My Kind of You (Trillium Bay #1) by Tracy Brogan-a review

MY KIND OF YOU (Trillium Bay #1) by Tracy Brogan-Review

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Title: My Kind of You

Author: Tracy Brogan

Pub Date: April 18, 2017

Publisher: Montlake Romance

Series: Trillium Bay, #1


Emily Callaghan never expected to spend another summer on Wenniway Island. Yet here she is, back in her quaint northern Michigan hometown of Trillium Bay, divorced, flat broke, and dragging along her precocious twelve-year-old. It’s a simple arrangement: Emily, a house flipper, will renovate one of her grandmother’s rental properties in exchange for a much-needed loan. Once a wild child, the reformed Emily also hopes to remodel her reputation and show her family she’s all grown up.

But coming home is never simple. Emily’s dad is more distant than ever. Her younger sister is dating a much older man, and Emily’s worried it’s a mistake. The cottage remodel grows increasingly daunting. And then there’s handsome out-of-towner Ryan Taggert…

Ryan has his own family drama. A smart, ambitious land developer, he’s come to Wenniway to rescue his father from the grips of a new girlfriend and protect their family business. But he’s quickly distracted by gorgeous, witty Emily Callaghan.

There’s no denying the attraction between Emily and Ryan. But will their conflicting interests destroy any chance at love? Or will Emily finally get the chance to rebuild her life—and repair her heart?


My Kind of You by Tracy Brogan is a lovely contemporary romance story set on a small familiar, but fictional, island in Lake Huron and part of the state of Michigan.

The story begins with Emily Chambers (nee Callaghan) and her twelve-year old daughter, Chloe, who are stuck in a very small airport in Wawatam County waiting for a small plane to take them to Emily’s childhood home of Wenniway Island in Trillium Bay. While at said airport she meets the only other passenger also waiting for the same flight to the island, Ryan Taggert.

Through this cleverly written story, woven well with background stories, family situations, for both Emily and Ryan, we get to ‘know’ the characters and their stories.

Emily is traveling back home to renovate a rental cabin for her grandmother, as a favor for the loan of ten thousand dollars to help her out of a financial problem. Emily is a house flipper, she and her partner were moderately successful and living in San Antonio, Texas.

Ryan’s drama is that his brother sent him to this island to talk his father out of retiring. Ryan’s father is only fifty-nine and owns their large property management company. Ryan and his two brothers help run it successfully from California. It seems his father, a recent widower has fallen for a woman on Wenniway Island and is determined to leave the company to his sons to run while he lives on the island and/or travels.

Okay. That’s the basic setup. I don’t want to give too many details, those are best discovered by the cleverly woven dialog and thoughts author Tracy Brogan does such a marvelous job of writing.

Let me just say this story is very well written. It has witty and fun conversations, humorous almost ILOVELUCYlike scenes, a bit of heartbreak, small-town drama and stories and so very much more. It deals with love in its wondrous varieties and the situations that entails.

It’s a delightful and complicated plot with so much coming home and small-town life included. Pick up a nice glass of your favorite beverage, a couple of tissues (wouldn’t hurt) and settle in for a wonderful read! If you love romance, especially small-town style, this is for you.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Georgianna

About The Author

Tracy BroganTracy Brogan is an award-winning, bestselling novelist who writes fun and funny stories about ordinary people finding extraordinary love, and also lush historical romance full of royal intrigue, damsels causing distress, and the occasional man in a kilt. She has been nominated by Romance Writers of America for a prestigious RITA® Award for her debut novel, Crazy Little Thing, and was nominated by RWA for two Golden Heart Awards. She’s a Booksellers Best Award recipient, along with two Golden Quill Awards in both contemporary and historical romance. Unapologetically devoted to romance, Tracy lives in Michigan with her often-bemused husband, their gloriously above-average children, and their two intellectually challenged dogs. Tracy loves to hear from readers, so please visit her website at

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Ravenous by L.L. Collins-a review

RAVENOUS by L.L. Collins-a review

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 20, 2017

Raven: To seek, plunder, or prey. To devour ravenously. To seize as spoil.

I am Raven.

I knew what it meant to fight my way through life.
To be the victim, the spoil, the prey.
I decided long ago I would take control of my future.

No more bug infested couches.

No more drug-addicted mothers or absentee fathers.

No more welfare checks or moldy bread.

No more settling.

I thought I had it all figured out, a way out of the hand I’d been dealt.

Until my life got turned upside down by two very different men who look at me with mirrored lust in their eyes.

Their want is palpable, heady. Their desire makes me reckless.
I no longer know who I am or who I want.

