Betting the Scot by Jennifer Trethewey – a Review

Betting the Scot by Jennifer Trethewey – a Review


Amazon / B&N / Kobo / BAM


Declan Sinclair is a Highlander who believes his dreams never lie. When he spots Caya at a public house, he knows instantly she is the woman in his dreams—his future wife. Though her brother had promised never to gamble again, he engages Declan in a card game—and the prize is the lovely Caya.

Caya Pendarvis has no time for childish things like dreams or fairy-tales or love. She’s the sacrificial lamb on her way to the far north of Scotland to wed a wealthy merchant in exchange for settling her brother’s gambling debts.

Winning at cards is one of the many things Declan Sinclair does well. Unfortunately, the ability to court a woman—a talent he lacks—is the only skill he desperately needs to win Caya’s heart



“Declan Sinclair would have called to his wife, but he didn’t know her name. They hadn’t met. Not yet. Nevertheless, the pretty blonde seated on the far side of the tavern was his wife. Or would be. Soon. She was the wife in his dreams, and his dreams never lied.”

As crazy a premonition as that may be, it’s far less toxic than the impetus behind Caya’s decision to marry Declan. It may have even surprised Caya to be so willing. But it’s not all Bluebells and heather from the jump. Caya is a proper lady from Cornwall, England, and this arrangement to marry Declan, “a soldier by trade, a man of blood” is far from conventional. The bumps and stops, “false starts and misunderstandings”, apply nevertheless. This is when you know what really matters! Betting the Scot by Jennifer Trethewey is an enchanting journey to discover a home is truly where the heart is.

Thrust together by foul deed (you’ll rue the day you meet Caya’s brother, Jack), Declan and Caya are kept at arm’s length. While it allowed them to contemplate the enormity of marriage, it also fueled their desires. It felt as if Caya’s ruminations, which developed into realizations, went undeclared for far too long. She chastised herself for engaging in heated fantasies when she could have acted upon them with an all too willing Declan. Before you go thinking less of my man, “I’m no’ a heathen”, Declan wanted to give Caya a real future, a true happiness as his wife. Feelings and avoidance are bound to collide. And to make matters more tense, Ms. Trethewey inserts the most hurtful of words uttered by Caya that both ramps up the drama and has you changing sides, lol! Having said that, restoring feelings and/or mending fences sounds so much sexier with a trilling burr.

The Highlands of Scotland are the perfect setting for this romance. The writing and language were authentic to the culture — I looked up so many Gaelic words to hear them in their native tongue. Humor was lovingly imbued with words and thoughts. Take a bet on this book! True love was achieved, you’ll swoon alongside it, but there will be hateful, vengeful action to keep you in suspense!

Lucky me just discovered this is book 2 of the series. I’ll rewind to the courtship of Alex and Lucy…and await the romance that is sure to sweep big Magnus off his feet in book three!

Reviewed by Carmen

Copy provided by Publisher


I Am Justice by Diana Munoz Stewart – Review, Excerpt & Giveaway

I Am Justice by Diana Munoz Stewart – Review, Excerpt & Giveaway


Amazon / B&N / Kobo / BAM / Book DepositoryiBooks


Justice Parish was rescued from a brutal childhood and adopted into a loving family. But the scars from her past cannot be forgotten, and she vows to protect and avenge others who haven’t escaped the cruel hands of injustice. She becomes a skilled assassin—a vigilante. Her next target: a sex-trafficking ring in the war-torn Middle East. She just needs the perfect cover to get close and take them down…

After years of witnessing the destructive nature of war, Sandesh Ross leaves the Special Forces and puts his heart and soul into founding a humanitarian group. Saving the world isn’t cheap, and when Justice walks through his door, claiming to be a PR agent who can help with donors, he thinks his prayers are answered. They’re both too busy saving the world to get involved with each other. But they might not be able to help themselves…




I Am Justice by Diana Munoz Stewart is the first book in her new Band of Sisters series. This is my first book reading this author, and after completing I Am Justice, it will not be my last. I loved I Am Justice, and cannot wait for the next book in this fantastic series.

We meet Justice Parish, our heroine, as she spies on a club that kidnaps young girls.  Justice is one of the adopted sisters of the wealthy Parish family that runs an academy for girls.  Their mother runs the Mantua Academy for Girls (also known as League of Warrior Women) and Parish Industries, with the help of her security expert, Leland; they had adopted all the sisters when they were young, and being saved from abusive childhoods.

Justice and her sisters were trained to be tough assassins, vigilantes to fight against the victims of sex trafficking, kidnapping of young girls, as well as war victims.  Justice is tough, smart and sassy, and a cutthroat warrior.  She is determined to find the men responsible for her sister’s death, and will do anything to protect all young girls in danger.  When working for the academy, Justice’s is the firms PR, which is also a cover for her to use when, sent on missions. 

Sandesh Ross, our hero, is a former Special Forces, who is now leading a humanitarian group to save victims in the Middle East.  When he is offered a much needed large donation from Parish Industries, he accepts the help of their PR person, Justice, who flies to Jordan.   Sandesh will learn in a short time that this pretty young girl, is not the sweet PR he thought she was. 

Justice manages to find the two men responsible for her sister’s death, and while she kills one of them, she will barely escape with her life, putting Sandesh and his team in danger from the surviving evil brother who is intent to kill them.

What follows is an ultra exciting adventure that will have Sandesh and Justice running from the drug lord, and his team to escape to Israel.  While in hiding, they both find themselves attracted to each other, with Sandesh determined to win her totally over, to the point of him going to America and helping protect her against the drug lord and a traitor in their company.  There are so many different attacks on her family & the school, which made things more dangerous and action packed; also making the search for the traitor a major issue.

The romance between Sandesh and Justice was really beautiful to watch.  The chemistry between them was sizzling, and they were so great together.  I loved meeting all the sisters, the family and the children they save.

