discovers that unravelling Caleb’s web of lies might very well be impossible.

Logan is everything she never knew she wanted: freedom, joy, and a passion she couldn’t anticipate. But is Logan’s love enough to save her from herself, from Caleb, and from the tumultuous truth of her past?

Caught between two equally compelling and seductive men, X must make the ultimate choice. But there’s more at stake than just her heart.


REVIEW: EXILED is the third and final installment in Jasinda Wilder’s contemporary, adult MADAME X dark, erotic, romance series focusing on Caleb Indigo, Logan Ryder and Isabel De La Vega aka Madame X. EXILED is their continuing story, and should not be read as a stand alone as the events in book three are a culmination of the previous two installments.

SOME BACKGROUND: X is a woman who has no memory and no knowledge except for the previous six years, and in this, she relies on billionaire Caleb Indigo-a man whose control over Madame X is virtually master to a slave. Caleb is X’s rescuer, her confident, her protector, her master, and the darkness to her light. When Logan Ryder enters her life Madame X discovers the person she knew nothing about- the woman, the young girl she once was and now wants to be.

Told from first person perspective (Isabel) and second person points of view, jumping between the past and the present, EXILED focuses on Madame X, now known as Isabel, and her struggle to get on with her life. Finally leaving the confines and imprisonment of Caleb Indigo’s ‘protection’, Isabel begins to forge ahead with her new man, Logan Ryder, in an attempt to recover some of the memories that are slowly beginning to unravel. What ensues are Caleb’s attempts to reveal the truth and convince Isabel that she is the one, Logan’s need to protect Isabel from Caleb and herself, and Isabel’s struggle between the life she knows, and the future she wants.

EXILED is a psychological nightmare; a story of betrayal, lies, deceit and secrets, but it is also a story that crosses an imaginary line with respect to the love triangle trope, and one woman who finds herself drawn to two men. Isabel begins to struggle with her identity and her dependence upon a man who controlled her life, while forging ahead with Logan, into a future of which she uncertain and afraid. Caleb’s obsession with Madame X begins to unravel at an exponential rate threatening his sanity, Logan’s life, and Isabel’s tenuous hold on her freedom. A Stockholm Syndrome scenario tugs loosely at the periphery of the story.

The world building follows Caleb’s revelations about their past-his earlier years struggling to survive; and Isabel’s life before she became Madame X. The reader is tossed into a nightmare of Caleb’s making; an obsession, a delusion, a preoccupation with a woman he wants more than life itself, and life is something he is willing to sacrifice to give Isabel what she wants.

Throughout EXILED there are a few twist and turns that are predictable including a couple revelations that were easily deduced from the start. Some readers will have a difficult time with Isabel’s ‘choices’ and Caleb’s pull over the woman he molded into someone else. Logan’s easy acceptance of certain situations is questionable but his anger and need for retribution is understandable. In the end, Isabel will get her happily ever after but at a cost that may be too high for all involved.

EXILED is a story about obsession; about one man’s dark and dangerous past whose need to control all but destroyed the woman with whom he would fall in love. Caleb Indigo is the anti-hero; the barely leashed monster whose power and need outweighed his ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Madame X was a puppet whose life of virtual enslavement was choreographed by a man whose brilliant mind was tainted by his earlier years; Isabel is a woman struggling with her own demons as she runs towards a path of unknown certainty. Logan Ryder is the hero but a hero who readily accepts everything Isabel was and will be, and a man who would do anything to protect the woman he loves. At times, Logan seems to be too perfect; the knight in shining armor rescuing the princess in the high tower, and I was waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop with a twist of epic proportions.

EXILED is a revealing story line that answers the questions about the who, what and why. The premise is dramatic and intense ; the characters are tragic, flawed and sensational; the romance is a roller coaster of revelations towards a happily ever after. EXILED is a fictional story line meant to entertain and elicit the reader’s emotions.

Reading Order and previous reviews
Madame X

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

About The author

Jasinda Wilder


Jasinda Wilder is a New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and international bestselling author. She is a Michigan native and currently lives there with her family. Visit her official website at jasindawilder.com.



The Reading Cafe and Jasinda’s publisher are offering a paper copy of EXILED to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

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8. Giveaway open to USA only

10. Giveaway runs from August 1-5, 2016