The only thing I do know is, I am ravenous.
Voracious. Intensely eager for gratification or satisfaction.

Despite the fact I know it is a disaster waiting to happen, I can’t stop it.

I’m afraid I will never be sated.


REVIEW: RAVENOUS is the first installment in L.L. Collins’s contemporary, adult, erotic, romance series. This is former soldier, and thirty year old high school English teacher Brecken Kingsley, and twenty one year old college student Raven Phillips’s story line.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Raven and Brecken) RAVENOUS follows the building relationship between Raven Phillips and Brecken Kingsley-a relationship predicated on a lie; an arranged after hours business affair; and a building love for two people walking separate paths towards a future together. Raven Phillips is desperate and struggles with the choices in her life when an opportunity presents itself ensuring Raven the possibility of easier times ahead for herself and her younger sister Chrissy. Meeting twins Dr. Porter Kinglsey, and high school English teacher Brecken Kingsley never entered into the equation but two men vying for the affections of our story line heroine pits brother against brother until the truth is finally revealed. What ensues is Raven’s battle between her heart and her head, and Brecken’s desire for a woman he barely knows.

L.L. Collins writes a sexy, creative and engaging story about one woman, two brothers and their passionate relationships both in and out of the bedroom. Raven Phillips must choose between security and love, self esteem, pride, survival and letting go. The premise is spirited; the characters are passionate; the romance is fated by circumstance and time. RAVENOUS is an enticing tale that will captivate your imagination.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

About The Author beige

L.L. Collins loves spending her days in the Florida sun with her husband and two boys, reading, and writing. LL has been writing since she was old enough to write. Always a story in her head, she finally decided to let the characters out made her lifelong dream of becoming an author come true in the self-publishing world. She’s the author of the Living Again Series and the Twisted Series, plus a new standalone, Back to the Drawing Board. Visit LL on her WEBSITE

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The Playboy Bachelor (The Bachelors of Arizona #2) by Rachel Van Dyken-a review

THE PLAYBOY BACHELOR (The Bachelors of Arizona #2) by Rachel Van Dyken -a review

The Playboy Bachelor / / B&N / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 11, 2017

She’s no Sleeping Beauty. And he’s definitely no prince . . . Margot McCleery could have lived her whole life without seeing Bentley Wellington again-her ex-best friend and the poster boy for Hot, Rich Man-Whores everywhere. But Margot’s whiskey-augmented grandmother “buys” Bentley at a charity bachelor auction, and now suddenly he’s at her door. Impossibly charming. Impossibly sexy. And still a complete and utter jackass. Bentley’s just been coerced by his grandfather to spend the next thirty days charming and romancing the reclusive red-haired beauty who hates him. The woman he abandoned when she needed him the most. Bentley knows just as much about romance as he knows about love-nothing. But the more time he spends with Margot, the more he realizes that “just friends” will never be enough. Now all he has to do is convince her to trust him with her heart . .


REVIEW: THE PLAYBOY BACHELOR is the second installment in Rachel Van Dyken’s contemporary, adult THE BACHELORS OF ARIZONA romance series focusing on the Wellington brothers-Brock, Bentley and Brant. This is romance author Margot McCleery, and Bentley Wellington’s story line- a second chance/friends to lovers romance that saw two people destroyed by fear and fate.

Told from several third person perspectives including Bentley and Margot THE PLAYBOY BACHELOR is a modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast but the Beast is our heroine- a woman who has secluded herself since the accident that claimed the lives of her parents, and sent our heroine into a world governed by the romance novels she writes. When Margot’s grandmother wins the services of Bentley Wellington at the recent bachelor auction for charity, Margot’s well-ordered and secluded life begins to spiral out of control when the man that she has loved for most of her life, but hasn’t seen in close to ten years, is forced to spend thirty days in the same house with the woman he pushed out of his life. What ensues is the rekindling friendship, relationship and romance between two people broken by mistaken beliefs, and a ten years of heartbreak and pain.

The relationship between Bentley and Margot is one of second chances. Margot’s life changed the day her parent’s died; not only did Margot blame herself for the accident but when her best friend disappeared from her life, Margot found herself alone, wallowing in depression, trying to recover from the loss. But Bentley Wellington had a difficult time with the accident that almost killed the young woman that he loved, and in the ensuing weeks found himself struggling to comprehend where everything went wrong. For ten years Bentley buried himself in alcohol and women finding neither solace nor comfort for the pain of losing the only woman he would ever love. Margot and Bentley never again made contact, and in the ensuing time, anger and heartbreak festered into self-loathing, and darkened dreams. The $ex scenes are mostly implied or fade to black.

