Dark Restraint (Dark Olympus 7) by Katee Robert-review

Dark Restraint (Dark Olympus 7) by Katee Robert-review

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Google Play / Chapters Indigo paper /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 6, 0224

He was my savior. My monster. My obsession. My destruction.

*A scorchingly hot modern retelling of Ariadne and her Minotaur.*

Ariadne Vitalis is in trouble. She’s betrayed her father—and his dangerous benefactor—and now she’s left to rely on Olympus’ questionable mercy. But in this city, mercy comes with a price. For Ariadne, that means a sham marriage to Dionysus. She has no choice but to agree, even if there’s only one man she’s ever wanted—a man she fears just as much as she desires.

The Minotaur never had any illusions about Minos’s plans. He was willing to get his hands dirty as long as the old man kept his word—at the end of their bloody work, the Minotaur would be given Ariadne as a reward. She’s meant for him, and he intends to have her, no matter the cost.

Ariadne knows better than to encourage the Minotaur—she’s all too aware of how hot a passion like theirs can burn. Besides, she can never forgive him for the terrible things he’s done, and he can never change. But when his hands are on her body and his wicked words are whispered in her ear, she might just be willing to let all of Olympus burn…


REVIEW:DARK RESTRAINT is the seventh instalment in Katee Robert’s adult DARK OLYMPUS erotic, romance series-a modern day retelling about the gods and goddesses of Olympus. This is Ariadne Vitalis, and Asterion aka the Minotaur’s story line. DARK RESTRAINT should not be read as a stand alone as there is an ongoing premise throughout the series.

SOME BACKGROUND: Not all is well in Olympus. The barrier between Olympus and the rest of the world is collapsing, and the attacks in the upper city have become dangerous and deadly. The fight for power and control within the ruling circle of Thirteen has resulted in a number of deaths-someone is determined to destroy that which is no longer theirs to control.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Ariadne and Asterion) DARK RESTRAINT continues to focus on the fight for power. Ariadne Vitalis’ life was spiralling out of control, and with her father targeting the people in charge, Ariadne begs for sanctuary from the enemy, but in doing so, invokes the wrath of her father Minos. Enter Asterion aka the Minotaur, Ariadne’s father’s ‘fixer’, and the man with whom Ariadne has fallen in love. A one night stand weeks earlier forced Ariadne to run from the man that she loved but the barrier between the upper and lower city of Olympus is failing, and Ariadne’s father is taking aim at the Dodona tower, the centre of power for the ruling of Olympus.

The world building is detailed and complex. The gods and goddesses of Olympus have chosen sides; chosen their heroes; chosen who is going to live and die. With each successive death, a new god or goddess is proclaimed, thus the fight for power becomes dangerous and deadly.

The relationship between Ariadne and Asterion aka The Minotaur is a second chance relationship, of a sorts.Ariadne and Asterion have been dancing around one another since their early teens but Asterion is Minos’ fixer, and his latest target is our story line heroine. The $ex scenes are limited but passionate.

There is a large ensemble cast of familiar and colorful secondary and supporting characters including Her, Zeus, Poseidon, Hermes; Ariadne’s brother Icarus, and their father Minos.

DARK RESTRAINT is a story of betrayal and vengeance, power and control, obsession and madness, forgiveness and love .The premise is intricate and entertaining; the romance is fated and passionate; the characters are desperate, purposeful and stubborn.


Reading Order and Previous Reviews

Neon Gods
Electric Idol
Wicked Beauty
Radiant Sin
Cruel Seduction
Midnight Ruin

Please Note: The author has release several novellas and short stories that are not included in my reading order

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


2040: A Silicon Valley Satire by Pedro Domingos-review

2040: A Silicon Valley Satire by Pedro Domingos-review

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk / Amazon.au / B&N paper /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 20, 2024

The 2040 presidential election is unlike any in US history. The Republican candidate is an AI named PresiBot, created by a tech startup, KumbAI, who are in deeply over their heads. The Democratic candidate is a fake Native American chief seeking to abolish the United States. What could go wrong?

