Catching Up with Erica Hayes

Catching Up with Erica Hayes
The Reading Cafe is thrilled to welcome back Erica Hayes.

Erica’s newest release, Redemption was released last week.  She is here to discuss this second book in her Seven Signs series, as well as what else we may have to look forward to in 2013

Let’s talk to Erica.


Hi, Erica.  Thank you for taking the time to revisit us at The Reading Cafe, to discuss your new release “Redemption”, as well as to give us an update as to what you have in store for us in 2013.

Erica: Thanks for having me back! It's great to be here.

TRC: Redemption is scheduled to be released tomorrow.  This is your 2nd book in your Seven Signs series.  For those who many not have read this series, would you please give us a brief description of the premise of the series?

Erica: In near-future Manhattan, a gang of fallen angels must stop demons from hijacking the seven signs of the Apocalypse and bringing on the end of the world.

That's the basic premise of the series. In book 1, REVELATION, the angels discover a plot by the Demon King to bring on the End and release Satan from the pit, with the ultimate aim of creating Hell on earth. The hero, Luniel, teams up with Morgan, a forensic pathologist, to stop a zombie plague in Manhattan and defeat the Demon King's servants. Action and hot romance happen…

But the first Sign is done. The demon Apocalypse is still on track. And that's where book 2 kicks in…

RedemptionTRC: Redemption (released March 13th) is the second book in this series.  Would you please give us a brief description of this book?

Erica: Having dispatched the zombies (is that a spoiler? Yeah, I guess it is… but otherwise they'd all be dead, and there'd be no book 2…) our heroes must now deal with the next Sign: vampires, infesting Manhattan with their demon-corrupted curse. Stopping the vampire plague – by killing the unkillable demon prince who’s spreading it – falls to Japheth, a cold fallen angel warrior who's sworn off every kind of sin – especially love – in an effort to win his way back into heaven. But when he meets Rose, a tough and beautiful vampire with a grudge against angels, sparks fly...

And yeah. Action and hot romance happen 🙂 again!

Links to order Redemption: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / The Book Depository / Kobo

TRC: You released a new book in December, Dragonfly.  Can you tell us a little bit about this book?  Is this a standalone book, or the start of a new series?

Erica: Ooh, I love this book! Spaceships, secret agents and rayguns.

DRAGONFLY is my first sci-fi novel, about an interstellar secret agent who's hunting the terrorist who killed her fiance. It's cool, fun space opera with a splash of romance. Nothing to do with any of my other series. If you enjoy sci-fi adventure, such as Stargate or Firefly – or even if you're a kick-ass-chick urban fantasy fan – you'll like this one!

I was stoked to get an award nomination for this book from Australian Romance Readers, for Favourite Sci-fi/Futuristic/Fantasy Romance of 2012. That's so cool! It's also my first digital-first publication, which is exciting. You can see more about it and read the first few chapters here:

TRC:  Sounds great, can’t wait to read it.  🙂

TRC: Hellcursed, a prequel to your Shadowfae series, was released in December.  It is now free on Nook, Smashwords, Kobo and Itunes.  What made you decide to do a prequel, and will you write more in this series?

Erica: HELLCURSED is a little story that I've had kicking around for a while. It tells the tale of Jade, the heroine from SHADOWFAE, the night she was made into a succubus. I thought it'd be fun for readers to see how that came about. It's a dark and erotic interlude. Needless to say, things don't turn out well for Jade, who's in thrall to her demon lord for a thousand years.

It's only a very short story, so it’s free. Do check it out, if you'd like a quick intro to my Shadowfae series.

Just a quick warning, for romance readers everywhere: the novels in the Shadowfae series are romances. HELLCURSED is not – but the tone and mood is similar to that of the novels. And the sexy fairies. They're the same 🙂

As for more Shadowfae stories… well, I do have something in the works. Maybe. We'll see what happens!

TRC: Would you like to share with us what you are currently working on, and what you have in store for us in 2013?

Erica: This year, I’m working on some new stuff. I have a superhero WIP, and an historical fantasy. If I publish them, you guys will be the first to know 🙂

Also, I’m shortly hoping to publish a new short vampire romance called HUNTER’S HEART, the follow-up to my story HUNTER’S BLOOD. It’s about Colleen, a demon-slayer who falls for a dangerous shadow demon, Seth, the one man who can help her defeat her ultimate foe – but does Seth want Colleen’s heart, or just her magical soul?

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Erica: You guys are terrific. No, really. It’s a tough world out there for authors right now, and we love the support we get from bloggers and readers everywhere, whether we’re indie or traditional or somewhere in between. So thanks, to all of you!

TRC: Thank you, Erica for giving us an update on Redemption, as well as what we can look forward to in the 2013. It was a pleasure talking with you again, and we wish you good luck with Redemption.

Erica: Thanks! I hope you guys enjoy it!


18 thoughts on “Catching Up with Erica Hayes

    • Thanks, Mercy 😀 I’m not really sure where ideas come from… they percolate away in the back of my mind. But I’ve always wanted to write an end-of-the-world book. All that drama and destruction…

  1. Great interview Barb and Erica. Welcome back to The Reading Cafe Erica and congratulations on the new release of REDEMPTION.

    Dragonfly is a sci-fi novel. Have you found a new niche in the sci-fi genre?

    • Hi, Sandy, and thanks for dropping by! Dragonfly is a little different from my other books… but I’ve always loved sci-fi. I’ve had that story hanging around for a while. I hope readers love it!

  2. Great interview ladies and I love the vampires genre. Looking forward to checking out your new Hunter’s Heart, but I guess I better read Hunter’s Blood 😉

    • Thanks for visiting, Alicia 🙂 and I hope you enjoy the stories… Hunter’s Blood and Hunter’s Heart are set in the same world, but they stand alone. So you can start with either one. I don’t have a release date for Hunter’s Heart yet, but it should be soon!

  3. Erica, thanks for stopping by to talk to us. I loved the premise of Dragonfly, so I just bought it on Amazon. As soon as I find free time, I will read it.

    Good luck with Redemption, and we look forward to having you come back again. 🙂

  4. Sweet Interview Ladies, Congrats on Redemption sounds like a interesting read, can’t wait to check it out. And I will be checking out Dragonfly I so love a little bit of Sci- Fi .

  5. Hi there and welcome back Erica. Congrats on you new release. I have your books down on my tbr list. Your new series Dragonfly sounds interesting. I”ll have to check it out too.

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