LA PETITE MORTE (Cirque Diabolique 1) by Crimson Syn-review tour

?LA PETITE MORTE (Cirque Diabolique 1) by Crimson Syn-review tour? / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 28, 2022.


Come one, come all
To the enchantment that is Cirque Diabolique
Where its darkness unfolds and invites you in.
Its stories will tempt you.
Its characters will entice you.
And when you least expect it, you’ll get lost in its black canvas.
Don’t wander too far, or you may not find your way back.
Then again, who wouldn’t love to stay at the circus?


REVIEW: LA PETITE MORTE is the first instalment and novella in Crimson Syn’s adult, erotic, ?CIRQUE DIABOLIQUE dark, paranormal, romance series . This is necromancer Imogen Bastien’s story line.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

NOTE: For back story, I recommend reading BELLE MACABRE, instalment 4.5 in the author’s Royal B*stards MC series where Cirque Diabolique, The Ringmaster Serge Bastien, and his right hand man Lazarus are first introduced.

Told from three first person perspectives (Imogen, Lazarus, Dean) LA PETITE MORTE is a reverse harem story line focusing on necromancer Imogen Bastien, and her life within the Cirque Diabolique. Cirque Diabolique is a theatre of dark magic and erotica, and Imogen’s act involves the men and lovers she has resurrected to do her bidding. Most of the players and members of Cirque Diabolique are trapped by the magic of a powerful witch, and their nightly performances become the nightmares of the people who have paid to watch but all is not well within the close-knit family when one of their own runs afoul of Imogen’s control, setting into motion his own theatre of death and destruction.

LA PETITE MORTE is a quick read; a fast paced, dark, erotic, story of power and control, magic and mayhem, betrayal and obsession, destruction and death. The premise is dark and haunting; the romance is unconventional; the characters are desperate and resigned

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one BELLE MACABRE

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


My name is Crimson Syn, not really, but what fun is it to use my real name. Instead I’ll use my inner goddess’ name, it’s much more fun that way. I grew up in New York City where I had a wonderful education, loving parents and awesome friends. What more could a girl ask for?

I started writing at the age of sixteen. The first romance I read was Stephanie Laurens’ Devil’s Bride. Since then I have been influenced by dozens of flourishing romance authors and even more dashing and daring rogues. I must say it, but Fifty Shades was not my first erotic romance, nor did it influence me to start writing them. If you’ve never read Mary Balogh, Elizabeth Hoyt, Lisa Kleypas, Bertrice Small or A.N. Roquelaure’s Sleeping Beauty trilogy, then you’re missing out. Those were my sweet introductions to erotic romance, and boy were they hot.

So here I am, after reading so many wonderful stories, I have too many sinful tales of my own not to share. I like my alphas rough and possessive, and I have no shame in saying it or writing it. I had delightfully wicked teachers growing up, their books took me to new worlds and brought me new loves. So, I want to do the same for you. I want to indulge my readers in those steamy reads that will send them into the arms of dangerous alphas and deliciously sexy rogues, without leaving the confines of their nice warm bed. If I am able to entice your inner goddesses, then I have done my job and I am satisfied.

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The Last Huntress by Lenore Borja-review and excerpt

The Last Huntress (Mirror Realm 1) by Lenore Borja-review and excerpt / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 1, 2022

Alice Daniels has a problem. Her reflection keeps misbehaving when she looks in the mirror–and the longer she ignores it, the harder it tries to get her attention. On her eighteenth birthday, she learns why: she is a huntress, someone gifted with the power to enter mirrors and the magical world that exists beyond. But with this power comes immense responsibility, for in the Mirror Realm lurks an evil that has infected the human race for centuries: demons. It is up to her and her three huntress sisters–with the help of one handsome and overbearing protector–to hunt and banish this evil one demon at a time, thereby keeping the chaos in check. But when an ancient god pays Alice a visit that turns deadly, it is clear the Mirror Realm is more than it seems, and she soon finds herself in a race against time to save the life–and soul–of the one man the gods are determined to never let her have.


REVIEW: Reading the blurb I’m thinking it’s a retelling of Alice through the looking glass. But it’s not, there are a few similarities, but maybe that was just me.

Alice can control mirrors!

Fancy a change of scenery, walk through a mirror. But it’s not that simple as we find out in the book.Alice has never trusted a mirror, her reflection can’t be trusted, it looks back at her distorted or even oddly sometimes!But all that becomes apparent when she discovers her hidden power (or curse!) she can move into a different world/realm just by walking through a mirror, there is also the fact you canleap incredibly high, or even fly in this realm.But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There is a dark force that wants the mirror realm for its self, and it will do anything to achieve this.

