Walk of Shame (Love Unexpectedly #4) by Lauren Layne-Review, Book Tour & Giveaway

WALK OF SHAME (Love Unexpectedly #4) by Lauren Layne-Review, Book Tour and Giveaway

Walk of Shame Banner

Love Unexpectedly #4
by Lauren Layne
Release Date: April 18,2017
Genre: adult, contemporary, romance

Walk of Shame

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / BAM / GOOGLE | ITUNES 

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 18, 2017

Pampered heiress Georgianna Watkins has a party-girl image to maintain, but all the shopping and clubbing is starting to feel a little bit hollow—and a whole lot lonely. Though Georgie would never admit it, the highlights of her week are the mornings when she comes home at the same time as her uptight, workaholic neighbor is leaving to hit the gym and put in a long day at the office. Teasing him is the most fun Georgie’s had in years—and the fuel for all her naughtiest daydreams.

Celebrity divorce attorney Andrew Mulroney doesn’t have much time for women, especially spoiled tabloid princesses who spend more time on Page Six than at an actual job. Although Georgie’s drop-dead gorgeous, she’s also everything Andrew resents: the type of girl who inherited her penthouse instead of earning it. But after Andrew caps one of their predawn sparring sessions with a surprise kiss—a kiss that’s caught on camera—all of Manhattan is gossiping about whether they’re a real couple. And nobody’s more surprised than Andrew to find that the answer just might be yes.


REVIEW: WALK OF SHAME is the fourth installment in Lauren Layne’s contemporary, adult LOVE UNEXPECTEDLY romance series. This is high powered, divorce attorney Andrew Mulroney, and heiress Georgianna Watkins’s story line. WALK OF SHAME can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty.

Told from first person point of view (Georgianna), and third person perspective (Andrew) WALK OF SHAME follows the building relationship between divorce attorney Andrew Mulroney, and heiress Georgianna Watkins. Georgianna is a party girl but the late nights (early mornings) are starting to catch up with our heroine so much so that Georgie schedules her arrival at home at the same time her ‘surly’ neighbor Andrew Mulroney leaves for the gym. Their tempestuous back and forth/ sexually charged banter pushes all of Andrew’s buttons until the day Andrew crosses a line with his snark and rude comments. From a hot, steamy kiss to nursing one another back to health following a raging case of the flu, Andrew and Georgie will face the future until the future comes crashing down.

Andrew Mulroney is a genius; a stuffed shirt who struggles with his attraction to the vibrant and vivacious, over the top tabloid princess Georgianna Watkins. Believing our heroine is nothing more than a spoiled heiress Andrew tries to keep his distance but Georgie is determined to prove that they belong with one another. The $ex scenes are intimate and intense without the use of sexually graphic, over the top language and text.

The world building focuses on the building relationship between Andrew and Georgia, and Andrews struggle to let Georgie into his life. Andrew’s famous self control and cold exterior hide a heart and soul that has difficulty letting go or falling in love. But Andrew keeps secret some information that if revealed will destroy Georgie’s life, and in the end will destroy his relationship with the woman with whom he is falling in love.

WALK OF SHAME is a sweet storyline with a heroine whose witty banter and endearing charm will make you smile, and pull you in to a tale about two people whose lives will collide in more ways than one. The premise is entertaining and lighthearted; the romance is captivating and sensual; the characters are passionate and inspiring. WALK OF SHAME is delightful read with a playful heroine, and a hero who struggles between head and heart.

Reading Order and previous reviews
Blurred Lines
Good Girl
Love Story
Walk of Shame

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

Walk of Shame teaser


And who is he, you ask?
Andrew Mulroney, Esquire.
I know this because we moved into the building on the exact same day, and right before we got into a horrendous fight over whose movers should have access to the building loading dock first, he handed me his business card.
The thick white card stock declared that he had a fancy law degree to go along with the fancy suit he was wearing on a Saturday.
Andrew handed it over with such superiority, I actually wished for a half second that I had a business card of my own that would somehow be better than his. Like, lined with gold or something. No, platinum. With a diamond in the corner. It would be too heavy for him to hold, and he’d drop it, thus having to kneel at my feet to pick it up.
But then I realized it was just as well that I didn’t have a business card.
Because it would say . . . what? Georgie Watkins, professional party girl?
Anyway, I digress. Despite the high temps of that swampy July morning, the encounter had been the start of an epic cold war.
Me, the socialite in apartment 86A against the uptight esquire in apartment 79B.
I’m not entirely sure I’m winning the war, but I’ll never tell him that.
I let my gaze drift over Andrew, even though his appearance rarely holds any surprises. The man’s a lesson in sameness, like some sort of anal-retentive version of Groundhog Day.
There’s always the black mug with some healthy gunk inside held in his right hand, Tom Ford briefcase and Armani garment bag in his left, containing what I know to be a perfectly tailored three-piece suit.
Andrew’s coppery hair is perfectly styled, although I’d swear that there’s some natural curl in there threatening to disrupt his perfect order. I imagine that annoys him, so it therefore makes me happy.
Let’s see, what else about my nemesis?
He’s got a hard, unfriendly jawline that’s perfectly shaven.
Dark brown eyes, cold and flat. Black gym bag over one shoulder.
I suppose you could say he changes up his attire, because he does alternate between black and gray gym shirts. But considering that they seem to be the exact same fit, both colors molding perfectly to his impressively sculpted upper body, we’re not giving him any points for variety there.
Same goes for the lower half. The black shorts worn in summer have given way to sleek black sweatpants now that October’s upon us, but they’re both black and Nike, so we’ll give him no credit for changing it up there either.
The shoes, though . . .
I do a double take.
Well, well, well . . .
Instead of the usual black gym shoes, the man’s shoes are red. I don’t know how I missed it before.
I drag my eyes back up his body with a grin, and he gives just the slightest roll of his eyes to indicate that he’s noticed my slow perusal and isn’t fazed in the least.
“You went shopping, Dorothy!” I say happily.
He stares at me. “I don’t shop.”
Of course not. Far too frivolous.
“No, that makes sense,” I say, pointing at his feet. “Glinda would have given these to you.”
Andrew looks down at his Rolex watch. “I’ve got to go. Have a good day, Mr. Ramirez.”
“You too, Mr. Mulroney,” Ramon says with a deferential nod. “Enjoy your workout.”
“Yes, do,” I say, turning and watching as Andrew moves toward the front door of our building. “What’s on the schedule today? Treadmill, or just skipping down the Yellow Brick Road?”
Andrew Mulroney, Esquire, doesn’t respond. He doesn’t even turn before pushing through the revolving doors and stepping out into the still-dark autumn morning.
Now come on. Tell me that wasn’t at least a little bit fun, despite the ungodly hour.

