Smile and Look Pretty by Amanda Pellegrino – Review & Excerpt

Smile and Look Pretty by Amanda Pellegrino – Review & Excerpt


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Online they’re the Aggressive One, the Bossy One, the Bitchy One and the Emotional One. In real life, best friends Cate, Lauren, Olivia and Max all have one thing in common–they’re overworked, overtired and underpaid assistants to some of the most powerful men in the entertainment industries. When they secretly start an anonymous blog detailing their experiences, their posts go viral and hundreds of other women come forward with stories of their own. Confronted with the risks of newfound fame and the possibility of their identities being revealed, they have to contend with what happens when you try to change the world.

Gripping, razor sharp and scathingly funny, Smile and Look Preety is a fast-paced millennial rallying cry about the consequences of whistle blowing for an entire generation, and a testament to the strength of female friendship and what can be accomplished when women come together.




Smile and Look Pretty by Amanda Pellegrino an excellent standalone novel.  The story centers on 4 best friends, who work at different jobs, as assistants. They are overworked, underpaid and little time for themselves, as their powerful bosses expect 7-day, 24-hour availability; in a toxic environment, and never get promoted, since they are bypassed by their male counterparts.  We meet these ladies, Cate, Lauren, Olivia and Max, who have strong friendship bonds, that help them deal and share their grievances; we get to see the things they have to deal with, with various POV’s.

Cate brings the girls together, as she convinces them that they should set up an anonymous blog to share their stories. They will use names such as The Bossy One, The Bitchy One, The Aggressive One and The Emotional One.  At first, they are nervous, worried they will lose their jobs, or have a hard time finding another job; but they agree that they need do this for themselves.  The blog, Twenty-something, grows bigger with each passing day, with other women submitting their own stories.  In a short time, the blog becomes a sensation, as it begins to garner more attention not only from many women who also suffer, but now the news media is interested in finding out who these ladies are.

Cate is an assistant to a publisher, who expects her to constantly do personal jobs, such as get coffee, bring cupcakes to his son’s school, pick up things for his wife; all which have nothing to do with her actual job. Lauren is an assistant who wants to be a script writer on their show, but keeps getting by passed by her boss, even if she is the one who does most of the work. Max works at a news station, where she is harassed by the news anchor, with everyone ignoring the suggestive behavior of the anchor. Olivia is an assistant to an actor, and she also is expected to do all the demeaning things he wants. 

Smile and Look Pretty is an amazing story so very well written by Amanda Pellegrino.  The story focuses on these 4 wonderful ladies, and the terrible things they had to endure. The last third of the book was great, as their site escalates into a major movement, with the “girl power” stepping up to fight for their rights, and together the ladies will each be able to express their voices, and allowing the news to right all wrongs. Smile and Look Pretty was a terrific story of women rallying against the unfairness of their treatments, and what together their friendship can do.  Great novel.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher





The signs were always there. He was late to a few meet¬ings. He started happy hour at 2:00 p.m. He promoted from within.
The signs weren’t noticeable at first. Until they were.
He was late to Marjorie’s meetings, not Ben’s. He offered scotch on the rocks to the guys. Most of his former male as¬sistants were now editors.
It took years of working with him for Cate to learn those things. To realize they were signs.
But he had a reputation. That she knew from the beginning.
“You’ll need a thick skin,” he’d said on her first day. A warning.
She didn’t extend him the same courtesy.
Cate could tell you every book Larcey Publishing had ever released in its twenty-year history, and how old she had been when she first read it. The red LP stood out on all the spines in her dad’s “home office,” which was really the walk-in closet of her parents’ bedroom converted into a small library lined with bookshelves, the clothing rails outfitted with a plank of painted wood to form a desk. When she got home from school, she’d sneak into her parents’ room and read whatever book was on her dad’s nightstand that week—no matter how age inappropriate the title. By the time she was ten, she knew she wanted to spend her life helping people tell stories. Important stories that no one would hear otherwise.
Matthew Larcey was a literary prodigy, not just to her dad, but to the world. Before he was thirty, he was known as the next Maxwell Perkins and by thirty-five he used that acclaim to start his own publishing house. Jobs there were the only ones Cate applied to during her senior year of college. She started as a production assistant ten days after graduation, and when the position of Matt’s executive assistant opened a year later, she was the first to apply.
Matt’s assistant at the time was a lovely girl from Texas named Eleanor, who tried and failed to suppress her South¬ern accent. (Cate later learned Matt forbid y’all from conversa¬tions. Sign.) She interviewed Cate in a conference room with dull gray walls and two suicide-proof windows that looked out onto Sixth Avenue, forty-nine f lights below. Cate wore her go-to black dress with a leather trim and had prepped in the bathroom a few minutes before: whispering her elevator pitch while applying more mascara; detailing her current re¬sponsibilities as an assistant while running some Moroccan oil through her frizzy hair; listing her favorite books while swap¬ping out f lats and a cardigan for heels and a blazer.
Twenty minutes into the interview, Matt Larcey walked in, wearing jeans and an AC/DC T-shirt with a small hole in the neck. Eyes wide, Cate and Eleanor watched him slowly sit down at the opposite side of the long conference table, typing on his phone. Despite having worked there for a year, Cate had never met the company’s founder. He wasn’t good-looking in the traditional sense—he was far too old for Cate anyway—but his salt-and-pepper hair paired with his tailored jeans emit¬ted a kind of effortless power that Cate found enigmatic. She felt reassured knowing he had smile lines. Maybe it meant he wasn’t as difficult as his reputation implied.
Eleanor’s gaze darted to Matt and then back to Cate. “Um, as I was saying—”
“Did you tell her why you’re being replaced?” he inter¬rupted, looking up at them. His phone buzzed against the table four times while Eleanor went as red as the LP on the company’s logo.

“I wasn’t available enough,” she said quietly.
“Be specific.”
Eleanor took a long breath and offered Cate a tight-lipped smile. “I was on vacation and missed an urgent email.”
Cate wanted to crawl under the table and come back when the tension was gone.
“If I’m working, you’re working,” Matt said. “That’s the deal.”
Seems logical, Cate thought. Sign.
“I know why you’re here.” He looked at Cate with an arched brow. “You’re a reader. Right? That’s what your Twit¬ter bio says? You want to publish something that matters. The next great American novel, a book that will change the course of literature forever.”
Eleanor seemed to be shrinking in front of them, getting smaller and smaller with every word.
“If that’s what gets you through the day, great,” Matt con¬tinued. “By all means, try to find the next Zadie Smith. If you play by the rules, maybe you will. But there are a lot of others out there who would kill for this job. So don’t think you’ll get any favors. If you earn the book, you’ll get the book. Oth¬erwise it will be you here picking out your own successor.”
When Eleanor appeared at Cate’s cubicle a few weeks later, offering her the job, Cate immediately accepted. Because she was a reader. She did want to find the next great American novel. And, despite its founder’s reputation, Larcey Publish¬ing was the best place to do that.

