Dirty Rowdy Thing by Christina Lauren – a Review

Dirty Rowdy Thing by Christina Lauren – a Review


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Book Two of the brand-new Wild Seasons series that started with Sweet Filthy Boy—a story of friends, love, and lust.

Despite their rowdy hookups, Harlow and Finn don’t even like each other…which would explain why their marriage lasted only twelve hours. He needs to be in charge and takes whatever he wants. She lives by the Want-something-done? Do-it-yourself mantra. Maybe she’s too similar to the rugged fisherman—or just what he needs.


Dirty Rowdy Thing is book two in the Wild Seasons Series by author duo Christina Lauren.

Harlow Vegas made one mistake. She married a man she had just met in Vegas and had an earth shattering night of marital bliss.  Only to realize she made a horrible mistake. This book takes you on the journey of what has happened since the divorce.

Harlow has gone on with her life. She is a strong willed, career minded woman who likes to have her share of fun.   She is an intern at NBC and is slowly working her way to her dreams, or at least she believes she is. That is until she sees the one man she has dreaded seeing, Finn Roberts. After a quickie mistake marriage in Vegas and an unexpected trip to Canada to see if the marital bliss was as good as she remembered, Harlow isn’t expecting to see Finn standing in line behind her at Starbucks. Yet, there he is – this sets off an undeniable, angst ridden relationship.

Harlow doesn’t want to find Finn as attractive as she does. She curses the universe for making him as tasty as he is. But soon there will be no denying the way she feels.

Finn is rugged, strong and strikingly handsome. He is running his families fishing business and although he is trying his hardest to keep it afloat – the boats just don’t seem to be cooperating. 

When they meet up again they are both struggling with secrets and issues. Each of them need someone stable to hold onto. Some one to anchor them to where they need to be. What starts out as a sex only friendship slowly develops into something more. But will the secrets be too much for each of them to handle? Will it push them farther apart then they truly want to be.

I absolutely loved Harlow Vega in this story, she is quick witted, sarcastic and hilariously funny. I found myself laughing out loud. Finn is quiet, pensive and reserved. Yet when he gets around  Harlow she seems to bring out the best in him. Their witty banter and sarcastic dialect led to some very interesting conversations.   And let me just say that Finn Roberts does not disappoint in the dirty talk realm. Lord have mercy he is a force to be reckoned with. I found all of the sub-characters just as intriguing and fascinating as the main ones.   Their stories leave you wanting to know more.

The relationship that Finn and Harlow come to have is one of undeniable love and true friendship. I must admit I read this book without reading book one in the series but it seemed to fill in all of the answers and didn’t leave me wondering what was going on. But I will now purchase book one and read it as I found the writing and story line absolutely wonderful.  I would highly recommend this book to anyone who likes a sweet romance with a side of dirty!

Reviewed by Erin

Copy provided by Publisher


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