With PresiBot plummeting in the polls and tech giants like Happinet scheming to take over, KumbAI’s brash CEO Ethan Burnswagger and reluctant CTO Arvind Subramanian struggle to keep their company, their friendship—and their lives—under control. But the center cannot hold, and KumbAI, the campaign and America careen inexorably toward disaster.

Fast-paced and dialogue-driven, as befits our ADHD age, 2040 is a scathing critique of the current state of America—from the tech giants’ all encompassing empires and the fear and hype surrounding AI to the invasion of the mainstream by ever-kookier political ideas. Set in a dystopian San Francisco in a near future we can all too easily anticipate, it features characters, entities and incidents whose resemblance to actual ones may or may not be purely coincidental.

If you want to have wicked fun while discovering what AI really is, how the tech industry works, where our deepening polarization might lead us, and—most important—how to break out of this cycle, this is the book for you.


REVIEW:  2040: A SILICON VALLEY SATIRE by Pedro Domingos is a satirical look at American politics, specifically the past eight years. In 2040, KumbAI has developed a robot, an AI Republican candidate for president named PresiBot; The Democratic candidate is a fake Native American calling himself Chief Raging Bull. A televised debate sets the scene as the ‘puppet’ candidate goes off-script, and the ‘panic button’ is lost in the ensuing melee of rioting and anarchy. No longer able to control their candidate, KumbAI sells their company to rival tech giant Happinet but the result is another spiral into chaos leading up to the day of election, and the resulting win.

2040, set in a futuristic America, reflects upon much of the past eight years of American politics, the run for president, and the ensuing fall-out when a political dare becomes reality, and the people in charge lose control of their presidential candidate. A caustic, cynical and farcical look America’s current political machine, reminiscent of an extended SNL satirical skit, 2040 mirrors the spiral of respect; the growth of racism and discrimination; the sectioning off of the American people, and the narcissistic attitude of the people in charge.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


SCANDALOUS KINGPIN (Kingpins of the Syndicate 3) by Eva Winners

SCANDALOUS KINGPIN (Kingpins of the Syndicate 3) by Eva Winners -review & excerpt tour

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk / Amazon.au /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 29,2024

Christian “Priest” DiLustro.
A charming prince.
Only when it suited him.

I had a taste of him and got addicted. But he was a heartless bastard and an arrogant mafia prince whose only goal was to ignore me after we scratched the itch.
Just when I thought we both moved on, he swooped in, claiming he made a promise and he intended to keep it, even if it killed us both.

Ivy Murphy.
An Irish mafia princess.

We might have started as a dream, but now I was her nightmare. I was damaged goods, scarred by my past. Still, I couldn’t allow anyone else to have her.
So I stole a marriage contract and her heart. It wasn’t mine to own, but I took it anyway.
For better or worse, in sickness and health, I intended to keep her.
Until death do us part.


REVIEW: SCANDALOUS KINGPIN is the third instalment in Eva Winners’ contemporary, adult KINGPINS OF THE SYNDICATE dark, erotic, Mafia romance series. This is Christian ‘Priest’ DiLustro, and Ivy Murphy’s story line. SCANDALOUS KINGPIN can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there WILL BE triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from three first person perspectives (Christian, Ivy, Frank) SCANDALOUS KINGPIN follows the building relationship between our story line couple. Approximately one year earlier, Christian DeLustro made a move on Irish Mafia princess Ivy Murphy but walked away believing he was unworthy of happiness or love. Fast forward, Ivy Murphy is struggling with the murder of her father, and his final bequeath that she marry someone she doesn’t know. Enter Christian DiLustro, the man with whom Ivy will fall in love but the ghosts from Christian’s past refuse to let go, and her father’s killer hits too close to home for our story line heroine. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Ivy and Christian, and the fall-out as perceived betrayal, secrets and lies, threatens the growing love between our story line couple.

