HAWK (Untamed Sons MC: Manchester 5) by Jessica Ames-review tour

HAWK (Untamed Sons MC: Manchester 5) by Jessica Ames-review tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 26, 2023

I am a nomad, moving between chapters of the Untamed Sons Motorcycle Club, trying to find a place to belong. I never wanted to settle down and make roots, not after what happened in my past, but then I meet Wren. She’s the sister of one of the Manchester brothers and she should be off limits for that reason, but what starts as a bit of fun quickly turns serious for me. I didn’t expect to fall for her or come to love her kids as if they were my own, but this little family is fast becoming my world. When their lives are threatened I do the only thing I I go to war with their enemies.

I never thought I would become the target of a gang, but they want to hurt Brewer and they plan on using me and my kids to do it. Hawk is a distraction I don’t need, but I get lost in him to forget the drama unfolding around me. It started as a one-time thing, a fling with no strings attached. I should have known better. I never expected him to come back for more, but now that Hawk has had me, he’s not willing to walk away. When I find myself in the crosshairs of dangerous men, I realise the only person who can protect me is the man I’m trying so hard to deny.


REVIEW: HAWK is the fifth instalment in Jessica Ames’ contemporary, adult UNTAMED SONS MC: MANCHESTER dark, erotic MC series. This is nomad Hawk aka Owen, and thirty-five year old, single mother Serenity aka Wren Kelley’s story line. HAWK can be read as a stand alone but I recommend reading book four BREWER for back story and cohesion. Some of the events of HAWK cross over with, and run parallel to some of the events of book four BREWER. Wren is the sister of Madden ‘Brewer’ Kelley BREWER #4.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Wren and Hawk) HAWK follows in the wake of the rescue of our story line heroine. Years earlier, Serenity now known as Wren, survived several beatings at the hands of her abusive ex, and found herself, along with her four children, healing and thriving in the company of the Untamed Sons MC, a club in which her brother Madden aka Brewer was a member. With the support of the MC, Wren and her children found a family and a home but for the mysterious nomad Owen aka Hawk, who would come in and out of our heroine’s life. Neither Hawk nor Wren were looking for anything permanent until threats against the MC became deadly and dark. Claiming Wren as his own, and the children she loved, Hawk would become guardian and protector in the face of death threats and revenge against the Untamed Sons MC. Murder and torture, revenge and madness would force Wren and her children into seclusion with the MC, but at every turn someone always found a way to get close and threatening. What ensues is the building relationship between Wren and Hawk, and the potential fall-out as Wren and her children become pawns in a dangerous game of revenge.

The relationship between Wren and Hawk begins a ‘friends with benefits’ as neither one is wiling to commit to something more. Hawk is a nomad, with no place to call home but her is quickly falling for the woman who has stolen his heart. Wren has been through H*ll and back, and refuses to place herself, her heart and her children in the direct line fire but Wren knows that Hawk is the man to prove she is worthy of love, a love she will need to move on from the past. The $ex scenes are passionate and provocative.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and dangerous secondary and supporting characters including many of the previous story line characters and couples, most of whom will play a large part in the lives of Wren and her children including Madden ‘Brewer’ Kelley who is struggling with his own demons protecting the woman he loves. The requisite evil has many faces.

HAWK is a story of betrayal and revenge, power and control, murder, protection and retribution, acceptance and love. The fast paced premise is dark, gritty, dramatic and intense; the romance is seductive and energetic; the characters are desperate, dynamic and determined.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


Jessica Ames lives in a small market town in the Midlands, England. She lives with her dog and when she’s not writing, she’s playing with crochet hooks.


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