FAE’S PRISONER / FAE’S CLAIMED (Wicked Fae 1 & 2) by Melody Raven-reviews

Wicked Fae 1
Genre: Adult, paranormal, erotic, romance
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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 11, 2022
The Unseelie Court is getting a fresh shipment of virgins… Will these women be able to withstand the wickedest fae’s tempting ways?
I requested beautiful virgins. Meek, mild females to save our kingdom from destruction. What I got was a firebird who would rather burn to herself down with the entire palace rather than surrender.
I’m the right hand to the Unseelie Fae king. If anyone can tame her wild ways, it’s going to be me. And I never expected to enjoy pulling my firebird into my wicked ways quite as much as I am…
I call him Snake Eyes. Hypnotizing. Deceitful. And number one on my hit list.
Because one way or another, I’m going to escape these crazy men who think they can control me. If Kier threatened me with violence or death, I could handle him. But he works in tricks and deals. His promises lead to nights so sweet that even my own body starts to betray me.
But my time is limited. The fae king will be ordering more human women any day now and a dark witch will help me but only if I offer myself over to a different type of darkness altogether.
Can I give up on going home if that means letting Snake Eyes win? And will Kier even want a firebird if she is caged?
REVIEW: FAE’S PRISONER is the first instalment in Melody Raven’s adult WICKED FAE erotic, paranormal romance series. This is twenty-eight year old human female Mia, and Unseelie Fae General Kier’s story line.
Told from dual first person perspectives (Mia and Kier) FAE’S PRISONER follows in the aftermath of the abduction of several human females, all virgins, who were selected as mates for a number of Dark Fae warriors. In a war between the Dark and the Light, the Light killed most of the women and children, and in the ensuing aftermath, the Dark Fae were slowly dying out. In an attempt to repopulate the Dark Fae species, the Unseelie began a series of human abduction, in an effort to see if the matings will work. Enter twenty-eight year old human female Mia, and Unseelie Fae General Kier.
From the outset, Mia was never intended for our story line hero but Mia is a strong, independent and aggressive human female, perfect for the General of the Unseelie Fae. Mia has no desire to remain beyond the portal, and when approached by a mysterious stranger with a proposition, Mia regrets accepting, knowing she may lose the man with whom she is falling in love. What ensues is the building but acrimonious relationship betweenMia and Kier, and the potential fall-out as Kier’s life hangs in the balance when Mia makes a deal she cannot fathom.
The relationship between Mia and Kier begins acrimoniously as Mia and her ‘friends’ are a victim of a kidnapping. The Dark Fae are desperate to replenish their population, most of the males are without relationships or love. As Kier begins to fall for his feisty human female, Mia continues to struggles between head and heart knowing that to give means to lose the ongoing battle. The $ex scenes are passionate and aggressive but I dislike the use of a certain four-letter word in my romance story lines.
We are introduced to human females Grace and Sienna; Dark Fae warrior Elron; their King Jaiden; witch Melusine, and the demidragon Thrax. King Jaiden’s story line is next in FAE’S CLAIMED.
FAE’S PRISONER is a character driven, fast paced story of desperation and betrayal, magic and murder, acceptance and love . The premise is enchanting and edgy ; the characters are animated, spirited and stubborn; the romance is seductive and intense.
Copy supplied for review
Reviewed by Sandy

Wicked Fae 2
Genre: Adult, paranormal, erotic, romance
Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk / Amazon.au /
ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 13, 2022
I’ve been taken. He calls himself a king. A mythical being from another world. I’m an academic. There’s no way he’s sane. There’s no way he’s telling the truth.
But when he calls vines to burst out of the concrete and drag me towards him, I’m rapidly converted into a believer.
King Jaiden
If you want something done, you’ve got to do it yourself. That’s how I found myself on the mortal realm looking for the perfect queen. The silly mortal female I find has the nerve to say no to me.
Does she not realize I’m royalty? No matter. With a flick of my wrist I can make her come with me and a twist of my tongue I have her making deals she’ll never understand the repercussions of.
But the Seelie have learned of our plans with the human females and even my own people have started rumbles of dissent. Can I promise Raina’s safety when my own kind are the most dangerous threat?
I came to the Mortal Realm so I could find a queen I wouldn’t care about. One who wouldn’t be a weakness. My plans have backfired.
Because Raina might be the undoing of an entire kingdom if I can’t keep myself from falling under her spell.
And the Unseelie King is never weak. Not for anyone. And definately not for love…
REVIEW: FAE’S CLAIMED is the second instalment and novella in Melody Raven’s contemporary, adult WICKED FAE erotic, fantasy/paranormal romance series. This is the Unseelie King/Dark Fae Jaiden, and human female, physics professor Raina’s story line. FAE’S CLAIMED can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary.
SOME BACKGROUND: In a war between the Dark and the Light Fae, the Light have been accused of killing most of the Dark Fae women and children,and in the ensuing aftermath, the Dark Fae were slowly dying out. In an attempt to repopulate the Dark Fae species, the Unseelie began a series of human abduction, in an effort to see if the matings will work.
Told from dual first person perspectives (Raina and Jaiden) FAE’S CLAIMED once again, follows in the aftermath of the abduction of three human females. King Jaiden is desperate for a mate, and having witnessed the more or less successful relationships of original three matings, Jaiden, along with generals Xian, Wolfe and Radien, enter a portal where upon Jaiden would go in search of a mate, eventually coming face to face with our story line heroine but the Unseelie have ventured too far from home, and Raina finds herself the captive of the Light Fae / Seelie King Saren. As desperation to locate his unclaimed mate forces Jaiden to compromise for her safety, he will quickly discover that Raina is not without some ideas of her own. What ensues is the building relationship between Jaiden and Raina, and the potential fall-out as many of the Fae struggle with the existence and appearance of the human females; and the Seelie are in need of mates for themselves.
The relationship between Raina and Jaiden begins acrimoniously as Jaiden knows immediately that he wants to claim Raina as his own but Raina is an academic; an intelligent, independent and take no prisoners type of woman but a woman who is slowly falling for our story line hero.Jaiden is desperate to claim Raina as his mate but with a target on their backs, Raina and Jaiden find themselves on the defensive as our heroine finds herself a pawn between warring Fae. The $ex scenes are intimate but I dislike the use of a certain four letter word in my romance story line.
We are introduced to Light Fae/Seelie King Saren, as well as the return of Mia and Kier (FAE’S Prisoner), Wolfe, Radien and Xian.
FAE’S CLAIMED is another fast paced, character driven story of desperation, betrayal and vengeance; power and control, magic and acceptance. the premise is captivating; the romance is provocative; the characters spirted and energetic.
Copy supplied for review
Reviewed by Sandy