There is plenty of back and forth banter (both negative and positive) that ricochets between the leading characters adding some humorous moments between hostile aggression and heartbreak.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including Bentley’s struggling twin Brant Wellington, and their elder brother Brock whom we met in book one-The Bachelor Auction. Bentley’s grandfather returns, alone with Margot’s grandmother as the two continue to play matchmakers for their heartbroken grandchildren. Brant’s story is next in The Bachelor Contract

THE PLAYBOY BACHELOR is a story of second chances; of miscommunication, mistaken beliefs, and broken promises; of consuming loss, and impulsive decisions. The premise is passionate; the romance is challenging; the characters are broken and struggling.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one THE BACHELOR AUCTION.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


Cold Reign by Faith Hunter – Review, Blog Tour & Giveaway

Cold Reign by Faith Hunter – Review, Blog Tour & Giveaway


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Cold Reign Banner Promo


Cold Reign
Jane Yellowrock series – Book #11
by Faith Hunter
Release Date: May 2, 2017

Cold ReignAmazon / B&N / Kobo / BAM / Book Depository / Google Play

Jane Yellowrock is a shape-shifting skinwalker…and the woman rogue vampires fear most. Jane walks softly and carries a big stake to keep the peace in New Orleans, all part of her job as official enforcer to Leo Pellisier, Master of the City. But Leo’s reign is being threatened by a visit from a delegation of ancient European vampires seeking to expand their dominions.

But there’s another danger to the city. When she hears reports of revenant vampires, loose in NOLA and out for blood, Jane goes to put them down—and discovers there’s something unusual about these revenants. They never should have risen.

Jane must test her strength against a deadly, unnatural magic beyond human understanding, and a ruthless of cadre of near-immortals whose thirst for power knows no bounds…


Cold Reign by Faith Hunter is the 11th book in her fantastic Jane Yellowrock series.  I love this series, and Jane Yellowrock is another one of my favorite kick-ass heroines.   Cold Reign picks up a short time after the previous book ended, as Jane, her team and the Master of the City’s team prepares for the upcoming arrival of the European Vampires.

Being Leo’s Enforcer, Jane once again is in the neck of things trying to stop the current attacks by revenant vampires, as well as the horrible violent storms that are happening.  In a short time, Jane will realize that these revenant vampires are different, and seem to be dead ones coming back to life.  Suspicion becomes apparent that the European vampires have been working behind the scenes to cause havoc and destruction against Leo.  The unnatural storm is also the works of witches, and magic. 

What follows is an exciting, wild, intense adventure that has Jane, Eli, Alex, Edmund and Bruiser running all over New Orleans to stop the killings.  We have little time to breath, as one after another finds Jane in the middle of death defying situations.  It also becomes clear that the long thought dead European vampire leaders have planned this for a long time, and along the way, Jane will discover that there are traitors in the midst. Will Jane be able to stop the ultra powerful enemies?  Will Leo survive or will the European vampires succeed in their takeover attempt?

In between all of this non-stop action packed story, we get to spend time with Jane’s ever growing team, some of whom we have come to love.  Eli has become so great, as Jane’s second;  Alex. Eli’s brother and techie, has begun to mature more; Edmund, a ancient powerful vampire, is Jane’s Primo and is slowly becoming another favorite; I also like Brute.  Jane has evolved so much since the first book, Skinwalker.  She is much stronger, confident, and caring, and totally in sync with Beast.  I love Beast, and now they are fully one; stronger, better, smarter, and unbeatable.    It was great to see Jane open her heart and look at Eli and Alex as family, and also care about Brute, and Edmund.   I loved how her romance with Bruiser just keeps getting better and sexier; watching them both falling in love.   Just love them together.  I happily note: who needs Rick LaFleur.

Most importantly, Jane has become so much more powerful, with her own magic, and strength, as well as her stronger abilities with Beast, such as shifting much faster; her understanding and use of the gray between.  Cold Reign was another fantastic edition to the Jane Yellowrock series.  Bravo to Faith Hunter for another sensational story.


Molly Everhart Trueblood

Molly Meagan Everhart Trueblood— Best Friend who knows Jane is a Skinwalker. She is a powerful earth witch – her gift is herbs and growing things, healing bodies, restoring balance to nature. She has some ability as a moon witch. Also can sense dead things, like vampires asleep during the day. She used to have a guardian angel but when Molly stopped believing in angels it left.
Red hair, frizzy curls in humidity. (Molly hates her curls). Normally hair falls in ringlets down her back. Cuts it from time to time and wild red curls dance in the night breeze. Her skin is pale. She has two children – Angie Baby and EJ. Husband is Evan Trueblood (also a witch).
Molly is open-minded, tolerant, unprejudiced, and fearless. Says “Son of a witch on a stick”. Molly has a familiar—KitKit, and is pregnant in Shadow Rites.
Sets several types of wards, including warning and protection wards, health and healing wards for children, and the Hedge of thorns ward. Wyrd Spells are in Irish Gaelic. When she creates a new spell that flunks when tested, she folds it into a paper airplane and flies it across the room. “It hasn’t flown” is slang for an untested spell. 

