Romance is My Day Job by Patience Bloom – a Review

Romance is My Day Job by Patience Bloom – a Review

Romance is My Day JobLinks to order Romance is My Day Job:
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Who knows the ins and outs of romance better than a Harlequin editor? A surprising and exhilarating look into Patience Bloom’s unexpected real-life love story.

At some point, we’ve all wished romance could be more like fiction. Patience Bloom certainly did, many times over. As a teen she fell in love with Harlequin novels and imagined her life would turn out just like the heroines’ on the page: That shy guy she had a crush on wouldn’t just take her out—he’d sweep her off her feet with witty banter, quiet charm, and a secret life as a rock star. Not exactly her reality, but Bloom kept reading books that fed her reveries.

Years later she moved to New York and found her dream job, editing romances for Harlequin. Every day, her romantic fantasies came true—on paper. Bloom became an expert when it came to fictional love stories, editing amazing books and learning everything she could about the romance business. But her dating life remained uninspired. She nearly gave up on love.

Then one day a real-life chance at romance made her wonder if what she’d been writing and editing all those years might be true. A Facebook message from a high school friend, Sam, sparked a relationship with more promise than she’d had in years. But Sam lived thousands of miles away—they hadn’t seen each other in more than twenty years. Was it worth the risk?

Finally, Bloom learned: Love and romance can conquer all


Ever wonder what people who edit romance books at places like Harlequin do in their personal lives?  Wonder no more…  Patience Bloom  has written a memoir of her personal life and romances while comparing them to her heroes and heroines in the books she reads and edits.

This a witty, sometimes comic, sometimes tragic tale of one woman’s real life romances while looking for “Mr. Right”.  From high school to college and on to her adult life, Patience has privileged us with her tales and recollections of searching for that one “true” love.

This is a wonderful look at those romances through her eyes.  She has changed the names, of course…duh!  Her perceptions and expectations begin at childlike and grow as she goes through her wonderful story.  It’s not all fun and giggles, there is damage and heartbreak.  I think most women can relate to both her fantasies and realities.  It’s well written, and makes a delightful get away, especially with a couple of glasses of wine! LOL.  Oh, maybe a few tissues on-hand isn’t a bad idea as well.

It’s an inspiring tale of finding your heart’s partner just when you probably would give up!  Isn’t that great timing?  Though most men fall sort on the comparison to our literary heroes, it’s great to know that the search is still there, as well as the hope.

Get your favorite beverage, some tissues, and curl-up and have a wonderful time while Patience entertains you with her fantastic imagination and sense of humor.  Enjoy, I did!

Reviewed by Georgianna

Copy provided by Publisher


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