Wicked Kiss / Wicked Bite (Realm Enforcers 4 & 5) by Rebecca Zanetti-reviews

Wicked Kiss / Wicked Bite (Realm Enforcers 4 & 5) by Rebecca Zanetti-reviews

Wicked Kiss Wicked Bite

(Realm Enforcers #5)
by Rebecca Zanetti
Genre: adult, contemporary, paranormal, romance

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / BAM

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 1, 2017

As she hunts for a drug lord killing her fellow witches, all Nessa Lansa’s instincts point to the Grizzly motorcycle club. That might be because their leader, Bear, is the strong, silent shifter type: warm brown eyes and more muscle and alpha male than any woman can ignore. Which makes Tessa’s plan to seduce and betray him all the more dangerous . . .

Bear doesn’t trust the curvy, blue-eyed witch. But Tessa can heal the injuries that sap his strength. And since he can’t stop thinking of her lush body and teasing smile, her plan to mate him to reclaim her own power is highly tempting. Just one problem. Once a desire this wild is loose, no one will ever control it .


REVIEW: WICKED BITE is the fifth installment in Rebecca Zanetti’s contemporary, adult REALM ENFORCERS paranormal, romance series-a spin off from her Dark Protectors series. This is bear shifter Beauregard ‘Bear’ McDunphy, leader of the shifter nation, and witch healer Nessa Lansa’s story line. WICKED BITE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary but I recommend reading the series in order as there is an ongoing investigation and premise throughout. Bear’s story line has been developing for several installments. Several characters cross over from the author’s Dark Protector series for cohesion and familiarity.

SOME BACKGROUND: Known as Apollo, the deadly injectable designer drug of ‘Planekite’ renders its’ users in a state of god-like euphoria with super human strength, eventually leaving the abusers a seething mess of pyrotechnic ash. Apollo is also one of the few drugs able to destroy and kill the witches, and the Grizzly motorcycle club is under investigation by the Coven Nine Witch’s Council as well as the supernatural world’s elite police force.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Bear and Tessa) WICKED BITE follows the ongoing search to ferret out the person(s) responsible for making and supplying the world with the designer drug known as Apollo-a drug known to kill witches and humans alike. At the end of WICKED KISS Bear McDunphy was struggling with his supernatural abilities, and thusly our hero had gone into seclusion, remaining in his bear form, in the hopes of healing what was tearing him apart. Enter former Coven Nine council member Nessa Lansa, with an offer to heal Bear for a ‘price’. What ensues is the building relationship between Nessa and Bear, the continuing hunt for the person(s) trafficking Apollo, and the struggle to stay one step ahead of more than one enemy trying to take down Nessa Lansa.

Nessa has gone into hiding claiming someone has targeted her for her abilities but more than one enemy is hoping to destroy the woman with whom Bear is falling in love. Bear McDunphy is a bit of a loner, an over protective, grumpy alpha shifter but as the leader of the shifter nation Bear is all about the take down of his enemies,  and protection of the people he loves. Currently Bear struggles with his supernatural abilities-a dual persona that threatens to tear him apart. His relationship with Nessa struggles with our heroine’s need to keep secret the real reason for her questionable visit but it is Bear’s need to protect and claim Nessa as his mate that places our couple in the direct line of fire.

The relationship between Bear and Nessa begins as an arrangement: Bear is in desperate need of a supernatural healer, and Nessa claims to need Bear’s ‘protection’ against an unknown enemy. Nessa’s continuous lies and betrayal set into motion a relationship battle when the truth is revealed but a truth that pushes Bear a step too far. The $ex scenes are dramatic and intense-Bear has issues of trust and his mate’s ongoing betrayal brings out the animal in our story line hero.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including many of the characters introduced in the author’s Dark Protectors series including Bear’s half-sister Simone Brightston and her mate demon Nick Veis; vampire and demon Garrett Kayrs and Logan Kyllwood; ruler of the Realm King Dage Kayrs and his mate Emma: as well as Bear’s second in command Lucas, and several members of the Grizzy MC, Nessa’s second in command Jasper and her uncle Boondock. There is a hint towards the introduction of Bear’s extended family-I am hoping for another potential spin off or the continuation of the author’s Realm Enforcers.

WICKED BITE brings together shifters, demons, witches and vampires in a war to protect the supernatural realm. The premise is engaging, intriguing and energetic; the characters are sassy, passionate and dynamic; the romance is tenacious, challenging and aggressive. WICKED BITE is a revealing, fast paced and spirited story line by Rebecca Zanetti.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Wicked Ride
Wicked Edge
Wicked Burn
Wicked Kiss
Wicked Bite

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


(Realm Enforcers #4)
by Rebecca Zanetti
Genre: adult, contemporary, paranormal romance Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / BAM

About the book: Release Date July 4, 2017

Working as an informant for the DEA, Victoria Monzelle is used to living on the edge. But she’s not a big fan of getting kidnapped. And definitely not by a bunch of bad boy witches with fancy-colored fire to shoot at people. So when Adam Dunne shows up and claims to be a witch enforcer, she’s not going to put her life in his hands based on his word, no matter how smooth and smart and beautifully Irish his words sound. But on the run from a tribunal of witches, she isn’t going to make it far . . .

Before she knows it, Adam’s word is all that stands between her and execution. Sophisticated, just-gotta-ruffle-him Adam has vowed to make her his one eternal mate, wild and unpredictable as she is—to save her from a sentence of certain death. But Tori isn’t interested in being anyone’s pity date. And if they think she’s unpredictable now, they should see what’s coming next .


