The Village Library Demon-Hunting Society by CM Waggoner-Review

The Village Library Demon-Hunting Society by CM Waggoner-Review


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A librarian with a knack for solving murders realizes there is something decidedly supernatural afoot in her little town in this cozy fantasy mystery.

Librarian Sherry Pinkwhistle keeps finding bodies—and solving murders. But she’s concerned by just how many killers she’s had to track down in her quaint village. None of her neighbors seem surprised by the rising body count…but Sherry is becoming convinced that whatever has been causing these deaths is unnatural. But when someone close to Sherry ends up dead, and her cat, Lord Thomas Crowell, becomes possessed by what seems to be an ancient demon, Sherry begins to think she’s going to need to become an exorcist as well as an amateur sleuth. With the help of her town’s new priest, and an assortment of friends who dub themselves the “Demon-Hunting Society,” Sherry will have to solve the murder and get rid of a demon. This riotous mix of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Murder, She Wrote is a lesson for demons and murderers.

Never mess with a librarian.




The Village Library Demon-Hunting Society by CM Waggoner is a standalone paranormal mystery. We meet our heroine, Sherry Pinkwhistle, who is a 63years old librarian; she also solves murders in their small town.  Sherry is concerned, as the body count is rising; with her becoming convinced that there is something unnatural going on. Especially when her boyfriend is found dead, and her cat seems to be possessed, talking back to her.  Is there a demon in disguise?

Sherry is an unofficial consultant to the local Sheriff, as she is always investigating and solving the murders.   She is smart and self-sufficient and always creative in working with the sheriff, and the towns people all know that Sherry will find the culprits. She also realizes that a real demon is revealed, and Sherry will have to find a way to defeat the demon once and for all.

There were a number of great characters; including Sherry, the detective, the new priest, her two female friends (grieving widow and BFF). Of course, the cat, Lord Thomas, who became possessed, and talked.  There were a mix of other famous books that gave some humor, such as Jessica Fletcher, Buffy, and Hercule Poirot. As we reach closer to the end, Sherry will call a meeting with her friends, and a number of possible suspects.  She gives her thoughts on each person who is a suspect, and reveals who the murder was.  This was a surprising and amazing revelations.

The Village Library Demon-Hunting Society was a fun, bizarre, spooky, clever and entertaining story that kept me unable to put the book down.  Sherry was a fabulous character that turned into a wonderful detective. The Village Library Demon-Hunting Society was very well written by CM Waggoner.  If you enjoy mystery, librarian sleuth, and an enjoyable story, you should read this book.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher





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