When Sandesh’s life is in danger, as he becomes a pawn, Justice and her team will race to help save him, even though they know it is a trap.  This was a wild intense battle that had me holding my breath to see who would survive, as well as emotionally heart wrenching when the traitor is revealed. I do not want to give any spoilers, as this book is too good to be ruined.

I am Justice was an exciting, action filled, fast paced, intense, fiery, emotional story, with a beautiful romance and great characters.  Diana Munoz Steweart has written such a wonderful story that promises more great things to come from the other sisters, who will have their stories told.  I have never read anything by Munoz, but be sure that I will be going forward.  You need to read I am Justice, as it was so very well done.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher




Bucks County, Pennsylvania
Deep inside the stone-and-spire main building of the 160-acre campus of the Mantua Academy for Girls, Justice knew the thing that sucked most about a family business. The family part.
She reached her sister’s office…door? Great. Bridget had followed through on her promise to have the door removed.
She rapped on the wood framing the empty doorway. Inside, Bridget sat cross-legged on her mesh, ergohuman office chair, eyes closed. Her frizzy, dark hair stabbed with a silver comb drooped lopsidedly, like a hairy modern art sculpture.
Justice smiled. This was so perfectly Bridget it almost deserved its own word, like freaktacular or weirdiful.
Justice knocked again. “Bridge?”
Bridget’s eyes fluttered open and locked on her. Justice instantly felt seen. As in seen below the skin. Shiva, uhm, Bridget quirked an eyebrow. “What can I do for you, Justice?”
“I need to talk to you about the yoga class. Is it true you have the girls chanting in Sanskrit?”
“Yes, but I’m not sure of your question. I submitted the yoga for approval through the director’s office.”
Justice walked into the office and plopped into a chair. “You got approval for yoga, She-pak Chopra. Not to have the girls chanting in Sanskrit. This isn’t good PR. And that’s bad for me. Means I have to do work.”
Bridget rested her hands on the desk. “I will limit my teaching to poses and centering music.”
Justice smiled. “Dammit, Bridge, you’re so easy.
Why can’t I have more sisters like you?”
“Perhaps, because you are as abrasive as a starving boar,” a voice said from the hall.
Justice turned. Sheared head, lips painted bright red, skin as satiny smooth and dark as a starless sky, and cocked against the doorway, the generous curve of boys- can’t-help-but-wonder hips clad in a leopard-print skirt. Dada, six-foot-two in spiked heels.
And this was the problem with having no doors. Justice slipped her shoe back on, rose, and crossed the room. “You’re home? Aren’t you supposed to be con- tacting your Brothers Grim informant?”
Dada’s forehead creased. She looked around the hall, but the school staff, a.k.a. no-idea-a-secret-society-of- vigilantes-existed-under-their-feet staff, weren’t in yet. “Have you checked your secure email this morning?”
After passing through security, Justice whisked through the headquarters of the Parish empire in Philadelphia. She was too pissed to pay attention to the repeated nods and hellos. Momma’s morning email had sent her scrambling for her Jeep keys. The mission to take down the global trafficking ring had been put on hold.
Nope. Not happening.
She didn’t care if the Brothers Grim had been alerted by her screwup with Tony last week. Or that they’d moved their meeting up by six weeks. Or that they’d moved the location to Jordan—the one place on the entire fucking globe where the League had no established cover. This was bullshit.
Ahead, at the mahogany double doors at the mouth of two intersecting hallways, Momma’s executive assistant, straitlaced Lorena of the cotton button-downs and starched pantsuits, stood from her desk and crossed her arms. Huh. A human barricade.
Good thing Justice had been trained for just such an event.
Sprinting forward, she lifted her foot, planted the arch of her shoe against the edge of the desk, toed herself into the leap, and vaulted into the air.
Lorena ducked and cried out. Instant classic.
Justice landed with a thud. Lorena was still sputtering vague threats when Justice closed Momma’s office door. Click.
For a confused moment, she stood within the inner sanctum. A huge corner office with buttoned leather couches, two flat-screen TVs, a hulking Thor of a desk, and a well-stocked kitchen. The self-satisfied grin slipped from her face.
The man—built like a hot night of unforgettable, wild blond hair like a sandstorm, eyes the color of the ocean after a lazy day in the sun—drove the air from her lungs. She couldn’t move. Struck deaf, dumb, and blind meet deer-in-headlights. Damn, the man was tall. Like a
wall. A wall of man muscle. So hot.
“Justice.” Leland, Momma’s oldest friend and most trusted adviser, extended his hand with a warm smile. His silver hair gleamed under the canopy of recessed lights. The gray- checkered Armani suit draped over him as if upon the confident shoulders of dignity itself.
Justice took Leland’s smooth hand. He pressed down firmly and tugged her farther inside.
“Sandesh, I’d like you to meet Justice Parish.” Only the stern grip of Leland’s hand told her how annoyed he was. “She does PR for the Mantua Academy and will be working on the Greenville Initiative. She is familiar with all aspects of our newest philanthropy venture.”
Dude was good. Calm. Graceful. And full of shit. Greenville? What was that project about? Giving away money, judging by what Leland had said.
Behind Leland, Momma’s brown eyes showed as little as the rose-colored niqab that covered her hair and face and scars.
Justice turned and gave Leland a rictus grin meant to be a smile. She was usually more successful at hiding her feelings, but a high-pressure situation—you know the kind where you Jack-be-nimbled your momma’s executive assistant, barged into a business meeting, and eye- appraised-seduced-and-fucked a total stranger—had her off her game.
“Actually, my role in all philanthropic projects is still advisory. I wouldn’t want to mislead, uhm, what was your name?”
Blue-Eyes reached for her hand. “I’m Sandesh. Head of the International Peace Team. We’re partnering with Greenville in Jordan.”
He slid his long fingers along her palm in a hot brush that sent her skin tingling. He grasped her hand. Heat suffused her body, brought a flush to her stomach and a smile to her lips. Nice.
Who said philanthropy wasn’t sexy?
Wait. Jordan?




