Bishop (Hunting Her 9 ) by Eden Summers-review

Bishop (Hunting Her 9) by Eden Summers -review / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 7, 2023

In a moment of weakness I sent out a cry for help—one that was answered by my estranged brother’s right-hand man.
A murderer.
A butcher.
He storms into my life with his expensive suit pockets full of sedatives and cable ties in case I don’t approve of his form of protection.
Let me assure you, I don’t.
But when my world falls apart and I have nowhere else to go, I’m forced to escape with him.
To an isolated house.
Just me and him.
And it quickly becomes clear that the monstrous people I’ve been afraid of are nothing in comparison to the man in the room next door to mine.


REVIEW:BISHOP is the ninth instalment in Eden Summers contemporary, adult HUNTING HER dark, erotic, Mafia romance series. This is Bishop aka The Butcher, and Abri Costa’s story line. BISHOP can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Bishop and Abri) BISHOP follows the building but acrimonious relationship between Bishop and Abri. Bishop is the right hand man to Abri’s eldest brother Matthew Langston, and collectively the pair were once known as the Butchers of Baltimore but Matthew and his brothers are about to embark on a mission of murder and vengeance, and Bishop has been tasked with protecting our story line heroine, a protection of which Abri wants nothing to do. Abri Costa has been forcibly working for her parents Emmanuel and Adena for as long as she can remember, and this night, Bishop is about to curtail and effectively stop all of Abri’s assignments including the one in progress but Abri is desperate to complete her mission, a desperation that Bishop finds disturbing and wrong. Keeping Abri a virtual prisoner means learning the truth about a woman who is spiralling out of control but a woman desperate enough to risk her own life for the lives of the people she loves. What ensues is the building but tempestuous relationship between Abri and Bishop, and the potential fall-out as their time together has an expiry date, and Bishop walks away without looking back.

The world building continues to focus on the crime world of the Langston/Costa family. Matthew, and his brothers Remy and Salvator have implemented a plan to take down the man in charge in doing so, Abri’s inability to get the job one threatens someone close to her heart.

The relationship between Abri and Bishop begins as an assignment. Abri refuses to remain Bishop captive but Bishop suspects there is more to Abri’s story than he could have ever imagined. Bishop struggles to remain neutral in the face of his attraction to Abri but the heart wants something it shouldn’t. Giving into temptation not only threatens Bishop but our heroine as well. Threats against Abri means Bishop will take matters into his own hand, continually earning our hero the moniker of The Butcher. The $ex scenes are passionate and aggressive but I dislike the use of a certain four-letter word.

The secondary and supporting characters are dangerous, powerful and psychopathic in nature including Abri’s mother Adena, a mother with questionable parenting skills, as well as her mother’s driver Aaron Geppte. We are reintroduced to Abri’s Uncle Lorenzo, brothers Matthew & Layla Langston (Seeking Vengeance / Ruthless Redemption/Hunting Her 7 & 8), Salvatore and Remy Costa. The requisite evil has many evils.

BISHOP is a story of betrayal and vengeance, power and control, murder and blackmail, dysfunctional family and relationships, acceptance, forgiveness and love. The character driven premise is gritty, complex, detailed and heart breaking; the romance is emotional and intense; the characters are broken, captivating, determined and desperate.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Ruthless Redemption
Seeking Vengeance

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Eden Summers is a bestselling author of contemporary romance with a side of sizzle and sarcasm.

She lives in Australia with a young family who are well aware she’s circling the drain of insanity. Eden can’t resist alpha dominance, dark features and sarcasm in her fictional heroes and loves a strong heroine who knows when to bite her tongue but also serves retribution with a feminine smile on her face



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