I really enjoyed the story. Loved the interaction with her sisters, I enjoyed the banter and almost instant attraction between her and her guardian/protector.It’s a little confusing at times, and the fact we are just meant to accept all the things thrown at Alice, the lack of information in some instances (the bond between sisters needed a little more information).I don’t want to give too much away as it is a good story, a few little hiccups won’t really take away from this book.

There are a few twists I didn’t see coming. There are also moments in the book I wanted to shout at the characters (and the author) and there are times in the story I just wanted to scoop Alice up and give her a big cuddle.Is there a HEA (happy ever after) in this book I hear you ask? Well….. nope!! Not telling you, but I will say that I wasn’t expecting it to go down the way it did ?

The mirror realm is fascinating. It’s full of wonderful and sometimes scary characters. The demons are the characters your going to be booing,

It’s touted as a YA (young adult) read, and it’s said it’s aimed at them.It’s a book filled with adventure/mystery and a splash of magic. And don’t forget the romance ?I’m hoping this isn’t the last we see of the mirror realm.I’m definitely adding this author to my list.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Julie B ?

“ Sweetheart, can you get that?”
Alice set down the glass she was unwrapping and peeled herself
off the kitchen floor.
“Coming!” she called, weaving her way through stacks of boxes.
Something furry and black darted in front of her. She tripped. “Dammit, Boop!”
He meowed like his tail had just been caught in a mousetrap. “Oh, like it’s my fault?”
Yellow eyes regarded her with scorn. The doorbell rang again. “Alice! Can you please get the door?”
She hopped to the foyer as Boop ran figure eights between her legs. Exasperated, she scooped him up and held him tight to her chest as she pulled the door open with her free hand.
“Yes?” she said, with maybe a bit too much bite.
“Hi, I’m David.”
He was as handsome as they come, and she was suddenly very
aware of her ratty appearance. She attempted to smooth her hair back but was interrupted by claws digging into her neck. The stranger on her doorstep stepped forward.
“Aw, hi, kitty,” he said, reaching toward the squirming feline.
Boop flattened his ears and hissed. Then a razor-sharp claw sliced into Alice’s arm.
“Ow!” she cried, releasing her hold. Boop leapt over her shoulder and disappeared back into the house, leaving her disheveled and more than a little embarrassed.
“Nice cat.”
“Sorry,” she said, licking her finger to dab at the fresh wound. “He’s not usually like that. I think he’s just stressed from the move.”
“Colorado, right?”
She looked up. His green eyes sparkled in the afternoon sun. “How did you know that?”
He smiled. A devilish sort of smile. The kind tall, dark, and swoon-worthy guys like him perfected. The kind girls like her needed to be leery of.
“License plate,” he said, gesturing casually behind him to the Volvo in the driveway.
“Oh. Right. Sorry, who are you again?”
“David Martin. I live down the block. Saw the moving truck and thought I’d stop by, welcome you to the neighborhood.”
“Oh, okay. Thanks.” He seemed nice enough, but something about him was unsettling.
“So . . . Do you have a name? Or should I just call you ‘girl with the psycho cat’?”
She laughed and extended her hand. “Sorry. I’m Alice. Alice Daniels.”
He took her hand in his. The unsettling feeling increased tenfold.
“Alice,” he repeated, leaning forward until his face was inches from hers. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Smiling uneasily, she pulled hard until she wrenched free from his grasp.
“Hello. Can we help you?”
His eyes darted over her shoulder, and he didn’t miss a beat. “You must be Ms. Daniels.”
10 7 THELASTHUNTRESSAlice turned as her mother paused at the doorway. She could tell from her face she was already smitten; it took everything in her power not to roll her eyes.
“Mom, this is David. He lives down the street and stopped by to welcome us to the neighborhood.”
“Well, isn’t that nice,” her mom said as she reached out to shake his hand. “Good to meet you, David. And call me Judy. Do you go to Remington?”
“I do,” he said, glancing at Alice. “You too? Senior?”
Something told her he already knew that. Her eyes wanted to narrow, but it would be too obvious. So she just said yes instead.
He slapped his palm on his thigh. “Then you have to come to the real party tonight!”
“As opposed to a fake one?”
“Alice,” Judy tsked. “Don’t be rude.”
He chuckled. “Sorry, that was confusing. The Remington Reel.
It’s kind of a newsletter-slash-blog. They’re having a back-to-school party tonight.”
“Well, that sounds like fun. She’d love to come.”
“Mom . . .” Alice said, grabbing hold of her mom’s arm and squeezing tight. “I thought we were unpacking tonight.”
Judy ignored her. “David, just tell us when she should be ready.”
He dug his hands in his pockets and slid his gaze back to Alice. “Pick you up at eight.”