About The Author

Lauren LayneFollow: Website / Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / GOODREADS

Lauren Layne is the New York Times bestselling author of over a dozen romantic comedies.

A former e-commerce and web marketing manager from Seattle, Lauren relocated to New York City in 2011 to pursue a full-time writing career.

She lives in midtown Manhattan with her high-school sweetheart, where she writes smart romantic comedies with just enough sexy-times to make your mother blush. In LL’s ideal world, every stiletto-wearing, Kate Spade wielding woman would carry a Kindle stocked with Lauren Layne books.

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Tasty Book Tours


Dark Alpha’s Lover (Reapers #4) by Donna Grant-Review and Book Tour

DARK ALPHA’S LOVER (Reaper #4) by Donna Grant-Review and Book Tour


Reapers #4
by Donna Grant
Release Date: April 18, 2017
Genre: adult, contemporary, paranormal/fantasy, romance

Dark Alpha's Lover

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N Nook / Kobo / iBooks / eBooks.com/ Google Play

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 18, 2017

There is no escaping a Reaper. I am an elite assassin, part of a brotherhood that only answers to Death. And when Death says your time is up, I am coming for you…

I answer to no one but Death. I am impenetrable, impervious, immortal. I exist to do Death’s bidding and no one–not Reaper nor human nor Fae–can stand in my way. Except for the bewitching half-Fae, Catriona. She swears the magic in her family passed her by, but I know better. This woman is strong. This woman is powerful. And when her abilities surge forth, no one will be able to stop the Dark Fae from coming for her. Except for me. I want to keep her close. I want to keep her safe. I want lose myself to her, again and again…


REVIEW: DARK ALPHA’S LOVER is the fourth installment in Donna Grant’s contemporary, adult REAPER paranormal/fantasy romance series. The REAPERS is a spin off from Donna’s DARK KINGS series which is a spinoff from Donna’s DARK WARRIOR series which in turn is a spin off from Donna’s DARK SWORD series- all set in the Highlands of Scotland. You do not have to have read any of the previous series to understand the premise but many of the events overlap with the events of the Dark Kings. This is Reaper Fintan, and half-fae/half human Catriona Hayes’s story line.

SOME BACKGROUND: The Reapers (believed to be a folk lore amongst the Fae) are a group of Dark and Light Fae, selected by Death (aka Erith), on their own deathbed, to do her bidding-Death is the judge and jury; the Reapers are the executioners. The Reapers are not harbingers of death, but are tasked with destroying the Light and Dark Fae who have crossed a line from which there is no return. All Reapers must follow two rules: never to fall in love; and never to reveal their existence to anyone. If you have read Donna’s DARK KINGS series you will recognize the familiarity between the two series as both follow a similar plot and premise including betrayal by one of their own.

Told from several third person perspectives DARK ALPHA’S LOVER follows Reaper Fintan as he is tasked with protecting and gathering information about the half-fae Catriona Hayes. Cat believes she has not been blessed with the gift of magic but circumstances begin to unfold that reveal more about Cat’s abilities than anyone could ever have imagined. Cat is being stalked by Bran- a former Reaper with revenge on his mind, revenge aimed at the Reapers and the woman known as Death. What ensues is the building but forbidden relationship between Fintan and Cat, and the discovery about the who and what of Bran’s plans for the Reapers he once called friends.

The relationship between Cat and Fintan is forbidden by Reaper law-a law that once saw the destruction of Bran’s lover-a death he has chosen to avenge at all costs. Fintan knows that to fall in love could mean death to the woman that calls to his heart but Death knows that the world is changing, and along with, so too, are the Reapers who do her bidding. The $ex scenes are limited, seductive and compelling.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including all seven of the current line of Reapers, as well as several individuals from some of Donna’s other connected series and story lines including a number of the Dark Kings including King Constantine, and Balladyn-one time Captain of the Queen’s Guard, a famed warrior in the Light Army, and now a member of the Dark. Balladyn’s purpose throughout both of the series is increasing in relevance along with the Light Fae Rhi.

DARK ALPHA’S LOVER is a story of family and love; betrayal and revenge; magic and power. The cross over between the Dark Kings and the Reaper’s series is revealing, and the connection between the two enemies may be closer than we think as both are avenging the loss of someone they loved. The premise is imaginative, revealing and engaging; the characters are dynamic and courageous; the romance is passionate. DARK ALPHA’S LOVER takes the reader closer to a supernatural war where everyone will lose, in the end.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Dark Alpha’s Claim
Dark Alpha’s Embrace
Dark Alpha’s Demand
Dark Alpha’s Lover