The world building follows several pathways including the heartbreaking abuse suffered by our story line hero; the abandonment by his birth mother, and the need to avenge those unable to protect themselves. Ivy’s own family history pushes our heroine to hunt down the woman she blames for destroying their lives.

The relationship between Ivy and Christian begins as a mutual attraction but Christian keeps his distance before making his move. ’Rescuing’ Ivy from a marriage to someone else, Christian finds himself falling for a woman whose heart he is about to destroy. The $ex scenes are intimate and provocative .

The secondary and supporting characters include the previous story line couples, as well as Ivy’s over protective brothers, Christian’s siblings, his father Frank and his mother Aisling. The requisite evil has many faces.

SCANDALOUS KINGPIN is a story of secrets and lies, betrayal and vengeance, power and control, dysfunctional family dynamics, forgiveness and acceptance. The premise is dramatic, dark and intriguing; the romance is heart breaking and seductive; the characters are broken, determined and desperate.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

He looked down, trailing up my bare legs before his emotionless gaze flicked up and caught mine. It was like he was looking straight through me. Goose bumps raised the hair on my arms, and I instantly knew who he was. Priest, the Syndicate’s kingpin who ruled Philadelphia.
Instinctively, I took a step back, and something dark moved through his eyes.
“Now what have we got here?” he said softly. My stomach dropped like lead and a quiver started in my chest. Being alone with him made it feel like there wasn’t enough oxygen in the small space. “You shouldn’t be out here alone, angel.”
He closed the distance between us in one powerful stride and a shiver ghosted through me. His eyes that locked on me were heartless. Invasive. Blue.
The moment stretched, stealing what little breath of air I’d managed from my lungs.
Just the idea of being this close to the man we were about to rob sent every nerve ending in my body tingling in expectation. I sensed danger, and I wondered how long it would be before my friends came looking for me.
Another step and I was cornered, his woodsy oak scent wrapping around me. His body singed as it brushed against mine, the heat powerful and impossible to ignore. My limbs felt heavy and light all at once, my skin buzzing like a live wire.
“I’m not alone.”
I swallowed when he remained quiet. He was the tallest man I’d ever seen in real life, his blond hair a halo framing his face. Except there was something dark and unhinged in his blue eyes, and I found myself unable to look away. That full mouth of his probably had ladies falling at his feet, and judging by his smirk, he knew it.
His gaze ran down my bare legs like ice melting on my heated skin and he chuckled, making my cheeks flame with heat.
“You enjoying yourself, angel?” His voice was an elusive timbre, each word twined with an abrasive edge. It was sinful, inviting erotic images into my mind. The kind that you kept locked in the pits of your soul. I averted my gaze a little too quickly, making it painfully obvious that I’d been staring. “Don’t be shy… I find myself quite fascinated by you too.”
He touched my red locks and curled one around his finger.
“I wasn’t… I’m sorry,” I said with a shake of my head, then immediately winced. His grip tightened, and I wondered what it would feel like if he tugged. “I need to go.”
“It was like a magnetic field surrounded us, leaving us alone in the darkened hallway while hordes of people mingled only a few feet away. He was brimming with raw sexuality and masculinity, his presence inescapable, leaving me frazzled. Everything about him warned me to run away, yet my body refused to move and my pussy chose that moment to clench with need.
“Not so fast,” he said, his voice low as he bent his head, bringing his mouth closer to my ear. “We should explore this.”
I blinked, suddenly turned on like never before. “Explore what?”
“This.” He nipped my earlobe and every thought I had withered away. Oh, dear God. This wasn’t part of the plan. “You want it too.”
I swallowed, shaking my head. We couldn’t do this. He, of all people, was not on the agenda tonight.
“I don’t think that’s wise,” I whispered.
“Then tell me to stop,” he said, his voice dropping another octave. He placed a hand on my hip and my skin bloomed with heat. “You aren’t even real, are you? An angel would never tempt the devil.”
Both hands on my hips now, he pulled me closer to him, our bodies flush.
“I’m not… tempting anyone,” I rasped. I couldn’t let this man touch me—I had to put a stop to it. And yet… my body leaned closer to his, light drawn to darkness.
“You can’t deny it, but something tells me you know that all too well.”
“I don’t even know your name,” I protested, but my voice was so quiet it was barely audible. Yes, Wynter had briefed me on this man, but “Priest” couldn’t possibly be his real name. “This is wrong.”
“Forget about right and wrong,” he commanded, ignoring my feeble reasoning. I nodded, almost as if in a trance. “Now look at me.”
I lifted my head, staring up at him. His pupils were so wide, the blue hue of his eyes almost swallowed by the black. But it was the longing in his gaze that captivated me.”
“I opened my mouth to tell him to stop, but no words came out. All I could focus on were his strong fingers flexing on my hips. My core contracted, flooding with heat and making me suck in a stuttered breath.
I licked my lips, every cell in my body vibrating with sexual energy. I didn’t know what it was about this man, but I wanted his hands on me, his fingers inside me. Just this once, I wanted to do something wild and reckless and let this gorgeous stranger ravish me and relieve this aching need.
“Now what?” I breathed out.
The man locked eyes with me as he trailed his hand up my thigh.
“Now I make you come,”

