RUTHLESS SALVATION (Byrne Brothers 3) by Jill Ramsower-review

RUTHLESS SALVATION (Byrne Brothers 3) by Jill Ramsower-review tour / / B&N / KOBO / Google Play /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 6, 2023

I don’t seek out gorgeous men with psychotic tendencies,
But damn if they don’t have a way of finding me.

Beautifully broken. Endlessly tempting.

Each day at work, my brooding Irish boss acts like he wants nothing to do with me.
And every night, he stalks me like I’m the very air he breathes.

So why haven’t I tried to escape him?
Maybe he’s not the only one who’s a little broken.

I’ve never known obsession until now.

I hate the way it feels.
The conflict.
The cravings.

Stormy Lawson consumes my every thought.

I yearn to punish her for being so damn irresistible.
I ache to own her, so I never have to know life without her.

But more than anything, I’m compelled to slaughter anyone who touches her.


REVIEW: RUTHLESS SALVATION is the third instalment in Jill Ramsower’s contemporary, adult BYRNE BROTHERS erotic, Mafia romance series. This is Torin Byrne, and Stormy Lawson’s story line. RUTHLESS SALVATION can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise including domestic violence, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Torin and Stormy) using present day and memories from the past RUTHLESS SALVATION follows in the wake of a possible stalker for our story line heroine. Stormy suspected she was never alone but she had become complacent, and knew it may be time to move, yet again, before the past comes through with a promise to kill. Working for the Byrne brothers as a cocktail server meant Stormy was always up close and personal with Torin Byrne but never expected to discover that Torin’s attraction was visceral and hard. An attack against our heroine found Torin guardian and protector but the revelation about the who, what and why was about to place Byrne brothers in the direct line of fire. What ensues is the building relationship between Torin and Stormy, and the potential fall-out as Stormy’s past demands her return, one way or another.

The world building continues to follow the Byrne brothers Irish Mobster world including their illegal dealings in the world of arms dealing. A shipment of stolen guns was about to bring the Irish face to face with the Russian Mafia but Torin will quickly discover there is more to the appearance of the Russians than anyone could have imagined.

The relationship between Torin and Stormy is one of employee and employer. They have danced around one another for close to six months but Stormy knows her time in New York comes with an expiry date, a date that may be closing in faster than she expected. Having left everything and everyone behind, Stormy is desperate to protect the man with whom she is falling in love, fearing she will bring death and danger wherever she goes. Torin doesn’t do relationships but he is desperate to claim Stormy as his own. Stormy is hiding something; she is on the run, and it is only a matter of time before Torin takes charge, destroying anyone determined to destroy the woman he loves. The $ex scenes are provocative and intense.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful, engaging and familiar secondary and supporting characters including Keir and Rowan (Corrupted Union), Conner, Oran, and security Jolly. The Byrne organization of Irish mobsters look after their own but Stormy’s presence is about to draw a line betweenTorin and the family he loves. The requisite evil has many faces.

RUTHLESS SALVATION is a story of abuse, power and control, trust and misunderstanding, family and friendships, relationships and love. The premise is intriguing, captivating and dramatic; the romance is seductive and intoxicating; the characters are sassy, animated, powerful and strong.

Reading Order and Previous reviews
Silent Vows
Secret Sin 1.5
Corrupted Union

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Not sure if this is a book for you?
Check out the FIRST CHAPTER here:

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Jill is a Texan, born and raised. She manages the hectic social calendars for her three active children and occasionally spends an evening with her dashing husband. Aside from being an author and a mom, she’s a travel junkie and loves to read when she is not lost in her own stories.

With Jill’s books, you can count on confident heroines, plenty of steamy tension, and deliciously assertive leading men. There are no guarantees in life, but with her books, you know everything will work out in the end. However, a perfect ending would not be nearly as satisfying without a seemingly insurmountable challenge. Jill loves to add plenty of adversity in her stories, creating unforgettably dynamic characters and sneaky plot twists you will never see coming.


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