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy



Galway, Ireland
Nothing was ever as it seemed.
There were more than humans walking this earth. The things seen out of the corner of your eye were real, even if your mind refused to recognize—or accept—them.
But Catriona Hayes knew of their existence, even if she wished she didn’t. They were Fae. Magical creatures that were so beautiful they seemed otherworldly—because they were.
The Fae had come to this world, seamlessly integrating themselves into the lives of mortals. But then again, when it came to beings with magic, they could do such things.
Cat blew out a breath and put the day’s earnings in the pouch before placing it inside the safe and shutting the door. She straightened and looked through the windows of the café and across the street to the pub alight with merriment.
There was a bit of wistfulness within her when she spotted three women walking into the bar with bright smiles. She’d never been that carefree.
From the first moment she could remember, her family had kept her apart from others. It wasn’t until she was older that she realized what made her so different—she was a Halfling.
Part human, part Fae.
Some might rejoice at the news, but she wasn’t most people.
The first time her grandfather had told her of her heritage, she’d laughed, thinking it was a jest. But as they’d walked down the streets of Galway, he began pointing out the Fae.
That was the day her life changed. At eight years old, she’d felt the weight of the world drop upon her shoulders. The burden had nearly brought her to her knees. And it had lingered, growing heavier with each passing year.
Yet she remained standing beneath it all. Only because of her grandfather. The man who smiled in the midst of the many storms life threw his way. He was what kept her composed and mindful of the dangers of living near Fae.
While she had been fearful of her grandfather’s revelation, her older siblings had embraced it as a gift.
Cat looked down at the counter and the top that covered it. Beneath the thick glass, next to the register, was a picture of her with her brother and sister twenty years ago.
Whatever gift having Fae blood had given her siblings had been taken away in a cruel twist of Fate several months ago when they were savagely killed.
Her brother had been murdered in a crowded pub, while her sister had had her life snuffed out on a train to London. No one had seen either attack. One moment, her siblings had been alive. The next, they were dead. It was how Cat knew the Fae were responsible.
Only beings with magic and the ability to veil themselves could have committed such crimes without a single person catching something on their mobile phones.
Ever since her family’s deaths, she’d been waiting for the Fae to come for her.
What was taking them so long? She and her grandfather—who she kept locked safely away in his cottage where no Fae could enter—were the only ones left.
A flash of lightning pulled her from her thoughts and reminded her that she needed to get home. She started toward the front, turning off the lights as she went. Flipping the sign in the café window to CLOSED, she walked out the door and locked it.
When she faced the street once more, she gripped the handle of her purse and looked around at the people. She knew the Fae could use glamour to disguise themselves, though most preferred to remain beautiful. That made it easier to pick them out, but it did nothing to lessen Cat’s dread.
She remained in the doorway as a couple walked past her. The man said something to make the woman laugh. Cat’s heart caught because she couldn’t remember the last time she’d giggled like that—never mind actually being on a date.
Cat squared her shoulders and turned to the left. Her cottage was toward the outskirts of Galway. She couldn’t wait to get home where she could relax.
“Relax,” she snorted.
There was no such thing for her. While others brushed their cares away with a pint of ale and loud music, she would eat alone at her house and sleep with one eye open.
Being half-Fae had done nothing but make her life miserable. She’d gotten nothing else from it. Her sister, Nora, had been able to move objects with her mind. Her brother, Domhnall, could grow plants.
For some strange reason, magic had passed her over altogether. No matter how hard she tried, there didn’t seem to be a smidgen of magic within her.
Countless times, she’d asked her grandfather what she’d done to not have magic. He’d never quite answered her. In his usual way, he would tell a story about all the Halflings who lived without magic.
But she always suspected that he was keeping something from her.
No amount of conniving or posing the question different ways ever gave her another answer, though. With every year that passed, she was more and more sure that her grandfather was hiding something.
Cat tensed when she walked past a Fae talking to a mortal female. His silver eyes, black hair, and sex appeal were the biggest clues to what he was—Light Fae. At least, it wasn’t a Dark.
The Dark scared her the most with their red eyes. She shuddered just thinking about them.
She turned the corner and quickened her pace. Thunder rumbled the same time lightning zigzagged across the sky. More rain was on the way, but if she were lucky, she’d make it back to her cottage before it came.
Suddenly, she stopped. She didn’t know what had caught her attention, but something told her to go no farther. Her gaze roamed down the street as people milled about.
There was something in the air that draped over everything like a wet blanket. It took her a moment to realize what it was—fear. She looked at the humans and saw that none of them appeared to be affected.
Then she heard the footsteps coming, quickly. She saw the man running toward her and looking back over his shoulder. He passed beneath a streetlamp, and she saw his eyes—red.
But it was the terror on his face that surprised her. She hadn’t thought there was anything a Dark feared, but whatever was after this particular Fae must be frightening.
Her head told her to run, but her body refused to move. She remained where she was, even as a man appeared out of thin air in front of the Dark.
The Fae slid to a halt, his eyes wide. The man before him had long, white hair that was pulled away from his face by three small braids on each side of his head.
She had little time to process that before she saw the light glint off a blade. The sword sliced through the air and cut down the Dark, turning him to dust in an instant.
Shock reverberated through her as she involuntarily took a step back. What kind of weapon did he have that could kill a Fae?
Because she wanted one.
He took two steps away before he suddenly halted, his body stiffening. Then he gradually turned his head to look right at her. She couldn’t make out his face because of the shadows, but she knew he’d seen her.
And then, he disappeared.
She took another step back and hastily looked around, but there was no other sign of the white-haired man. Yet she knew she wasn’t alone.
He was there. She was sure of it. Just as she was sure the Fae would come for her soon.
Somehow, she managed to stand her ground. If she were going to die, she would do it with courage. Even if she was shaking. She wasn’t going to run, no matter how much she wanted to.
She felt something behind her a moment before the sound of footsteps reached her. Cat whirled around, ready to face the unknown stranger. But it was a Dark Fae who walked toward her.
“Shite,” she murmured and turned back around.
“Hiya, darlin’,” the Dark called. “What’s your hurry?”
She walked faster and said over her shoulder, “Long day.”
“Let me buy you a drink.”
“No, thanks.”
She waited for him to say more, and when he didn’t, she gave a sigh of relief. It wasn’t until she was in her cottage that she slumped against the door.
Another day gone.

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Grant and reprinted by permission of Swerve.



About The Author

donna_grant_newDonna Grant is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the sizzling Dark King series featuring dragons, immortal Highlanders, and the Fae.

She was born and raised in Texas but loves to travel. Her adventures have taken her throughout the United States as well as to Jamaica, Mexico, and Scotland. Growing up on the Texas/Louisiana border, Donna’s Cajun side of the family taught her the “spicy” side of life while her Texas roots gave her two-steppin’ and bareback riding.

Despite deadlines and voracious reading, Donna still manages to keep up with her two children, four cats, and one long haired Chihuahua.