Diana Muñoz Stewart is the award-winning, romantic suspense author of the Band of Sisters series, which includes I Am Justice (Sourcebooks Casablanca). She lives in eastern Pennsylvania in an often chaotic and always welcoming home that—depending on the day—can include husband, kids, extended family, friends, and a canine or two. When not writing, Diana can be found kayaking, doing sprints up her long driveway—harder than it sounds–practicing yoga on her deck, flying, climbing, or hiking with the man who’s had her heart since they were teens. Find Diana at

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His Wasted Heart (Damaged Hearts #2) by Monica Murphy-Review Tour

HIS WASTED HEART (Damaged Hearts #2) by Monica Murphy-Review Tour

Damage Hearts #2
by Monica Murphy
Release Date: April 26, 2018
Genre: new adult,contemporary, erotic, romance

ibooks exclusive:  iBooks

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 26, 2018

Jensen is a mystery I can’t figure out. She’s a liar. A thief—though the only thing she stole is my heart. She tried her best to escape me and by pure luck, I found her. In the very last place I expected.

No matter how hard we try, we can’t resist each other, and as we grow closer, she’s starting to reveal pieces of herself. Sharing her secrets, sharing her truths. Yet she’s still hiding something from me, and I can’t figure it out.

Soon I have my own secrets to keep. One that has the potential to ruin everything


REVIEW: HIS WASTED HEART is the second instalment in Monica Murphy’s contemporary, new adult DAMAGED HEARTS romance trilogy focusing on college students Rhett Montgomery, and Jennifer ‘Jensen’ Fanelli. HIS WASTED HEART should not be read as a stand alone as it picks up immediately after the events and cliff-hanger of book one HER DEFIANT HEART.

Told from first person perspective (Rhett Montgomery) HIS WASTED HEART follows in the wake of Rhett’s discovery of Jensen’s job, and the embarrassing nature of the potential fall-out if anyone were to discover. While Jensen and Rhett’s relationship struggles with the reality of Jensen’s secret life, the Montgomery family dynamics grows more dysfunctional as the story line progresses. What ensues is the up and down, back and forth relationship battle between Jensen and Rhett, and the potential fall-out as Jensen’s past continues to threaten her present and her future.

Jensen’s obsession with, and need to destroy the woman who abandoned her as a child takes a back seat to Rhett’s inability to accept the reality of Jensen’s life. Dark secrets will be revealed, and the ensuing emotional turmoil find our couple at a cross-roads when a past encounter exposes the truth, and a dangerous predator is too close for comfort.

The relationship between Jensen and Rhett continues to be highly sexual; the physical attraction to one another is palpable but the secrets Jensen holds close to her heart are slowly unravelling to reveal a dark and tormented soul. The $ex scenes are erotic and intense without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

The secondary and supporting characters include Rhett’s dysfunctional family as their own secrets and hatred for one another begin to implode. Jensen is about to be caught in the middle of a Montgomery family catastrophe wherein her own secrets are about to be revealed.

HIS WASTED HEART is a tale of betrayal and mistrust; secrets and lies; challenges, struggles, insecurity and self-esteem. The story line slowly begins to unravel Jensen’s past, the Montgomery secrets, and the possibility that love does truly not conquer all. The premise is edgy and revealing; the characters are broken, strong, and resilient; the romance is emotional and dramatic.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one HER DEFIANT HEART

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Monica Murphy is the New York Times, USA Today and #1 international bestselling author of the One Week Girlfriend series, the Billionaire Bachelors and The Rules series. Her books have been translated in almost a dozen languages and has sold over one million copies worldwide. She is both self-published and published by Random House/Bantam and Harper Collins/Avon. She writes new adult, young adult and contemporary romance.

She is a wife and a mother of three who lives in central California on fourteen acres in the middle of nowhere along with their one dog and too many cats. A self-confessed workaholic, when she’s not writing, she’s reading or hanging out with her husband and kids. She’s a firm believer in happy endings, though she will admit to putting her characters through angst-filled moments before they finally get that hard won HEA.

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Diesel (Hellbound Lovers MC #7) by Crimson Syn-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway

DIESEL (Hellbound Lovers MC #7) by Crimson Syn-Review,Excerpt & Giveaway

Hellbound Lovers MC #7
by Crimson Syn
Release Date: March 27, 2018
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, MC, romance / / / /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date March 27, 2018

Jack Diesel is hiding something.
All rugged goodness, with a dark edge,
He’s the type of man who will get me into trouble.
The type of man I should stay away from.
There’s no avoiding someone like Diesel.
He’s a powerful magnet that lights my whole body on fire.
But he has secrets.
Secrets I can’t help but look into.
Secrets that are hindering me from being with him.
Secrets I intend to uncover.

Gabriela Cristiano is a delicious little spitfire.
She’s tough, cynical, and sexy as fuck.
She knows the power she wields on men and I’m no different because I crave her.
From the moment she fell on my lap, I can’t keep myself away.
One moment we’re arguing the next she’s on her knees before me.
She’s a rollercoaster ride I don’t want to get off of.
If only I could tell her about my past.
If only I could learn to love again.


REVIEW: DIESEL is the seventh instalment in Crimson Syn’s contemporary, adult HELLBOUND LOVERS MC erotic, romance series focusing on the men and women of the motorcycle club Hellbound Lovers. This is club member Jack Diesel, and police detective Gabriela Cristiano’s story line. DIESEL can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Diesel and Gabriela) DIESEL follows the building relationship between Hellbound member Jack Diesel, and police detective Gabriela Cristiano. Jack Diesel hides a darkened past that all but destroyed the man he once was. Searching for vengeance against those who ravaged and shattered his life Diesel will find a bit of a kindred spirit in the woman that calls to his battered and broken heart. Enter police detective Gabriela Cristiano, the women with whom Diesel will fall in love. What ensues is the quick building sexual relationship between our leading couple, as Diesel continues to hunt for the man that took from Diesel everything that cannot be replaced. A loaner whose past continues to haunt his nights, Diesel struggles with his attraction to and need for our story line heroine.