Exactly two years later, Cate sat at her desk in the forty-ninth f loor bullpen, moving her eyes slowly across the f loor-to-ceiling color-coded bookshelves packed with LP titles, thinking about how she was officially the longest lasting as¬sistant in Larcey’s history. When she had first started, each day she would look up from her desk at the wall of books in awe, like a tourist admiring the Chrysler Building, and dream about the day books she discovered and edited would join those shelves. Now, she had trouble remembering why she wanted to work there so badly in the first place.
She let out a deep breath. A wall of color-coded book¬shelves was pretty to look at until you realized how painful it was to put together.
The executive assistants’ desks were located in the EAB, or Elusive Assistant Beau monde, as Cate called it before she got the job with Matt. It actually stood for Executive Assistant Bullpen, but hardly anyone knew that. To Finance they were Evil Annoying Babies; to editors, Eager Ass-kissing Brown¬nosers; and to Marketing, Expendable Agenda Builders. What¬ever they were called, she was one of them. In the center of the rectangular room were two circular velvet couches around a glass coffee table with a bouquet of f lowers Cate was some¬how in charge of buying and maintaining each week. Lining the perimeter of the room were seven desks, perfectly posi¬tioned outside each boss’s glass office so that each assistant was always being watched. Like fish in a bowl.
Cate glanced over her shoulder toward the shadows behind the now-curtained glass wall of Matt’s office, listening to the mumbles of the third editor in two months getting fired, and wondered—as they all did at that point—when she should ex¬pect the email from HR inviting her to meet them in Matt’s office at 6:30 p.m. on a Thursday.
Lucy, the CFO’s assistant, wheeled her chair toward Cate. “Maggie, huh?” she said, folding her long blond hair behind her ears as if that would help her gossip better.
“Seems that way,” Cate responded.
“Do you know what happened? I thought the self-help cat¬egory was doing well.”
Cate shrugged. “I’m not sure.” She tried to look busy, max¬imizing and minimizing documents, opening and closing her calendar. Lucy was a great work wife, but she only got the job because her third cousin twice removed was Stephen King’s neighbor or something. This made her a “must hire,” thus untouchable. And Lucy knew it. She was more often found scooting across the bullpen in her white wheelie chair spread¬ing rumors than actually working.
“Of course you know, Cate. You’re probably on the HR email.”
As Matt’s assistant, Cate was on all his emails. About the rounds of golf he planned next week. About every book that each editor wanted to acquire this season. About all the fir¬ings. She knew that Maggie, a self-help editor, was being fired for considering a position at Peacock Press. Not only were they Larcey’s main competitor, but Cate once heard a rumor that Matt dated its publisher in college, and she broke up with him in favor of his rugby-playing roommate. Either way, the rivalry seemed personal. They had offered Maggie $10K more and a nearly unlimited budget to acquire all the self-help books she could get her hands on. Cate knew ev¬erything. And that power was not something she was about to give up for Lucy. It was all she had.

