A Reign of Rose by Kate Golden – a Review

A Reign of Rose by Kate Golden – a Review


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They must save the world—but can they also save each other?

Kane Ravenwood, King of Onyx Kingdom, would go to the ends of the continent for Arwen Valondale, but what if she’s beyond even that? Broken in ways he never imagined he could be, Kane must find a way to fulfill the prophecy and kill his father, Fae King Lazarus. And after what he’s endured, he’s willing to save Evendell by whatever means necessary—even if that spells his own death.

Little does Kane know, he’s not the only one fighting for revenge. Arwen is no longer afraid to fight—no sacrifice is too great, no enemy too daunting. Now, nothing will stop her from destroying Lazarus and his allies, because she knows if she fails, both realms will be doomed forever.



A Reign of Rose by Kate Golden is the 3rd and final book in her The Sacred Stones romantasy trilogy.  This picks up a few weeks after the end of A Promise of Peridot, with Arwen captured by Lazarus.  Arwen fears Lazarus, as he plans on making her have children as his blood heir; she has been unable to escape, with Lazarus making sure guards are constantly watching her.

Kane, thinking that Arwen is dead, is determined to find the Blade that will kill his father, Lazarus. He leaves behind his team, to find his father; and while sneaks in at the ball, he is shocked to see Arwen, dressed to the hilt, and alive. Kane rescues Arwen, and together they manage to escape and find their way home; to gather their soldiers, and hopefully negotiate with other alliances.

Kane and Arwen return to the Rose Kingdom, with Mari, Griffin, Briar and others that are surprised and happy to see that Arwen is alive. They will need all the help they can get to fight the war against Lazarus.  Arwen (the last full fae blooded born), is destined to kill Lazarus, accepting her fate in a prophecy meant to be her doom; but Kane plans on getting the Blade and ensuring that he is the one who will kill his father, and answer the prophecy of his death.

Arwen becomes so much stronger and a badass (she becomes a Phoenix), believing in herself, and her powers, as well as her confidence and outlook on her life.   Kane loves Arwen so much, that he will do anything to keep her safe. I really loved how much both Arwen and Kane love each other. Great couple. I really liked the found family vibes, with so many of the wonderful characters, such as Mari, Griffin, Dagan, Briar, Wyn, just to name a few. 

What follows is an intense, non- stop action, dragons, war and spice.  Kane is determined to find the Blade that will kill his father and protect Arwen. The last 1/4 of the book was full of adventure, danger, intrigue, fast-paced, twists and turns, with an epic battle at the end.  I was unable to put the book down, as it kept my attention throughout. It was also emotional, as well as steamy; with Kane and Arwen being together.

This was a wonderful romantasy, with the war, exciting, non-stop action filled; and romantic side with the emotional love and spice. The climax and epilogue were great, especially with Kane and Arwen together. A Reign of Rose was so very well written by Kate Golden. I hope that Kate Golden will give us more into this unique world; perhaps Mari/Griffin, Hart Renwick or Aleksander.  Let’s hope, as I do want more.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher




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