Eva Winners released her first novel Second Chance At Love in 2020 and has been writing feverishly ever since. She writes about everlasting romance for every century focusing on characters emotional development and always guarantees an HEA.

She loves yoga, wine and her kiddos. In her spare time, she seeks adventures either hiking through trails, yoga or exploring the beaches.

Writing books has always been her passion and she brings real life to the forefront in everything she writes about.

Deeply passionate characters and stories will draw you in and you’ll never want to leave.

Follow her on social media to stay up to date with all her new releases!


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Pinterest: https://pin.it/1vq7GIf
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3HCeoJF
Newsletter sign up www.evawinners.com


EMPEROR OF WRATH (Memento Mori 1) by Jagger Cole-review tour

EMPEROR OF WRATH (Memento Mori 1) by Jagger Cole-review tour

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk / Amazon.au /

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Add to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3WfD1V6

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 29, 2024

To stop a war, I’m forced to marry a monster.
Charming and seductive. Cold-blooded and merciless. Kenzo Mori, the wrathful king of the Mori Mafia family, is a sinfully beautiful devil with a heart of ice.
He’s an enemy who’s had a target on my back for years.
Now, he’s my new husband.
Our marriage of inconvenience is supposed to end the violence between the Bratva and the Yakuza.
Little does he know, the real war has only just begun.
Kenzo thinks I belong to him.
I think he’d better sleep with one eye open.
But while the enemy in my bed might be slowly dominating my nights and darkest fantasies, my heart is a battle he’ll never win.
They say all’s fair in love and war?
Well, ours has just begun.


REVIEW: EMPEROR OF WRATH is the first instalment in Jagger Cole’s contemporary, adult, MEMENTO MORI dark Mafia romance series, set in the author’s Venomous Gods world. This is thirty-something Bratva princess turned thief Annika Brancovich , and Yakuza heir Kenzo Mori’s story line. EMPEROR OF WRATH can be read as a stand alone, you do not need to read the original series.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there WILL BE triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Annika and Kenzo) EMPEROR OF WRATH follows Bratva princess turned professional thief as she discovers she is to become the bride to the heir to the Japanese Yakuza Kenzo Mor but Kenzo and Annika have a past, one of which Kenzo struggles with betrayal and heartbreak, and in this Annika is determined to make Kenzo’s life miserable. The past refuses to let go, and our heroine is targeted for sins of the past, and in this, everyone’s life is threatened, and including the man with whom Annika is falling in love. What ensues is the building but tempestuous relationship between Annika and Kenzo, and the potential fall-out as Annika is targeted by a man from her past.

The world building is complex as there is interplay, and connections between the Irish Mob, Italian Mafia, Russian Bratva, Japanese Yakuza, and Albanian Mob. Every crime lord wants control, working together becomes difficult when past betrayal gives rise to issues of trust and vengeance.