REVIEW: WICKED KISS is the fourth installment in Rebecca Zanetti’s contemporary, adult REALM ENFORCERS paranormal, romance series-a spin off from her Dark Protectors series. This is witch enforcer Adam Dunne, and DEA informant Victoria Monzelle’s story line. WICKED KISS can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty but I recommend reading the series in order as there is an ongoing investigation and premise throughout. Any important information from previous story lines is revealed where necessary. Several characters cross over from the author’s Dark Protector series for cohesion and familiarity.

SOME BACKGROUND: Known as Apollo, the deadly injectable designer drug of ‘Planekite’ renders its’ users in a state of god-like euphoria with super human strength, eventually leaving the abusers a seething mess of pyrotechnic ash. Apollo is also one of the few drugs able to destroy and kill the witches, and the Dunne brothers, including our hero Adam Dunne, have been tasked by the Witch’s Council to take down the suppliers and makers of the drug. With a bounty on their heads, Adam’s brothers Daire and Kellach have gone into hiding leaving Adam to fend for himself.

Told from several third person points of view including Adam and Victoria WICKED KISS follows Victoria Monzelle as she finds herself on the run from the group known as the Coven Nine ruling council of witches because of her ‘awareness’ of their existence. Enter Adam Dunne, witch enforcer, Victoria’s sister Alexandra’s mate Kellach’s brother, and the man with whom Victoria will fall in love. What ensues are Adam and Victoria’s struggle to stay one step ahead of the people trying to destroy their lives, and Victoria’s reluctance to accept Adam as her potential mate.

Something isn’t right with the ruling council, and Adam and Victoria have been targeted by the man in charge. Threats against both of their lives results in Adam going rogue in the hopes of discovering the truth. A time line has been enforced by the Council for Adam to take control but Victoria is more concerned with an issue back home.

The relationship between Adam and Victoria is one of immediate attraction but Victoria has other plans. Adam knows that to save Victoria from the witch’s council, a mating will be enforced but a mating that Victoria is reluctant to undertake. Victoria’s need to protect someone back home finds our heroine taking too many risks that result in her one too many threats against her life. The $ex scenes are intimate and intense. There is some definite palpable sexual energy between our leading couple.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including Alexandra and Kellach (Wicked Ride #1), Cee Cee and Daire (Wicked Edge #2), shifter Bear Brightson, and his sister Simone (Wicked Burn #3), as well as several members of the Grizzly MC, the Titans of Fire Enforcers, and the ruling council of witches. The requisite evil has many faces-both familiar and close. Bear and Nessa’s story line is next in Wicked Bite.

The world building continues to focus on the take down of the people who are making and distributing the designer drug Apollo. As the ruling council continues to target one of their own, they get some help from an outside source. Adam and Victoria’s attraction to one another began in book one, and the consummation of their relationship is a hard-fought battle until the very end.

WICKED KISS is an action packed, fast paced, entertaining and revealing story line. The premise is intelligent, thrilling and edgy; the romance is sexy and provocative; the characters are colorful, dynamic and spirited. Rebecca Zanetti’s REALM ENFORCERS is a passionate look at the supernatural, enticing characters and provocative romance.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


An Earl by Any Other Name by Lauren Smith – Review & Giveaway

An Earl by Any Other Name  by Lauren Smith – Review & Giveaway


An Earl by Another Other Name Banner


An Earl by Any Other NameAmazon / B&N / Kobo / BAM

An earl in the streets, a rogue in the sheets . . .

Leopold Graham, Lord Hampton, was never a man to let propriety stand in the way of his pursuit of pleasure. Hedonism is his only desire in life—until his father’s death saddles him with debts that threaten to bankrupt the entire family. Now the only thing that stands between him and utter ruin is marriage to a proper, and preferably wealthy, young lady.

Ivy Leighton is no sweet English rose. Perhaps it’s her gypsy roots, but she would rather make a spectacle of her independent spirit than sit quietly on the sidelines. If that means that the only place she’ll ever have in society is firmly on the shelf, then so be it. But when Ivy runs into the handsome, rakish Leo who’s looking for a respectable, well-bred wife, she can’t stop thinking about the troubles they can get into. Now she just has to convince him that a life with her is really what he needs.




5 out of 5 for this reader folks!

WOOT!  Another grand slam by another of my fave historical romance authors Lauren Smith.  I always put her books down feeling very fulfilled and wanting more .. this awesome book was no exception.

An Earl By Any Other Name is the first book in Lauren Smith’s “Sins and Scandals” series and it’s a quick novella that gives you a taste of more to come.  If you like two fiery characters meeting their match and also enjoy a steamy ride to get there, then kick your pumps off and get ready to enjoy.

Leopold Graham is a rogue who loves his lifestyle.  When his daddy dearest does a big faux pas like dying in his mistresses bed and pretty much leaving the family finances in one hot mess, Leo is about to do the one thing he never wanted … marry a proper lady who has money to save his family circumstance.

Ivy Leighton appears to be a proper lady to some extent .. nah not really.  She’s AWESOME!  Independent, smart assed, and not afraid to lay it out regardless of the cost to her reputation, she is my ideal historical romance heroine.  She really has no interest in marriage until … hmm .. maybe Leo?  She is very drawn to him and they seem to have a memorable connection in their youth.

These two are so well matched, two perfects making a whole.  They are so pigheaded at times and I loved that everyone but them knew it was going to happen. The humour and banter, one liners and smexy scenes keep these pages fiery and flipping .. but here is what I love the most about Lauren’s ability as an author.  Despite the small amount of pages, you get the full build of of character and story without feeling like you are missing anything.