Lenore Borja grew up in Phoenix, Arizona. She attended Arizona State University before moving to New York City to study acting at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts. After a brief career as an actress, she spent several years working in executive search and human resources in New York and San Francisco. She now resides in Fort Collins, Colorado with her husband and a bossy feline named Maximus. When she’s not writing, she enjoys adventure travel and anything that gets the heart racing, whether it’s hiking, running, or getting lost in a good book.

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Stroking Pride (Sons of Satan) by Crea Reitan-Review Tour

Stroking Pride (Sons of Satan) by Crea Reitan-Review Tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 25, 2022

Pride can kill you… but stroking it is beautiful.

I’m one client away from making seven figures this year. Just one. Why am I suddenly surrounded by people with such a lack of pride?! Deciding I need to step away and come at it with fresh eyes another day, I leave my office.

And step into death at the hands of a psychopath. It turns out this crazy man is a son of Satan and he’s chosen me to be his queen. Without his queen, his circle of Hell is falling into ruin and chaos because he and his brothers have been cursed and it’s up to a woman to save his ass. But really, this is what karma gives me to work with?! No wonder Pride is a shitstorm.

No. If I’m going to be queen, I’m going to do it with demons worth my time, and those responsible for my death – yes, it was apparently a group effort, a fucking bet they made between them – are just not cut out for the job.

The prideful circle of Hell is falling further into bedlam and it’s up to me to master its magic that my dear Price of Pride cannot touch. No sweat. I got this.


REVIEW: Part of a series from multiple authors, this one is from Crea Reitan. Another why choose themed story from this author.

This one has our FMC dying!

Then being pursued by a group of demons determined to make her theirs!

Being a good lawyer and making money does sound a little prideful. And when

If you thought you knew anything about Hell, Crea will make you see differently. This Circle belongs to Malak (and he’s losing control of his magic, needs a mate to restore it, or he’s going to lose his throne!

This book has a few funny moments. The way Annuka looks at life was definitely a different way and it did make her a little less likeable until I got to know her, but her reasons for her behaviour does make more sense the more you read.

And how does one react to being killed by one of the demons she’s suppose to be with? Well Annuka handles it pretty well, she certainly won’t make it easy for the group of demons who want to make her theirs! She’s a strong willed individual and won’t be anyone’s doormat, it’s going to be a partnership or nothing!

Malak and the group of demons that want to claim Annuka (well this is a why choose book ?) are all different and bring something unique to this story. A little more interaction or thoughts from Malak might have been nice (but that’s my personal opinion)

So can Malak and his demons claim Annuka? It’s going to take a lot of persuasion (they get off on the wrong foot and continually get it wrong!) can they really all share one Queen without jealousy raising its ugly head?

You don’t need to read any of the other books in this series, you won’t wonder where or who fits in the timeline.

I really enjoy Crea’s work, she put lots of thought into each book, and there isn’t one book that copied another, all are unique. Plenty of action and drama.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Julie B. ?

Crea lives in upstate New York with her dog and husband. She has been writing since grade school, when her second grade teacher had her class keep writing journals. She has a habit of creating secondary, and often time tertiary, characters that take over her stories. All of her RH relationships end up being heavily polyamorous – meaning it’s not just all the men for one woman. There’s also some M/M action going on. When she can’t fall asleep at night, she thinks up new scenes for her characters to act out. This, of course, is how most of her meant-to-be-thrown-away characters tend to end up front and center – and utterly swoon-worthy! Don’t ask her how many book boyfriends she has…

When not writing, Crea is an avid reader. Her TBR pile is several hundred books high (don’t even look at her kindle wish list or the unread books on her tablet). Sometimes, she enjoys crafting; sometimes, exploring nature; sometimes, traveling. Mostly, she enjoys putting her characters on paper and breathing life into them. Oh, and sleeping. Crea loves to sleep!

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Crave Me Roughly /Embrace Me Darkly by Kira James-reviews

Crave Me Roughly /Embrace Me Darkly (Dark Alliance .5 & 1) by Kira James-reviews

(Dark Alliance .5) by Kira James
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, paranormal, romance

Download your FREE copy of CRAVE ME ROUGHLY at Bookfunnel

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 17, 2022

For almost twenty years, he’s been watching me in secret. This dark, sensual, dangerous man who steps out of the shadows to help me when I need it the most. He won’t accept any payment other than a kiss. But it’s a kiss that sparks a dark desire in a secret, hidden part of me. And when he touches me, all I crave is the kind of dangerous passion that he offers.