“I guess self-help isn’t doing as well as we thought,” Cate said.
Before Lucy could reply, Maggie threw open Matt’s door. The entire room started furiously typing as Maggie stomped past the EAB, two suited HR reps scurrying behind her. Lucy picked up the first paper she could find on Cate’s desk and examined it so closely you’d think she’d just discovered the Rosetta Stone.
As soon as Maggie was out of earshot, Lucy said, “God, that was awkward.” She lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “I heard she’s going to Peacock.”
“Do you really think it’s Peacock?” Spencer Park whispered from his desk. “What, are they trying to poach everyone?”
“Poaching the people you want is more cost-effective than buying a company and paying for all the people you don’t,” Lucy responded. Cate could have sworn Lucy’s head cocked toward Matt’s office for the latter part of that statement.
Lucy returned to her desk and everyone went back to nor¬mal until a few moments later, when the heavy glass door behind her opened again. Cate didn’t need to turn around to know it was Matt leaving. Her back might be facing his of¬fice all day, but she knew his movements by heart. In the same way, she imagined, he probably knew hers.
Matt moseyed to the front of her desk, moving his worn, expensive leather briefcase from his right hand to his left. He’d been kayaking that weekend, and he always got blisters on his dominant hand when he kayaked. Cate hated that she knew that. “Why are you still here?” he asked, as if his I’m working, you’re working, that’s the deal speech didn’t play on a loop in her head 24/7. As if that wasn’t why she kept her phone on loud all the time, why she woke up panicking in the middle of the night about missing an email, and why she was that girl who showed up to bars on Saturdays hiding her laptop in her purse.
“Just finishing up some work.” Cate glanced at her nearly empty inbox. She was supposed to be on her way to The Shit List, a much-needed weekly vent session with her friends. In¬stead, she was going to be late. Not that that was unusual for her. If Matt was there, Cate was there, after all.
He looked at Cate, then at the other assistants, all furiously typing again to seem occupied. “Looks like everyone else is working a lot harder than you are right now.”
Well, I’m talking to you, Cate wanted to say. I stopped typing to talk to you.
What actually came out of her mouth was, “Have a good night.”
She watched him walk across the EAB and offer a wave and a smile to three executive assistants standing at the bookshelf, peeling some titles off the wall. “You all work too hard. This place would be in shambles without you,” he said to them be¬fore turning the corner toward the elevator bank.
After answering a few more emails, Cate poured some whiskey into her Bitches Get Stuff Done mug, grabbed her Board Meeting Makeup Kit out of the bottom drawer of her desk and walked into the bathroom. She was already going to be fifteen minutes late to The Shit List; what was another fifteen to look presentable and rub some slightly off-colored concealer on the under-eye circles that seemed to grow darker throughout the day?
She had discovered the necessity of a makeup kit on her second day as Matt’s assistant. He had a board meeting, which was one of the only times she saw him in a suit.
“At exactly four fifteen, I need you to come into the meet¬ing and bring me a cup of coffee,” he said. “Just put it in front of me and walk out. Don’t look at me. Don’t look at anyone. Just in and out. And, you know—” he looked her up and down “—look…presentable.”
Cate could feel her cheeks flame as he walked away. She didn’t wear a lot of makeup, but she did always at least look presentable for work.
“Here,” said the CMO’s assistant at the time. She dropped a small pink-and-white Lilly Pulitzer bag on Cate’s desk. “That’s code for put on some makeup.”
“I have makeup on.” Cate rubbed her cheek as if the pres¬sure from her fingers could force blush to suddenly appear.
She nudged the bag forward. “Not the kind men notice.”
Reluctantly, Cate unzipped it and inside found one of ev¬erything: powder foundation, mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow, blush, red lipstick. No variety. Bare minimum to look like the maximum.
“Put it on my desk when you’re done. You should keep a board meeting kit here, too. This won’t be the only time you’ll need it.”
After two years of board, author, and literary agent meet¬ings, dropping things off at home for his kid, picking his wife up in the lobby, and countless other occasions for which Cate was told to “look presentable,” getting ready for margaritas with her friends was the only time she used the kit to show herself off, rather than be shown off.
Happy two-year-work-aversary, Cate thought to herself as she put her makeup bag back in her desk. She took another look at the bookshelf on her way out. Two years too many.
The weekly calendar invite for The Shit List pinged on Cate’s phone as she darted up the Union Square subway stair¬case. The late May humidity combined with 6-train rush hour crowd left small beads of sweat on her upper lip and made her curls wild and frizzy. She passed the produce market closing up shop for the night and the men playing chess under the streetlights.
When Cate arrived at Sobremesa, she waved at the hostess and then at their favorite bartender as she beelined past the crowded bar to join everyone at their usual booth in the back. Sobremesa was a strange place: corporate but lowbrow. That was strategic. Find a bar where they were the only group under forty so no one around would recognize their bosses’ names when Lauren said Pete, an Emmy-winning screenwriter, had been avoiding her all day; or Max complained that Richard, a morning news anchor, had stared at her butt for the entire live shoot; or Olivia yelled about Nate, a washed-up actor who refused to realize he was no long relevant. They didn’t need their work gossip on Page Six.
Cate stopped when she saw the three of them in their usual spot, laughing at something Olivia said, a half-empty pitcher of spicy margaritas moving between them. Lauren was squinting through her black-rimmed glasses, always refusing to consider a new prescription until she got promoted and could afford the co-pay. Olivia’s topknot bounced side to side on her head as she spoke enthusiastically with her hands, one of her dra¬matic tendencies as a budding actress. Max sat in the corner, plucking salt crystals off the rim of her glass and licking them off her pointer finger.
“Wow,” Lauren said when she spotted Cate.
“What?” Cate sank into the booth next to her. Lauren was making too much eye contact, the way she did when she was annoyed. Max poured the remainder of the pitcher into a fourth glass and pushed it toward Cate.
Lauren took a long sip from the tiny straw before saying, “Nice shirt.”
Shit. Cate was wearing Lauren’s top. The black T-shirt she told Lauren she’d wash and return to her closet three wears before. The one that now had semipermanent white deodor¬ant circles under the armpits and was ever so slightly stretched out around the chest to fit Cate’s larger cup size. “Sorry,” she said to Lauren, who would hold a grudge until the freshly cleaned and folded shirt was back in her dresser. It would be at least a month before Cate could borrow anything from Lau¬ren again, which was a bummer because she’d had her eye on a black pleated midiskirt for a date next week.
“Whatever,” Lauren said with a sigh. “Should we just start?” She motioned toward the waitress and, when she arrived, or¬dered another pitcher of margaritas in Spanish.
In the center of the table was a small stack of cash to which Cate added her five-dollar contribution. She ripped a napkin into quarters and handed them out, scribbling onto the thin paper, the words bleeding together. I booked Matt’s $37,000 first-class tickets for his family’s Kenyan safari an hour after realizing that unless I get a raise or my student loans disappear into the ether, I can’t afford to go home to Illinois for Thanksgiving for the fourth year in a row. Then she crossed out the latter half. No one she knew could ever afford to leave New York then, which was why the four of them always ended up doing Friendsgiving instead. It wasn’t the same as cooking with her mom and then watching her dad unbutton his pants to fall asleep in his La- Z-Boy in front of the football game, but it was something.
After everyone finished scribbling on their napkins, the storytelling began.
Lauren complained about wheeling an industrial printer covered in blue tarp from the writers’ trailer to Pete’s trailer parked four long city avenues away during a thunderstorm. Then, upon showing up to work drenched, was asked by one of the writers to get coffee for everyone since “she was al-ready wet.”
Olivia had spent an entire day this week trying to sneak into the W Hotel Residences by schmoozing a young security guard so that she could do Nate’s laundry there because he liked the smell of their detergent. “It’s The Laundress,” Olivia said, rubbing her temples as if the mere mention of the brand’s name gave her a headache. “It’s what he uses too. Bought it for him myself. But he insists it’s different.”
Max had to pretend Sheena’s five-year-old son was hers so she could pick up his ADD medication before the anchor’s weekend getaway to a resort in New Mexico. The pharmacist had seemed skeptical, but Max couldn’t return to the news¬room without it. “I made a comment questioning how we still live in a world where young motherhood is challenged,” Max said. The pharmacist had stopped asking questions.
The best part about their four-year friendship, Cate found, was the lack of explanations. They didn’t have to preface names in their stories with “my boss” or “my friend” or “the cashier at my bodega.” They never needed to fill anyone in on what they missed. Because they didn’t miss anything. They knew everything about each other’s lives. Cate knew that Lauren hadn’t brought a guy home in at least a year and hadn’t had sex in at least that long as well. She knew that Olivia rolled her eyes at her Southern Peachtree roots but would secretly perk up whenever a familiar accent was within earshot, remind¬ing her of home. And Cate knew that Max’s parents wielded enough old money power and privilege to get her promoted anywhere, but Max insisted on earning it herself.
Knowing everything about her friends also meant know¬ing everything about their bosses. Lauren’s boss kept bottles of tequila, whiskey, and gin underneath the couch in his trailer. Cate could tell by looking at a paparazzi photo of Olivia’s boss in People Magazine whether it was a coincidental shot or he had Olivia tip them off about his whereabouts. Cate could recognize by Max’s outfit whether she expected Richard, the handsy morning anchor, to be in the office that day.
Once all the stories were told and the napkin scraps circled the tea light on the table like a strange sacrificial ceremony, Lauren said, “Can I make the executive decision that Olivia wins?” Everyone agreed; folding your boss’s stiff boxers, re¬gardless of how good they apparently smelled afterward, should win you more than twenty dollars.
Cate took the piece of napkin in her hand and looked down at her chicken scratch handwriting. This was her life. These were the things she spent her days doing. It was her two-year anniversary as Matt’s assistant, and the day went on just like any other. Cate wasn’t expecting a cake with her face on it or anything. But some kind of acknowledgment would have been appreciated. Something that said couldn’t do it without you or I hope these two years have been worth it or, at least, a simple thank you.
What did Cate learn about the publishing industry from booking Matt’s vacations? What did she learn by organizing the papers on his desk in alphabetical order? What did she learn from spending a week every November opening up his cabin in Vermont for the season? She did learn that he spent $600 every year on a new Canada Goose coat; that the couch in their basement was incredibly uncomfortable to sleep on; and that his wife kept a dildo in the bottom drawer of her nightstand (but what did Matt expect, sending his poorly-paid assistant to his rich vacation house?).
And what had happened while she’d been 340 miles north, spraying salt all over the cabin’s front walkway? Spencer filled in on Matt’s desk and was asked to “sit in on” three author meetings and one board meeting. She’d met only one author in two years, and the closest she came to board meetings was delivering coffee with strict instructions not to speak. Did anyone tell Spencer to “look presentable”?
For the last two years, Cate had only focused on what was at stake: money, access to stamps for mailing rent checks, free food after author meetings, a foot in the door for her dream job. But it was starting to feel…fine. Uninspiring. Empty. What was she working toward?
Cate took one last look at the napkin before dipping the bottom right corner into the tea light’s f lame. She held it between her fingers, watching Matt Larcey’s name burn in her hand as the text slowly turned to ashes and fell onto the wooden table.
After she swept the ashes to the f loor, Cate held up her mar¬garita. “Here’s to the day when we can make money without doing something degrading.”
Their glasses met in the middle, and Cate looked at her friends, the assistants busting their asses, making the rules from behind the scenes. What if they all got together? What if they called bullshit?
What if they all said no?