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The Thing About Love by Julie James – Review, Excerpt & Giveaway

The Thing About Love by Julie James – Review, Excerpt & Giveaway


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The Thing About LoveAmazon / B&N / Kobo / BAM / Book Depository

FBI agents Jessica Harlow and John Shepherd have a past. The former lawyer and cocky Army ranger clashed during their training at Quantico, gladly going their separate ways after graduating from the Academy. Six years later, the last thing either of them expects is to run into each other again–assigned to work as partners in a high-profile undercover sting.

For both of them, being paired with a former rival couldn’t come at a worse time. Recently divorced from a Hollywood producer and looking for a fresh start, Jessica is eager to prove herself at her new field office. And John is just one case away from his dream assignment to the FBI’s elite Hostage Rescue Team. In order to nail a corrupt Florida politician, they’ll have to find a way to work as a team–a task that becomes even trickier when they’re forced to hole up at a romantic, beachfront resort as part of the investigation. Suddenly, the heat behind their nonstop sparring threatens to make the job a whole lot more complicated. . .




The Thing About Love by Julie James is another one of her wonderful adult romancesJulie James is one of my favorite romance authors, who always gives us a wonderful story, great couples that are successful in their careers, with a perfect blend of sassiness and hot sexual chemistry.

Jessica Harlow and John Shepherd, met each other 6 years ago, during their FBI training at Quantico. The competition was fierce, and snarky; when the training was over, they both walked away not caring if they would ever meet again.  In present time, Jessica returns to her home town of Chicago, after a broken marriage.  John is coming off of an undercover job, only to find his girlfriend in bed with his best friend.  When Jessica is given an assignment in an undercover sting,  involving a corrupt mayor of Jacksonville, she is shocked and not too happy to see her new partner in this case is John.  Needless to say, John, who is already in a bad frame of mind, isn’t too keen on seeing Jessica again.  Their old hostilities resurface, but they are now seasoned professionals and determined to work together in the sting operation.

In a short time, both Jessica and John will reveal things from their training time that causes them to realize that their perceptions were off base.  The attraction for each other begins to heat up, and their chemistry together was super hot.   They also made a great team, setting up the mayor for the fall.  I loved watching both of them fall in love with each other, and at the same time become impressed with their partner’s skills.

The story was very well done by James, as she is an expert in FBI suspense types of stories, with a wonderful romance filled with fun banter, sassiness and a sexy couple.  With our couple both coming off of their own heartaches, it helped add to the story, especially when John tries out for the elite counterterrorism Hostage Rescue Team.  Jessica was our perfect heroine, who being a woman, had it harder to prove her worth as a smart savvy kick-ass agent.  John, having been an army ranger before signing up for the FBI, was not only tough, but was also a hot hunk.  I loved everything about them both, as they were super great characters that Julie James always seems to give us.

From the moment I started to read this book, I could feel my happiness, as I thoroughly enjoyed the entire book.  So many romances are about those in their twenties; when it comes to reading about two people successful in their lives, and in their thirties, beyond the angst of those just starting out…no one does it better then Julie James.  I love her stories; her awesome couples; the fun & sexy romances, which you just can’t get enough of.  I strongly suggest you read The Thing about Love, and if you have not read Julie James, what are you waiting for?

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher




Steeling himself, John turned around and smiled as Jessica approached. “Yes, Agent Harlow. How can I be of service?”
In response to his dry tone, she threw him a glare so cold it could’ve frozen all nine circles of Dante’s Hell. Fittingly, just nine of the many places he would rather be than stuck working with her on this investigation.
“Look, I’m not thrilled about this, either.” Keeping her voice low, she came to a stop next to him at the elevator bank. “I thought you were supposed to be on the Hostage Rescue Team already.”
“And I thought you were supposed to be in L.A.”
There was a quick flash in her eyes before she shrugged off his question. “Change of plans.”
The elevator arrived at their floor, and they both stepped inside. She hit the button for the seventh floor, where the public corruption squad was located. Standing on the opposite side, he pressed the button for floor five.
They faced off as the doors shut. She folded her arms across her chest and studied him with those crystalline blue eyes that could so cleverly mask her emotions.
As he knew well.
“We’re going to have to figure this out,” she said. “We’re supposed to be business partners in this.”
Thank you, yes, being a professional, he was aware of that. He took a step closer. “It’s called “undercover” work, Harlow. If I can pretend to be a gun-buying, murder-for-hire thug, I think I can handle playing some rich investor-type who wants to skirt a few measly zoning laws.” Even a rich investor-type who was apparently masochistic enough to get in bed with the likes of her.
“Measly zoning laws?” she repeated.
Ooh, now he’d gone and pissed her off. How nice it was, really, that they could pick up like this, right where they’d left off.
She drew in closer, tilting her head back to meet his gaze. He was over a foot taller than her, although he noticed that she was heightening a bit with those expensive-looking three-inch heels she wore.
“Our target in this investigation is the mayor of the thirteenth largest city in the United States. That’s a pretty big deal in my book.” She gestured to his facial scruff and hair. “And while I appreciate that this . . . Sons of Anarchy motif you’ve got going might ingratiate yourself with the gun-buying, murder-for-hire, organized-crime thugs of the world, that’s not quite going to fly with this sting operation.”
“’Thirteenth largest city in the United States?’” he scoffed. “Just how many hours did you spend reviewing the case files last night?”
She smiled sweetly as the elevator arrived at her floor. “Enough to get the jump on you.”
Then the doors sprang open, and she gave him a friendly wave, once again stepping into the role of Ms. Congeniality. “So glad we got to catch up like this, Agent Shepherd. We’ll talk again soon.”
He watched her stride confidently down the hallway as the elevator doors closed between them.
Enough to get the jump on you.
Not for long, sweetheart.
Time for him to get cracking on that case file.


About The Author
Julie JamesAfter graduating from law school, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Julie James clerked for the United States Court of Appeals. She then practiced law with one of the nation’s largest firms for several years until she began writing screenplays. After Hollywood producers optioned two of her scripts, she decided to leave the practice of law to write full-time.

