A Sinister Revenge by Deanna Raybourn – a Review

A Sinister Revenge by Deanna Raybourn – a Review


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Veronica’s natural-historian beau, Stoker, has been away in Bavaria for months and their relationship is at an impasse. But when Veronica shows up before him with his brother, Tiberius, Lord Templeton-Vane, he is lured back home by an intriguing job offer: preparing an iguanodon for a very special dinner party.
Tiberius has received a cryptic message—along with the obituaries of two recently deceased members of his old group of friends, the Seven Sinners—that he too should get his affairs in order. Realizing he is in grave danger but not knowing why, he plans a reunion party for the remaining Sinners at his family estate to lure the killer out while Veronica and Stoker investigate.
As the guests arrive and settle in, the evening’s events turn deadly. More clues come to light, leading Veronica, Stoker, and Tiberius to uncover a shared past among the Sinners that has led to the fatal present. But the truth might be far more sinister than what they were prepared for.





A Sinister Revenge by Deanna Raybourn is the 8th book in her Veronica Speedwell Mystery series.  I have not read this series, though it does read well as a standalone; but would have probably been better to have read some of the more previous books.

Veronica Speedwell, our heroine, is a very good amateur sleuth, in historian times.  In the last book, she and her lover, Stoker broke up, and she has been helping his brother, Tiberius on an assignment.  Now, Tiberius wants her help, and also Stoker’s; seems someone is sending threatening cryptic messages regarding a death from twenty years ago.   On that day, twenty years ago, Tiberious hosted friends at his family estate, they called themselves the Seven Sinners; and one member of their party died due to an accident. In present time, Tiberius decides to bring back members of their group to his estate for a reunion party; especially after reading the obituaries of two members of the Seven Sinners.  Tiberius knows someone is out to kill him, and together with Veronica, Stoker, and a younger brother, they welcome the group, with their wives.

What follows is a slow burn story, with Veronica and Stoker still at odds, but together they are determined to discover who in this group is behind the threats, at the same time keeping a protective eye on Tiberius.  Three of the Sinners arrive; Count Pietro Salviati & his wife, Beatrice; James Maciver & his wife Augusta, and Doctor Timothy Gresham & his sister, Elspeth.  The story picks up half way through, when it gets very exciting.  There are a few twists and surprises, with one death that throws things for a loop.  Veronica begins to find clues, and just when she suspects one person, everything changes, as she comes face to face with the real killer; and Veronica’s life is in danger.  Will she survive?

A Sinister Revenge was a very good mystery, though it was a bit slow early on.  I really liked Veronica and how brave she was, as well as her independence.   As noted, the last half of the book was very exciting, with some twists and surprises along the way. A Sinister Revenge was very well written by Deanna Raybourn.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher






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