Excerpted from Smile and Look Pretty by Amanda Pellegrino, Copyright © 2021 by Amanda Pellegrino. Published by Park Row Books.




Amanda Pellegrino is a TV screenwriter and novelist living in New York City whose writing has appeared in Refinery29 and Bustle. Smile and Look Pretty is her debut novel.



Author Website:



Feather and Flame (Birdsong Trilogy 2) by Nina Lane-Review tour

Feather and Flame (Birdsong Trilogy 2) by Nina Lane-Review tour / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play /Apple/

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date March 8, 2022.


“This is why I never contacted you. I still have no control around you. You want me to tell you I haven’t thought of you? That would be a damned lie. Wherever I’ve been, whatever I’ve done, I haven’t stopped thinking of you. You are always there.”


Once, I was convinced that my feelings for Darius, my love for him, were pure and real. I fought against all his perceptions of wrongness.

But that was four years ago. If I still can’t find pleasure in even the thought of kissing another man, maybe my feelings for Darius have gotten twisted and warped. Maybe they’re obsessive.

Maybe they’re wrong.


REVIEW : FEATHER AND FLAME is the second instalment in Nina Lane’s contemporary, adult BIRDSONG age-gap, romance trilogy focusing on twenty-two year old Nell Fairchild , and forty-four year old, photojournalist Darius Hawke. FEATHER AND FLAME should not be read as a stand alone as it picks up immediately after the events of book one SPARROW AND HAWKE.

NOTE: FEATHER AND FLAME focuses on terrorism and war, and was written prior to the attacks and invasion of Ukraine. If you have not read book one there may be spoilers in my review.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Darius and Nell) FEATHER AND FLAME advances the series approximately four years, four years in which Darius and Nell went their separate ways. Having graduated from the New York Art Institute, Nell struggled to find a job but what our heroine never expected was to find the man that broke her heart. Darius Hawke has been on the front-lines of many war –torn countries, and our hero is about to leave again, for places unknown. Bitter and heart broken with no job prospects in sight, Nell volunteers to work with Global Rebuild, an organization that helps rebuild and repair cities and towns decimated by war. Working and living in the fictional Eastern European country of Krasnovar, Nell finds herself falling for a people and a country about to be pulled into another war. Enter Darius Hawke, the man Nell has loved most of her life, and a man who is about to sacrifice everything for the woman he loves. What ensues is the rebuilding friendship and romance between Darius and Nell, and the fall-out as war comes to Krasnovar, destroying everything in its wake.

Darius Hawke’s attraction to Nell pushed our hero out of her life but Darius never stopped thinking about the young girl now woman that had stolen his heart. With another war of the horizon, Darius places himself in the direct line of fire to save the woman with whom he has fallen in love but Darius is about to face the demons from his past, demons that continue to haunt his daily life. Nell Fairchild is a little naïve, stubborn and determined, and with it comes the inexperience of a young woman who believes she can make it on her own but the atrocities of war are non negotiable, and our heroine battles between head and heart, taking a stance against the man that she loves, placing herself and everyone else in danger.

The relationship between Darius and Nell has been building for several years, a relationship predicated upon family and friendships. Darius is good friends with Nell’s father, and late mother, and the guilt of an age-gap romance sends our hero in the other direction. Nell has only loved one man all of her life, and the man is about to change the course of the relationship, to save the woman he loves. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful, energetic and interesting secondary and supporting characters, most of whom we meet in Varaz, Krasnovar.

FEATHER AND FLAME is a story of second chances and love, war and destruction, and a struggle to survive. The premise is heart breaking, edgy, dramatic and intense; the romance is seductive and emotional; the characters are broken, dynamic and lively. FEATHER AND FLAME ends on a cliff hanger-you have been warned.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one SPARROW AND HAWKE

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


New York Times & USA Today bestselling author Nina Lane writes hot, sexy romances about professors, bad boys, candy makers, and protective alpha males who find themselves consumed with love for one woman alone. Originally from California, Nina holds a PhD in Art History and an MA in Library and Information Studies, which means she loves both research and organization. She also enjoys traveling and thinks St. Petersburg, Russia is a city everyone should visit at least once. Although Nina would go back to college for another degree because she’s that much of a bookworm and a perpetual student, she now lives the happy life of a full-time writer.

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Deceive Me (Broken People 1) by Vi Carter-Review & Excerpt tour

Deceive Me (Broken People Duet 1) by Vi Carter-Review & Excerpt tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date March 7, 2022


They say love and hate dance together along the same line.
My feelings for Layla don’t dance on the line; they destroy it.
It’s been seven years since she disappeared without a trace.
And now she’s back, but things have changed—I’ve changed.
I’m no longer the Jared she remembers, the boy who wanted to protect her.
I’m very much my father’s son, and I take what I want, and what I want is Layla.
But this time, I’m keeping her forever.


Seven years—that’s how long it’s been since I’ve seen him.
After painstakingly putting myself back together, I’m finally ready to start a life without his memory chasing my every step.
Imagine my surprise when my new beginning leads me straight back to him.
Only he’s not the boy I remember.
He’s angry.
Hiding secrets that want to destroy him.
He hates me. He wants me.

I’m not sure I’ll survive the man he has become. His demons threaten to destroy us both.


REVIEW:DECEIVE ME is the first instalment in Vi Carter’s contemporary, new adult BROKEN PEOPLE dark, erotic, romance duet focusing on nineteen year olds Jared McGivney and Layla Masters.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Jared and Layla) using present day and memories from the past, DECEIVE ME follows the rebuilding relationship and friendship between nineteen year olds Jared McGivney and Layla Masters. Jared and Layla met and grew up in the foster care system, a system that let down our story line couple. Seven years earlier, following a catastrophic injury, twelve year old, Layla disappeared, leaving Jared to fight the system on his own. Fast forward to present day wherein Layla, a shadow of her former self, on her first days at Kingscourt College comes face to face with her past, the boy she once loved but a boy turned young man who is no longer the person she once knew. A target of the mean girls and bully boys, Layla tries to remain on the down low but Jared insists on taking our heroine out of her comfort zone. What ensues is the rebuilding relationship and friendship between Jared and Layla, and the potential fall-out as Jared’s past takes aim at our story line heroine.

