WILDCAT (Devil’s Handmaidens MC:Timber-Ghost MT 7) by DM Earl

WILDCAT (Devil’s Handmaidens MC: Timber-Ghost Montana 7) by DM Earl-review


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RELEASE DATE: August 22, 2024

When the wildcat is unleashed, nobody is safe.

Manager of the Wooden Spirits Bar and Grill, Frankie Camano, a former cop, is struggling to heal from a tragic past. The women of the Devil’s Handmaidens MC have been Frankie’s saving grace in a world of pain and disappointment. Known as “Wildcat,” Frankie uses her strength and tenacity to overcome the demons that haunt her.

Leaving Malcom, a doctor and the love of her life, after they both faced horrific events, was the hardest thing she’s ever done. But when her past comes barreling back. Frankie knows that the Handmaidens and Malcom are the people she can trust. She refuses to let anyone hurt her–or her loved ones ever again. Will Frankie’s fear of the past force her back into hiding, or will she finally release the WILDCAT on the enemies who threaten to destroy her?


REVIEW: WILDCAT is the seventh instalment in DM Earl’s contemporary, adult DEVIL’S HANDMAIDENS MC: TIMBER-GHOST MONTANA dark, , MC romance series. This is physician Malcolm Malty, and bar manager Frankie ‘Wildcat’ Camano’s story line. WILDCAT can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary but I recommend reading in order for back story and cohesion as there is an ongoing premise throughout..

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there WILL BE triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from several first person perspectives including Frankie and Malcolm WILDCAT follows the second chance relationship between our story line couple. Years earlier Frankie and Malcolm were violently attacked and left for dead, and in the aftermath, Malcolm pushed Frankie out of his life. Fast forward to present day, the past has returned to finish the job but a familiar face threatens all of Malcolm’s hard fight to regain some semblance of normalcy. As Malcolm and Frankie relive the past, the Devil’s Handmaidens MC find themselves searching for several missing women, and the hunt for the people in charge. What ensues so the rebuilding relationship between Malcolm and Frankie, and the fall-out as the Malcolm must face the truth about the how and why.

The world building is dark and gritty. The trauma and abuse endured by our story line couple is recounted in graphic detail. As the Devil’s Handmaidens MC must come to terms with their own past traumas, our couple must face down the men who tried to destroy their lives.

The relationship between Malcolm and Frankie is one of second chances but a relationship strained by the emotional and physical abuse by someone they knew. As Malcolm struggles to move on from the past, Frankie and her ‘sisters’ will take down those who hurt so many. There are no $ex scenes between our story couple.

There is another large ensemble cast of colorful and determined secondary and supporting characters including several of Frankie’s sisters in the Devil’s Handmaidens MC-Glory , Tax, Vixen, Tink, Raven, their significant others, as well as the introduction of Frankie’s parents.

WILDCAT is a story of betrayal, racism, violence and hate. The premise is dramatic, dark, haunting, twisted and powerful; the characters are broken yet struggling to heal.

->Heed the trigger warnings-they are numerous, graphic, detailed and raw-WILDCAT is NOT a story for everyone.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

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D.M. Earl is a U.S.A. Today Bestselling Author who spins stories about real life situations with characters that are authentic, genuine, and sincere. Each of her stories allow the characters to come to life with each turn of the page while they try to find their HEA through much drama and angst. D.M. finds ideas for her next story from within those around her and what she experiences in daily life. Each book has a part of her left behind in it. She lives in Northwest Indiana married to her best friend who was instrumental in the start of her writing career in 2014. When not writing D.M. loves to read, play with her seven fur-babies (yeah crazy) and ride her Harley Dyna Lowrider.

“Enjoy this Ride we call Life.” Remember we only get one chance.

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