During the series, her earth magics morph into Death Magic. She has trouble growing things, making them thrive. The woods behind the house were hit with some kind of blight, beetles or fungus or something, and they were dying and she couldn’t make them right. To Jane the new magic smells different: metallic and brittle, like heated steel and old bones. It smells like a man’s magic, though Evan’s magic was sexless, no more masculine or feminine than Molly’s or her sisters’.

Molly learns how to fight them back and how to use her earth magics again, and adds Latin to her spells.

**Compiled by Melissa M. Gilbert of Clicking Keys, for the Character History of the Jane Yellowrock world**



New York Times Bestselling author Faith Hunter writes three series: the Jane Yellowrock series, dark urban fantasy novels featuring Jane, a Cherokee Skinwalker; the Rogue Mage novels, a dark, urban fantasy / post apocalyptic series and role playing game featuring Thorn St. Croix; and the Soulwood Series featuring Nell Nicholson Ingram.

Visit Faith online at, or follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.



There are two giveaways:
There’s a tour-wide giveaway for copies of COLD REIGN and totes featuring Beast! Open to US residents only.

There is also a giveaway below for a copy of Cold Reign to One lucky member of The Reading Cafe.


Faith’s publisher  is offering a paper copy of COLD REIGN to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe

1. If you have not previously registered at The Reading Cafe, please register by using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

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4. Please FOLLOW us on Twitter for an additional entry.

5. Please FOLLOW us on GOODREADS for an additional entry.

6. Follow FAITH HUNTER on Facebook.

7. Giveaway is open USA only

8. Giveaway runs from April 29 to May 3, 2017









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Unsteady (On Solid Ground #3) by Melissa Collin-Review and Book Tour

UNSTEADY (On Solid Ground #3) by Melissa Collins-Review and Book Tour

Unsteady BAnner

On Solid Ground #3
by Melissa Collins
Release Date: April 28, 2017
Genre: adult, contemporary, MM, erotic, romance

Unsteady / / /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 28, 2017

Micah Hudson and Jude MacMillian were both lonely teenagers. One the new kid and one the target of relentless bullying, they quickly became friends. But when friendship grew into more, the relationship was too much for either to handle. As their tenuous bond was tested, everything tumbled down, leaving them lonely once again.

A decade later, Micah is on the brink of losing his will to live. Beyond exhausted from lying to everyone, including himself, Micah thinks of the one person who knows his deepest secret. Desperate and alone, Micah makes the only decision he feels he has: he must leave. But his need for closure depends on one thing.

Can Jude make room in his Unsteady life for Micah once again?


REVIEW: UNSTEADY is the third installment in Melissa Collins’s contemporary, adult ON SOLID GROUND M/M romance series. This is army veteran Micah Hudson, and elementary school teacher / coach Jude MacMillian’s story line. UNSTEADY can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. The reader was first introduced to Micah in an earlier story line.

NOTE: UNSTEADY contains graphic scenarios of M/M sexual situations.

Told from dual first person points of view (Micah and Jude) using present day and memories from the past, UNSTEADY is a second chance story line that focuses on the friends to lovers relationship between former childhood friends Micah Hudson, and Jude MacMillian. Micah and Jude grew up the outcasts: Jude a victim of school bullies, Micah the victim of his father’s rigid demands. Micah was Jude’s protector and guardian, and the man with whom Jude would fall in love. But the bullies that continue to stalk Jude throughout his school life forced our hero to push away the only man he would ever love. Fast forward ten years, where Jude would come face to face with his past- Micah Hudson, an army veteran and amputee looking for a second chance at life, love and a happily ever after. What ensues is the rebuilding friendship and relationship between Micah and Jude, and the fall out when too many lies cover the secrets Micah left behind.

Micah Hudson has been living a lie most of his life-rejected by the only man he would ever love, Micah found army life a way to escape everything he left behind including family and friends, and the truth about his love for a man who pushed him away. But Micah keeps buried a secret that once revealed forces Jude to question his relationship with Micah Hudson.

