A Touch of Flame by Jo Goodman – Review & Giveaway

A Touch of Flame by Jo Goodman – Review & Giveaway



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Dr. E. Ridley Woodhouse is like no physician Ben Madison has ever met—she’s a woman. As the newly elected sheriff of Frost Falls, Colorado, Ben is tasked with welcoming Ridley to the community. But while Ben might be tempted by the new doc’s charms, getting the town to accept a big-city, female doctor is no easy feat. To earn their trust she’ll have to prove herself and Ben determines to help her…even if she’s the most stubborn woman he’s ever met.

When the husband of one of Ridley’s patients threatens her, forbidding Ridley from treating his wife or children, all of Ben’s protective instincts kick in. Ridley has come to rely on Ben’s steady presence and the delicious tension that simmers just below the surface of their easy friendship—but as much as she trusts that his warnings to steer clear of Jeremiah Salt are sincere, she’s never been one to back down from a challenge and she refuses to abandon her patient.

But sticking to your guns can earn you trouble in the rough terrain of the Wild West, and danger threatens Ridley from unexpected places, forcing Ben to confront his deepest fear in order to save the woman he loves.




A Touch of Flame by Jo Goodman is the 2nd book in her Cowboys of Colorado series.   This is a western historical romance that I really enjoyed, especially with the couple being so likable

Dr. Ridley Woodhouse, our heroine, arrives in Frost Falls, Colorado to take over as the new doctor in town.  When Ben Madison, our hero and the town Sheriff, meets Ridley at the train station, he is surprised that the new doctor is a woman.  Ben is also very aware that the town will not accept Ridley easily, and that she had her work cut out to prove herself.

At first Ridley was somewhat cold to Ben, but in time that will change.  Ridley pushes herself to help those in need, proving to them that she can do the job, with word of mouth slowly alerting people that she is very capable.  The long road ahead will find Ridley also in the middle of a family suffering abuse by the drunken husband, with Ben having to step in to protect Ridley. 

What follows is a sweet slow build romance between Ben, who quickly begins to fall for Ridley, which also starts warming her up from the strict cold start.  They were so great together, as the romance was fun, humorous and their chemistry was sensual.  It was also enjoyable to get to know many of the town’s people, and how Ridley besides doctoring them, quietly manages to help some of them with their own personal issues. The main focus beside Ben and Ridley, and the town residents, was the abusive drunk, who would beat his wife, with the scared children going to Ben or Ridley for help.  He was becoming too dangerous, and Ben would not let Ridley go to their house alone.  This did create a lot of tension and danger into the mix of this wonderful romance, and town. It was nice to see Phoebe and Remington (first book heroes) again, and after Ridley helps Phoebe deliver her baby, the woman in town begin to open their arms to accept Ridley.

I did love Ridley, who was a strong & independent young lady, and in time, as her romance with Ben heated up, was a fun heroine.  I also adored the handsome Ben, who a wonderful hero, great sheriff and perfect for Ridley & Frost Falls.   There also was two major things that happened in the town that brought about danger and sadness, which touched on our heart. 

Jo Goodman did an excellent job in creating a wonderful couple in Ben and Ridley, and a story which had a lot of humorous banter, tragedy and an enjoyable romance.  If you enjoy romance, a western and historical background, with a fun sexy couple, then you should read A Touch of Flame.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher


Jo Goodman’s Publisher is graciously offering a paper copy of A TOUCH OF FLAME  to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

1. If you have not previously registered at The Reading Cafe, please register by using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

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3. Follow Jo Goodman on Facebook.


5. Please FOLLOW us on Twitter for an additional entry.

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7. Giveaway is open to USA only

8. Giveaway runs from June 7- 11, 2018






22 thoughts on “A Touch of Flame by Jo Goodman – Review & Giveaway

  1. Jo Goodman’s books are so great that I just see her name to want the book. Her stories are so well written with great characters and an enjoyable story line. Did I say I
    want to read this book, WELL I Really want to read this book. Please count me in!
    Thank you.

  2. Please enter me in your contest. I like Jo Goodman on facebook, I like your page and get notifications on facebook, I follow you on twitter. lclee59(at)centurylink(dot)net

  3. I was lucky enough to read an ARC of this book. I totally loved it. If you don’t win this contest, I suggest you purchase a copy. It’s an awesome read. For a change, I’m not entering this contest. I’ve got the book, now if I end up at a book signing where Jo Goodman is, I can get it signed.

  4. I’ve enjoyed many of Jo’s books – please enter me in the giveaway!

    – I Follow Jo Goodman on Facebook – Diane Sallans
    – I FOLLOW u on Twitter – @DianeSallans
    sallans d at yahoo dot com

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