Julie’s books have been listed on Amazon’s Best Books of the Year, the American Library Association’s Reading List for Top Genre Novels, Booklist‘s Top 10 Romances of the Year, and have been featured as a Cosmopolitan magazine Red Hot Read. Her books have been translated into nineteen languages and Julie’s ninth novel, The Thing About Love, hits bookstores everywhere on April 18.

Julie James lives with her husband and two children in Chicago, where she is currently working on her next book.

To learn more about Julie James, you can check out the following links:
Website / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads


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Julie’s publisher is offering a paper copy of THE THING ABOUT LOVE to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe

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9.. Giveaway runs from April 18 to 22, 2017














Locked Tight (Mindjack #4) by Susan Kaye Quinn-a review

LOCKED TIGHT (Mindjack#4) by Susan Kaye Quinn-a review

Locked Tight

ebook only 99¢ Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 17, 2017

In a world filled with mindreaders, being a mindjacker is a good way to end up dead.

And Zeph is no ordinary jacker.

He can break open the toughest minds—or lock the weakest ones—but that just makes him a weapon every jacker Clan wants to control. To keep his family of mindreaders safe, Zeph does what his Clan leader says and tries to shut out the screams—but when jackers are revealed to the world, he has no choice but to hug his kid sister goodbye and leave home.

Passing for a reader is something Zeph does well, but when readers start changing into jackers and his family disappears, Zeph must return to a city filled with jackers who hate him, trick a mindware CEO into helping him, avoid a girl who knows him too well, and spy on the most powerful jacker in the state.

All without dying or revealing his abilities—or being caught in the firestorm of hate between jackers and readers that’s threatening to pull the world apart.

The bestselling Mindjack Series continues with an all new character and a world of mindreaders and mindjackers as you’ve never seen it before. LOCKED TIGHT is the first of three Mindjack novels from Zeph’s perspective. (See The Locksmith for Zeph’s origin story.)



REVIEW: LOCKED TIGHT is the fourth full –length installment in Susan Kaye Quinn’s young adult (YA) Mindjack urban fantasy, dystopian series. LOCKED TIGHT and the prequel novella The Locksmith are the beginning of a new arc in the Mindjack series. No longer focusing on jacker Kira Moore, the series shifts focus to eighteen year old mindjacker Zephyr MacCay who has the ability to lock down or unlock the human mind.

SOME BACKGROUND: In a world where mindreading is the norm (due to decades of contaminated or purposely poisoned water) there are those with more powerful abilities than most. These are their stories of discrimination, betrayal, retribution and control. The human population developed various forms of mind-reading, mind altering and mind controlling abilities. And to complicate matters those without the ability to mindjack are purposely setting out to bring war between the have and the have-nots.

Told from first person point of view (Zeph) LOCKED TIGHT follows eighteen year old mindjacker Zephyr MacCay as he searches for his family (and thirteen year old sister) he hasn’t seen in years-a family of mindreaders whose lives were threatened by the existence of their eldest son. Zephyr has the ability to hide his abilities but a threat of another nature finds our hero caught between three potential enemies never knowing who is telling the truth or out right lies. What ensues are Zeph’s attempts to locate his sister as several warring factions battle for control of Zephyr himself.

LOCKED TIGHT is an infinitely detailed, brilliant and remarkable look at a world struggling with the fall out of chemical contamination of the human population. From mindreaders to mindjackers Susan Kaye Quinn’s MINDJACKER series looks at the dysfunctional relationship between a hierarchy of mental and physical powers, and the breakdown of society between the ‘have and have nots’. The Mindjacker series focuses on betrayal, revenge, discrimination, specieism, and the battle for control, and the potential to create a weapon of unimaginable strengths. The premise is unparalleled with a profound and innovative message as well as a frighteningly realistic look at the future where fear and anarchy reign.

Reading Order and previous reviews
Mind Games (Mindjack Origins 1)
Open Minds
Closed Hearts
Free Souls
The Locksmith
The Handler/ The Scribe (Mindjack Origins 2 & 3)
Keeper (Mindjack Origins 4)
Locked Tight

Reviewed by Sandy

Copy supplied for review.


Mindjack Origins #5-a novella
by Susan Kaye Quinn
Genre: YA, dystopian, UF

FREE ebook at Amazon :Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / BAM /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date February 9, 2015

SHORT NOVELLA (STANDALONE) in the Mindjack universe

When everyone reads minds, a secret is a dangerous thing to keep.

In a world filled with mindreaders, Zeph is a mindjacker who wants to stay hidden—even if it means the cute mindreader in his Latin class is forever out of his reach. He locks and unlocks minds for a ruthless mindjacker Clan in exchange for protection and the chance to have a normal life with his parents and little sister. But when a girl he doesn’t know reveals the existence of mindjackers to the world, Zeph is forced to make a choice: unlock—and ultimately destroy—the mind of a young jacker changeling… or turn his back on everyone he loves.

The Locksmith is a short novella (standalone) in the Mindjack universe. It can be read independently of the other Mindjack stories, in any order. It is 11,000 words (or 44 pages) long.


REVIEW: THE LOCKSMITH is the latest novella in Susan Kaye Quinn’s young adult Mindjack urban fantasy dystopian series.

In a world where mindreading is the norm (due to decades of contaminated water) there are those with more powerful abilities than most. These are their stories of discrimination, betrayal, retribution and control. The human population developed various forms of mind-reading, mind altering and mind controlling abilities. And to complicate matters, those without any special ability declare everyone with altered minds as an enemy of the state.

The novella focuses on Zeph, a young seventeen year old mindjacker who has the ability to lock down or unlock the human mind. As a mindjacker, Zeph has become part of a Clan and has been commanded to lock down the minds of potential Clan workers. When something goes horribly wrong, and Zeph is unable to stop the carnage, he runs-he has no plans to become the next victim of society’s ills.