The relationship between Annika and Kenzo is an enemies to frenemies to lovers; an arranged marriage of sorts between two people whose previous interactions left Kenzo feeling betrayed and duped.Kenzo is the heir to the Japanese Yakuza, and Annika finds herself caught between worlds where the people in control, are dangerous and dark. The $ex scenes are provocative and erotic.

There is a large ensemble cast of coloful, interesting and powerful secondary and supporting characters including Annika’s best friends Damian Nikilayev, and Freya; their father-figure and head of the Nikolayev Bratva Kir Nikolayev; Kenzo’s siblings Takeshi and Hana, Mal, Half-sister Fumi; father figure/Yakuza leader Sota Akiyama . There is also a cameo appearance from Cillian Kildare (Venomous Gods). Mal’s story is next in EMPEROR OF RAGE.

EMPEROR OF WRATH is a story of power and control, betrayal and vengeance, obsession and madness, forgiveness and love. The character driven premise is dark, dramatic and gritty; the romance is spicy and sassy ; the characters are strong, dynamic and determined.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

A reader first and foremost, Jagger Cole cut his romance writing teeth penning various fan-fiction stories years ago. After deciding to hang up his writing boots, Jagger worked in advertising pretending to be Don Draper. It worked enough to convince a woman way out of his league to marry him, though, which is a total win.

Now, Dad to two little princesses and King to a Queen, Jagger is thrilled to be back at the keyboard.

When not writing or reading romance books, he can be found woodworking, enjoying good whiskey, and grilling outside–rain or shine.

You can find all of his books at www.jaggercolewrites.com

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THE DEVIL HIMSELF (The Devil of Dublin 2) by BB Easton-review

THE DEVIL HIMSELF (The Devil of Dublin 2) by BB Easton-review tour

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk / Amazon.au /

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Add to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/4bazyMI

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 29, 2024

Growing up, I spent every night tucked under my mother’s arm, dreamily listening to tales from her favorite book series—Legend Has It by Darby Donovan, a collection of spooky folklore about a town called Glenshire and the lonely, gray-eyed fairy prince who haunted the woods there. I knew they were just stories, but when my mother died and left me in the care of my cold, abusive father, that fictional fairy prince suddenly became very, very real to me. It was as if he was always there, hiding in the shadows, offering me his silent comfort. I turned him into an imaginary friend when I needed one most.

And thirteen years later, I’m doing it again.

When my coastal Irish town is bombed by the new Russian president, a Bratva leader seeking revenge on the United Irish Brotherhood, those missiles destroy everything I’ve ever known—my home, my family, and evidently my sanity—because when I pull an injured Russian Navy officer out of the sea, a man who led the charge against my town, I can’t bring myself to let him die.

Secluded together in my secret hiding spot, we’re safe from the Mafia war raging outside, but the overwhelming connection I feel to this stranger is a battle I fight every single day. I hate him with everything that I am, but when he looks at me with those smoky gray eyes, all I see is my friend. When he touches me, all I feel is desire. And when he wraps his lips around the sustenance I offer him, all I want is to feel them pressed against mine, loving me, putting me back together.

But no one can live in a fantasy world forever, and when reality finally finds us, the truth about him is worse than anything I could have imagined.

The man I rescued is no fairy prince.

He’s the goddamn Devil himself.


REVIEW: THE DEVIL HIMSELF is the second instalment in BB Easton’s contemporary, adult THE DEVIL OF DUBLIN dark, erotic, Mafia, slight fantasy/slight lyparanormal, romance series. This is Damien Hughes, and Clover Doyle’s story line. THE DEVIL HIMSELF should not be read as a stand alone as much of the current time line is a direct result of book one DEVIL OF DUBLIN.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there WILL BE triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Clover and Damien) THE DEVIL HIMSELF follows several years after the end of book one DEVIL OF DUBLIN. The head of the Russian Bratva turned Russian President Alexi Abramov is determined to seek revenge against the United Irish Brotherhood of Ireland for sins of the past but one Russian sailor was seeking a passage home, a home he would find on the shores of Ireland. Rescued by Clover Doyle amongst a barrage of gunfire and bombings, Damien Hughes would discover a familiarity and family with our story line heroine but all was not as it appeared to be, and Damien would surrender in an effort to take down the man in charge. What ensues is the building relationship between Damien and Clover, and the fall-out as the invading Russian military takes aim at our story line hero.