A short review for a a short book, but full of “gush” for the story.  I am eagerly anticipating her next release in this series, I suspect it’s going to be fabulous!  Keep it coming Lauren!


Reviewed by Rachel

Copy supplied for review


About the Author pink

Lauren_Smith_2014Born and raised in Tulsa, I spent the first twenty-two years of my life in Oklahoma, bridging the worlds between urban girl and cowgirl. After high school I attended Oklahoma State University where I earned Bachelor of Art degrees in history and political science. Drawn to paintings in museums and obsessed with antiques, I satisfied my fascination with history by writing and exploring exotic, ancient lands.

Over the years, my studies have opened doors throughout the world. From spending two summers at Cambridge to attending classes at such divergent places as Ireland and Chengdu, China, I have discovered fascinating opportunities for enrichment wherever I go. After completing college, I moved to Michigan to attend law school at the University of Detroit-Mercy and University of Windsor in Ontario, Canada.  Armed with two Juris Doctorate degrees from both countries, I returned to Tulsa and became an intellectual property attorney.

Since third grade when my English teacher proposed that all students should craft a story for a young writers’ conference, I have been hooked on writing. My first self-illustrated manuscript described the mysterious disappearance of rare brown bats that were being captured by scientists bent on using them as carriers for an incurable disease. The immense sense of joy in sharing that story with others, and discussing plots and characters, made it clear to me that writing was my true passion.

Learn more about Lauren at the following links:
Website / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads

Giveaway pink

Lauren is graciously offering a $25.00 Gift Card (Amazon or B&N) and a signed paper copy of a book of your choice from Lauren’s backlist  to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe

1. If you have not previously registered at The Reading Cafe, please register by using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment.

3. Please LIKE and Follow Lauren Smith on Facebook

4. LIKE us on FACEBOOK and then click GET NOTIFICATION under ‘liked’ for an additional entry.

5. LIKE us on Twitter for an additional entry.

6. Please FOLLOW us on GOODREADS for an additional entry.

7. Giveaway open Internationally

8. Giveaway runs from July 31 to August 5, 2017




Storm Wolf/Wolf Slayer by Jane Godman – Reviews

Storm Wolf/Wolf Slayer by Jane Godman – Reviews


Wolf Slayer
Arctic Brotherhood series – Book #4
by Jane Godman
Release Date: July 11, 2017

Wolf SlayerAmazon / B&N / Kobo / BAM

Kyle Madden is the cop in charge of the elite task force hunting a murderer known as the Cage Killer. He is also a werewolf and a member of the Arctic Brotherhood. When his team find one of the Cage Killer’s victims alive, Madden faces some tough choices. It emerges that the crazed killer is targeting werewolves. Will Madden be able to uphold his vow to keep the human and werewolf parts of his life separate?

Maria Delgardo knows she is lucky to be alive after escaping the clutches of a serial killer. Even so, her injuries are horrific and the murderer has made it clear he intends to finish the job. She only feels safe with Madden, the handsome cop who rescued her from captivity. Maria’s whole world is turned upside down when he tells her the reason why she was chosen by the Cage Killer.



Wolf Slayer by Jane Godman is the 4th book in her Arctic Brotherhood series. .  A refresher:  Arctic Brotherhood is a shifter series, with a new ancient species of Arctic werewolves, who are part of the 7 members of the Brotherhood of the Midnight Sun.

Kyle Madden, one of our Arctic Brotherhood werewolves, is a detective, who hides what he is to his coworkers. Kyle is currently deep into trying to catch a serial killer (Cage Killer), who kidnaps, tortures and kills his victims.   Kyle and his police team are desperate to find the latest victim.  They receive a tip and using his unique senses, Kyle discovers that  underneath the house they are investigating holds a cave.  Kyle will then find the latest victim, Maria Delgardo, who is our heroine.

Maria has been tortured, and thinks she is hallucinating when she sees a handsome stranger coming to her rescue.  Kyle and his team will get Maria out, and to the hospital, where she will be treated for her severe injuries, including loss of some fingers.  This also pushes Kyle to the max, in his desperation to find the Cage Killer.  Kyle learns that Maria, unknown to her, is also an Arctic wolf, but she has never shifted.  She will be moved to protect her to one of the Brotherhood’s compound, where they will all return together to find the Cage Killer.

Slowly, the attraction between Maria and Kyle becomes very hot and sexual, which Godman does use a lot.  The story was very exciting and intense as they get closer to the truth.  Rather than say too much more, Chastel once again is still the terrible villain, and a powerful one; since he can swap bodies and control minds to get those to do his bidding.  He needs to be stopped.  On that note, I personally feel this part needs to be completed, to move on to other possible types of mysteries or villains.  There are a number of characters that still need their story told, but this one seems to be getting old.

That being said, this is an excellent series;   action packed, tension, suspense, mystery, magic  and lots of steamy sex in this wonderful fantasy world. Wolf Slayer brings our favorites back, and the entire Arctic Brotherhood team are great; including the women or men that find their mates.   These are all quick and fun reads, which I suggest you start from the first book.


Storm Wolf
Arctic Brotherhood series – Book #3
by Jane Godman
Release Date: July 11, 2017

Storm Wolf

Amazon / B&N / Kobo / BAM

Ever since her father was killed just over a year ago by the Arctic fighting force known as the Brotherhood of the Midnight Sun, Odessa Santin has been the leader of the Siberian werewolves. The Arctics and Siberians have been at war for centuries. So when Odessa has sex with an Arctic stranger, it is the craziest thing she has ever done.

