Misadventures on the Rebound (Misadventures #16) by Lauren Rowe-Review Tour

Misadventures on the Rebound (Misadventures #16) by Lauren Rowe-Review Tour


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After getting canned from her dream job this morning and played in spectacular fashion by her boyfriend this afternoon, Savannah “Savvy” Valentine is having a truly awful day. Which is why she’s currently drowning her sorrows in whiskey and self-pity in a shabby bar along the route to Las Vegas.

In light of today’s double whammy, Savvy isn’t sure why she’s still heading in the direction of her five-year high school reunion. The only reason she’d wanted to attend the reunion in Vegas in the first place was to show the captain of the football team, the guy who took her virginity and then promptly rejected her, that the captain of the math team grew up to have all enviable hot things: hot body, hot boyfriend, and hot career. Now, the only “hot” thing about Savvy Valentine is her mess.

But when a gorgeous stranger with sandy hair, a leather jacket, and motorcycle helmet walks into the bar, Savvy’s awful day suddenly looks a whole lot brighter. The man is perfection. Sexy and mysterious. And he’s heading to Las Vegas, too.

Can one wild night with a sexy stranger in the middle of nowhere lead a girl to fall desperately and deeply in love in Las Vegas? Savvy Valentine is about to find out.


REVIEW: Misadventures on the Rebound begins with Savvy not only losing her job, but also finding out, first hand, that her newish boyfriend is cheating on her. Savvy had already made plans to attend her 5th high school reunion in Las Vegas, and decides to head out a little early. She finds a little roadside bar and decides to drown her sorrows, after having checked into the little motel next door. As she’s drowning her sorrows, a handsome and mysterious stranger, Aiden, comes in and sits next to her. Turns out, his day isn’t so great either. As they sit and drink, their instant attraction to each other grows to the point where it scares both of them a little. Savvy, who is not very experienced, decides to throw caution to the wind and have a one night stand with Aiden. After all, what can be the worst that can happen?

Misadventures on the Rebound is a nicely written story about two characters who are down on their luck, but decide to make their own luck. Savvy is your model employee, friend and daughter. She’s got a heart of gold that’s been taken advantage of one too many times, but she is still determined to see the best in people. Aiden, on the other hand, has a few secrets. He has had a rough upbringing and is glad he is the one who ran across Savvy. As a former grifter, albeit short-lived, he knows that Savvy would have been an easy mark. After a mind blowing night together, neither is in a hurry to say goodbye. Savvy has to leave for Vegas and offers Aiden a ride, as he’s headed there as well. Once they both lay all of their cards on the table, and secrets are revealed, Savvy decides that she will do anything to help Aiden. What follows is a funny, quirky and steamy story that will leave you turning the pages faster and faster and not wanting it to end. Yes, it’s a story of instant attraction and it’s a little (lot) far fetched, but it’s a very fun read. This is #18 in a series of ‘misadventure’ books, but can be read as a standalone with no problem. If you’re a fan of this genre, you should give this one a go. Who can go wrong with funny AND steamy? Well done, Lauren Rowe!

Copy supplied for review

reviewed by Vickie K



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USA Today and internationally bestselling author Lauren Rowe lives in San Diego, California, where, in addition to writing books, she performs with her dance/party band at events all over Southern California, writes songs, takes embarrassing snapshots of her ever-patient Boston terrier, Buster, spends time with her wonderful family, and narrates audiobooks. Much to Lauren’s thrill, her books have been translated all over the world in multiple languages and hit multiple domestic and international bestseller lists. With enticing characters, enthralling situations and a general love of romantic fiction, Lauren has created a world of her own, full of wit and sensual desire.



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