Lightning in her Hands by Raquel Vasquez Gilliland-Review

Lightning in her Hands by Raquel Vasquez Gilliland-Review


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Teal Flores is desperate for two things—control over her gift of weather, and a date to her ex’s wedding. The first isn’t possible until she finds her long-lost mother, but the second has a very handsome last-ditch solution: Carter Velasquez.

Carter needs Teal too. His chance at receiving an inheritance is dependent on him being married by age thirty (blame his traditional Cuban grandmother), so who better to pose as his wife than Teal? But fake marriage and cohabitation prove tricky when mutual attraction charges the atmosphere—quite literally for Teal, whose volatile emotions cause lightning strikes.

Together, Teal and Carter embark on a quest to find her mother and the answers she’s searching for. But along the way, they’ll discover something even better: a love that can weather any storm.





Lightning in her Hands by Raquel Vasquez Gilliland is the 2nd book in her Wild Magic series.   Having read the first book in this series, I looked forward to Teal’s story.  Teal was only 4 years old when her mother left the family, and she was the only one who saw her leave. Each of the sisters have their own magical gift, with Sage (the oldest) having an affinity for plants; Sky (the youngest) has an affinity for animals; and Teal’s gift is the weather.  Teal has no full control over her gift, which responds to her emotions; but she learns many years later, that her mother took something from her the night she left; which causes her to feel unworthy; Teal also has a bipolar issue.

Teal has been best friends with Carter Velasquez most of her life, and when she moved on with a new boyfriend, their friendship fell apart. Now that Teal is no longer with her ex, she tries to convince Carter to go with her to her ex’s wedding, as she wants to resume their friendship. At first, he says no, but a short time later, he agrees to go to the wedding, if she will help him gain access to his inheritance.  Carter needs a marriage of convenience, and after some thought, she agrees to the fake marriage with Carter, especially with both gaining some money.  When they get married, both Carter and Teal begin to feel strong feelings for each other (as Carter has always loved her). Teal moves in with Carter in his gorgeous house. Along the way, the sex scenes between Teal and Carter are very hot and spicy; they were great together. 

Teal knows she lost something all those years ago, which causes her gift to not be where it should be. Teal, Carter, Sage and Sky embark on trying find her mother, to get her power in full control.  I was happy that Teal slowly knew she needed to improve herself, as well as being less selfish.  If they can find the missing mother, Teal will fully restore her ability.  The three sisters will find their mother, and they will need to get Teal’s full power back from the mother. 

Lightning in her Hands was an intriguing, fun, emotional, romantic and sexy story. Lightning in her Hands was very well written by Raquel Vasquez Gilliland. If you enjoy a paranormal fantasy, with terrific characters, I suggest you read this book.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher





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