The relationship between Micah and Jude is one of second chances; a rekindling friendship and romance between two men who have never found love or peace without the other. Jude is an alpha male desperate to keep Micah back in his life; Micah is struggling with his place in the world. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate.

We are introduced to Jude’s fellow teacher and coach Brandon, as well as Jude’s father George MacMillian, and Micah’s service dog Sarge, as well as a number of students at a sports camp run by Jude MacMillian. The requisite evil reveals the discrimination aimed at our story line heroes.

The world building looks at the fall out of fear, lies, betrayal and mistrust. Micah’s lies by omission surface to destroy the relationship with the man that he loves; betrayal comes from an outside source when their relationship goes public.

UNSTEADY is a story about struggle and pain; heartbreak and loneliness; acceptance and recovery. The premise is dramatic and intense; the characters are broken and anxious; the romance is challenging, provocative and fated. UNSTEADY is an emotional story line of second chances, family and love.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
On Solid Ground
On Higher Ground

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Unsteady Teaser

about the author

Follow: Goodreads / Website / Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest

Melissa CollinsMelissa Collins has always been a book worm. Studying Literature in college ensured that her nose was always stuck in a book. She followed her passion for reading to the most logical career choice: English teacher. Her hope was to share her passion for reading and the escapism of books to her students. Having spent more than a decade in front of a classroom, she can easily say that it’s been a dream.

Her passion for writing didn’t start until more recently. When she was home on maternity leave in early 2012, she read her first romance novel and her head filled with the passion, angst and laughter of the characters who she read about it. It wasn’t long before characters of her own took shape in her mind. Their lives took over Melissa’s brain and The Love Series was born.

Join me on Facebook where you will find a $50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!
Melissa Collins Author Page


Sin With Me (Bad Habit #3) by J.T. Geissinger-Review and Book Tour

SIN WITH ME (Bad Habit #3) by J.T.Geissinger-Review and Book Tour

Sin With Me Banner

Bad Habit #3
by J.T. Geissinger
Release Date: Apri l25, 2017
Genre: adult ,contemporary, erotic, romance

Sin With Me / / B&N / BAM /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 25, 2017

The past she can’t remember. The secret he hides. And a love that’s worth risking it all.

After a devastating car crash stole both her family and her memory, Grace Stanton was left with no past and an uncertain future. Now Grace likes to keep things simple. No sleepovers, never date a guy more than a month, and never, ever fall in love. Which is exactly why Grace avoids Bad Habit’s lead guitarist, Brody Scott, at all costs. The green-eyed, sexy-as-hell musician has “trouble” tattooed all over him, and Grace isn’t taking any chances with her heart.

Brody knows he doesn’t deserve an amazing woman like Grace—her creamy skin, red hair, or that smart mouth that fuels his every fantasy—but there’s something between them that’s more than chemistry. Something real. He’ll just have to convince Grace that he’s worth the risk—and hide the secret that haunts his worst dreams. But when fate plays a cruel hand, Brody’s darkest sin suddenly threatens his last chance at redemption…and the life of the woman he loves.


REVIEW: SIN WITH ME is the third installment in J.T.Geissinger’s contemporary adult BAD HABIT erotic, romance series focusing in the member of the rock band Bad Habit. This is lead guitarist Brody Scott, and psychologist Grace Stanton’s story line. SIN WITH ME can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty but I recommend reading the series in order for backstory, history and cohesion as many events in the current time line build upon events of the previous books.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Grace and Brody) SIN WITH ME is an intense story of heartbreak, secrets, healing and moving forward. Years earlier, at the age of eighteen, Grace Stanton’s world exploded. A hit and run driver killed her parents, leaving our heroine with no memory of the past including her name, her parents and the events leading up to the crash. Fast forward to present day and Grace Stanton, a couple’s counselor, is a woman afraid to commit beyond the present. Enter lead guitarist for the rock band Bad Habit Brody Scott, and the man who will steal Grace’s heart, and destroy all semblance of peace and hope for out story line heroine.

SIN WITH ME follows the building relationship between Grace Stanton, and Brody Scott. Brody’s attraction to Grace is hindered by Grace’s inability to commit fearing the possibility compounded memory loss that includes the loss of everything she worked hard to attain. Brody sets out to seduce our story line heroine, coming to the rescue when Grace loses everything in her life. The $ex scenes are intimate and seductive. The back and forth banter between our leading couple is humorous and entertaining.

The secondary and supporting characters include Kat and Nico (Sweet as Sin #1), and Chloe and AJ (Make Me Sin #2), Kenji the ‘flamboyant’ friends, as well as security specialist Barney, keyboardist Ethan and bassist Chris. Barney is leaving the band to pursue a career with a high-level security outfit known as Metrix, and I am going to surmise a spin-off series in the future.

