Taking What’s Ours (RBMC:Durango 5) by Nicole James-review tour

Taking What’s Ours (RBMC:Durango 5) by Nicole James-review tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 24, 2024

When my groom makes a fool of me at our reception, the only man to come to my defense is Dylan, his brother and best man—a man I’d only just met.

Standing in the midst of embarrassment and humiliation, with my hours-old marriage in shambles, Dylan swept into my life and made it his mission to show me the way I deserve to be treated. I’m beginning to see he really is the best man.

I have no clue what this beauty ever saw in my brother, but when I see how he treats her, I plan to make sure she escapes a certain life of cruelty with that bastard.

I know my brother, and apparently he’s fooled her with his good guy act. But I know better. He’s a wolf is sheep’s clothing.

Elaina knows nothing about me, other than I’m Elliott’s brother. She certainly has no clue I’m a member of the Royal Bastards MC or that my club brothers call me Baja.

I’ll protect her at all costs. She’s got my oath on that.


REVIEW:TAKING WHAT’S OURS is the fifth instalment in Nicole James’ contemporary, adult RBMC: DURANGO CO dark, erotic, MC romance series. This is thirty-five year old, Dylan ‘Baja’ Whitmore, and Elaina’s story line. TAKING WHAT’S OURS can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Elaina and Baja) TAKING WHAT’S OURS follows in the aftermath of Elaina’s marriage to Dylan’s brother Elliott but betrayal, humiliation and embarrassment pull Elaina out of Elliott’s life, when she finds herself on the run with Elliott’s brother Dylan. Settling in Durango CO, Elaina discovers there is more to family than blood, more to life than a controlling fiancé. Living with Dylan, Elaina finds herself a family with the RBMC: Durango but the past refuses to let go for our story line couple, forcing both Dylan and Elaina to acknowledge the truth.

The world building focuses on Elaina’s struggle to see beyond the veil. From a controlling fiancé to a jealous rival, Elaina must come to terms with her life going forward. Baja continues to struggle with the ghosts from his past, and in this, he believes he is not worthy of love or a second chance.

The relationship between Baja and Elaina begins as a ‘rescue’ of a sorts. From friends to lovers, Baja and Elaina find themselves quickly falling but enemies and close, closer than they could have ever imagined. The $ex scenes are limited but seductive and provocative.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful, fun and energetic secondary and supporting characters including most of the previous story line couples, and several members of the RBMC: Durango. We are introduced to Baja’s brother Elliott, as well as his parents.

TAKING WHAT’S OURS is a story of betrayal, seduction, acceptance and love. The premise is edgy and dramatic; the characters are animated ; the romance is passionate.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Club Princess
Climbing the Ranks
Keeping The Throne
Enforcing the Rules

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Nicole James is a USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author who loves writing about hot alpha men who’ll do anything for the women they love! Her stories are filled with struggle, conflict and real human emotion. She is the author of the Evil Dead MC series, the Brothers Ink Tattoo series and more.

Nicole loves to hear from her readers! You can contact her via e-mail, her website contact form or on her social media accounts.

Twitter-X: https://twitter.com/Nicole_James1


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