Tangled Up With You (Second Hope 2) by Jessica Prince -review

🤍 Tangled Up With You  (Second Hope 2)  by Jessica Prince -review 🤍

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 21,2024

My mother always gave the best advice. I just wish she had advised me to stay away from bull riders.

One in particular.

Connor Bennett is a walking red flag I could see coming from miles away, but I was a sucker for his rakish smile, his irresistible charm, and that world class behind always wrapped in a tight pair of Wranglers.

I told myself I’d learned my lesson when I woke up and discovered he ghosted me, leaving a note behind on the pillow where his head should have been. Unfortunately, that wasn’t true.

High emotions and too much booze during a mutual friend’s wedding lands me back in his bed, but this time I make sure I’m not the one left high and dry once the sun comes up.

Even though I can’t stop thinking about him, I convince myself I’ve worked him out of my system. However, two pink lines a few weeks later make it impossible to pretend he doesn’t exist.

We make an agreement. We’ll co-parent once the baby is born, but nothing more.

There certainly won’t be any more hanky panky.

But it turns out Connor has other ideas and wants to share more than just custody with me.

I’m trying so hard not to fall for that charm a second time, but my hormones are going crazy and he’s doing and saying all the right things.

Despite all reason, I find myself wanting to get tangled up with him all over again. I just don’t know if I should trust the bull rider not to trample all over my heart.


REVIEW:Tangled Up With You by the ever lovely and talented Jessica Prince is the next installment in Second Hope series. As always, I recommend reading the series in order, not only because it is amazing, but there are characters from that book that filter into this one. (It can be read as a standalone) This lovely little morsel of a book has all my favorite tropes; cowboy bull riding play boy turns heart of gold and small town romance. TUWY is a feel good romance that readers are going to love.

Hope Valley holds a special place in my heart, so when the series ended and Second Hope arrived, I was over the moon. Book one in the series (The Little Things) was the balm to heal the sting of the first series ending, Tangled Up, is the icing on the cake. Connor and Ivy are mentioned in book one, and from there I couldn’t wait to get their story.

Connor Bennet is a bull rider, after taking a tumble on one of his last rides, he messes up his knee and has to take some time off to heal. During this time, he goes to stay with his best friend Zach on his ranch in Virginia. During this time, he finds his place at Safe Haven Ranch, a quiet, homey place that gives him a peace he had never felt. He also meets Ivy. The fiery red head that takes his breath away. He spends time there, and he and Ivy get to know one another, she doesn’t treat him like the bull riding hot shot he is, they become friends, and then they spend hell of a night together. Too bad he does one of the dumbest things ever and skates out in the middle of the night, leaving Ivy high and dry.

Ivy is living her best life, she has a great family, amazing friends and a job she loves. When Connor comes rolling into town, she sees him as a confident, bull riding playboy, and against all her rules, hops into bed with him. When her worst fears come to light the next morning with an empty bed, she is cursing herself silly. She thought they had something more than a simple hook up. Determined to move on, Ivy avoids Connor like the plague when he returns for Zack and Rae’s wedding, but as they say, weddings make people sappy. One thing leads to another and Connor and Ivy are at it again.

When an unexpected surprise takes both Ivy and Connor by surprise, they both have to suck up their insecurities and talk. Slowly Connor makes it back into Ivy’s good graces, determined to make it up to her, and prove that he can be what she needs. Ivy knows that Connor is a good man, but is scared to open up to him again after last time, but with time (sexy time too) Connor proves to Ivy just how much she means to him.

Well tickle me pink Ms.JP I think this might be your saucest book yet! Connor and Ivy are a fun, slow burn romance that really gave me such joy to read. The spicy bits are definitely top tier. Connor is by far one of my favorite characters from this new series, he is sweet and charming, but protective and dominant. Don’t get me started on the rope play and dirty talk because I could go on for days about that. Towards the end, when the plot is finishing up, we get to see a softer side of Connor and the way the Ivy cares for him during that time, this made the book so relatable. I can’t wait to see what else the series has in store for us. (Hopefully something with Blythe?)

Click HERE for Sarah’s review of book one THE LITTLE THINGS

copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sarah


Born and raised around Houston Texas, Jessica spent most of her life complaining about the heat, humidity, and all around pain in the ass weather. It was only as an adult that she quickly realized the cost of living in Houston made up for not being able to breathe when she stepped outside. That’s why God created central air, after all.

Jessica is the mother of a perfect little boy–she refuses to accept that he inherited her attitude and sarcastic nature no matter what her husband says.

In addition to being a wife and mom, she’s also a wino, a coffee addict, and an avid lover of all types of books–romances still being her all time favs. Her husband likes to claim that reading is her obsession but she just says it’s a passion…there’s a difference. Not that she’d expect a boy to understand.

Jessica has been writing since she was a little girl, but thankfully grew out of drawing her own pictures for her stories before ever publishing her first book. Because an artist she is not.

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