Am I The Only One by E.K. Blair-Review Tour

Am I The Only One by E.K. Blair-Review Tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 10, 2020

Desperation had a flavor.

It was all Emma could taste as her life in Washington DC started to crumble before her.

In a city filled with prestige and American dreams also lay political fallacy and corruption—corruption she would soon find herself indulging in.

Emma would have done anything to save herself from the downfall, gone to any length, sacrificed her soul if needed.

What she didn’t realize was that someone else was more desperate to save their own life and that the worst was yet to come.


REVIEW: AM I THE ONLY ONE by E.K. Blair is a stand-alone, contemporary, adult story of suspense focusing on counsellor Carly Montgomery, and university student Emma Ashford.

Told from three first person perspectives (Carly, Emma and Luca) AM I THE ONLY ONE focuses on betrayal, secrets, and issues of trust in the world of the powerful and political elite of Washington DC. University counsellor Carly Montgomery is the dutiful wife of William ‘Tripp’ Montgomery, a man whose family has political aspirations for their son but Carly has never seemed to measure up, and with it comes issues of trust and fidelity where her husband is concerned.

University student Emma Ashford is about to lose everything including her place at Georgetown College. As the sole provider and care taker for her brother Matthew, Emma struggles to meet the financial responsibilities for school, and her brother’s continuing care. Desperate for money, Emma finds herself caught in an ethical conundrum when her path crosses with counsellor Carly Montgomery. Power breeds corruption but in the case of Carly Montgomery, mistrust lends itself to a question of ethics wherein the powerful bedfellows can lead to deception and the destruction of oneself when Carly makes Emma an offer she should have refused.

AM I THE ONLY ONE is a story of suspense in a world that values power, perception, money and control. Carly Montgomery’s well-ordered life is spiralling out of control; image is everything and Carly continues to play the beautiful wife yet feeling nothing but rage and rejection inside. Emma Ashford’s life is crumbling all around her having lost her job, her scholarship, and her placement at Georgetown. Frantic for a way out, Emma accepts Carly’s offer that will quickly push Carly into a downward descent of mistrust, secrets, lies and obsession.

AM I THE ONLY ONE is a psychological thriller of suspicion and doubt; of money and power; of image, countenance, and perception. EK Blair pulls the reader into a rabbit hole of what ifs and whys; of distortion and deceit. A mind-numbing , powerful and thought provoking tale that ends on a cliff-hanger wherein the carrot that is dangled, is just out of reach.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


E.K. Blair, takes her readers on an emotional roller coaster with her dynamic and intense writing style. Noted for her ability to create fleshed-out characters that will evoke a realm of reactions, you can be assured that her stories will linger with you far beyond the last word.

A former first grade teacher with an imagination that runs wild. Daydreaming and zoning out is how she was often found in high school. Blair tends to drift towards everything dark and moody. Give her a character and she will take pleasure in breaking them down, digging into their core to find what lies underneath.

Aside from writing, E.K. Blair finds pleasure in music, drinking her Starbucks in peace, and spending time with her friends. She’s a thinker, an artist, a wife, a mom, and everything in between.

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