Susan Kaye Quinn adds another dimension to her young adult Mindjack series. THE LOCKSMITH is a fast paced, quick read that will tease a new reader into wanting more. For fans of Susan’s Mindjack series, we are hoping that Zeph survives the upcoming fallout of the impending war.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


What’s Become of Her by Deb Caletti – a Review

What’s Become of Her by Deb Caletti – a Review


What's Become of HerAmazon / B&N / Kobo / BAM / Book Depository

“Guilty people keep secrets.”

Isabelle Austen returns to her hometown on a small, isolated Pacific Northwest island to take over the family tourism business after the death of her mother, a disapproving parent and a hard woman to love. Feeling lost, Isabelle is also struggling with a recent divorce and wondering if she’ll ever come into her own. Then her life takes a surprising turn: The mysterious Henry North arrives on Parrish Island, steps off a seaplane, and changes Isabelle’s world forever. From the beginning, their relationship is heady and intense—then Isabelle learns of Henry’s disturbing past, involving the death of a fiancée and the disappearance of a wife. Suddenly Isabelle is caught between love and suspicion, paranoia and passion, as she searches for the truth she may not want to find—and is swept into a dangerous game she may not survive.




What’s Become of Her by Deb Caletti is a Psychological thriller. I enjoyed the story line, but I also had mixed feelings about this book, which I will go more into later in this review.

Isabelle Austen has recently returned home to Parrish Island after the death of her mother.  She takes over the family seaplane travel business; and seems content being back and spending time with her friends including Jane, Joe, Eddie. One day, a tourist arrives on the island and almost immediately, both Isabelle and Henry, the tourist have a strong attraction.  Isabelle is a divorcee, and finds Henry, charming, handsome and extremely easy going.  They both are falling love with each other, and Isabelle moves in with Henry, but soon her world is about to change. 

In a short time, the local police warn her of his past, two deceased or missing wife/fiancée.  Isabelle knows Henry, and refuses to believe those lies.  Her friends strongly advise her not to become serious. Henry tells Isabelle about the first wife, who died in a fall and the missing fiancée.  He swears that he is innocent of any wrongdoing, and professes his love to her, which she accepts. Soon Isabelle starts receiving packages from an unknown source, forcing her to begin her own research into the women in Henry’s lives, the investigations.

Throughout the story, we also get the pov of another character named M. Weary, who was a friend to the missing fiancée, and who privately keeps an eye on Henry, on the internet and other means to watch for him to find another woman. Weary is obsessed with Henry and concern for his new lady, Isabelle. 

What follows is an exciting tense adventure where Isabelle, despite warnings from her friends, continues to believe in Henry.  The packages she receives makes her take further steps to find out the truth, which will put her life in danger. What will Isabelle do?   Who does she believe?

My mixed feelings:  I thought the beginning was nice, with a slow build romance. Then for a period I thought the story was slow & a bit redundant with switching focus on Isabelle and Weary.  Once we enter the halfway point or beyond, the story picks up drastically and it becomes an exciting thriller. I loved the intense last ¼ of the book, which had major surprises that I did not expect.  Overall, this was a very good psychological thriller.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher




Truly, Madly, Whiskey by Melissa Foster-Review, Book Tour & Giveaway

TRULY, MADLY, WHISKEY by Melissa Foster-Review, Book Tour & Giveaway

Truly, Madly, Whiskey Banner

by Melissa Foster
Release Date: April 10, 2017
Genre: adult, contemporary, romance

Truly, Madly, Whiskey

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon. uk / B&N / KOBO / BAM / iBooks  /  GPlay

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 10, 2017

A new, emotionally riveting, sexy standalone romance by New York Times bestselling author Melissa Foster.

Watch mysteriously sexy Bear Whiskey claw his way to his happily ever after with sassy, rebellious Crystal Moon.

Eight months is a long damn time to have the hots for a woman who keeps a guy at arm’s length. But Crystal Moon is no ordinary woman. She’s a sinfully sexy, sass-mouthed badass, and the subject of Bear Whiskey’s midnight fantasies. She’s also one of his closest friends.

Just when Crystal thinks she has her life under control, scorching-hot, possessive, aggressive, and fiercely loyal Bear pushes all her sexual buttons, relentless in his pursuit to make her his.

The more Bear pushes, the hotter their passion burns, unearthing memories for Crystal that are best kept buried. But there’s no stopping the collision of her past and present, catapulting the two lovers down an emotionally charged road that has them questioning all they thought they knew about themselves.


REVIEW: TRULY, MADLY, WHISKEY by Melissa Foster is a contemporary, adult, stand alone romantic story line focusing on biker/mechanic Robert ‘Bear’ Whiskey, and costume designer Crystal Moon. We were previously introduced to Bear and the Whisky family in River of Love (The Bradens), and Crystal in Foster’s TRU BLUE (Tru and Gemma’s story line). Bear and Crystal’s story line begins in Tru Blue. Several familiar characters and names cross over from previous novels and series for cohesion.

Told from dual third person points of view (Bear and Crystal) TRULY, MADLY, WHISKEY focuses on the developing relationship between biker / mechanic Bear Whiskey, and designer Crystal Moon. For close to eight months Bear has waited patiently for Crystal to realize they were meant to be but something in Crystal’s past kept our heroine from reaching to the man that called to her heart. What ensues is Bear’s ongoing seduction of Crystal Moon, and Crystal’s struggle to let go of the past.

Bear’s patience is beyond reproach. He is a big, battered and tattooed biker with a softer side where it concerns his family, friends and the woman with whom he is falling in love but there are dark demons in Crystal’s past that control so many aspects of her present and future. As Crystal struggles to step out of her comfort zone, Bear’s overwhelming need to protect and claim Crystal becomes his number one priority. An offer from an unlikely source has Bear contemplating both his and Crystal’s future –a future of which Bear battles his devotion to his family and the businesses they own. Meanwhile the Whiskey family becomes embroiled in turmoil when one of their own is willing to step down and let another family member take his place at the family run Whiskey Bro’s biker bar.