Dan Lowell is a member of the Brotherhood of the Midnight Sun. Lowell is aghast when he realizes his mystery Siberian lover is Odessa Santin, particularly as he needs to confront her because he believes she has been poisoning the Arctic environment. The physical passion they feel for each other is equaled by their sizzling animosity as they argue over the allegations.

Lowell soon discovers that Odessa is being framed, and someone is trying to reignite hostilities between the two packs. For the first time ever, the Arctics and the Siberians agree to put aside their differences and unite against a common enemy. As they work together, Lowell and Odessa begin to realize that their feelings for each other run deeper than they thought.



Storm Wolf by Jane Godman is the 3rd book in her Arctic Brotherhood series.  This is a fun fantasy that is a fast and exciting read.  Just a refresher:  Arctic Brotherhood is a shifter series, with a new ancient species of Arctic werewolves, who are part of the 7 members of the Brotherhood of the Midnight Sun.

In Storm Wolf, Odessa Santin is our heroine; she is a Siberian Werewolf, who are enemies of the Arctic wolves. Odessa is the leader of her Siberian werewolf pack, since the death of her father, who was killed by the Arctic wolves.  Odessa runs a successful gaming business, and leaves the running of the pack to one of her leaders.   On the night of conference for her new game, Odessa meets a stranger and much to her dismay, she ends up having sex.

Dan Lowell, our hero, is one of the Arctic Brotherhood, whom we met in previous books.  Dan is a scholar who specializes in werewolf history.  Dan had attended the conference, since he was desperate to talk to Odessa Santin about the poisoning of the environment that her pack is doing.  To Dan’s surprise when he meets Odessa, he realizes she is the woman who he had wild sex the night before. Odessa is also shocked, but maintains her composure, as she is extremely cold to the man who is part of the pack that killed her father.  When Dan shows her a video showing her and her team dumping the poison; she is appalled, claiming she did not do this.  In a short period, Dan and Odessa will join together to find out who is framing both of their packs and what is the magic being used to superimpose their images.

What follows is an exciting adventure that will bring both Dan and Odessa even closer together.  Godman does tend to do a lot of hot sexy scenes, but at least the story still remains in the forefront.   When Odessa finds her pack all but destroyed, she knows there is someone very powerful trying to start a war between the Arctic and Siberian wolves.  The members of the Arctic Brotherhood we have come to love join with them to try to stop this war.   In the previous book, Chastel was killed, but the magic being used proves that he is still alive.

This is an exciting adventure using Norse mythology, with nonstop action, edge of your seat suspense, and a sizzling couple.  There are also, gods, goddesses, shifters, magic in this fantasy world that Godman has given us.  I look forward to the next book

Reviews by Barb

Copies provided by Publisher






Bittersweet by Shirlee McCoy – a Review

Bittersweet by Shirlee McCoy – a Review


BittersweetAmazon / B&N / Kobo / BAM / Book Depository

In Benevolence, Washington, the Lamont family’s luscious handmade chocolates are a beloved tradition—and the sweetest of comforts. And for the most reserved of the three Lamont sisters, they’re a much-needed way to challenge the past, rekindle hope—and make happiness for a lifetime.

Caring family and friends, tranquil streets—ex-prosecutor Willow Lamont wishes these could make her feel truly at home. She’s back to help her grandfather manage Chocolate Haven, a long held dream come true. But she’s struggling to make their unique fudge—and to cope with a secret trauma that haunts her. Yet when she finds an abandoned baby who breaks her heart wide open, she wonders how long she can hide her emotions—especially from warm, handsome, and way too nosey Deputy Sheriff Jax Gordon.

Always an outsider, Jax knows more than he should about loss. But he didn’t expect his difficult search for baby “Miracle’s” mother would reveal such a vulnerable side to the accomplished, beautiful woman he’s always admired. Earning Willow’s trust is the hardest thing he’s ever had to do. Yet between her honesty and courage, he’s longing to fill her life with rekindled joy—and a forever of irresistible love



Bittersweet by Shirlee McCoy is the 3rd book in her Home Sweet Home series. Willow Lamont is our heroine, having returned home temporarily to help her grandfather run Chocolate Haven.  With her two sisters (previous story heroines) busy with a marriage or babies, Willow spends her free hours making chocolate and failing on making the family secret fudge recipe.  Willow has nightmares, due to a rape when she was only 13, and has kept this a secret all these years; one reason she does not like to come home. 

One evening, while working late, she hears a noise outside and calls the cops.  Jax Gordon, the deputy sheriff and our hero, arrives to find out what is wrong.  Willow describes a car stopping and then pulling away.  Together Jax and Willow will find an abandoned baby by the dumpster.  When they are at the hospital for the baby, Jax recognizes that Willow is hiding some kind of trauma, and when it comes to that, Jax is an expert.  He himself has his own nightmares of having his own family murdered years before. 

What follows is a slow build sweet romance between Jax and Willow, with the mystery of finding the person to dumped the baby.  Despite their determination to not have any relationship, they both start falling for each other.  It was really nice to see the Lamont family again, as well as the backdrop of making chocolate.  Willow will foster the baby called Miracle, temporarily until she is well enough to be adopted. 