The world building looks at the growing family, friendship and relationships between the members of Bad Habit. There is a twist to the story line that I saw coming, early on although it did not affect my enjoyment of the story.

SIN WITH ME is an emotional, erotic, palpable, intense and fated story. Grace’s past comes full circle while Brody’s dark secrets will destroy any hope for a happily ever after. The premise is startling, powerful and dramatic; the romance is provocative and emotional; the characters are animated, colorful and tragic. SIN WITH ME is a moving, wondrous, and riveting story line.

Reading Order and previous reviews

Sweet As Sin
ONLY 99¢ at Amazon: / /
Make Me Sin
ONLY 99¢ at Amazon: / /
Sin With Me

Bad Habit Sale

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Sin With Me Teaser

About The Author

JT Geissinger PIcJ.T. Geissinger is an award winning and best-selling author of dark, sexy romance.

She is the recipient of the Prism Award for Best First Book, the Golden Quill Award for Best Paranormal/Urban Fantasy, and was a finalist for the prestigious RITA© Award from the Romance Writers of America. Her work has also finaled in the Booksellers’ Best, National Readers’ Choice, and Daphne du Maurier Awards.

She lives in California with her husband, on whom all her heroes are based.

Connect with J.T. Geissinger


Inkslinger 2


Murphy’s Law (Law #2) by Lori Foster-a review

MURPHY’S LAW (Law #2) by Lori Foster-a review

Murphy's Law / / B&N / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Re-Release April 25, 2017


Nothing is going to go wrong. Ashley Miles has worked too hard for her independence to let some Bentley-driving hunk named Quinton Murphy interfere with her plans–or her freedom. Yes, the chemistry is phenomenal. Kind of scary, actually. But that’s it. NO emotional commitments.

. . .WILL

But he’s SO wonderful–a woman could fall in love . . . How did that happen? That wasn’t part of the plan! But can she trust him? Really trust him? The man is just so mysterious. There’s only one solution: put it all on the line and see what Quinton does when she tells him how she feels. And hope everything that can go wrong. . ..won’t.


REVIEW: MURPHY’S LAW is the second installment and re-release in Lori Foster’s contemporary, adult LAW romance series. This is waitress/student/cleaning person Ashley Miles, and successful businessman Quinton Murphy’s story line. MURPHY’S LAW can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty although some of the premise is predicated on the events of book on. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary. The reader is first introduced to the couple in book one-Jude’s Law.

Told from several third person perspectives including Ashley and Quinton MURPHY’S LAW focuses on the building relationship between thirty three year old successful and wealthy businessman Quinton Murphy, and twenty seven year old, struggling student and waitress Ashley Miles. Ashley is part of the cleaning crew in the office building where Quinton’s family owned consulting firm leases space, and Quinton’s attraction to Ashley is compounded by her refusal to trust the man who is offering her the world. With her best friend’s wedding only days away, Quinton offers himself as Ashley’s plus-one hoping for a chance with the spunky cleaning lady who has caught his eye. But someone is stalking our story line heroine, and the threats against her life are becoming more dangerous and personal. What ensues is the romantic relationship between our leading couple, and Quinton’s struggle to protect the woman with whom he is falling in love.

The relationship between Quinton and Ashley begins as a mutual attraction although Ashley struggles with issues of money, trust, and low self-esteem. The trust issue comes into play several times throughout the story when Quinton’s actions prove that, he too, struggles with Ashley’s less than stellar background and upbringing. As a virgin our heroine has very little experience with men but Quinton has offered to take it slow in his relationship with Ashley Miles. The $ex scenes are intimate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

The colorful secondary and supporting characters include former MMA fighter Denny Zip, Jude Jamison, May Price and May’s brother Tim from book one JUDE’S LAW. Ashley’s friendship with May finds our heroine the target of revenge when someone from Jude’s past returns for vengeance.

MURPHY’S LAW is a sweet story with a little bit of mystery, suspense and romance. The story line is predictable; the conflict resolution is quick and with very little fanfare-I was hoping for a little ‘more’. The premise is heartwarming; the romance is encouraging; the characters are animated and spirited. MURPHY’S LAW is an engaging story line with a happily ever after.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


Too Hard to Forget (Romancing the Clarksons #3) by Tessa Bailey: Review, Q&A, Excerpt & Giveaway Tour

TOO HARD TO FORGET (Romancing the Clarksons #3) by Tessa Bailey-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway Tour

Too Hard to Forget Banner

Romancing the Clarksons #3
by Tessa Bailey
Release Date: April 25 , 2017
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance

Too Hard to Forget / / B&N / KOBO / BAM / Google Play / ibooks / indiebound

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 25, 2017

This time, she’s calling the shots.