The world building focuses on both the present and the past, a past that was all too familiar to our story line couple. As the Russian invasion of Ireland was met with little resistance, Damien and Clover would find help from the ghosts of the past.

The relationship between Clover and Damien is one of second chances, of a sorts. Clover would rescue and help heal an injured soldier, and Damien would come face to face with his future in the guise of our story line heroine but their time together would reveal a familiarity and mutual recognition, one that the locals recognized from afar. The $ex scenes are intimate and provocative.

There is a large ensemble cast of interesting and dangerous secondary and supporting characters including Russian President Alexi Abramov, several military personnel, and any number of Irish people our couple meets along the way.

THE DEVIL HIMSELF is a dark, dramatic, heart breaking and emotional story set within a fictionalized war between Russia and Ireland; between the Russian Bratva and the UIB; between the past and the present. The slightly paranormal premise is intriguing and entertaining; the romance is fated; the characters are desperate, determined and interesting.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one THE DEVIL OF DUBLIN.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

->Haven’t started the series? Book one-THE DEVIL OF DUBLIN is only 99¢ for a limited time  Amazon.com Amazon.ca Amazon.uk Amazon.au

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BB Easton is the Wall Street Journal bestselling author of 44 CHAPTERS ABOUT 4 MEN, the hilarious, steamy, tell-all memoir that inspired the Netflix Original Series, SEX/LIFE. Within the first month, SEX/LIFE was viewed by 67 million households worldwide, making it the 3rd Most-Watched Netflix Original Series of all time.

BB was a stressed-out school psychologist and mother of two when the inspiration to write 44 CHAPTERS ABOUT 4 MEN struck. Through that process, she rediscovered her passion for writing, became dangerously sleep-deprived, and finally mustered enough courage to quit her job and become a full-time author.

BB went on to publish four more wickedly funny, shockingly steamy, and heartwarmingly autobiographical books in the 44 CHAPTERS series: SKIN, SPEED, STAR, and SUIT. Since then, she’s been hard at work writing fictional stories that appeal to her love for us-against-the-world romance, including a dystopian trilogy (PRAYING FOR RAIN), a psychologist-client romantic comedy (GROUP THERAPY), and a dark mafia romance (DEVIL OF DUBLIN).


The Imposter (Psychological Thriller 2) by Adriane Leigh-review

The Imposter (Psychological Thriller 2) by Adriane Leigh-review

ebook only 99¢ Amazon.com Amazon.ca Amazon.uk Amazon.au /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 27, 2024

Tragedy brought them together, only death will keep them apart.

After narrowly escaping a life sentence under the guise of a new persona, Shae Halston thinks she’s turned over a new leaf. But all is not as it seems. When she begins to impersonate a couples therapist and starts taking on new patients, Shae thinks she’s stumbled into just the kind of role she was born to play. Until a surprise in the form of a new client lands on her doorstep.

Shae’s past returns to haunt her when she realizes the new couple she’s counseling aren’t strangers at all. But do they remember her? Shae’s interest quickly blooms to obsession when the opportunity to exact revenge over a long-buried tragedy becomes too tempting to pass up. Soon, she’s inserted herself into their lives, determined to balance the scales of justice however she can.

Just when she thinks she’s orchestrated the perfect plan for retaliation, her deceptive facade begins to unravel…along with her sanity. Delusions poison reality as Shae’s infatuation with righting the wrongs of the past consume her until the compulsion to kill reaches a fever pitch. Life has taught her if you love someone you should never let them go. Will Shae finally be able to escape the secrets of her past or will love prove to be her final undoing?