The relationship between Diesel and Gabriela is highly sexual; a rough and dirty coupling that quickly turns into something more. Diesel is desperate to avenge the death of the people he loved; Gabriela wants to protect the man who calls to her heart. The $ex scenes are erotic and intense but saying that the passion and emotional entanglement are missing; the relationship is very cut and dry.

DIESEL is a quick, erotic read about one man’s need for vengeance; and one woman’s desire for the forbidden. The premise is entertaining; the characters are energetic and intense; the romance is limited but the sexual encounters are hot and heavy.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Knox (TBA)

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

NOTE: The excerpt is intended for mature readers 18+ due to strong language and sexual content


*Present Day…*
My eyes shot open and I was once again drenched in sweat. I lied there for a second, trying to come to terms with reality as I stared up at the ceiling of my apartment. The dreams just kept coming, and they’d gotten stronger ever since this whole bullshit with these fucking gangs had emerged. It’s got everyone on edge, and I’m fucking stressed as fuck. The sleepless nights aren’t helping either. I keep seeing her face as she screamed for me, and then that moment, the moment I lost everything. That moment continues to fucking haunt me.
I slowly headed towards the glass partition in my bedroom. Sliding the glass door open, I stepped out onto the balcony. The cool breeze sending goose bumps across my bare chest, but it felt refreshing, alleviating the pressure that engulfed me.
It had been six years, and in all that time I hadn’t been able to shake this feeling off. I’d come so close to getting my hands on the motherfucker who ruined my life, and the lead I received a few months ago in Vegas was finally going to close this fucking case for good. Liam Calvaro was going to pay for everything he’d done to me, and I was going to be the one to take him down. I hadn’t told anyone, not even Wolf, but he knew what I was up to. He was always sending Gunner or Knox after me. I suppose he was watching my back and making sure I didn’t commit murder, dragging both mine and his name through the shitter. He and Gunner were the only ones who knew who I really was and what had happened to me all those years ago. They were the only souls left in this world who knew.
I ran my hand through my hair and gave a deep sigh. Another sleepless night and another stressful fucking day. The only leeway I had on La Cruz was gone after Gunner and Chastity decided to bring the FBI in. Now we needed to start from zero once again. And then there was that damn temptation that kept hovering around the damn club. She’s woken up some shit in me I’d had buried for years. And she wasn’t one to take no for an answer, not that I wanted to give it to her.
When she’d landed on my lap a few weeks ago I wasn’t expecting her to stay. I’d heard about Gabriela Cristiano. She held high rank on the force and she was no joke when it came to her knowledge on narcotics. She was the best Narcotics Detective I’d ever seen and she was fucking beautiful, all five-foot-four tantalizing curves of her. Fuck! She had me tightly wound and highly aroused. My dick struggled to go down when she was around, and in the last few nights I’d pictured her above me, riding me as I jacked off my cock to her. I hadn’t touched myself in years. Shit I hadn’t had sex since…well, since her. In a way I felt like I was betraying her. My wife. My sweet Isabel.
I knew I couldn’t live like this anymore. I understood that I needed to move on with my life. But I couldn’t let anything divert my attention from my mission. Gabriela Cristiano was a fucking provocative distraction and her presence was fucking off-putting if anything.
I took a deep sigh and made my way to the bathroom. Taking off my shirt I stared at myself in the mirror. I was looking haggard in my thirty-eight years. I ran my hand down my face, tugging at my beard. I needed a good trim and my hair was getting too long. Dark circles ran under my eyes making me look worn out. I stared at my reflection and frowned at myself. I shouldn’t be feeling guilty for wanting another woman. Fuck! 
Gabriela was the first woman I’d ever even thought about since Isabel passed away. I looked down at the bulge in my pants and tried to ignore it as I turned on the water, turning the knob so that it was steaming hot. I quickly got under it and let the water cascade down my back and neck. My cock throbbed as I ran the soap across my chest and shoulders. I was a big guy, six-foot-two, and broad shouldered. I made sure my body was kept in good shape-that I was always ready physically, and mentally, for when I had to confront my past.
It wasn’t strange that a woman like Gabriela would notice me, what was strange is that I wanted her to. I wanted her eyes on me and only me. As I rubbed the bar of soap down across my abs, my stomach tightened and my cock swelled. I pictured those pretty green eyes on me, hungrily watching me as she spread her legs. My hand flew down to my cock and I couldn’t help but groan as I pictured her stroking her pretty pussy for me, begging me with those emerald eyes to take her. I got lost in the fantasy of her as I stroked myself slowly, leaning a hand against the cool glass frame for support. My grip was tight as I gave my dick long twisting strokes, imagining her parted lips as she fingered herself while I watched. Her jet-black hair sprawled out onto the pillows as she threw her head back. Those luscious tits, all soft and plush, jutting out for me. I stroked my cock vigorously, my muscles tensing as I continued to masturbate with the thought of claiming her. Of grabbing her ankles and yanking her down to me, raising her legs so that my cock could play along her folds. My breath hitched and my hand drew into a fist as I jerked my dick in fast, hard pulls. I desperately wanted my fist to be her curvy little body. I wanted to sink my cock into her depths and hear her call out my name.
I could feel that familiar pressure start to surge up my legs making my muscles clench. I swayed forward and grunted as I tugged harshly on my cock, hot cream spewing out at full force as I came for her. I pressed my head against my forearm as my body thrummed. The water now getting cool from being under it for so long.
I stood there for a few minutes before washing off and getting ready for work. I had errands to run for Wolf and I needed to hit the road following those leads Ryan had been talking about. Not that I didn’t trust Ryan Simon, the President of the Death Row Shooters had gotten our backs more than we could count. But I needed to make sure I wasn’t following a dead lead. I had shit to do and Gabriela Cristiano was definitely not on that list.