Peggy Clarkson is returning to her alma mater with one goal in mind: confront Elliott Brooks, the man who ruined her for all others, and remind him of what he’s been missing. Even after three years, seeing him again is like a punch in the gut, but Peggy’s determined to stick to her plan. Maybe then, once she has the upper hand, she’ll finally be able to move on.

In the years since Peggy left Cincinnati, Elliott has kept his focus on football. No distractions and no complications. But when Peggy walks back onto his practice field and into his life, he knows she could unravel everything in his carefully controlled world. Because the girl who was hard to forget is now a woman impossible to resist.


REVIEW: TOO HARD TO FORGET is the third installment in Tessa Bailey’s contemporary adult ROMANCING THE CLARSONS erotic, romance series focusing on the Clarkson siblings. This is youngest sibling Peggy Clarkson, and college football coach Elliott Brooks’s story line. TOO HARD TO FORGET can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty although I recommend reading the series in order for backstory and cohesion.

SOME BACKGROUND: One year earlier Miriam Clarkson passed away but not before leaving her now four grown adult children (Rita, Aaron, Peggy and Belmont) a journal of her most intimate thoughts and dreams. Miriam’s final wishes were for her children to seek out what is important in their lives and thusly a cross country trek began wherein each sibling will find his or her own happily ever after as they venture their way from California to New York City ending with a New Year’s Eve celebration. Rita found the love of her life in book one –Too Hot To Handle/ Aaron found love in book two-Too Wild to Tame.

Told from dual third person points of view (Peggy and Elliott) using present day and memories from the past, TOO HARD TO FORGET is a second chance story line focusing on college football coach Elliott Brooks, and one time cheerleader Peggy Clarkson. Three years earlier Elliott and Peggy ended a torrid but forbidden affair between coach and student-an affair that ended when Elliott pushed Peggy out of his life. Fast forward to present day, Alumni Week is in full swing at the University of Cincinnati, and the Clarkson cross-country tour pulls Peggy into the vortex of her of alma mater. Prepared to give Elliott a piece of her mind Peggy comes face to face with the man that ruined her for everyone else, never expecting to pick up where everything went wrong. Enter Elliott Brooks, widowed father of one pre-tween daughter, and the man that broke our heroine’s heart and soul. What ensues is the rekindling romance between Elliott and Peggy, Elliott’s struggle to forgive himself for sins of the past, and the scramble to save one player’s home from bankruptcy and loss.

The relationship between Elliott and Peggy is one of second chances for two people destroyed by one man’s guilt. Elliott is a practicing Catholic who has difficulty forgiving himself for the loss of his wife (a woman he considered more of a friend than soul mate) and for falling in love with the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Peggy was a senior at University of Cincinnati but catching the eye of the school’s infamous football coach placed Peggy on the fast track to lust, love and a potential happily ever after until her world came crashing down when Elliott pushed her out of his life. The $ex scenes are erotic, intense and seductive. Elliott likes to talk dirty in the bedroom; Peggy likes it a little rough.

With two of the Clarkson siblings having found love on the cross country journey, that left Peggy and Belmont, along with Peggy’s best friend Sage to continue onward towards New York and a New Year’s Eve celebration. Belmont struggles with dark demons and his attraction to his sister’s best friend Sage; Sage’s past hints to an abusive and neglectful start.

The world building continues to focus on the Clarkson’s journey towards love and a happily ever after. Told through present day, as well as memories from the past, the reader goes along for the ride as each sibling finds their purpose and role in life. The story line advances the series but a few days.

TOO HARD TO FORGET is a story of heartbreak and sorrow; love and pain; emotional guilt and loss. The premise is realistic, emotional and energetic; the romance is passionate, palpable and compelling; the characters are colorful, intelligent and spirited. TOO HARD TO FORGET is a sultry story line of second chances for two people caught in a tidal wave of one man’s guilt.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews

Romancing the Clarksons

Too Hot To Handle
Too Wild to Tame
Too Hard to Forget
Too Close to Call (June 2017 novella)
Too Beautiful to Break (September 2017)

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

Too Hard to Forget Teaser


TRC:  We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?

Tessa:  I’m a control freak living in Long Island with a wine habit. Ha! I have a five-year-old daughter, a husband of ten years and a temperamental cat. Romance is what makes me cry, laugh and everything in between.

TRC:  Who or what influenced your career in writing?

