Claimed by the Cyborgs (The Colony 9) by Grace Goodwin-a review

Claimed by the Cyborgs (The Colony 9) by Grace Goodwin-a review / / B&N / KOBO / Google Play /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 1, 2021.

Prillon warrior Thomar Arcas is the royal heir to his ancestor’s legacy of dishonor, betrayal and death. When he was captured by the Hive, some on his home world cheered. Some sighed with relief. None shed a tear.

Thomar, along with his second, Varin, break free and destroy an enemy base, barely escaping with their lives. They transport to The Colony, the last refuge for contaminated males. Upon arrival they suffer in agony, their cyborg implants fighting for control of the powerful warriors.

Defeat is not in their blood. Not in their history. Not in their souls. Unable to sever their ties to the Hive implants, and suffering unrelenting pain, the warriors are about to choose an honorable death over further disgrace; until they are matched to a human female from Earth who very much needs their broken pieces to make herself whole. A female whom they crave with an intensity that just might pull them back from the brink of death.

Danika Gray left Earth to start a new life. With every touch, every kiss, every moment in their arms she finds herself closer to the paradise she seeks. But how can she free her new mates from endless torment? Fight an enemy she cannot see?

Love and passion are her only weapons. Lust. Desire. She must surrender everything she is —give in to their insatiable hunger—in order to save them.

Even that might not be enough.


REVIEW:CLAIMED BY THE CYBORGS is the ninth instalment in Grace Goodwin’s adult INTERSTELLAR BRIDES: THE COLONY erotic, sci-fi, romance series. This is former Prince and Prillon warrior Thomar Arcas, his second Captain Varin Mordin, and twenty-three year old, human female Danika Gray’s story line. CLAIMED BY THE CYBORGS can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous storyline is revealed where necessary.

Told from three first person perspectives (Thomar, Varin and Danika) CLAIMED BY THE CYBORGS follows human female Danika Gray as she is matched to Prillon warrior as part of the interstellar brides program. Not only will Danika be mated to Thomar but also to Thomar’s second Varin Mordin but all is not well with Danika’s intended mates, as Thomar’s mind remains connected to the hive, and the connection is slowly destroying his mind. Being matched with two powerful warriors, Danika finds herself ‘feeling’ their pain but quickly discovers that she can hear the cries and pain of women left behind. What ensues is the highly erotic romance and relationship between Thomar, Varin and Danika, and the potential fall-out as the Hive implants are slowly killing our story line trio.

Thomar Arcas believes he is too volatile for a mate but his immediate reaction to Danika proves too strong to ignore. Making Varin promise to protect the woman with whom they will both fall in love Thomar accepts that his time may be limited but his desire to claim Danika is stronger than he could have ever imagined. Danika is a strong willed woman and she refuses to let Thomar lay down and die. When the cries of imprisoned women begin to affect her peace of mind, Danika, along with Thomar and Varin put a plan into action to rescue the women , and anyone who wishes to free from the Hive.

The relationship between Danika, Thomar and Arvin is fated ; one of immediate and undeniable attraction and need; highly erotic, sexual and uninhibited. Thomar struggles with his attraction to a woman tied to a man who is unable to control the voices and pain but Danika has already fallen for her two intended mates. The $ex scenes are erotic, edgy, passionate and intense.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including several of the previous story line couples.

CLAIMED BY THE CYBORGS is a story of fate and love. The premise is captivating; the romance is seductive ; the characters are energetic and impassioned

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


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