My name is Crimson Syn, not really, but what fun is it to use my real name. Instead I’ll use my inner goddess’ name, it’s much more fun that way. I grew up in New York City where I had a wonderful education, loving parents and awesome friends. What more could a girl ask for?

I started writing at the age of sixteen. The first romance I read was Stephanie Laurens’ Devil’s Bride. Since then I have been influenced by dozens of flourishing romance authors and even more dashing and daring rogues. I must say it, but Fifty Shades was not my first erotic romance, nor did it influence me to start writing them. If you’ve never read Mary Balogh, Elizabeth Hoyt, Lisa Kleypas, Bertrice Small or A.N. Roquelaure’s Sleeping Beauty trilogy, then you’re missing out. Those were my sweet introductions to erotic romance, and boy were they hot.

So here I am, after reading so many wonderful stories, I have too many sinful tales of my own not to share. I like my alphas rough and possessive, and I have no shame in saying it or writing it. I had delightfully wicked teachers growing up, their books took me to new worlds and brought me new loves. So, I want to do the same for you. I want to indulge my readers in those steamy reads that will send them into the arms of dangerous alphas and deliciously sexy rogues, without leaving the confines of their nice warm bed. If I am able to entice your inner goddesses, then I have done my job and I am satisfied.

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Moon-Riders by Tracy Tappan – a Review

Moon-Riders by Tracy Tappan – a Review


Amazon / B&N / Kobo

Bound to the wrong mate… Crushed by an unforeseen enemy… Forced to become a person you were never supposed to be…

Recently promoted to the Special Operations Topside Team, quiet warrior Breen Dalakis is the least likely man to commit an unauthorized bite. But in a moment of blinding bloodlust, he bites and bonds with a new Dragon woman, permanently tying himself to a stranger. Now he must find a way to break through her seething rejection, but a lifetime spent skirting his emotions has left him stumped.

Wild girl Charlize Renault has never been in a long-term relationship, doesn’t want one now, and there’s a good reason for that—a deeply buried, secret reason. But when Breen disappears on a mission gone bad, Charlize’s emotional ghosts rise again. She’ll finally have to conquer her past if she ever wants to find true happiness with the man who has moved mountains to reach her…but the last time she fought her demons, they nearly destroyed her.


I’ve read all the previous books in Tracy Tappan‘s The Community series.  I always wondered if there were anymore, so I was thrilled to get to read her latest book, Moon-Riders.  And it was sooooooo worth the wait. 

So a quick run down ……. 
The community of Ţărână is an underground civilization.
The Om Rău are a race of (bad vampires) 
The Vârcolac people are (good vampires) 

Human Women from “topside” are kidnapped by the Vârcolac and mated to different classes of  Vârcolac.  At first I had issues with kidnapping women, but carry on and you’ll find that the males in this races, worship the ground their mate walks on. Previous attempts to repopulate their race has failed, so that’s why they kidnap Dragon women from topside (these are human females with certain DNA and tasty blood). 

The Om Rău are cousins of the Vârcolac, but they don’t treat their women well (in fact a few scenes from the previous books almost had me giving up the series.) so if they get the chance, they will kidnap women from their rival group. 

Are you with me?   So let’s go …… 

The book “Moon Riders” is just as fast paced and action packed as the previous books. Witty one liners and face palming will have you hooked in no time. 

Breen has been recently promoted to the Special Operations Topside Team (to rescue and retrieve Dragon females) a quiet an unassuming male, he wants to find his mate, but is happy to do his job until he finds her….. and boy does he find her ?

Charlize is a “good time” girl, always game for a laugh, the original “party animal” she’s all for having “fun” with Breen, until he bites and bonds with her, she’s not to happy at first, (the girl has issues and a few skeletons in her closet) in fact Breen really has his work cut out to persuade her that he is the male for her. But being a “virgin” (oh I forgot to tell you, until the Vârcolac finds his mate …. no sex drive !!!) he is overcome with bloodlust and “bonds” himself to Charlize. Breen finds it hard to show emotion as overtime his has frozen over. 

And whilst this is going on …… there is a sub plot just brewing away (nope, not going to spoil it) and it’s a good one ?

Will Breen and Charlize be able to get past their differences and be together? Well I think Charlize really wants to settle down (one of her friends is mated to a Vârcolac), she sees the way they are together, and it makes her wonder if she could have that too. 

And Breen once he overcomes his lack of emotion….. 

You’ll just have to read and find out. 

I do think you’ll need to read in order, the books make better sense. It was nice catching up on previous couples from the other books. You won’t regret it. 

Reviewed by Julie B.

Copy supplied for review


All’s Fair in Love and Wolf by Terry Spear-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway Tour

ALL’S FAIR IN LOVE AND WOLF (Heart of the Wolf #25) by Terry Spear-Review, Excerpt and Giveaway Tour

Heart of the Wolf #25
by Terry Spear
Genre: adult, contemporary, paranormal, romance
Release Date: May 1, 2018

Amazon| | Barnes & Noble| iBooks|Kobo| IndieBound| Google Play

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 1, 2018

The Silver Town wolf pack has your back

Wolf shifter Sarandon Silver’s in trouble with the law, and bounty hunter she-wolf Jenna St. James is determined to bring him in for trial.