Bittersweet was a very nice romance, with a couple that each had their own mentally disabling issues.  Willow will slowly learn to put the past behind her, and realize that she loves being home again.  The only problem is she needs to help Jax move on from his past, as he fears being hurt again.  Once again, Shirlee McCoy gives us another wonderful story, surrounded by a great family, in the small town of Benevolence, Washington.  If you enjoy small town romances, I suggest you read the Home Sweet Home series

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher


All or Nothing at All (Billionaire Builders #3) by Jennifer Probst-Review, Book Tour & Giveaway

ALL OR NOTHING AT ALL (Billionaire Builders #3) by Jennifer Probst-Review,  Book Tour and Giveaway

All or Nothing At All Banner

Billionaire Builders #3
by Jennifer Probst
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance
Release Date: July 25, 2017

All or Nothing At All

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / ibooks

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 25 , 2017

Tristan Pierce left the family business to carve out a life of his own, but never forgot his passionate affair with the much younger, inexperienced Sydney Green, or the hurtful break-up that tore him apart. When he’s forced to return home and face his past, will he be able to carve out a future, or will lies ruin his second chance at love?

Sydney Green loved Tristan her entire life, but when he left, he took not only her heart, but her trust with him. Now that they’re together again, it’s time they both face the biggest secret of all.


REVIEW: ALL OR NOTHING AT ALL is the third and final installment in Jennifer Probst’s contemporary, adult BILLIONAIRE BUILDERS erotic, romance series focusing on the Pierce Brothers-Caleb, Dalton and Tristan Pierce- of Pierce Construction, Harrington Connecticut. This is middle brother Tristan Pierce, and executive assistant and single mother Sydney Green’s second chance story line. ALL OR NOTHING AT ALL can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary. Sydney and Tristan’s story has been building throughout the series-the barely veiled animosity between the couple makes for some difficult working conditions.

SOME BACKGROUND: Approximately eight years earlier the Pierce brothers lost their beloved mother to a car accident only to discover she was heading off to Paris with another man, leaving their father and the brothers behind. Four years later, their embittered father would succumb to a heart attack leaving Pierce Construction to his sons under a series of conditions wherein the now adult men must work and live together for one year before they can call the business their own. Following their mother’s death five years earlier, each brother went their separate ways but not before hurtful words, and accusations ripped them apart. The brother’s fractured dynamic will slowly heal as each man finds the woman that calls to his heart.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Tristan and Sydney) ALL OR NOTHING AT ALL focuses on the fractured relationship between Tristan Pierce and Sydney Green. Since she was eight years old Sydney has been in love with Tristan Pierce. Accepted by the Pierce family as the daughter they never had Sydney felt loved by all except by the man that called to her heart. A secret affair, and the repercussions of their mother’s death found the Pierce family going in different directions including Tristan Pierce whose need to escape his controlling father found our hero pushing Sydney for things she didn’t want. A brief summer fling with Tristan ended when Sydney refused to run away with the man that she loved. Fast forward to present day wherein Tristan wants a second chance but Sydney’s keeping secret a lie that could destroy the tepid hold on their rebuilding relationship. What ensues is the rekindling romance between Sydney and Tristan, and the fall out when the truth is revealed, and Tristan is unable to admit that Sydney is the woman he loves.

The relationship between Sydney and Tristan is one of second chances; a rekindling romance between a woman who has never stopped loving Tristan Pierce, and a man who is unable to trust fearing the same betrayal and hurt from the past. Working together at Pierce Construction forces Tristan and Sydney together but sins from the past will reawaken more betrayal and heartbreak for our leading couple. The $ex scenes are intimate, passionate and seductive but Tristan’s reluctance to let himself love, once again, pushes Sydney to the fringes of their splintering relationship. The sexual tension is high but once Sydney’s secret is revealed, the animosity and emotional withdrawal by Tristan is justified-Sydney’s dishonesty and deception, and lack of earlier remorse is painful and destructive for everyone concerned. I had to question her continuing need to keep secret the truth from the man she would always love furthering the contempt in their already volatile relationship.

All of the previous story line couples play secondary and supporting roles as we get a glimpse into the relationship dynamics with family, friends and the people they love.

At times, ALL OR NOTHING AT ALL is an emotional and heartbreaking tale of secrets and lies, unrequited love, betrayal, guilt and loss- I may have shed a tear or twenty but don’t tell anyone. Sydney’s secret betrayal and Tristan’s unwillingness to love continues to build walls that will soon overtake any semblance of peace or a potential future for two people whose lives were destroyed years before. The premise is dramatic and intense; the characters are colorful, spirited and energetic; the romance is emotional and challenging.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Every Where and Every Way
Any Time, Any Place
Somehow, Some Way #2.5
All or Nothing At All

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

All or Nothing At All Teaser

About The Author beige

Follow: Twitter / Goodreads/ Facebook

Jennifer ProbstJennifer Probst is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of both sexy and erotic contemporary romance. She was thrilled her novel, The Marriage Bargain, was the #6 Bestselling Book on Amazon for 2012. Her first children’s book, Buffy and the Carrot, was co-written with her 12 year old niece, and her short story, “A Life Worth Living” chronicles the life of a shelter dog. She makes her home in New York with her sons, husband, two rescue dogs, and a house that never seems to be clean. She loves hearing from all readers! Stop by her website at http://www.jenniferprobst.com for all her upcoming releases, news and street team information.

Giveaway beige

Jennifer’s publisher is graciously offering a paper copy of ALL OR NOTHING AT ALL to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe:

1. If you have not previously registered at The Reading Cafe, please register by using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

NOTE: If you are having difficulty commenting after logging onto the site, please refresh the page (at the top of your computer).