Then I learn the truth—he’s not a man at all. He’s a vampire.

The love that burns between us is forbidden, but now it’s too late for me to turn back. Perhaps it always was. Because no matter how much danger stalks us both, I’ll sacrifice anything to keep him safe.


REVIEW:  CRAVE ME ROUGHLY is the prequel novella in Kira James’ contemporary,adult DARK ALLIANCE paranormal, romance series. This is the introductory story line focusing on vampire Lucius ‘’Luke’ Drago, and twenty-five year old, attorney/prosecutor Sara Constantine.

Told from first person perspective (Sara), and third person (Luke) CRAVE ME ROUGHLY follows as Sara Constantine continues to search for the person(s) who killed her father. Approximately seventeen years earlier, Sara’s father was murdered, in a vampire-like killing. For as long as she can remember, Sara has search for information about her father’s death, often going in search of her own clues and information. The recent murder of four teens in a similar style to her father’s killing, has Sara searching for more information but our heroine suspects she has a stalker,a stalker who is about to claim Sara as his own. Enter vampire Lucius ‘Luke’ Drago. What ensues is the quick building relationship and proclamation of love, and the fall-out as the past has targeted our heroine for something she knows nothing about.

CRAVE ME ROUGHLY is a fast paced, quick read that reveals some of the background for the author’s upcoming series. We know very little about the main characters, their history or the who, what and why. CRAVE ME ROUGHLY is a tease, just enough to to leave the reader wanting more.


Dark Alliance 1
by Kira James
Release Date: October 27, 2022
Genre:adult, contemporary, erotic, paranormal, romance / / / /

Don’t own a Kindle? Download the FREE Amazon Kindle App for your mobile device or pc

Turns out I’m a good girl, who likes very bad boys. No, not boys. Monsters.

I don’t think much of it when I hook up with the brooding stranger making eyes at me from across the bar. Not until I run into him a second time… This time he’s an accused killer, and it’s my job to get him put away for good.

I soon learn there’s much more to this guy than meets the eye. For starters, he’s a vampire accused of murder—and he’s my first case as a prosecutor newly recruited into a top-secret judicial system that oversees the comings and goings of the city’s supernaturals. Not surprisingly, he’s telling me I shouldn’t waste my time focusing on him, when there’s a far worse killer still on the loose.

My head knows I shouldn’t trust anything he tells me, but my body still remembers the ecstasy it felt at his hands, and my heart is whispering that maybe I should take a chance and trust him.

But siding with the man I’m meant to convict will risk more than just my job. It could also end my life…


REVIEW: EMBRACE ME DARKLY is the first full-length instalment in Kira James’ contemporary, adult DARK ALLIANCE erotic, paranormal romance series. This is the continuing story of ancient vampire Lucius ‘Luke’ Dragos, and prosecutor Sara Constantine. There is a prequel novella CRAVE ME ROUGHLY that reveals some of the background between Sara and Luke. EMBRACE ME DARKLY advances the series approximately three years.

NOTE: The Dark Alliance series was originally published as the Shadowkeepers Series but the new release has been extensively revised.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

SOME BACKGROUND: Twenty years earlier, Sara Constantine’s father Frank was murdered, in a vampire-like killing. Sara had searched most of her adult life for information regarding her father’s death but nothing and no one claimed to know what happened. Three years ago, Sara met a man and fell in love only to discover said man was a vampire, and in the end, neither one was able to remember the other in the face of wiped memories, and broken hearts.

Told from third person perspectives EMBRACE ME DARKLY following several paths, focuses on attorney Sara Constantine as she is tasked with prosecuting Lucius Dragos, the vampire accused of killing Judge Marcus Braddock. Sara is a recent hire at the PEC (Preternatural Enforcement Commission), a Division of Homeland Security, in the wake of a big win in the human courts. Her first assignment with the PEC is to prove the man with whom she is falling in love is a violent vampire who has yet to gain control of his evil side but all is not as it appears to be, and Sara finds herself at a crossroads, a conflict of interest ignored by both sides. Secrets reveal a war between the Therians and the vampires is on the horizon, and the killing of the judge is the precipice upon which the war will be declared, and Sara’s last case working for the human court is about to implode.