REVIEW:THE IMPOSTER is the second instalment in Adriane Leigh’s contemporary, adult, dark, psychological thriller focusing on Mia Starr aka Shae Halston aka Kelly Fraser. THE IMPOSTER should not be read as a stand alone as it picks up after the events and cliff hanger of book one THE INFLUENCER.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from first person perspective (Shae/Kelly) THE IMPOSTER follows Shae Halston aka Dr. Kelly Fraser, a persona she assumed after attempting to kill the woman in question. Shae Halston is the former social media influencer known as Mia Starr but the unreality of Mia’s online presence was in complete opposition to the reality of Shae’s own life. As Shae succumbed to the demons that were controlling her life, Shae, now known as Dr. Kelly Fraser was about to come face to face with her past, a past she continues to blame for much of her spiral downward.

The world building focuses on the Shae aka Kelly’s new clients, a married couple whose relationships struggles begin to worsen with Kelly’s interference. A missing wife, a husband who suspects something is wrong, and a series of anonymous texts laying blame on Kelly Fraser, force the leading heroine to take action, setting off on a new adventure towards fulfilling her need to avenge the past.

THE IMPOSTER is a complex, dark and dramatic look at mental and emotional abuse and illness; murder and vengeance, secrets and lies, betrayal and mistrust. The premise is suspenseful and melodramatic; the characters are tragic and desperate. THE IMPOSTER ends on a cliff hanger-you have been warned.

Click HERE  for Sandy’s review of book one THE INFLUENCER

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


Talking to Strangers by Fiona Barton – a Review

Talking to Strangers by Fiona Barton – a Review


Amazon / B&N / Kobo / Google Play / Apple / BAM / Bookbub


When Karen Simmons is murdered on Valentine’s Day, Detective Elise King wonders if she was killed by a man she met online. Karen was all over the dating apps, leading some townspeople to blame her for her own death, while others band together to protest society’s violence against women. Into the divide comes Kiki Nunn, whose aggressive newsgathering once again antagonizes Elise.

A single mother of a young daughter, Kiki is struggling to make a living in the diminished news landscape. Getting a scoop in the Simmons murder would do a lot for her career, and she’s willing to go up against not just Elise but the killer himself to do it.




Talking to Strangers by Fiona Barton is the 2nd book in her Elise King series.  This is another one of Barton’s exciting suspense novels, with Detective Elise King, once again the lead. We also get to see two other POV’s, one from Kiki Nunn, a journalist who is investigating the recent murder, and one from Annie, who lost her son 13 years ago in the same woods that Karen Simmons was recently found murdered.  

Detective Elise King is assigned to the case, even though she still has her own issues getting over her treatment of cancer. Karen’s body was found in Ebbing Woods, propped up against a tree and suffocated. Elise wonders if someone from the dating community met her murderer from there, as Karen has a reputation of having interactions with various men. Was one of them a stalker?  Most of the town knew about Karen’s reputation, and believed she reaped what she sowed.

Kiki Nunn is a reporter, and had recently interviewed Karen on the pros and cons of online dating. After Karen’s murder, Kiki is determined to jump on the case, to get her on the top of her field. She is upset about the murder, and is willing do everything to help find who killed Karen; Kiki constantly calls Elise to give her some clues, which does drive Elise crazy; since it’s too dangerous for Kiki to be involved with trying to discover clues.

Though 13 years ago, Annie lost her son, but with the murder taking place in the same woods, she is determined to look further into what has happened.  Annie and her husband have problems, and she suspected him of having affairs; which led him to tell Annie that years ago, he did have an affair with Karen.  Annie now decides she needs to get more information about her son’s death, and find the truths.

I did think that for almost half the book, it was a bit slow, especially going back and forth with all three narrators; but the last half picked up a lot, and became very exciting. I really did like Elise, who really was a great detective, especially so focused on the finding the killer. Kiki was another good character, as she was brave, but she took too many chances that endangered her life.   Annie was very good, and will learn more information about her son’s death, that would change everything. From the start to finish, there was so much going on, with many suspects, which did cause the beginning to be slow.