Lucky for Sarandon, the entire Silver Town pack is ready to fight for his innocence. But until the case is solved, Jenna’s sticking to Sarandon like glue…


REVIEW: ALL’S FAIR IN LOVE AND WOLF is the twenty-fifth instalment in Terry Spear’s contemporary adult HEART OF THE WOLF paranormal, romance series. This is Silver Town wolf Shifter Sarandon Silver, and bounty hunter, she-wolf Jenna St. James’s story line. ALL’S FAIR IN LOVE AND WOLF can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

Told from third person perspective including Sarandon and Jenna, ALL’S FAIR IN LOVE AND WOLF focuses on wildlife tour operator and wolf shifter Sarandon Silver’s determination to prove his innocence when he is mistakenly targeted by a she wolf bounty hunter. Enter Jenna St. James, bounty hunter and wolf shifter, and the female with whom Sarandon will fall in love. What ensues is the slow building story line and romance between Jenna and Sarandon, as they search for the wolf impersonating our story line hero-a wolf whose resemblance to Sarandon goes more than skin deep.

ALL’S FAIR IN LOVE AND WOLF is a detailed and complex tale with a large ensemble case of secondary and supporting characters; many twists and turns that bring our couple in contact with another pack, a couple of rogue wolves, and the probability that not only is Sarandon targeted in a case of mistaken identity but identity theft as well. The premise is cleverly written; the romance is slow to build as our couple struggle with the possibility of a long-distance relationship as such that neither one is willing to walk away from family and friends; the numerous characters are passionate and spirited including the introduction of the St. James family; the leading couple is energetic and sensual.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

CJ removed his deputy cowboy-style gray hat. He was wearing a denim jacket and cowboy boots, and had a badge affixed to his belt. His hair was as dark brown as Sarandon’s, but less wavy. His eyes were a lighter brown, but there was an obvious similarity between the two brothers. And Jake and Darien, for that matter.
Like Darien, CJ was unsmiling, but unlike the pack leader, CJ didn’t offer to shake Jenna’s hand. She suspected CJ was looking out for his older brother, and as far as the deputy was concerned, she was the enemy wolf, ready to arrest Sarandon. CJ wasn’t going to pretend friendship, which she appreciated. She much preferred meeting everyone at face value. Otherwise, she felt like she’d stepped into a Stepford Wolves town.
Alicia hurried into the living room wearing jeans and a T-shirt and sandals. She had dark-brown curls hanging to her shoulders , and her dark-brown eyes widened when she saw Jenna. “Sorry, I had to take a call from the sitter. It’s so good to see you again, Jenna. I’m Alicia, now Jake’s mate.”
“And a wolf.” Jenna didn’t know Alicia well, although she’d heard rumors the bounty hunter was going after a mob boss single-handedly. Jenna’s family had talked about how they’d never take on a mob boss. They’d thought Alicia was either the bravest woman in the business, or a little bit crazy. Jenna had met her at the El Paso County Jail and Criminal Justice Center in Colorado Springs when they were bringing in a couple of bail jumpers, but Alicia had been human then.
“Yeah, big changes in my life. I never suspected you were a wolf either.”
“I was born a wolf.” Jenna couldn’t imagine how difficult it would be to not only have the issues with shifting while raising kids, but also those related to working a job. She could see the benefits of living in a wolf-run town if the wolf was newly turned.
“Don’t you find that makes you see someone differently? When you learn the person you’re talking to is a wolf and not just human? Like you have a secret you can share with him that you can’t with others?” Alicia asked.
Jenna glanced at Sarandon. He smiled a little. “Yeah, but not as far as doing my job.” She returned his smile.
His smile only grew. He was so cocky.
In truth, Alicia was right. Knowing he was a wolf made a lot of difference—but only because of the way he’d pinned her down and the physical interest they’d shown in each other. She was beginning to think he was innocent, and that meant she was even more intrigued with him.
“Honey, what would you like to drink?” Jake asked his mate.
“I’ll have what Lelandi’s drinking,” Alicia said.
“I’m good,” CJ said to Jake as he brought in the other drinks.
“A beer.”
Jake smiled at Sarandon. “Yeah, me too.”
After Jake finished getting drinks for everyone, they all took their seats, except for CJ. He stood near the fireplace, arms folded across his chest, looking like he was ready to arrest her! He towered over everyone who was sitting, making him king of the forum. It was an act of intimidation any good deputy sheriff would use to ensure he had the upper hand. If he’d wanted to give the impression he was treating Jenna as an equal, he would have joined them on one of the couches.
From what she could tell, Lelandi was the easygoing pack leader, and Darien played the role of the tough pack leader.
She wondered if Lelandi was a family physician, since she had canceled on her patients. Jenna guessed none of the cases needed immediate care, or Lelandi would have taken care of them. It went to show how important Sarandon was to her. Jenna couldn’t help but admire the pack for that.
“Okay, so what makes you think Sarandon has committed any crime?” Darien asked, getting the matter on the table.
To CJ’s credit, he pulled out a notepad and began taking notes. Jenna had thought he might be totally arrogant and dismiss her concern completely, as if she had no say in any of it and they would take care of it.
She pulled her phone from her jacket pocket and began listing all the acts of fraud the perp had committed.
“So, let me get this straight,” CJ said.
She knew he was going to be a hard-ass. Mostly because he was Sarandon’s brother, but also because he was the law. And this was his jurisdiction. “Ask away.”
“An identity thief uses one of the identities he has on him, and everyone believes that’s his true identity. Why?”

Website / Goodreads / Twitter / Facebook

USA Today bestselling author Terry Spear has written over sixty paranormal and medieval Highland romances. In 2008, Heart of the Wolf was named a Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year. A retired officer of the U.S. Army Reserves, Terry also creates award-winning teddy bears that have found homes all over the world. She lives in Spring, Texas with two Havanese puppies.

NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the publisher.