There is a large ensemble cast of supernatural characters and creatures-vampires, demons, hellhounds,Therians aka Weres; fairies, goblins and ogres. We are introduced to several including Half-demon, PEC Agent Ryan Doyle, gifted human Agent Tucker; siren and paralegal Blair; Lucius’ friend Sergius aka Serge; Ancient vampire and liaison to the Shadow Alliance Tiberius; Nikko Leviathan, the Direct of Division 6, Head of Violent Crimes: Luke’s ward,500 year old vampire Tasha; female vampire Caris; werewolf J. Frank Murray; and Shadow Alliance advocate Nicholas Montague.

EMBRACE ME DARKLY is a complex, detailed and intricate story of the supernatural, of the beast within that must be controlled. The premise is intriguing and angst filled; the romance is seductive; the characters are numerous, energetic, powerful and dynamic.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


Extortion (Controlling Interest 2) by Amelia Wilde-review tour

Extortion (Controlling Interest 2 / Midnight Dynasty) by Amelia Wilde-review tour / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play / Apple /


ABOUT THE BOOK:Release Date October 25, 2022

Will Leblanc takes risks in his private equity firm and in the underground boxing ring, but nowhere else.

Definitely not in love. Which is why he had to walk away.

Except Bristol Anderson needs his help. More than that, he wants to protect her.

But no one can protect her from him. He has a dark side. A violent side. She’s an unbearable temptation. He’s barely holding back.

What happens when the monster inside him gets loose?

Welcome to the Midnight Dynasty… The warring Morelli and Constantine families have enough bad blood to fill an ocean, and their brand new stories will be told by your favorite dangerous romance authors.


REVIEW: EXTORTION is the second instalment in Amelia Wilde’s contemporary adult CONTROLLING INTEREST erotic, dark, romance trilogy focusing on thirty year old, billionaire businessman Will LeBlanc, and temp Bristol Anderson. EXTORTION and the Controlling Interest series is a spin off from, and set in the same world as the Author’s THE COLLECTOR trilogy focusing on Will’s brother Emerson LeBlanc. Will’s brothers Emerson and Sinclair cross over for cohesion and back story. EXTORTION should not be read as a stand alone as it picks up after the events and cliff hanger of book one BLACKMAIL.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

SOME BACKGROUND: In the wake of her father’s troubles, Bristol Anderson embezzled $50,000 from the investment firm where she was temporarily working, embezzlement that is discovered within hours of implementation. To pay off her sins, Bristol is ‘forced’ to work alongside, and do everything Will LeBlanc demands including any and all sexual favors both in and out of the proverbial bedroom but there is more at stake including the lives of Bristol and her younger siblings Mia and Ben, lives that are threatened for their father’s sins of the past.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Bristol and Will ) EXTORTION picks up shortly after the events of book one in which Will sells the controlling interest in his company, pushing Bristol Anderson out of his life in the process but all does not go according to plan when Will discovers that promises made to protect his employees are about to proverbially blow up in his face. To add insult to injury, the woman with whom he was falling in love has been rehired and works for the new man in charge, forcing Will to take a stand, pulling Bristol back into his life, his family and the power dynamic that is about to implode. What ensues is the rebuilding romance and highly sexual relationship between Bristol and Will, and the potential fall-out as both of their pasts collide, destroy their faith in family and trust.

Bristol has struggled in the weeks after Will pushed her out of his life but her first priority is protecting and caring for her ten year old siblings, siblings who are about to become pawns in a game of betrayal and revenge. Will continues to battles between head and heart with his need for our story line heroine but Will’s past comes front and center when he reveals his darkest memories to the woman with whom he is falling in love.

The relationship between Will and Bristol continues to be erotic and intense. Will demands everything and more, including Bristol’s submission at work, at home, and on family vacation, where Bristol will be introduced to Will’s siblings, their significant others and extended family, learning more than she could have ever imagined. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate.

We are reintroduced to Bristol’s siblings Mia and Ben, and their older brother Sean; Will’s brothers Emerson and Sinclair LeBlanc, and their wives, as well as the new management at Hughes Industries, and security specialist Evan Donovan.

EXTORTION is a story of secrets and lies, power and control, obsession and acceptance, dysfunctional family dynamics, betrayal and vengeance. The fast paced premise is intriguing and dramatic; the romance is provocative and impassioned; the characters are broken, struggling, dynamic and determined. EXTORTION ends on a cliff hanger-you have been warned.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one BLACKMAIL

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

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Amelia Wilde is a USA TODAY and Amazon Top 100 bestselling author of steamy contemporary romance and loves it a little too much. She lives in Michigan with her husband and daughters. She spends most of her time typing furiously on an iPad and appreciating the natural splendor of her home state from where she likes it best: inside.