We are introduced to Bear’s extended and tight-knit family-a family that founded the Dark Knights MC, Whiskey Bro’s bar, and Whiskey Automotive: his brothers Bones (a physician by day and a biker by night), and former soldier/ Special Forces veteran Bullet, their long-suffering sister Dixie, and his parents Biggs and Wren (Red) Whiskey, as well as Bear’s best friend Truman, Gemma and Tru’s brothers and sister, Quincy, Lincoln and Kennedy. Kennedy’s innocent, child-like language is endearing and cute. Crystal’s brother Jed battles too many demons but he too, is on the road to recovery with the help of the Whiskey family and Truman’s brother Quincy.

The world building focuses on the building relationship between Crystal and Bear but also on family, friendships and demons from the past. Crystal’s wishy/washy inability to commit controls a major portion of the story line conflict; and the preparations for Truman and Gemma’s upcoming nuptials allows for some humorous moments in relief. Each of the Whiskey siblings (Bullet, Bones and Dixie) will be featured in their own story line. I hope for a happily ever after for Jed Moon, as well.

TRULY, MADLY, WHISKEY is a heartwarming story of romance with a realistic and genuine look at family and friendships, betrayal and revenge, romance and love. The premise captivating and compelling; the characters are passionate and warm; the romance is tender and affectionate without the use of sexually graphic, over the top language and text. I did have some issues with Crystal’s inability to commit, to let go, and to trust but under the circumstances everyone’s reactions would be different, and time does not necessarily heal all wounds.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of TRU BLUE

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

about the author

Melissa Foster

Melissa Foster is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling and award-winning author. She writes sexy and heartwarming contemporary romance and new adult romance, contemporary women’s fiction, suspense, and historical fiction with emotionally compelling characters that stay with you long after you turn the last page. Her books have been recommended by USA Today’s book blog, Hagerstown Magazine, The Patriot, and several other print venues. She is the founder of the World Literary Café and Fostering Success. When she’s not writing, Melissa helps authors navigate the publishing industry through her author training programs on Fostering Success. Melissa has been published in Calgary’s Child Magazine, the Huffington Post, and Women Business Owners magazine.

Melissa hosts an Aspiring Authors contest for children and has painted and donated several murals to The Hospital for Sick Children in Washington, DC. Melissa lives in Maryland with her family.

Visit Melissa on social media. Melissa enjoys discussing her books with book clubs and reader groups, and welcomes an invitation to your event.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

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The Chosen (The Black Dagger Brotherhood #15) by J.R. Ward-a review

THE CHOSEN (The Black Dagger Brotherhood #15) by J.R.Ward-a review

The Chosen

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / BAM /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release date April 4, 2017

Xcor, leader of the Band of Bastards, convicted of treason against the Blind King, is facing a brutal interrogation and torturous death at the hands of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Yet after a life marked by cruelty and evil deeds, he accepts his soldier’s fate, his sole regret the loss of a sacred female who was never his: the Chosen Layla.

Layla alone knows the truth that will save Xcor’s life. But revealing his sacrifice and his hidden heritage will expose them both and destroy everything Layla holds dear—even her role of mother to her precious young. Torn between love and loyalty, she must summon the courage to stand up against the only family she has for the only man she will ever love. Yet even if Xcor is somehow granted a reprieve, he and Layla would have to confront a graver challenge: bridging the chasm that divides their worlds without paving the way for a future of even greater war, desolation, and death.

As a dangerous old enemy returns to Caldwell, and the identity of a new deity is revealed, nothing is certain or safe in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, not even true love . . . or destinies that have long seemed set in stone.


REVIEW: THE CHOSEN is the fifteenth installment in J.R.Ward’s contemporary, adult THE BLACK DAGGER BROTHERHOOD paranormal, romance series focusing on an elite group of vampire warriors and their King. This is Xcor, leader of the Band of Bastards and an enemy of the King, and Layla, one of the Chosen whose duty it is to ‘feed’ and nurture the vampire warriors. THE CHOSEN can be read as a stand alone but for backstory and cohesion I recommend reading the series in order especially the last few installments.

NOTE: If you have not read the last couple of installments in the series my review of THE CHOSEN may contain some spoilers.

Told from several third person points of view, including Xcor’s memories of the past, THE CHOSEN, as per Ward’s style of writing, focuses on a number of relationships including the building but forbidden love between Xcor and Layla. Months earlier Xcor unsuccessfully attempted to assassinate Wrath, the King of the vampires, in the hopes of usurping the throne in the name of the Band of Bastards. With a price upon his head, Xcor finds himself targeted by the Black Dagger Brotherhood, and in short order, becomes both their patient and their prisoner until death (or execution) comes to call. The only thing that keeps him alive is the knowledge that the woman that calls to his heart, Layla, is near by but a woman who is off limits to a man like Xcor. What ensues is the breakdown of family, friendship and the BDB in the face of Layla’s revelations about her feelings and relationship with the man convicted of treason against the vampire King.

Once again, as per JR Ward’s writing style, there are several ongoing and developing stories:

LAYLA and XCOR: a forbidden relationship doomed by Xcor’s attempted assassination of the King, Layla and Xcor are drawn to one another without hope for a future-a future that could see Layla alone; ostracized by the Brotherhood; and fighting for custody of the children she loves .

LAYLA and QHUINN: With the revelation of Layla’s friendship and love for the man convicted of treason against the King, Qhuinn becomes a pr*ck of unmentionable and frightening behavior. Not only does Layla suffer at the hands of the man who sired her children, Rhamp and Lyric, but our heroine finds herself on the outside looking in when the BDB take action against her treasonous behavior.

QHUINN and BLAY: Following the revelations about Layla and Xcor, and the subsequent damage by Qhuinn’s ongoing behavior Blay finds himself the target of Qhuinn’s anger and pain so much so that Blay must walk away without looking back. The damage to their relationship comes at a cost; the scars may take years to heal.

VISHOUS and JANE: *sigh * V and Jane’s relationship struggles in the face of professional commitments and V’s ongoing need for suffering and pain. These two are but ships in the night, and any interaction results in little communication and one man’s introspective thoughts about his future and the woman he is supposed to love.

THROE: Once a friend and member of the Band of Bastards, Throe is determined to destroy the King of the Vampires, at any cost. Throe believes himself to be the next King, and ensures he will be victorious through a dark and demented form of magic.