The Only Thing (The Donnigans #3) by Marie Harte-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway

THE ONLY THING (The Donnigans #3) by Marie Harte-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / iBooks /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 1, 2018

What do you do when a “fake” relationship is so much better than the real thing?
Hope Donnigan is finally getting her life together. She’s working a job she likes, has some amazing friends, and is steering clear of Mr. Wrong. Now if only she could get her mother to understand that. Maybe a hot tattoo artist from the other side town is just the ticket to teach her mom a lesson.

J.T. Webster fell for Hope months ago at his sister’s wedding. So when she propositions him to be her fake boyfriend to get her mother off her back, he’s all in. The only problem is J.T. had no idea their pretend relationship would be better than anything real he’s ever had…


REVIEW: THE ONLY THING is the third instalment in Marie Harte’s contemporary, adult THE DONNIGANS erotic, romance series focusing on the Donnigan family. This is tattoo artist JT Webster, and PA Hope Donnigan’s story line. THE DONNIGANS is a spin off from Marie Harte’s THE MCCAULEY BROTHERS and BODY SHOP BAD BOYS series. You do not have to have read the previous series to follow the spin off. The Donnigan and The McCauley siblings are cousins. The reader was first introduced to Hope in A Sure Thing (Book 1).

Told from several third person points of view including JT and Hope THE ONLY THING follows the friends to lovers/ fake boyfriend relationship between tattoo artist JT Webster, and PA Hope Donnigan. Hope’s mother is driving her mad so to stop the accusations, condescending attitude, and numerous arranged dates with men she doesn’t know Hope tells her perfectionist mother that she has a boyfriend-a tattooed, hellion she knows will drive her mother over the edge. Enter tattoo artist JT Webster, the man who stars in all of Hope’s fantasies and dreams, and the man with whom our heroine will fall in love. What ensues is the building romance between Hope and JT, and the ongoing threats against JT and any man who feigns interest in our story line heroine.

Hope’s string of less than stellar boyfriends finds our heroine taking a break from dating but JT Webster continues to star in all of her fantasies and dreams never realizing that JT himself, is struggling with his attraction to Hope. But things go from good to bad when a number of anonymous gifts and flowers escalates into threats against our story line hero, threats that land JT on the receiving end of physical violence.

The relationship between Hope and JT is one of immediate attraction, an attraction that began, months before, at Delilah Webster (JT’s sister) and Mike McCauley’s wedding. The fake boyfriend and girlfriend relationship quickly evolves into something more but something that Hope and JT continue to deny. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including brothers and sisters: Gavin, Theo and Landon Donnigan; Dee Webster-McCauley, and JT’s father Liam Webster, and a varied assortment of cousins from both THE MCCAULEY BROTHERS and BODY SHOP BAD BOYS series.

The world building continues to focus on the Donnigan family including the fractured and struggling relationship between mother (Linda) and daughter (Hope).

THE ONLY THING is a sexy, sassy and seductive story line. The premise is energetic and engaging; the characters are fun, flirty and colorful; the romance is seductive, edgy and provocative.

My only complaint is the identity of who was behind the stalking of our story line heroine, and the threats to anyone who stood in the way-I was totally perplexed; the character came ‘out of left field. An odd connection to the overall story; a bit of a ‘red-herring’ thrown in with an earlier mention.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
A Sure Thing
Just The Thing
The Only Thing

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

Hope lost herself in J.T. He smelled like an invitation to sex and tasted like honeyed caramel. Good Lord, but the man knew how to kiss.
The moment he’d touched her lips, she’d forgotten her own advice to steer clear of men and latched onto him. And now she could do nothing but enjoy a real man concentrating on her.
He moaned, slanted his mouth at an angle that gave him deeper access, and followed her tongue with his, dipping into the recesses of her mouth and stimulating every damn cell in her body.
He was hard. All over. His broad chest swelled. Arms that she could barely fit her hands around tightened. As did the rest of him when he drew her into his body.
She felt caged in his embrace, totally controlled by a man much more powerful than herself. But she sensed nothing but arousal and safety, oddly enough. Nothing overbearing, like what she’d experienced with a few of her exes.
A smart woman would put a stop to the kiss. Especially when he put his large hand at the small of her back and pulled her closer still, allowing her to feel the impressive bulge between his legs. Their disparity in size was evident, especially that big part of him she felt all too clearly when he rubbed against her belly. She gasped, caught between his kiss and his shocking dimensions.
He trailed his lips down her cheek to suck at her neck.
She moaned, tilting her head back, doing her damnedest to find the will to push him away. But her body had other plans.
Her breasts ached. The place between her legs throbbed. And the rest of her tingled, every part of her needing to lie down on the nearest horizontal surface so she could spread her legs in welcome…
“No.” She pushed weakly at his chest.
J.T. froze, panting. “No?” he choked out.
“Yes. I mean, no. We can’t do this,” she managed between large intakes of breath.
He slowly put her away from him and stared at her from under hooded lids. All she could think was that he looked kissable.
“Huh?” She shivered.
“Don’t look at me like that.”
She licked her suddenly dry lips, and he glanced away and swore.
“L-like what?”
“Like you want me to… Never mind.” He blew out a harsh breath. “Yeah, um. Good idea to stop that. We’re just pretending, right?”
“About dating. So we can fool your mom if we have to kiss in front of her to be believable.”
“Right. Yes. Uh huh.” Think, Hope. With more than your ovaries. “I’m sorry. I didn’t… I wasn’t trying to put out the wrong signals.” That I want you? That sex with you is on my must have list? “I told you I had some tough relationships in the past.” She swallowed the lump in her throat. “I’m trying to do better and be focused on me right now.”
“Sure. I get you.” He nodded and tucked his hands in his pockets, which did nothing to mask the raging hard-on under his fly. “Smart move. I met Greg. I feel you.”
She sighed. “Yeah.”
They all started out nice, then slowly morphed into monsters. J.T. seemed amiable, sexy, safe. What would he turn out to be in the end?
“Okay then.” He cleared his throat and guided her toward the front door. “We won’t do this again. But we know we can pull it off for your mom if we need to.”
“Right. I really do appreciate you doing this for me.” She stopped and faced him, feeling bad for pulling him into her mess. “You don’t have to, you know.”
“Um, yeah, I do. Where else will you find a tattoo artist with several baby mommas and jail time on his resume?”
She stared. “Really?”
“Well, no. That’s not all true.” He winked at her. “But to find out which parts I’m lying about, you have to buy me a beer at Ray’s.”
She gave him a smile, unable to help herself. Charming should have been his middle name. That and handsome. “It’s a date.”
“Wednesday at six work for you?” he asked. “It’s a little less crowded in the middle of the week, and less scary for a first timer.”
“I won’t be scared.” She’d heard from her brothers about the rough types who hung out around the place.
“Honey, I was scared my first time. And my second, my third…” They shared a laugh. “Ray’s is good people. Tough, but good. I’ll pick you up. Will that be okay?”
She thought about it and realized she didn’t care if he knew where she lived. “You’re practically family,” she teased. “I trust you.”
She couldn’t read the look he shot her as he walked her to her car and waited for her to belt up. Once all secured, she rolled down her window. “Okay. What’s with that look?”
“Just remember, Hope—we aren’t family.” He shook his head and bent to stare her in the eye. “Because I’m not down with kissing my family like I kissed you.” He stroked her cheek, sighed, and straightened. “Now go home before I forget why I shouldn’t give you what you’re asking for.”
Heck, she’d been the one to say no earlier. But when his eyes narrowed, she obeyed. Better to keep him happy since he’d agreed to help. Plus, she trusted what she knew of him. If he thought she should leave, she’d go. Because if she stayed any longer, she might assault the man and have her wicked way with him. And that would pretty much shoot her independent, no-men stance all to hell.
Turning on the radio, she sang all the way home, feeling better about life than she had in a long time.
The next day, she arrived at work early, in a cheerful mood. She wore a business casual outfit of dress pants, heels, and a silk blouse. Even Linda would have trouble making an issue of her clothing, styled hair, and makeup.
Instead of annoyance at thoughts of her domineering mother, Hope smiled, recalling J.T.’s warmth, the feel of his firm yet soft lips guiding her. Melting her. She sighed as she took the elevator to the office on the second floor. “Dating” J.T. would prove to be a challenge, because everything in her wanted to be with the man for real. To see if he could make good on his reputation’s promise as a marvel in bed.