HAUNTING CHAOS (RBMC: Tonopah, NV) by Nikki Landis-review tour

?HAUNTING CHAOS (RBMC: Tonopah, Nevada) by Nikki Landis-review tour? / / / /

Don’t own a Kindle? Download the FREE Amazon Kindle App for your mobile device or pc

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 28, 2022.

Destiny is formed from chaos . . .

My luck has run out.
Everything that I thought I was, all that I had, has been ripped away.
My ol’ lady is gone. My club is at war.
And my enemies? They’re closing in.
I’ve got nothing left.
The only thing keeping me from unleashing Hell is my daughter
and the young woman who stepped up, caring for her when I couldn’t.
Skyla is a club girl, a piece of property for the MC.
She’s not an ol’ lady.
But when my grief is too much, and I can’t function—she’s there.
When I can’t breathe because I’m consumed with vengeance,
she’s the only voice that brings me back from the darkness.
I shouldn’t want her.
My heart is gripped by rage, overcome with bitterness.
All I care about is unleashing the monster within.
The Reaper craves bloodshed, retribution, and DEATH.
But he craves Skyla too.
This Halloween, I’m letting him free to embrace the madness, the carnage.
I’ll become the grim Bastard I’ve always hidden until now.
And then I’ll take what I want and to Hell with the consequences.


REVIEW: HAUNTING CHAOS is the twelfth instalment in Nikki Landis’ contemporary, adult RBMC: TONOPAH, NEVADA dark, erotic, paranormal, MC romance series -a part of the multi-authored RBMC series. This is Daniel aka Lucky aka Chaos, and Skyla Mitchell’s story line. HAUNTING CHAOS can be read as a stand alone but for back story and cohesion, the author recommends reading The Biker’s Gift and Devil’s Ride before Haunting Chaos.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

SOME BACKGROUND: The Royal B*stards MC of Tonopah Nevada are unlike most other MC clubs. Most of the members have supernatural powers, powers that inflict vengeance for the darkest of betrayals.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Lucky/Chaos and Skyla) HAUNTING CHAOS follows the building relationship between Daniel/Chaos and Skyla in the aftermath of the murder of Daniel’s wife. Five months earlier, Daniel’s wife was found murdered, and in the ensuing time Daniel has struggled to uncover the who and why. If not for his infant daughter Zara, and her babysitter Skyla, Daniel, now known as Chaos, would have let his ‘Reaper’ take over, killing and devouring everyone who crossed his path. Zara is a young club woman with secrets of her own but caring for Daniel’s daughter means up close and personal with the man with whom Skyla will fall in love. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Skyla and Chaos, and the potential fall-out as Skyla’s past returns, revealing more than anyone could have ever imagined.

Skyla Mitchell suffered for years, under the roof of her powerful father. A survivor of some of the most heinous of crimes, Skyla would seek solace with the Royal B*stards MC, where she would come face to face with her future in the guise of a man whose own demons ride close to the surface. With his wife’s murder yet to be solved, Chaos goes into a spiral, a spiral that brings Lucifer from the depths of H*ll. Falling for Skyla was never a possibility but Chaos’ beast demands everything and more.

The relationship between Chaos and Skyla is an arrangement: Chaos doesn’t want a girlfriend, an ole’ lady, a lover or a wh*re-Chaos wants Skyla exclusively without making a claim for the woman with whom he will fall in love. With secrets revealed and the past laying claim, Chaos knows his future is now deeply enmeshed with our story line heroine. The $ex scenes are aggressive and intense with some scenes of bondage.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful secondary and supporting characters including most of Chaos’ MC brothers: Bodie, Azrael, Grim, Wraith, Patriot, Papa, and Shadow, as well as several ole’ ladies, Lucifer, and the requisite evil.

HAUNTING CHAOS is a story of betrayal and vengeance, secrets and lies, retribution and retaliation, determination and survival. The premise is dark, heart breaking and haunting; the romance is provocative; the characters are powerful and determined.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

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Terror (Untamed Sons MC: Manchester ) by Jessica Ames-review tour

Terror (Untamed Sons MC: Manchester 3) by Jessica Ames-review tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 28, 2022


As Sergeant at Arms of the Manchester chapter of the Untamed Sons Motorcycle Club, my job is clear–protect my brothers and uphold the bylaws of my club. I’ve done that from the moment I patched in, risking my life and freedom for men I consider closer than blood.

I never thought I’d need anything else until she walked back into my life.

Finding Hope on a stage taking her clothes off for strangers enrages me. This isn’t how her life was supposed to turn out. I walked away so she could have everything she deserved. Now, she’s in danger and I’m going to destroy everyone who threatens her.


