A BOND IN FLAMES (The Thornheart Trials 6) by Sherilee Gray-tour

🔥 A BOND IN FLAMES (The Thornheart Trials 6) by Sherilee Gray 🔥

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 26, 2024


No one escapes Death. Especially when you’re his consort.

Thankfully, the powerful god has mostly ignored me; we struck a bargain that allows me to travel between home and Limbo, then I’m his for eternity. I thought I had more time…except I just returned to find him without the cloak he always wears, and now everything has changed. I was forced to served him. Now, I burn for him.

Death sees all and demands my attention. But the unpredictable god cannot decide if he desires or despises me, and soon we’re forced to journey to the Night Realm to save his brother. I’m swarmed with visions I can’t explain and must uncover secrets that Death won’t share. The longer I take, the angrier he becomes…yet my soul comes alive when he touches me.

However, the shadows are gathering and it’s a race to uncover the truth. I must fight my way back to Death—or face a terrible evil that could tear my world apart.


REVIEW: A BOND IN FLAMES is the sixth and final instalment in Sherilee Gray’s contemporary adult THE THORNHEART TRIALS erotic, paranormal, fantasy series focusing on the Thornheart females. This is twenty-eight year old witch Zinnia Thornheart, and Mors aka Death’s story line. A BOND IN FLAMES can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

NOTE: Some of the events of A BOND IN FLAMES crosses over with some of the events of book three A TRIAL BY BLOOD.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Death and Zinnia) A BOND IN FLAMES follows the building but acrimonious relationship between our story line couple. Approximately thirteen years earlier, the god Death appeared to Zinnia in a dream, claiming our heroine as his consort, his intended mate but Zinnia refused his proclamations and in doing so, damned her life for all eternity. Fast forward to present day, Death comes to collect Zinnia’s cousin Rose, believing Rose is his intended mate until Zinnia reveals the sacrifice she made to protect herself. Agreeing to go with Death, albeit with some caveats, bargains and exceptions, Zinnia enters the Underworld to be forever bound to a man known as Death but someone else is working behind the scene s to ensure Death is alone for all eternity, and with it, the secrets reveal Zinnia’s true connections to our story line hero. What ensues is the building relationship between Zinnia and Death, and the potential fall-out as Death’s past refuses to let go, threatening our heroine in the process.

The world building is complex, detailed and dramatic. Zinnia must uncover the truth about her connection to Death, and in doing so, release the pain and suffering for the man with whom she is falling in love.

The relationship between Death and Zinnia is one of fated mates although Zinnia has the option of walking away but walking away would curse Death to a lifetime of pain and suffering, cursed by someone else. As Death and Zinnia’s relationship slowly turns into something more, Death must come to terms with his past, the potential loss of his brother, and the woman that has the ability to destroy his heart. The $ex scenes are erotic and provocative.

There is a large ensemble cast of powerful and sometimes questionable secondary and supporting characters. Most of Zinnia’s sisters and cousins return, as well as introduction of Death’s brother Somnus (god of dreams), their mother Nox, Death’s servant Egon, and Zinnia’s familiar Hemlock. The requisite evil has many faces.

A BOND IN FLAMES is a story of power and control, secrets and lies, betrayal and vengeance, magic and mayhem, gods and goddesses, acceptance and love. The character driven premise is haunting, twisted and edgy yet I easily guessed the who, what, how and why; the characters are enchanting, impassioned and magical; the romance is fated and seductive.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
A Curse in Darkness
A Vow of Ruin
A Trial by Blood
An Oath at Midnight
A Promise of Ashes

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

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Sherilee’s always had a big (some say warped) imagination, and as a kid scared herself conjuring up horror stories full of ghosts and other terrifying creatures. She never dreamed of actually writing down any of those wonderful imaginary people or places, not until many years later when her sister introduced her to the wondrous world of romance novels, and her very large book collection.

She’s pleased to say, she still has the big imagination… only now her characters are chasing their happily ever after.

Sherilee Gray is a kiwi girl and lives in beautiful New Zealand with her husband and their two children. When she isn’t writing sexy, edgy contemporary and paranormal romance, searching for her next alpha hero on Pinterest, or fueling her voracious book addiction, she can be found dreaming of far off places with a mug of tea in one hand and a bar of Cadburys Rocky Road chocolate in the other.


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