Follow: Goodreads / Twitter /Website/ Facebook

Marie HarteCaffeine addict, boy referee, and romance aficionado, USA Today bestselling author Marie Harte has over 100 books published with more constantly on the way. She’s a confessed bibliophile and devotee of action movies. Whether hiking in Central Oregon, biking around town, or hanging at the local tea shop, she’s constantly plotting to give everyone a happily ever after. Visit and fall in love.

NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the publisher (tour provider)


Fair Game by Taylor Lunsford – a Review

Fair Game by Taylor Lunsford – a Review


Amazon / B&N / Kobo / BAM


In her designer shoes and power suits, Vivien Monroe couldn’t be more out of place in the video game company she inherited from her eccentric father. Not only does she have to sort out her father’s last request and deal with a younger sister she barely knows, she has to go toe-to-toe with her father’s protégé—a man who makes her think about the last thing she should be thinking about right now.

With his thick-framed glasses and graphic tees, Liam Bennett is the exact opposite of what she needs right now. His relaxed, out-of-the-box attitude reminds her too much of her father’s more exasperating quirks, but his dedication and quiet stubbornness begin to drive her crazy in a completely different way.
All Vivien wants is to get back to her life in New York, but someone is stealing the company’s best game ideas, and an FBI agent is sniffing around. She’ll save her father’s legacy for her sister and then she’s out of there—if she can leave Liam behind




Vivian Monroe couldn’t be more out of place at MT Gaming if she tried. Returning home to Texas was not her choice. Her estranged father has recently passed away and she has inherited the CEO position at his computer gaming company. She leaves her high powered New York job where she is dead set on making partner, to take care of business in Texas. As the majority shareholder and acting CEO she must decide who will take over the company when she returns to New York. But she didn’t bargain for “nerdboy” Liam Bennett, VP of Game Development.  Liam was made for this company, he lives and breathes it.  Upon Vivian’s return she realizes that something isn’t right. Someone is stealing the plans for future games and leaking them to competitive companies. 

All Vivian wants is to make her decision and return to New York, return to the life that she knows and is good at.  But when she finds out that the company is being investigated she feels that it would be best to stick around and not turn over the company to anyone, just yet. But sparks fly between her and Liam and there is no way she can deny her feelings for him. But she makes it crystal clear that their relationship is strictly casual, no strings attached.

Vivian is strong-willed all business Ice Queen.  She has no time for family, relationships or anything in between. But she is thrown into a world she long ran away from. Her younger sister Greer, her fathers company – the world she couldn’t wait to get away from. She has come to Texas to pick her successor and move on. But when she meets the Vice President of Game Development everything changes. And as much as she wants to just get back home to New York. Her heart begins to betray her and pull her the one thing she isn,t ready for, Liam.

Liam Bennett is a wonderful “nerdy” video game developer. He is sweet, kind and loyal to a fault. 

He speaks with his momma every day and takes his dog Flynn to work with him every day! What is not to love about this guy! I found him sweet, considerate and very relatable. And he isn’t afraid to turn up the heat when he needs to. 

I enjoyed the sub-characters of Greer and Eli, and hope that their book is next. I would also love to follow along more with Vivian and Liam in their next chapter of the life. Fair Game by Taylor Lunsford is a wonderful, steamy, sexy, adorkabe read! 

Reviewed by Erin

Copy provided by Publisher