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment.

3. Follow Jennifer Probst on Facebook.

4. LIKE us on FACEBOOK and then click GET NOTIFICATION under ‘liked’ for an additional entry.

5. LIKE us on Twitter for an additional entry.

6. Please FOLLOW us on GOODREADS for an additional entry.

7. Please follow The Reading Cafe on Tumblr

8. Giveaway is open to USA only

9. Giveaway runs from July 29 to August 2, 2017

Inkslinger 2



The Brightest Sunset (The Darkest Sunrise #2) by Aly Martinez-Review and Book Tour

THE BRIGHTEST SUNSET (The Darkest Sunrise #2) by Aly Martinez-Review and Book Tour

The Brightest Sunset banner

The Darkest Sunrise Duology #2
by Aly Martinez
Release Date: July 27,2017

The Brightest Sunset

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.au / Amazon.uk /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 27, 2017

Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me.
Words destroyed me.
“I’m sorry. She didn’t make it.”
“Daddy, he can’t breathe!”
“There’s nothing more we can do for your son.”
Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me.
Those syllables and letters became my executioner. I told myself that, if I didn’t acknowledge the pain and the fear, they would have no power over me. But, as the years passed, the hate and the anger left behind began to control me.
Two words—that was all it took to plunge my life into darkness.
“He’s gone.”
In the end, it was four soft, silky words that gave me hope of another sunrise.
“Hi. I’m Charlotte Mills.”


REVIEW:THE BRIGHTEST SUNSET is the second installment in Aly Martinez’s contemporary adult THE DARKEST SUNRISE dark, romance duology focusing on physician Charlotte Mills, and restaurateur Porter Reese. THE BRIGHTEST SUNSET should not be read as a stand alone as it picks up immediately upon the events and cliffhanger of book one The Darkest Sunrise.

Told from dual first person points of view (Charlotte and Porter) THE BRIGHTEST SUNRISE focuses on Charlotte Mills and Porter Reese’s struggle with the truth; the loss of control; and the power to move forward from the devastating moment everything they thought to be true was a lie. THE BRIGHTEST SUNSET follows one couple as they battle betrayal, guilt, heartbreak and love as one man falls into the darkness, and one woman comes into the light.

Aly Martinez weaves an emotional tale of lies and deceit that affected two families, several generations, and one couple as they struggled to move on from the past. As with everything in life there are subjective moments and different perspectives; not everything is black and white but in the end it is the path you travel, and how you are willing to execute the good and bad that the world has to offer, that result in the ultimate extension of your emotional well being and response to the darkest times of your life. THE BRIGHTEST SUNSET is a sensitive, edgy, and dramatic conclusion to Aly Martinez’s THE DARKEST SUNRISE duology- a tragic story with broken characters and a heartwarming happily ever after.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one-THE DARKEST SUNRISE

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

The Darkest Sunrise duology

About The Author beige

Aly MartinezOriginally from Savannah, Georgia, USA Today bestselling author Aly Martinez now lives in South Carolina with her four young children.

Never one to take herself too seriously, she enjoys cheap wine, mystery leggings, and baked feta. It should be known, however, that she hates pizza and ice cream, almost as much as writing her bio in the third person.

She passes what little free time she has reading anything and everything she can get her hands on, preferably with a super-sized tumbler of wine by her side.


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Inkslinger 2


Savaged Vows (Savaged Illusions Trilogy #2) by Jennifer Lyon – a review

SAVAGED VOWS (Savaged Illusions Trilogy #2) by Jennifer Lyon

Savaged Vows

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo /

About the book: Release Date July 24, 2017

How much will she risk for love?

Despite her dark past with a rock icon, Liza Glasner can’t walk away from the man she loves with a fiery passion—sexy rock star Justice Cade. A surprise pregnancy and marriage give Liza the family she’s craved since she was fourteen. But her love is tested when Liza’s worst nightmare—Gene Hayes—bursts onto the scene, spreading lies and smears to tear her and Justice apart. Can Liza trust Justice to choose her over fame?

How far will he go for fame?

Justice fiercely loves his beautiful and resilient wife Liza, and he’s determined to protect her from Gene Hayes. At the same time, he’s loyal to his band. The four other men in Savaged Illusions are his brothers, and together, they are battling hard to come back from a humiliating defeat. But just as the pinnacle of success is within their reach, Justice discovers a truth that will either decimate his band or destroy his wife.

Can their love survive?

Secrets and betrayals explode in a heartbreaking twist that threatens to rip Justice and Liza apart forever.


REVIEW: SAVAGED VOWS is the second installment in Jennifer Lyon’s contemporary, new adult SAVAGED ILLUSIONS erotic, rock romance trilogy focusing on twenty four year old lead singer for the rock band Savaged Illusions Justice Cade, and twenty year old college student/publicist Liza ‘Beth’ Glasner. For fans of Jennifer’s THE PLUS ONE CHRONICLES there is a slight cross-over with the appearance of Sloane Michaels and Drake Vaughn. SAVAGED VOWS should not be read as a stand alone as it picks up immediately upon the events and cliff hanger of book one-SAVAGED DREAMS.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Liza and Justice) SAVAGED VOWS continues to focus on the rise to stardom of the rock band Savaged Illusions, and Justice’s struggle to keep his personal and professional life separate. As the band continues on their road to success Liza’s past forges ahead to destroy any semblance of peace for our leading couple. Gene Hayes is determined to take down and shatter Liza’s fragile hold on both her relationship and her emotional sanity, and in doing so sabotages the band and the couple one betrayal, secret and lie at a time. What ensues is the growing bond between Justice and Liza, and the fall out when Justice picks stardom over the woman he loves.