Layla Masters has struggled in the years since losing her best friend but found a little peace in the years since. Seeing Jared brings back all sorts of memories of what happened and why but Jared’s attitude runs both hot and cold, in the face of perceived betrayal and the loss of his friend but all is not well in Jared’s personal life, and the fall-out is about to take down our story line couple.

The relationship between Jared and Layla is a second chance friendship. At twelve years old our couple were separated when Layla’s life spiralled out of control. Seven years of therapy and looking for the boy she could never forget to discover that Jared was no longer the boy she remembered. Jared has never forgotten the young girl that continues to control his heart but Jared’s life went from the proverbial frying pan into the fire, and Layla is about to pay the price. The $ex scenes are intimate without the use of over the top sexually graphic language and text.

The secondary and supporting characters include Layla’s parents Evelyn and Carl Masters; Jared’s father, as well as fellow students Ashley, Lucas and Kieran, and the mean girls. The requisite evil have many faces.

DECEIVE ME is a story of anger and rejection, secrets and lies, betrayal and vengeance, friendships and love. The premise is gritty and raw; the romance is seductive; the characters are broken, struggling and hurt. DECEIVE ME ends on a cliff hanger-you have been warned.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy




Everything in me stills as Jay walks towards me, his face tightening the closer he gets. It transforms him from someone I used to know with dimples and light eyes, to an angry God.
“Hi.” I sound so breathless as he stops in front of me.
He glares at me and rubs his jaw before speaking. “The three days you were missing, where were you?”
He’s angry.
My throat aches again; my heart beats rapidly as I stare up into the dark abyss that wants to consume me. I need to speak, but for the first time with Jared, the words are lodged in my throat.
His large hand touches my jawline, and my eyes flick up at him. His eyes have darkened even further, and I’m not sure what has prompted him to touch me. He looks revolted by the action, yet he hasn’t let me go. When we were younger, I knew exactly what he was thinking, but right now, the unknown is scaring me.
His hand travels down to my neck, his thumb flicking back and forth, his touch burns into me. I swallow.
“Where were you…?” His words trail off as he looks at me with haunted eyes. 


When Vi Carter isn’t writing contemporary & dark romance books, that feature the mafia, are filled with suspense, and take you on a fast paced ride, you can find her reading her favorite authors, baking, taking photos or watching Netflix.

Married with two children, Vi divides her time between motherhood and all the other hats she wears as an Author.

She has declared herself a coffee & chocolate addict! Do not judge


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THE MAN FROM SANCTUM (M & M: Reloaded 3) by Lexi Blake-Tour

THE MAN FROM SANCTUM (Masters & Mercenaries: Reloaded 3) by Lexi Blake / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play /

Add The Man From Sanctum to Goodreads:

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date March 8, 2022

A painful past

Deke Murphy and Maddie Hall should never have worked as a couple in high school. She was the class valedictorian and he the jock who took nothing seriously…except her. Together they formed an amazing team, and young love blossomed into something that strengthened them both. Until tragedy struck and Deke made a sacrifice that split them up forever.

An unexpected reunion

Seventeen years later, Maddie is living her dream working for a brilliant tech guru in the beauty of Southern California. She’s made a life for herself and it’s first class all the way. She rarely thinks of the jock who dumped her all those years ago. But when Maddie realizes her boss might be part of an international conspiracy, she can’t deny Deke might be her best bet to solve the mystery. Her one-time sweetheart works for one of the world’s premiere security and investigative firms. She’ll hire him and prove to herself their relationship could never have worked.

A dangerous future

As Maddie and Deke begin to uncover her boss’s secrets, they can’t deny the chemistry that has reignited. But before they can explore the connection growing between them, they must survive the deadly forces hunting them down.


REVIEWTHE MAN FROM SANCTUM is the third instalment in Lexi Blake’s contemporary, adult MASTERS & MERCENARIES: RELOADED erotic, romantic suspense series-a spin off from the author’s various interconnected Masters and Mercenaries series, as well as a cross over with the author’s LAWLESS series. This is Dom/security specialist/former CIA Special Ops Deke Murphy, and IT/computer programmer specialist Maddie Hall’s story line. THE MAN FROM SANCTUM can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line and series is revealed where necessary.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise there may be triggers for more sensitive readers with some scenes of bondage and discipline, domination and submission including spanking.

Told from third person perspective THE MAN FROM SANCTUM follows the rebuilding romance relationship between Dom/security specialist/former CIA Special Ops Deke Murphy, and IT/computer programmer specialist Maddie Hall. Approximately seventeen years earlier Maddie Hall’s heart was destroyed when her high school sweetheart, Deke Murphy, sent our heroine packing, without looking back. A disastrous Special Ops mission destroyed our story line hero, and in the ensuing years, Deke Murphy found a home with McKay-Taggart Operations, a group that specializes in undercover and dark ops investigations but Deke never expected to come face to face with the woman he pushed out of his life, a woman who is desperately looking for help in the face of a potential disaster. Enter IT/computer programmer Maddie Hall, and the woman with whom Deke is still in love. What ensues is the rebuilding relationship between Deke and Maddie, and the potential fall-out betrayal and vengeance are the name of the game.

Maddie Hall was devastated the day the boy/man that she loved pushed our heroine out of his life, and Deke refused to be the reason she stayed behind. Deke Murphy’s time in Special Forces left our hero a shell of his former self, having endured a lifetime of pain and suffering like no one else. Rekindling his relationship with Maddie has always been a priority but Maddie needs a Dom in an attempt to ferret out a potential betrayal and the possibility of a her life’s work used for nefarious purposes.

The relationship between Deke and Maddie is one of second chances: a rekindling romance and relationship in which Maddie needs to go undercover as a submissive, and Deke is the only man she trusts as her controlling Dom. Maddie is a newbie in the world of BDSM, a little naïve to the nuances of a Dom/sub relationship but Deke is determined to prove he is the man she has always loved. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate; the Dom/sub relationship contains scenes of bondage, discipline and spanking-our heroine isn’t a true submissive, and pushes at the boundary between submission and control.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and familiar secondary and supporting characters including most of whom we have met in previous story lines including Ian and Charlotte Taggart, IT specialist Mae Beatrice Vaughn aka MaeBe, former CIA agent Kyle Hawthorne, CIA operative Drake Radcliffe, Adam Miles, Jake and Boomer. We are introduced to Maddie’s boss and world renowned inventor Nolan Byrne, and his ‘associate’ Jane Adams. Once again, the members of The Club/Sanctum/and McKay Taggart are a family, such that each person is a part of the whole, a family that is often closer than blood but deception places the team in jeopardy leaving heart break and mistrust in its’ wake.

