In the Air Tonight by Marie Force -review tour

In the Air Tonight by Marie Force -review tour / / B&N / KOBO / Google Play / Chapters Indigo /Apple /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 24, 2024

I was there. I saw what you did.


I wasn’t supposed to be there that night, but my friend Sienna talked me into going to the party in Land’s End so she could spy on her boyfriend. While hiding out in the woods, we witnessed an unspeakable crime. And we did everything wrong afterward.

Connections run deep in our small town.

I was pressured into keeping my mouth shut, even though every part of me objected. I assumed I’d always do the right thing in any situation. I was wrong about that and a lot of other things.

I was wrecked by what I saw and how the victim was treated by kids I’d known all my life. I’ve been sick over it ever since, even as I moved on, far away from the town where I was raised.

Fourteen years later, I learn that the guy who committed that unspeakable crime is running for Congress, and something in me snaps.

I can’t bear the weight of that knowledge for another second.

Finally, I report what I saw, and all hell breaks loose for me and others who were at that long-ago party. Some of them will do whatever it takes to keep the truth from coming to light…even if they have to kill me.

In the midst of an epic battle, a new love gives me the strength to stay strong, to fight for my life and to right a terrible wrong.


REVIEW:IN THE AIR TONIGHT by Marie Force is a contemporary, adult, stand alone thriller focusing on several former students from Hope High School, Rhode Island.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise including rape and sexual assault, there WILL BE triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from several first person perspectives including Blaise Merrick,IN THE AIR TONIGHT covers two timelines, and the sexual assault of a seventeen year old girl (Denise ‘Neisy’ Sutton) by a fellow student, a rising football star and wanna be Marine. Seventeen year old Blaise Merrick and her best friend Sienna Lawton were excited to attend a field party in Land’s End, a party of which they were forbidden to go but Sienna was determined to attend, and Blaise would spend the next fourteen years struggling with guilt and grief in the aftermath of witnessing the rape of a fellow student. Fast forward to present day, the man who committed the unspeakable crime is running for US congress, and Blaise refuses to remain silent, any longer. Previously hushed by Sienna, and the power and popularity of the former football hero’s family and friends, Blaise could no longer stand by, and reports the incident to the local police. What ensues is the fall-out and ensuing spiral for everyone concerned when the truth is revealed about what happened years before.

IN THE AIR TONIGHT is a heart breaking, dark and dramatic look at sexual assault, fear, popularity, desperation and guilt. Blaise Merrick will become a target, a victim and a survivor all for reporting the truth but will find love in the unlikeliest of places. Marie Force pulls the reader into an emotional, tragic and thought provoking thriller -what would you do if you witnessed a crime?

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


I shower and change into jeans and a sweater before heading out to return to my childhood home for the first time since my dad died of a heart attack seven years ago. That’s the only time I’ve been home since I left for college, a stance that’s caused significant friction in my family. They’ve asked for years why I stayed away until they quit asking and stopped reaching out. I still talk to all of them, but we’re not close. That’s how I wanted it, for reasons only I know, but now… If everything comes out, will it drive us further apart or bring us closer together?
I don’t know how that’ll go, and the not knowing only adds to my anxiety as I drive across the bridge into Hope.
Every nerve in my body is on full alert as I take the familiar roads to home, traversing the same route I did on that long-ago night after witnessing the crime that changed everything.
I park behind my mother’s silver Toyota Camry and take a long moment to look at the two-story Colonial home where I was raised. It’s been painted a darker shade of grey, and the shutters are now black. They were red when I lived there.
Mom comes out of the house, smiling with excitement that’s been sorely lacking in her since Dad died. She’s visited me often in the city, but I know she’s yearned for me to come home.
I hug her on the sidewalk.
“It’s so good to have you here, my sweet girl.”
“It’s good to be home.”

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Marie Force is the New York Times bestselling author of contemporary romance, romantic suspense and erotic romance. Her series include Fatal, First Family, Gansett Island, Butler Vermont, Quantum, Treading Water, Miami Nights and Wild Widows.

Her books have sold more than 10 million copies worldwide, have been translated into more than a dozen languages and have appeared on the New York Times bestseller more than 30 times. She is also a USA Today and #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller, as well as a Spiegel bestseller in Germany.

Her goals in life are simple—to finish raising two happy, healthy, productive young adults, to keep writing books for as long as she possibly can and to never be on a flight that makes the news.

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