Talking to Strangers was a very good exciting mystery thriller, that was challenging and kept our attention throughout.  Talking to Strangers was very well written by Fiona Barton.  If you like mystery thrillers, a great detective, I suggest you read Talking to Strangers.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher




FIGHTING FOR MAGNOLIA (Redemption Harbor Security 4)by Katie Reus

FIGHTING FOR MAGNOLIA (Redemption Harbor Security 4) by Katie Reus-review

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Chapters/Indigo /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 27, 2024

He promised forever, but then he left…

Magnolia fell fast and hard for the boy her parents warned her about. He told her that he wanted to give her the world, but then vanished. Now she runs a successful company in New Orleans and her son is picking out colleges—but someone is lurking in the shadows, stalking her every move. And they won’t stop until she’s six feet under.

Now he’s back and not going anywhere…

Security expert Ezra has just discovered the woman he never got over had their child years ago. Magnolia’s family lied to him, to both of them, and if he wants a place in their lives, he’s going to have to prove that he didn’t leave without a reason—all while keeping her safe from a deadly stalker who will do anything to destroy everything she loves.


REVIEW: FIGHTING FOR MAGNOLIA is the fourth instalment in Katie Reus’ contemporary, adult REDEMPTION HARBOR SECURITY romantic suspense series- a spin off from the author’s Redemption Harbor series. This is hotel manager/philanthropist Magnolia Lavigne, and former US Marine turned security expert Ezra Hunt’s story line. FIGHTING FOR MAGNOLIA can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

Told from several omniscient third person perspectives including Ezra and Magnolia FIGHTING FOR MAGNOLIA follows the second-chance relationship between our story line couple. Approximately seventeen years ago, Ezra Hunt walked out of Magnolia Lavigne’s life, leaving a heart broken and pregnant young woman in his wake. Fast forward to present day, Ezra Hunt is completely unaware of what happened or why including the discovery of the son he never knew but someone is targeting our story line heroine, and the team at Redemption Harbor Security have been tasked with protecting the woman Ezra still loves. What ensues is the rebuilding relationship between Ezra and Magnolia, and the potential fall-out as the truth reveals a double betrayal for our story line couple.

The world building follows the target of our story line heroine. Magnolia runs a shelter for abused women, and someone is taking aim but Ezra begins to suspect there may be more than one disgruntled person in Magnolia’s life, and our hero is determined to protect the woman that calls to his heart. Meanwhile, Magnolia and Ezra must come to terms with a betrayal from the past, a betrayal that could destroy the family Magnolia loves.

The relationship between Ezra and Magnolia is a second chance romance; a rekindling relationship that was destroyed by betrayal, bad intentions and questionable belief. Ezra is desperate to claim our heroine, and the son he never knew, and in this, Magnolia must face the reality of what happened and why. The $ex scenes are limited but intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of familiar and entertaining secondary and supporting characters including several members of the Redemption Harbor Security teams. We are introduced to Ezra’s son Josh, as well as Magnolia’s mother and father. The requisite evil has many faces.

FIGHTING FOR MAGNOLIA is a story of secrets and lies, betrayal and dishonesty, forgiveness and acceptance, family and love. The character driven premise is intriguing and captivating; the romance is inviting; the characters are determined, dynamic and resolute.

Reading Order and Previous reviews
Fighting For Hailey
Fighting For Reese
Fighting For Adalyn

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Katie Reus is the New York Times, USA Today, and IndieReader bestselling author of the Red Stone Security series, the Moon Shifter series and the Deadly Ops series. She fell in love with romance at a young age thanks to books she pilfered from her mom’s stash. Years later she loves reading romance almost as much as she loves writing it.

However, she didn’t always know she wanted to be a writer. After changing majors many times, she finally graduated summa cum laude with a degree in psychology. Not long after that she discovered a new love. Writing. She now spends her days writing dark paranormal romance and sexy romantic suspense. Her book Avenger’s Heat recently won the Georgia RWA Maggie Award for Excellence in the fantasy/paranormal category.

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