THE MAN FROM SANCTUM is a story of power and control, betrayal and vengeance, forgiveness and acceptance, love and understanding. The premise is intriguing, revealing and captivating; the romance is seductive, erotic and intense; the characters are desperate, energetic, determined and strong.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Submission Impossible
The Dom Identity

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

NY Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband, three kids, and the laziest rescue dog in the world. She began writing at a young age, concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance and urban fantasy that she found the stories of her heart. She likes to find humor in the strangest places and believes in happy endings no matter how odd the couple, threesome, or foursome may seem.



If You Ask Me by Libby Hubscher – a Review

If You Ask Me by Libby Hubscher – a Review


Amazon / B&N / Kobo / Google Play / Apple / BAM / Book Depository


Violet Covington pens Dear Sweetie, the most popular advice column in the state of North Carolina. She has an answer for how to politely handle any difficult situation…until she discovers her husband, Sam, has been cheating on her. Furious and out of sensible solutions, Violet leaves her filter at the door and turns to her column to air her own frustrations. The new, brutally honest Dear Sweetie goes viral, sending more shock waves through Violet’s life. When she burns Sam’s belongings in a front-yard, late-night bonfire, a smoking-hot firefighter named Dez shows up to douse the flames, and an unexpected fling quickly shows potential to become something longer lasting.

A lot of people want to see the old polished Violet return—including her boss, who finds her unpredictability hard to manage, and Sam, who’s begging for another chance. But Dez appreciates Violet just the way she is—in fact, he can’t get enough of her. The right answers don’t come easily when Violet finds herself at her own personal crossroads. But maybe, by getting real, Violet can write her own happy ending.




If You Ask Me by Libby Hubscher is a standalone emotional romance novel. We meet our heroine, Violet Covington, who under the name, Dear Sweetie, is a very popular advice columnist; she gets an offer to write for a syndicate magazine, and rushes home early to tell her husband, Sam the good news.  Unfortunately, as she is early, Violet comes across her husband in bed with another woman, who happens to be a neighbor. Sam explains that he is happy with the girl next door, as he thinks he is in love with her.   An angry heartbroken Violet, throws him out, and gathers all his expensive clothes and prized Michael Jordan shirt and sets up her own bon fire in the backyard.

The firemen show up when someone complains about a fire, and Violet meets Dez, one of the firemen, who helps put out the fire; he is sweet guy, who listens as she explains her husband cheated on her.  A friendship begins, with Dez always being there for Violet if she needed help.  Violet, being angry and despondent, begins to write her column in a more severe way, not like Dear Sweetie; with her expressing her honest opinions on those written to her. 

Accidentally, someone reveals that Violet is Dear Sweetie, but though her harder responses to those in bad situations draws more fans, who are supportive of her change of heart.  She writes an article for a magazine which describes her finding her husband cheating on her, and how she has reacted, being angry and bitter.  The magazine is thrilled with Violet, and her popularity grows; but she is in a rough emotional period of her life.   It will be Dez, who begins to spend more time with Violet, being very caring, calm & dependable, always there for her, telling her to be herself, as she slowly begins to move on.  Dez was a gem, being such a wonderful and perfect person for Violet; but can Violet recognize that Dez is the one for her, or will she be afraid of trusting her feelings, and eventually walk away.

We watch Violet during this heart wrenching journey, as she tries to get past her anger and move on with her life; there were a number trigger warnings throughout; infidelity, anxiety, anger, grief, alcohol, just to name a few. I also really liked Violet friends, especially Kyra, Ashleigh, and others.  I did enjoy getting to see many of Dear Sweetie or Violet’s responses to those writing to her for help, and her responses.  Very Well done.

If You Ask Me is an emotional storyline, with some funny and heartbreaking moments.  Though it is considered somewhat of a romance, there is so many emotions going on. This was very well written by Libby Hubscher.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher





Crowbones by Anne Bishop – Review & Giveaway

Crowbones by Anne Bishop – Review & Giveaway



Amazon / B&N / Kobo / Google Play / Apple / BAM / Book Depository


Crowbones will gitcha if you don’t watch out!

Deep in the territory controlled by the Others—shape-shifters, vampires, and even deadlier paranormal beings—Vicki DeVine has made a new life for herself running The Jumble, a rustic resort. When she decides to host a gathering of friends and guests for Trickster Night, at first everything is going well between the humans and the Others.

But then someone arrives dressed as Crowbones, the Crowgard bogeyman. When the impostor is killed along with a shape-shifting Crow, and the deaths are clearly connected, everyone fears that the real Crowbones may have come to The Jumble—and that could mean serious trouble.

To “encourage” humans to help them find some answers, the Elders and Elementals close all the roads, locking in suspects and victims alike. Now Vicki, human police chief Grimshaw, vampire lawyer Ilya Sanguinati, and the rest of their friends have to figure out who is manipulating events designed to pit humans against Others—and who may have put Vicki DeVine in the crosshairs of a powerful hunter.




Crowbones by Anne Bishop is another fascinating story in her The World of the Others (Book Three)/The Others (Book Eight) series.  Those of you have read my reviews; know that I am a huge fan of Anne Bishop.  I have read every series & books she has written, and loved them all.

Crowbones returns us to the town of Sproing in Lake Silence (terra indigene-controlled Finger Lakes region of Northeast Thaisia); where we get to see Vicki Devine, who runs the Jumble lakeside resort, and is once again in the forefront with her life in danger.  Vickie is human, in a town filled with vampires, shifters (bears, coyote, crows, other humans, etc), elementals.  It was great to spend time with those who protect Vicki, such as Ilya Sanguinati (Vampire), Wayne Grimshaw (human police chief), Julian (intuit), Elementals and the Elders (who will do anything to protect Vickie).  I also got to like Natasha much more.

It all starts when Vicki arranges to have a Trickster Night at the Jumble during Halloween; as the resort, local cabins are now full.  Aggie, Jozi and Eddie (crow shifters) who now work for Vicki, help her set everything up; some strange boys play a prank, and things go bad right after, with a dead body found, causing the town to be closed off from anyone leaving. The mysterious deaths that will follow will include humans, shifters, and even vampires.  Ilya, Grimshaw and Julian suspect that someone is manipulating others to force people to do bad things.  Besides everyone working together, word is out that the mythical predator Crowbones is soon to arrive to find the culprits.

What follows is an exciting enthralling story that will also be deep in a mystery as to who is behind what is happening, as well as why they are threatening Vicki.  The terra indigene, Elementals and Elders are always watching over Vicki.  Vicki has become a bit more comfortable to deal with the scary people who are not human, but who she has befriended, and they in turn are her protectors. Vicki is also called “the reader”, as she reads books three evenings a week, not only for locals, but in the darkness are the Elders who also listen.    