Tessa:  I’ve always thought writing was my one talent, but I lacked the discipline until my daughter was born. After that, I was very motivated to carve out a career for myself. I guess you could say she influenced me. I wanted to make her proud.

TRC:  What challenges or difficulties have you encountered writing and publishing your stories?

Tessa:  At this point, I have a tried and true system that ensures I can get the book written and released in its best form. In the beginning, I would say my biggest opponent was doubt. Or letting others get in my head and spread doubt about story ideas. Now I ignore everything but my own gut.

TRC:  Would you please tell us something about the premise of TOO HARD TO FORGET and the ROMANCING THE CLARKSONS series?

Tessa:  The Clarksons are four dysfunctional siblings on a cross-country road trip from San Diego to New York, each of them finding love at a different stop along the way. TOO HARD TO FORGET is the third book in the series—the youngest sister Peggy’s turn—and she’s out to make her old flame’s life hell on their stop in University of Cincinnati where he works as the head football coach.

TRC:  How do you keep the plot(s) unpredictable without sacrificing content and believability?

Tessa:  My characters do it for me! A characters’ pasts and insecurities dictate how they respond to any given situation, so give two characters the same plot and they each could take it in a different direction. I love when a character surprises me or I learn something about them during the course of a book. That can often make me change course when it comes to the plot.

TRC:  Thank you Tessa for taking the time to answer our questions. Congratulations on the release of TOO HARD TO FORGET.


“I don’t know, Peggy.” He whirled on her, closing in until she was forced back onto the desk. “I had an All-American on my squad this morning and now I don’t. That’s all I know.” He pointed a finger toward the window. “I solve problems down on the field. Saving people isn’t my job.”
Saving people. God, there was such a wealth of regret and pain in those two words. But he couldn’t hear it and she couldn’t address it. Letting him know she saw right through his façade to the hurt beneath might force Elliott to close himself off. “You didn’t always limit yourself. Why are you doing it now?”
“Accepting things that can’t be changed isn’t a limitation. It’s realistic.”
“But how will you know if something can’t be changed unless you try?”
“When it comes to certain things, Peggy, trying leads to losing.” He was in her face now, the mint from his toothpaste familiar and inviting where it slid over her lips. “And I don’t lose.”
No one ever stood up this man but her, and she wouldn’t be cowed now. “No? You’re out a receiver.” She hitched herself up on his desk. “I’d call that a loss.”
The tips of his shoes met Peggy’s, his hands gripping the furniture on either side of her hips. “Who do you think you are, little girl? Coming into my office and telling me what I’ve done wrong?” His eyes were brilliant in their vexation, the attraction he was trying so hard to fight. “Where do you get the goddamn bravery?”
“The bravery is what you liked best about me,” she breathed, heat sizzling in a downward V toward her thighs. “Isn’t it?”
“No. That bravery is what almost led to my downfall.” His hands found her bottom, jerking her to the edge of the desk. “I resented it. Still do.”
“Liar,” Peggy whispered, easing her thighs wider. “You’re dying for an excuse to head for another downfall.” When her legs were as open as she could spread them, she leaned up to Elliott’s ear and let her breath shake loose. “One thrust.”
Elliott’s right hand came up out of nowhere, molding over Peggy’s mouth as his hips crowded into the notch of her legs. With a quick maneuver to recline her halfway back, Elliott’s erection found the apex of her thighs, delivering an aggressive pump against her underwear that sent a scream climbing up Peggy’s throat, only to be trapped by his hand. Knees jerking up out of reflex over the rush of sensation, an orgasm almost—almost— broke past the surface, sending her waters rippling out on all sides. Her legs wanted to hug Elliott’s waist, her voice wanted to beg for one more, one more, one more, but he shook his head, denying her, even though his gaze was hot, a low groan issuing from his harshly masculine mouth.
He leaned in and nipped the lobe of her ear. “Next time, ask for two.”

About The author

Tessa BaileyTessa Bailey is originally from Carlsbad, California. The day after high school graduation, she packed her yearbook, ripped jeans, and laptop, and drove cross-country to New York City in under four days. Her most valuable life experiences were learned thereafter while waitressing at K-Dees, a Manhattan pub owned by her uncle. Inside those four walls, she met her husband, best friend, and discovered the magic of classic rock, managing to put herself through Kingsborough Community College and the English program at Pace University at the same time. Several stunted attempts to enter the work force as a journalist followed, but romance writing continued to demand her attention.

She now lives in Long Island, New York with her husband and daughter. Although she is severely sleep-deprived, she is incredibly happy to be living her dream of writing about people falling in love.

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