Seeing Terror again after all this time has me on edge. He can’t know the truth about how low I’ve sunk since I saw him last. I tried for years to put Terror out of my head, but my love for the boy who made my heart skip a beat never faded. I tried to move on, to marry and have a family and, for a while, things were good. Then the nightmare began.

My ex-husband despises me. He’s done everything in his power to hurt me both mentally and physically, but now he has something that can tear me apart.

My daughter.

Terror might have crashed into my life without an invitation, but now he’s the only one who can save me.

Warning. This book contains themes that might be upsetting. For trigger warnings visit:


REVIEW: TERROR is the third instalment in Jessica Ames’ contemporary, adult UNTAMED SONS MC: MANCHESTER erotic, MC romance series. This is thirty year old, SAA (Sargent at Arms) Kayden ‘Terror’ Walsh, and twenty-eight year old, exotic dancer/single mother Hope Buckley’s story line. TERROR can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise there will be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Hope and Terror) TERROR focuses on the rekindling romance and relationship between thirty year old, SAA (Sargent at Arms) Kayden ‘Terror’ Walsh, and twenty-eight year old, exotic dancer/single mother Hope Buckley. Approximately twelve years earlier Kayden ‘Terror’ Walsh walked out of Hope Buckley’s life having endured a life-time of abuse at the hands of his father. Kayden’s father, and Hope’s mother had married, uniting Hope and Kayden as step brother and sister but the abuse Kayden endured came at the cost of losing the woman he loved. Several years would pass, Hope would marry a man she thought she could love, only to discover she would also become the victim of domestic abuse, abuse that continued throughout her marriage and subsequent pregnancy. Working as an exotic dancer to pay her legal bills, Hope has lost custody of her daughter, and is about to lose her job when Kayden now known as Terror comes back into her life. What ensues is the rebuilding relationships between Kayden and Hope, as Kayden and the Untamed Sons MC put a plan into place to ensure Hope is protected, and she regains the custody of her three year old daughter.

Hope Buckley has struggled in the years since Kayden left. Kayden knew Hope was too good for the lifestyle he was about to lead but leaving Hope behind broke both of their hearts, leaving Hope to the vultures including Kayden’s father, and the man with whom Hope would eventually marry. Used and abused, Hope battled between head and heart knowing she may never see her daughter again but with the return of the man that she loved Hope continued to struggle with what was and what may never be.

The relationship between Hope and Kayden is one of second chances; a rebuilding relationship between two people destroyed by power and control, abuse and neglect. Kayden has never stopped loving our story line heroine but as Terror, Kayden now has the power to destroy the demons that continue to beat at the woman he loves. The $ex scenes between Terror and Hope are intimate, erotic and intense.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful secondary and supporting characters including Hope’s mother Marie, Kayden’s father Tim Walsh; Hope’s boss Zack Carmichael, her ex husband Mike, as well as MC members, Trick, Howler, Blackjack, Brewer, and solicitor Gerald. Brewer’s story line is next.

TERROR is a story of power, control, abuse and vendetta. The premise is gritty, dark and emotional; the characters are broken, determined and struggling to move forward; the romance is passionate and provocative.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Jessica Ames lives in a small market town in the Midlands, England. She lives with her dog and when she’s not writing, she’s playing with crochet hooks.


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GARRETT’S DESTINY (Dark Protectors 15) by Rebecca Zanetti- review

GARRETT’S DESTINY (Dark Protectors 15) by Rebecca Zanetti / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 25, 2022

Pulsing with passion, adventure, and paranormal suspense and romance, the latest novel in award-winning and New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti’s Dark Protectors series delivers an immortal hero and a dream come true . . .

Love and danger . . .
For most of his life, Vampire-Demon Garrett Kayrs, nephew of the King of the Realm, has carried a heavy mantle of responsibility with ease and control. Fate declared him heir to the throne, Fortune marked him with the power of the mysterious circle of Seven, and Chance promised more surprises to come. Nothing deterred him from his path. Until the nightmares began–agonizing dreams of having a female, the female, his mate, on the back of his motorcycle—only to have her torn away from his protection. He feels the menace around her, the danger she’s in, and he can’t rest until he finds her . . .

Duty and desire . . .
Destiny Applegate bears the weight of her name with a respectful balance of fear and purpose. She has been given some direction, but not nearly enough to truly understand her duty, what she was born to do. Even as a child, she had a sense of him. The him, her mate. A dream moment or two with him that might have saved her—or possibly cursed her. So now, when he finds her, she has no choice but to jump on the back of his bike and do her best to hold on until she discovers her path—even if that means ending his.