The entire book was exciting, intense, pulse pounding, action filled; especially with many deaths, some horrific. To say too much more would ruin it for you, as you need to read this book from start to finish.  I loved returning to Lake Silence, and the people who watch over Vicki. It is just amazing how Bishop brings us in to this amazing world, and you are so deeply engrossed into the story, that you cannot put the book down.  No one does Fantasy in so many different types of worlds better then Anne Bishop, and I look forward to anything she gives us.  She is a master at her world building and great characters. If you have not read Anne Bishop, what are you waiting for?  

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher


Anne Bishop is graciously offering copies of CROWBONES to TWO (1) lucky commenters at The Reading Cafe.    

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9. Giveaway runs from March 8 – 12, 2022





Dark Alpha’s Passion (Reapers 14) by Donna Grant-Review & Excerpt

Dark Alpha’s Passion (Reapers 14) by Donna Grant-Review & Excerpt / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date March 8, 2022

There is no escaping a Reaper. They are elite assassins, part of a brotherhood that only answers to Death. And when Death says a Fae’s time is up, they are who she sends…

The Fae Others think they have me in their grip, but little do they know that I’m working as a double agent. My alliance now lies with the Reapers and Death, and it is my mission and duty to destroy the malignant organization before their rot spreads. Unfortunately, a surprise splits my focus—a more than welcome one. I never thought to reunite with my lost true love. And now that I have, I must find a way to shelter her from the evil Six and convince my new friends that she’s not a threat. Admittedly, there is some doubt. How can there not be? But I trust her. And I haven’t seen her, held her, kissed her for centuries. I loved her then, will love her always, and will do whatever it takes to keep her by my side for as long as we have. Her cunning and courage hold me captive, and our passion knows no bounds. If only the timing were better—and the world safer.


REVIEW:DARK ALPHA’S PASSION is the fourteenth instalment in Donna Grant’s contemporary, adult REAPER paranormal/fantasy romance series- a spin off from the author’s Dark Kings series. This is Light Fae Ruarc and Chevonne Quinlan’s story line. DARK ALPHA’S PASSION can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary but I recommend reading the series in order for back story and cohesion as there is a continuing premise throughout.

SOME BACKGROUND: The Reapers (believed to be a folk lore amongst the Fae) are a group of Dark and Light Fae, selected by Death (aka Erith), on their own deathbed, to do her bidding-Death is the judge and jury; the Reapers are the executioners. The Reapers are not harbingers of death, but are tasked with destroying the Light and Dark Fae who have crossed a line from which there is no return. All Reapers must follow two rules: never to fall in love; and never to reveal their existence to anyone but a group known as the Others, have declared themselves the rulers of the Fae, and their next ‘mission’ is to take down the Reapers, having failed to destroy the Dark Kings.

Told from third person perspective including Chevonne and Ruarc, DARK ALPHA’S PASSION sees a new member added to the ranks of Erith aka Death’s army of Reapers. Approximately three hundred years earlier Light Fae Ruarc broke the heart of the woman he loved, a woman who continues to haunt his fantasies and dreams. Fast forward to present day wherein Ruarc will come face to face with said woman, Chevonne, another Light Fae, but a woman who is about to be pulled into the depths of betrayal and power. A war is on the horizon with the group known as the Others, a war in which Ruarc will not survive. What ensues is the rebuilding romance and relationship between Ruarc and Chevonne, and the potential fall-out as betrayal forces Ruarc and Chevonne to take sides in a battle neither won can ultimately win.

Meanwhile, Aisling continues to search and keep track of Xaneth, a Fae damaged and broken by torture and brutality but a man determined to exact revenge wherever evil lives.

The relationship between Ruarc and Chevonne is one of second chances but Ruarc is caught be head and heart knowing that he is about to betray the people in charge. Chevonne has no idea what is about to unfold, and finds herself forced to make a decision to save the people she loves. The lone $ex scenes is passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and energetic secondary and supporting characters including the return of several of the couples we have previously met including Erith and her mate Cael, Rordan , Talin and Neve, Catriona and Fintan, Bradach and Maeve, Sorcha and Cathal, Balladyn, Daire, Kyran,Torin, Dubhan, Aisling and Xaneth. We are introduced to Chevonne’s cousin Cillian, her parents Hugo and Clare, and sisters Eileen and Shannon, as well as her father’s sister Lena, and the return of the Druids from the Isle of Skye.

DARK ALPHA’S PASSION is a story of betrayal and vengeance, power and control, family and obsession, and rekindling love. The fast paced premise is entertaining and revealing; the romance is captivating; the characters are charismatic and lively.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Dark Alpha’s Claim
Dark Alpha’s Embrace
Dark Alpha’s Demand
Dark Alpha’s Lover
Dark Alpha’s Night
Dark Alpha’s Hunger
Dark Alpha’s Redemption
Dark Alpha’s Temptation
Dark Alpha’s Caress
Dark Alpha’s Obsession
Dark Alpha’s Need
Dark Alpha’s Silent Night