SAVAGED VOWS is an emotional story line of betrayal, tragedy and profound vengeance. Gene Hayes has set out to sabotage and shatter any chance at happiness and success for Liza and Savaged Illusions, and in doing sets into motion a series of events that will end in tragedy, destroying a family, a friendship and any chance at a happily ever after.

All of the previous story line characters, including the members of the band, play secondary and supporting roles. Liza’s friends Emily and Nikki tag along for moral support; and Justice’s dad Noah reprises his role as the long-suffering former soldier whose PTSD is destroying what’s left of the relationship with his son.

SAVAGED VOWS is a story of vengeance, betrayal, secrets and lies. As Justice and Liza’s personal life plays out before the media, their tenuous hold on sanity crumbles like a house of cards. Liza will come face to face with her past, the sins of her father, and the potentially life-altering reality that no one can be trusted including the man who once held her heart. The premise is heartbreaking and startling; the romance is intimate, sensual and intense; the characters are broken, passionate and lost. Jennifer Lyon will seduce your mind and captivate your imagination. SAVAGED VOWS ends on a cliff hanger-you have been warned.

Reading Order and previous reviews
Savaged Surrender .5
Savaged Dreams
Savaged Vows
Savaged Devotion

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

About the Author

Jennifer LyonJennifer Lyon is the pseudonym for USA Today Bestselling Author Jennifer Apodaca. Jen lives in Southern California where she continually plots ways to convince her husband that they should get a dog. After all, they met at the dog pound, fell in love, married and had three wonderful sons. So far, however, she has failed in her doggy endeavor. She consoles herself by pouring her passion into writing books. To date, Jen has published more than fifteen books and novellas, including a fun and sexy mystery series and a variety of contemporary romances under the name Jennifer Apodaca. As Jennifer Lyon she created a dark, sizzling paranormal series, and The Plus One Chronicles, an emotionally sensual adult contemporary series. Jen’s won numerous awards and had her books translated into multiple languages, but she still hasn’t come up with a way to persuade her husband that they need a dog.

Find Jennifer Online!

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Too Scot to Handle (Windham Brides #2) by Grace Burrowes-Review, Interview & Giveaway

Too Scot to Handle (Windham Brides #2) by Grace Burrowes-Review, Interview, Excerpt & Giveaway

Too Scot To Handle Banner

Windham Brides #2
by Grace Burrowes
Genre: adult, historical, romance
Release Date:July 25, 2017

Too Scot to Handle

Amazon / Amazon.ca / Barnes & Noble /Books-A-Million /Google Play /iBooks / IndieBound / Kobo

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 25, 2017

As a captain in the army, Colin MacHugh led men, fixed what was broken, and fought hard. Now that he’s a titled gentleman, he’s still fighting—this time to keep his bachelorhood safe from all the marriage-minded debutantes. Then he meets the intriguing Miss Anwen Windham, whose demure nature masks a bonfire waiting to roar to life. When she asks for his help to raise money for the local orphanage, he’s happy to oblige.

Anwen is amazed at how quickly Lord Colin takes in hand a pack of rambunctious orphan boys. Amazed at how he actually listens to her ideas. Amazed at the thrill she gets from the rumble of his Scottish burr and the heat of his touch. But not everyone enjoys the success of an upstart. And Colin has enemies who will stop at nothing to ruin him and anybody he holds dear.


REVIEW: 5 out of 5 for this reader folks!

EEEEEE .. Grace Burrowes fellow readers. Enjoying one of her novels is like returning to a comfy home you didn’t realize you missed until you returned to it. I just love her writing style.

Too Scot to Handle by Grace Burrowes is the second book of her “Windham Brides” series. This is an extension of her “Windham” series, and while it’s always nice to understand the backstory and be reunited with older characters, you do not need to read that series first as this can stand all on its own quite well … BUT … Grace really writes a fantastic novel so if you love the historical romance, do yourself a favour and check out her other series as well.

Anwen Windham (seriously love this name) is a redheaded, typically quiet, polite, sweet natured and extremely protected by her loved ones due to a childhood illness, proper lady. BUT … when it comes the orphaned boys she cares for, she is fiery, protective, intelligent and a fighter who will do what she needs to do to keep her orphans safe and sound.

Colin MacHugh is the brother to a Duke, an army Captain who has experienced battle and leadership, handsome, smart, a little out of his league when it comes to being a member of the proper ton, and so not interested in anything to do with marriage. He also is fiery when it comes to something he believes should be fought hard for.

Anwen and Colin become in-laws due to their siblings marriage, so they are some what familiar with the other. When Anwen requests assistance in finding funds for her orphans, Colin agrees, only to find that these boys are truely remarkable and worth fighting for. The boys also need the the firm commanding nature that Colin brings, with the admiration that his position holds. He treats them the way they should be treated and Anwen cannot help but admire this.

This is a friends to lovers kind of read. Neither of our main characters were looking for love, but love seems to have found them. I love this kind of book. It starts with a little indifference, to admiration and ultimately ending in realization. These two are well matched, and seeing them fall madly in love with the other for all the right reasons totally made me smile while reading. Of course there is douchebag to add some conflict to the story, and this is the kind of douchebag that I love to hate. It was charming to experience Anwen and Colin come together for the greater good. Grace always writes her love scenes honest, passionate, sometimes awkward (which I love) and very satisfying.