REVIEW: GARRETT’S DESTINY is the fifteenth full length instalment in Rebecca Zanetti’s contemporary, adult DARK PROTECTORS erotic, paranormal/fantasy series. This is Vampire/Demon member of the circle of Seven Garrett Kayrs, and Destiny Applegate’s story line. GARRETT’S DESTINY should not be read as a stand alone. I recommend reading the series in order, or at the very least, this particular arc of the series focusing on the group of Seven beginning with book eight VAMPIRE’S FAITH, as there is a on-going premise throughout.

SOME BACKGROUND: A thousand years earlier, a number of immortal warriors went through a ritual that, if they survived, hardened their bodies against attack, a ritual meant to create a group of Seven known as The Shield. The Shield was created to protect the world from an evil race of vampires known as the Kurjans, their sect group known as the Cysts, and ultimately a rogue warrior once considered a friend- Ulric-a male of immense power. To protect the human race, Ulric was captured, and along with two of the Seven, was encapsulated in one of three spheres for all eternity but the spheres are no longer capable of holding the ‘Seven’, and the warriors have returned to Earth. As the warriors search for the ‘Keys’ to perform the ritual, the ‘Lock’ must be protected in order to take down the evil that is hoping to take over the world.

Told from a number of third person perspectives following several intersecting paths using present day, memories and dream sequences GARRETT’S DESTINY follows the building relationship between Vampire/Demon member of the circle of Seven Garrett Kayrs, and Destiny Applegate. A chance meeting, a possible meeting of fate, found Destiny Applegate at the mercy of Garrett Kayrs. Garrett believe he has found his mate but all clues and scenarios pointed to something else. Destiny had once dreamed about our story line hero, and Garrett expected a different female to claim as his mate. An Immortal male could only mate with an enhanced human female but for all intents and purposes Destiny was merely human whose life expectancy was about to be measured in weeks, not in years. Destiny is something else: not quite immortal yet not quite human, and in this, the secrets lay buried deep within our story line heroine, within the symbols that have marked her as other, as possibly belonging to someone else. As the Seven, the Demons, the shifters and the vampires unite in an effort to take down a male they once considered a friend, Destiny is pulled into the dreamscape where Ulric is about to claim Destiny as the ultimate prize. While Garrett struggles to prove to Destiny she is his mate, Destiny is convinced her future survival, and that of the man with whom she has fallen in love, lies not in the real world but in the world where Ulric currently resides. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Garrett and Destiny, and the potential fall-out as Destiny’s future has been mapped out since before her birth.

Once again, eighteen year old Hope Kayrs-Kyllwood is torn between friendship and love, duty and family as it pertains to her relationship with Paxton Phoenix, and young Kurjan warrior Drake. Drake, Paxton and Hope have been dream-walking together for years but betrayal may come at the cost of their friendships, a friendship predicated upon secrets and lies. Drake’s connection to the Kurjan and Cysts may be what takes down the Seven, a connection tightly woven with a young female who is purported to be the ‘hope’ of the immortal world.

The relationship between Destiny and Garrett begins acrimoniously as Garrett believes Destiny has arrived with evil purpose but as far as Destiny is concerned, what little time left she wants to spend living a life . Destiny is more or less a prisoner of the Demon nation, and as such she is at the mercy of their warriors, doctors, and researchers, as everyone battle time in an effort to save our story line heroine but a secret buried deep is about to surface, and with it, Destiny becomes a threat to Garrett and the group known as the Seven. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters as everyone gathers in an effort to take down and stop a man they once called a friend. Destiny may be the ‘key’ to stopping Ulric but blood is the ultimate key to opening the lock.

GARRETT’S DESTINY is a complex and detailed story that reveals and merges several plot elements as Seven come closer to taking down their current foe. The premise is intriguing, entertaining and exciting; the romance is seductive and passionate; the characters are powerful, charismatic and strong.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Vampire’s Faith
Demon’s Mercy
Alpha’s Promise
Hero’s Haven
Guardian’s Grace
Rebel’s Karma
Immortal’s Honor

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti has worked as an art curator, Senate aide, lawyer, college professor, and a hearing examiner – only to culminate it all in stories about Alpha males and the women who claim them. She writes contemporary romances, dark paranormal romances, and romantic suspense novels.
Growing up amid the glorious backdrops and winter wonderlands of the Pacific Northwest has given Rebecca fantastic scenery and adventures to weave into her stories. She resides in the wild north with her husband, children, and extended family who inspire her every day—or at the very least give her plenty of characters to write about.

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