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy



He was fucked. There was no getting around that. Any way he looked, every idea he had, fell apart like mist that vanished with the sun.
Ruarc paused in his wandering of the streets and watched the bright streaks of red and orange in the sky. It was a beautiful sunrise. Any other day, he might have taken it as a good omen. But he knew truths now that he hadn’t before. Truths that changed everything.
The rage inside him threatened to explode. He wanted to hurt something. No. He wanted to tear the limbs from the six individuals who had put him in this tenuous position—the Six. There was only one outcome for him. He didn’t fear death. He dreaded everything he would leave behind.
Ruarc leaned a shoulder against a building and dropped his head into his hands. Emotion, viscous and cloying, choked him. He might feel better if he could let out a bellow, slam his fist into a wall, or…something. But he couldn’t. Those who controlled whether his family lived or died watched him. One wrong move, and those he loved could be taken from him. He’d once given up everything for them. How could he let anything happen to his family now?
He lifted his head. Dublin never truly slept. No city did. The dawning of a new day sent the seedier individuals to their holes to await the night, while other opportunistic people began filling the streets. Ruarc didn’t know which he found more abhorrent.
Fae milled among the mortals—Dark and Light, alike. Some Dark didn’t bother hiding their red eyes or their silver-streaked black hair. In this day and age, where humans sported various hair colors and eye shades thanks to contacts, no one paid them any heed. Though mortals were unconsciously drawn to the Fae. Ruarc rarely walked amid humans without lowering his power so they didn’t gather around him. Some Fae got off on having that kind of control over mortals. He never had. He found it a nuisance. It made the humans look weak. No other being reacted to the Fae the way they did. And to most Fae, who were egomaniacs, it gave them a god complex.
Ruarc didn’t hate humans. But he didn’t like them, either. They were simply a part of Earth. Just as the Dragon Kings were. If Ruarc had his preference, he’d be back on the Fae Realm, not having to deal with mortals or the Kings.
But he wasn’t on the Fae Realm. He was on Earth.
“In fekking Hell,” he murmured.
As the morning progressed, the tourists began filling the streets. They were oblivious to the threats walking alongside them. His gaze locked on a woman, staring at him. She had her blond hair pulled back in a ponytail that looked as if she had slept in it. For some unknown reason, mortals thought that was a good look for them. They were wrong.
She was a twenty-something in jeans, a white t-shirt, and white sneakers. It was how she stared at him that got his attention. It didn’t take Ruarc long to realize that this wasn’t just any human. The woman was a Druid.
But why was she staring at him?
Druids were all over the world, but the strongest of them resided on the Isle of Skye. It wasn’t an oddity to find a Druid walking the streets of Dublin. What bothered him was the way she observed him. He quirked a brow, daring her to come closer. She dropped her gaze, and a heartbeat later, turned and walked away.
Ruarc almost followed her. Almost. In the end, he didn’t care that she had been staring. So what if she knew he was Fae? Most Druids’ magic had been diluted through the generations, which meant many hardly had any left. Every once in a while, one was born with significant power and had no idea what it was or how to use it. However, Ruarc had more pressing concerns than the Druids.
He turned his thoughts from the human and back to the matter at hand. The fuckery he was currently mired in. He sighed loudly. His first thought was to run far and fast. If only that were an option. His life wasn’t the one on the line, though. It was his family’s.
Ruarc ran a hand down his face and pushed away from the building to continue walking. He had no destination in mind. It wouldn’t matter if he did. The Others would find him. They always did.
“Fek,” he said as his anxiety rose.
He didn’t only have the Others watching him. Now, there were the Reapers.
“Fekking Reapers,” he said with a shake of his head.
He’d believed that Rordan was his friend. It had been so long since Ruarc had found someone he thought he could trust. In the end, he’d discovered that Rordan had the biggest secret of all. He was a Reaper. It explained so much about his actions on Achill Island. Rordan had been undercover. He hadn’t cared a whit about anyone or anything but his mission.
Even if Ruarc wanted to turn to Rordan for help now, he couldn’t chance it—not that the Reapers would help him.
Ruarc didn’t look around to see if anyone followed. He knew he was being trailed. His every action scrutinized. He’d never hated anyone more than he did the Six who governed the Fae Others. They wanted power. And they didn’t care who died for them to obtain it. 


Donna Grant is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the sizzling Dark King series featuring dragons, immortal Highlanders, and the Fae.

She was born and raised in Texas but loves to travel. Her adventures have taken her throughout the United States as well as to Jamaica, Mexico, and Scotland. Growing up on the Texas/Louisiana border, Donna’s Cajun side of the family taught her the “spicy” side of life while her Texas roots gave her two-steppin’ and bareback riding.

Despite deadlines and voracious reading, Donna still manages to keep up with her two children, four cats, and one long haired Chihuahua.



High Stakes by Danielle Steel – a Review

High Stakes by Danielle Steel – a Review


Amazon / B&N / Kobo / Google Play / Apple / BAM / Book Depository


Jane Addison is an ambitious young woman with big dreams of owning her own company someday. At twenty-eight, she arrives in New York to start a job at Fletcher and Benson, a prestigious talent agency. Eager to impress her new colleagues, Jane jumps right in as an assistant to Hailey West, one of the agents in the literary department.

Hailey is dedicated to the authors she represents, but her home life is chaotic and challenging. After her husband’s tragic and untimely death, she was left widowed with three children to raise on her own.
Then there’s Francine Rivers, the stern and accomplished head of the literary department. Also a single mom after her husband’s affair with the nanny, she has overcome the resulting financial hardships, but only with unbearable sacrifice.

Compared to Hailey and Francine, drama agent Allie Moore’s life seems much more carefree and uncomplicated. She relishes her success and loves working with the talented actors they represent—until a passionate relationship with one of her rising star clients threatens to derail her career.
Merriwether Jones is the CFO for the agency. She appears to have it all–beauty, success, and a perfect marriage until her husband’s jealousy over her career threatens to blow everything up.

Even though she’s a newcomer, Jane quickly realizes that there are damaging secrets hidden behind the doors of Fletcher and Benson. As one of the youngest employees, she has the least power, but is also the least willing to accept things as they have been for years. When she puts everything on the line to right these wrongs, the consequences will leave no one unscathed.

In this riveting novel, Danielle Steel tells the story of a group of remarkable women navigating the challenges of balancing their families, their personal lives and the high stakes of ambition at the top of their game.




High Stakes by Danielle Steel is another one of her wonderful stand-alone novels. Jane Addison has just graduated and dreams of one day owning her own publishing company; she takes an entry level job at Fletcher and Benson, a well-known literary and entertainment agency.  She is assigned to be an assistant to Hailey West, one of the best agents in the Literary department. To Jane’s dismay, she immediately encounters, Dan Fletcher, one of the co-founders of the agency, as he makes lewd remarks about her; she recognizes that he is a predator.  Jane will avoid him as much as possible, even though he continues to make sexual attempts on her, and she threatens to report him.   Jane discovers that most of the women try to stay clear of Fletcher, and despite their disgrace, no one reports him, as they fear for their jobs. 

We also meet the other wonderful women of the company. Hailey is at the top of her career, being a successful literary agent.  She is widowed, and has three children, and constantly struggles to keep up with her job, as well as take care of her children.

Francine Rivers is in charge of the literary department, and she is divorced with two children. Even though she has a good paying job, Francine also struggles with both work and home.  We learn quickly that Fletcher over a number of years, has forced Francine to have sex with him twice a week, stressing if she doesn’t, he will have her fired.

Allie Moore, is in charge of the entertainment department, dealing with actors and actresses; she loves her job, always dining out with many of them.  When she falls in love with one of the younger actors, she is warned it could hurt her reputation, as she is older than him.  Allie refuses to stop seeing Eric, but becomes concerned that her reputation could be tarnished.

Merriweather Jones, is the CFO of the company, and is very well liked by everyone. Her marriage is on the rocks, as her husband stays home and takes care of their daughter.  She loves her job, and dreads going home, as her husband is always belligerent.

When Fletcher accosts Jane again, pushing her against the wall, she goes to a lawyer to claim sexual harassment. Fletcher is charged, and tries to buy her off, which she refuses.  In a short time, a few others in the company will also add their voices to the sexual harassment fight.

What follows is a wonderful story of five very talented woman who supported each other, especially in this ‘me too movement’.  For most of the women, they all have their own issues, not necessarily the sexual harassment, but struggling with family and financially, marriages falling apart, love, respect, and threats against them.

High Stakes was a fabulous story focusing on not only social issues in life, as well as in the job. I have been very impressed with Danielle Steel’s more recent books which are not only interesting, but willing to cover various issues.  High Stakes was very well written by Danielle Steel, as she gives us a glimpse of hidden things women may face in the workplace.   Very well done.

Reviewed by Barb

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