LASSITER: Our beautiful fallen angel’s future has been revealed but he too struggles with the incoming demands and potential fall out of an approaching war.

TOHR and AUTUMN: Tohr and Autumn’s relationship continues to flounder in the face of Tohr’s inability to let go of the past. Two years since the murder of his beloved Wellsie and their unborn son, Tohr’s apparent lack of emotional depth for his mate is compounded by Autumn’s acceptance of her heartbreaking role in Tohr’s life. Autumn’s acquiescence of Tohr’s less than affectionate and compelling behavior is a self-fulfilling prophetic nod to the name she once caller herself-No One.

TREZ and THERESE (Selena): In the book THE SHADOWS Trez lost his mate and in the ensuing time is unable to move forward but our beloved Shadow prays to the deity that governs all things vampire and the supernatural begging for the return of his love-you had better want what you pray for.

ASSAIL: Poor Assail. The once powerful and elegant vampire finds himself a virtual prisoner; a patient in the BDB medical wing trying to detox from years of addiction and drug abuse. Assail and Sola’s story is next in THE THIEF.

Most of the previous couples and Brothers plays secondary and supporting roles if only by way of mention. Vishous, Tohr, Qhuinn and Blay struggle with their roles including Blay’s relationship with the man that he loves. Tohr and Qhuinn are determined to destroy Xcor in the face of their own treasonous acts; and Vishous goes in search of the person hoping to reveal the existence of demons and vampires.

THE CHOSEN is an emotional and heartbreaking story line. Xcor’s survival against the odds proves he is worthy of a second chance; his love for the Chosen is another challenging and courageous step towards a future lined with passion and danger. JR Ward’s THE CHOSEN creates an alliance between the Black Dagger Brotherhood and the Band of Bastards as war approaches with a familiar enemy in the fight for the throne and the crown.

Copy supplied for review/own a copy

Reviewed by Sandy


Faking It by Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde-Review and Book tour

FAKING IT by Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde-Review and Book tour

Faking It

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / ibooks / Google Play

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 11, 2017

Confirmed bachelor Max Sterling isn’t into rescuing damsels in distress, but when the very tempting Hailey Ellison needs his help, there’s only one thing for him to do. Step in and pose as her loving fiancé. Except there is nothing fake about his attraction to her, or how much he wants her beneath him in his bed, moaning his name. But what starts as a sexy, flirty, temporary engagement, quickly becomes something more serious that neither one ever anticipated.


REVIEW: FAKING IT by Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde is a stand alone, erotic romance story in the authors’ Book Boyfriend series. This is real estate mogul Max Sterling, and professional matchmaker Hailey Ellison’s story line. FAKING IT can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary. Several characters cross over for cohesion and familiarity.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Max and Hailey) FAKING IT is a fake fiancé trope in that both Hailey and Max are in need of an imaginary fiancé. For months Hailey has pretended to be engaged to ensure the success of her matchmaking business but had no intentions of revealing any important information or the truth about the who and why. Enter Max Sterling, Hailey’s real estate agent, and the man who stars in all of her fantasies and dreams including the use of the name Max Sterling as her imaginary fiancé. Max is desperate to stop his mother’s meddling in his personal life and offers Hailey the option of joining together for mutual benefits. What ensues is the building relationship between Max and Hailey, and the fall out when the truth is finally revealed.

Hailey has issues with self-esteem including a struggle with weight and body image that pulls at Hailey’s need to succeed. Max is a successful real estate agent who finds himself attracted to a woman who claims to be engaged. Their mutual need for a fiancé finds our couple falling in love but Hailey struggles with the possibility of an expiry date on their building relationship. The $ex scenes are intimate and seductive without the use of sexually graphic, over the top language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including Wes and Natalie. renovation expert Kyle Coleman, and Connor Prescott, who works in the construction side of the real estate business as an investor and property flipper-all first introduced in Big Shot #1. We are also introduced to Hailey’s assistant and best friend Brielle; Max’s parents Grace and Douglas Sterling; as well as Max’s his brother Alex, and his sister Kristen. The requisite evil is Addison Brooks, a woman who refuses to take no for an answer.

The world building looks as the building relationship between Max and Hailey, and the potential for fall out when all is revealed. The friendship and camaraderie between Max and his friends leads to some humorous moments, as well as the heartbreaking possibility when the time on Max and Hailey’s fake fiancé story line expires.

FAKING IT is a lighthearted, sweet and seductive story line with moments of humor, fun, falling in love and letting go of the past. We are witness to romance and love; friendship and family; betrayal and revenge. The premise is sexy, spicy and heartwarming; the characters are energetic and realistic; the romance is intimate and sensual. FAKING IT is a delightful and courageous story line as one woman steps out of her comfort zone and into the arms of the man with whom she will fall in love.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one BIG SHOT

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


Carly Phillips Erika Wilde

Carly Phillips:

Carly Phillips is the N.Y. Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of over 50 sexy contemporary romance novels featuring hot men, strong women and the emotionally compelling stories her readers have come to expect and love. Carly’s career spans over a decade and a half with various New York publishing houses, and she is now an Indie author who runs her own business and loves every exciting minute of her publishing journey. Carly is happily married to her college sweetheart, the mother of two nearly adult daughters and three crazy dogs (two wheaten terriers and one mutant Havanese) who star on her Facebook Fan Page and website. Carly loves social media and is always around to interact with her readers. You can find out more about Carly at www.carlyphillips.com.

Website: www.carlyphillips.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/carlyphillips
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CarlyPhillipsFanPage
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/10000.Carly_Phillips
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Carly-Phillips/e/B001I9W0MS

Erika Wilde:

Erika Wilde is the author of the sexy Marriage Diaries series and The Players Club series. She lives in Oregon with her husband and two daughters, and when she’s not writing you can find her exploring the beautiful Pacific Northwest. For more information on her upcoming releases, please visit website at www.erikawilde.com.

Website: http://www.erikawilde.com
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5357264.Erika_Wilde
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/erikawildeauthorfanpage
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/erikawilde1
