A Vow of Lust and Fury(Underworld Kings) by LP Lovell-Review Tour

A Vow of Lust and Fury (Underworld Kings) by LP Lovell-Review Tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 1, 2021.

My uncle may be the boss of the Chicago Outfit, but there’s one man even he fears, Giovanni Guerra. Yet he sold me to him—as his wife. For an alliance. For power.

The boss of the New York family is beautiful and deadly, and he stokes a fire in me that might destroy us both. He may believe he was sold a submissive mafia princess, but Giovanni Guerra is about to find out that I am no one’s pawn.

The only vow I make is one of lust and fury.


REVIEW:A VOW OF LUST AND FURY by LP Lovell is a contemporary, adult, dark, erotic, Mafia, romance found in the multi-authored UNDERWORLD KINGS series, set in the author’s Kiss of Death world. This is Mafia boss Giovanni Guerra, and eighteen year old, Mafia princess Emilia Donato’s story line.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise including graphic violence, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Giovanni and Emilia) A VOW OF LUST AND FURY focuses on the selling of our heroine to Giovanni Guerra.The Chicago Donato Mafia family are desperate for more power, and to ensure an alliance Sergio Donato sold his niece to Giovanni Guerra. An unwilling and uncooperative hostage, Emilia Donato intends to make Giovanni’s life a living h*ll, killing him if necessary, as a last resort. Emilia knows first hand the cruelty and abuse inflicted upon the woman in the mob, nothing more than chattel, possessions to be bought and sold, and in this our heroine would rather die than face a future as a prisoner or a slave but all is not well between the Italian and the Irish mobs, and men will be targeted, with losses on both sides, losses that will affect everyone going forward. What ensues is the building relationship between Giovanni and Emilia, and the fall-out as betrayal and vengeance are the name of the game.

The relationship between Giovanni and Emilia is an arranged marriage, of sorts; a payment for a debt in which Emilia wants nothing to do with our story line hero, a man who is willing to die to protect the woman that calls to his heart but Emilia refuses to bend to the will of Giovanni Guerra, and in this many her attempts to free herself find one final act of desperation that is about to spiral out of control. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense.

We are introduced to Emilia’s father Robert, her uncle Sergio, and her brothers Luca and Renzo; Sergio’s right hand man Matteo; Giovanni’s men Tommy and Jackson, as well as Nero and Una (Kiss of Death). Emilia’s close relationship with Renzo will be called into play.

A VOW OF LUST AND FURY is a story of power and control, betrayal and vengeance, death, torture, abuse, family dysfunction. The premise is dark, gritty, haunting and graphic; the characters are stubborn and wounded; the romance is aggressive, and edgy. A VOW OF LUST AND FURY ends on a cliff-hanger. I do not have any information about the next instalment.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Lauren Lovell is a ginger from England. 

She suffers from a total lack of brain to mouth filter and is the friend you have to explain before you introduce her to anyone, and apologise for afterwards. 

Lauren loves a mildly…or not so mildly psychopathic hero, and a dark, twisted tale. 

If you like like your boys very very bad, then hop on in.

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