2040: A Silicon Valley Satire by Pedro Domingos-review

2040: A Silicon Valley Satire by Pedro Domingos-review

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 20, 2024

The 2040 presidential election is unlike any in US history. The Republican candidate is an AI named PresiBot, created by a tech startup, KumbAI, who are in deeply over their heads. The Democratic candidate is a fake Native American chief seeking to abolish the United States. What could go wrong?

With PresiBot plummeting in the polls and tech giants like Happinet scheming to take over, KumbAI’s brash CEO Ethan Burnswagger and reluctant CTO Arvind Subramanian struggle to keep their company, their friendship—and their lives—under control. But the center cannot hold, and KumbAI, the campaign and America careen inexorably toward disaster.

Fast-paced and dialogue-driven, as befits our ADHD age, 2040 is a scathing critique of the current state of America—from the tech giants’ all encompassing empires and the fear and hype surrounding AI to the invasion of the mainstream by ever-kookier political ideas. Set in a dystopian San Francisco in a near future we can all too easily anticipate, it features characters, entities and incidents whose resemblance to actual ones may or may not be purely coincidental.

If you want to have wicked fun while discovering what AI really is, how the tech industry works, where our deepening polarization might lead us, and—most important—how to break out of this cycle, this is the book for you.


REVIEW:  2040: A SILICON VALLEY SATIRE by Pedro Domingos is a satirical look at American politics, specifically the past eight years. In 2040, KumbAI has developed a robot, an AI Republican candidate for president named PresiBot; The Democratic candidate is a fake Native American calling himself Chief Raging Bull. A televised debate sets the scene as the ‘puppet’ candidate goes off-script, and the ‘panic button’ is lost in the ensuing melee of rioting and anarchy. No longer able to control their candidate, KumbAI sells their company to rival tech giant Happinet but the result is another spiral into chaos leading up to the day of election, and the resulting win.

2040, set in a futuristic America, reflects upon much of the past eight years of American politics, the run for president, and the ensuing fall-out when a political dare becomes reality, and the people in charge lose control of their presidential candidate. A caustic, cynical and farcical look America’s current political machine, reminiscent of an extended SNL satirical skit, 2040 mirrors the spiral of respect; the growth of racism and discrimination; the sectioning off of the American people, and the narcissistic attitude of the people in charge.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


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