Another fantastic book by one of my fave historical romance authors and I am eagerly awaiting the next one. A fantastic summer read on a lazy afternoon! 🙂


Click HERE for Rachel’s review of book 1-THE TROUBLE WITH DUKES

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Reviewed by Rachel T

Too Scot To Handle Teaser



He’d taken care that this kiss be private, and thus unhurried.
Anwen liked the unhurried part exceedingly. Lord Colin held her not as if she were frail and fragile, but as if she were too precious to let go. His arms were secure about her, and he’d tucked in close enough that she could revel in his contours—broad chest, flat belly, and hard, hard thighs, such as an accomplished equestrian would have.
Soft lips, though. Gentle, entreating, teasing…
Anwen teased him back, getting a taste of peppermint for her boldness, and then a taste of him.
“Great day in the morning,” he whispered, right at her ear. “I won’t be able to sit my horse if you do that again with your tongue.”
She did it again, and again, until the kiss involved his leg insinuated among the folds and froths of her riding habit, her fingers toying with the hair at his nape, and her heart, beating faster than it had at the conclusion of their race.
“Ye must cease, wee Anwen,” Lord Colin said, resting his cheek against her temple. “We must cease, or I’ll have to cast myself into yonder water for the sake of my sanity.”
“I’m a good swimmer,” Anwen said. “I’d fish you out.” She contemplated dragging a sopping Lord Colin from the Serpentine, his clothes plastered to his body….
“Such a sigh,” he said, kissing her cheek. “If ye’d slap me, I’d take it as a mercy.”
“I’d rather kiss you again.” And again and again and again. Anwen’s enthusiasm for that undertaking roared through her like a wild fire, bringing light, heat, and energy to every corner of her being.
“You are a bonfire in disguise,” he said, smoothing a hand over her hair. “An ambush of a woman, and you have all of polite society thinking you’re the quiet one.” He peered down at her, his hair sticking up on one side. “Am I the only man who knows better, Anwen?”
She smoothed his hair down, delighting in its texture. Red hair had a mind of its own, and by the dawn’s light, his hair was very red.
“No, you are not the only one who knows better,” she said, which had him looking off across the water, his gaze determined.
“I’m no’ the dallyin’ kind,” he said, taking Anwen’s hand and kissing it. “I was a soldier, and I’m fond of the ladies, but this is… you mustn’t toy with me.”
Everlasting celestial trumpets. “You think I could toy with you?”
“When you smile like that, you could break hearts, Miss Anwen Windham. A man wouldn’t see it coming, but then you’d swan off in a cloud of grace and dignity, and too late, he’d realize what he’d missed. He wouldn’t want to admit how foolish he’d been, but in his heart, he’d know: I should ne’er have let her get away. I should have done anything to stay by her side.”
I am a bonfire in disguise. “You are not the only one who knows my secret. I know better now too, Colin.” She went up on her toes and kissed him. “It’s our secret.”



TRC:  Hi Grace and welcome back to The Reading Café. Congratulations on the release of TOO SCOT TO HANDLE, the second installment in your Windham Brides series. For anyone new to Grace Burrowes, please tell us something about yourself?

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Grace BurrowesGrace: I keep at least two dozen stuffed animals in my law office at all times. I’m a child welfare attorney, so the inventory tends to need replenishing. Shopping for stuffed animals is FUN.

TRC: Would you please tell us something about TOO SCOT TO HANDLE and the Windham Bride Series?

Grace: The Windham Brides have been lurking in my imagination for years, as I wrote the stories for their eight cousins, from the ducal branch of the family. These four ladies are all aristocracy, of course, but they end up with four very different happily-ever-afters. TOO SCOTT TO HANDLE features the youngest sister, Anwen Windham, and her swain, Captain Lord Colin MacHugh. Colin has never taken much of anything seriously, and Anwen has never been taken seriously, but with Colin, she’s changing the game. She also gives Colin a purpose for which he’ll put everything on the line—his life, his reputation, and even his heart.

TRC: What are your thoughts on historical accuracy when writing a fictional historical romance novel? Do you believe the readers want historical accuracy in the story line?

Too Scot to HandleGrace: My thoughts on this topic are hard to condense into a few sentences, but basically, the litmus of test of what goes into the story should be whether a fact, quote, or snippet of description pulls the readers into the tale or kicks them out of the tale. My obligation to the reader is to entertain, first and foremost. The difficult aspect of historical romance is that what pulls one reader into the story is likely to bore another reader witless. Worse, you can be entirely accurate about your history (Yes, there are circumstances when a duke will be addressed as “Duke,”), but if you contradict established lore, you will not only throw readers out of the story, but antagonize them with your accuracy. It’s a tricky balance, and I’ve yet to meet an author who could get it right for all of the readers all of the time.

TRC: Do you listen to music while writing? If so, does the style of music influence the story line direction? Characters?

Grace: Yes, I do listen to music, and in fact have a degree in music history, BUT I don’t listen to music when I’m writing. Instead, I use the music (maybe Handel’s “Messiah” for a Christmas story, for example) as background when I’m driving, folding laundry, walking on the tread desk. I can’t listen to music and write at the same time, but I think hearing what Regency characters would have heard helps with the world building and generally boosts me more deeply into the characters and story.

TRC: What do you believe is the biggest misconception people have about authors?

Grace: That we mostly write only when we feel like it.

TRC: Thank you, Grace, for taking the time to answer our questions. Congratulations on all of your success.

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