Counting Miracles by Nicholas Sparks – a Review

Counting Miracles by Nicholas Sparks – a Review


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Tanner Hughes was raised by his grandparents, following in his grandfather’s military footsteps to become an Army Ranger. His whole life has been spent abroad, and he is the proverbial rolling stone . . . happiest when off on his next adventure, zero desire to settle down. But when his grandmother passes away, her last words to him are: find where you belong. She also drops a bombshell, telling him the name of the father he never knew—and where he might be found.

Tanner is due at his next posting soon, but his curiosity is piqued, and he sets out for Asheboro, North Carolina, to ask around. He’s been in town less than twenty-four hours when he meets Kaitlyn Cooper, a doctor and single mom. They both feel an immediate connection; Tanner knows Kaitlyn has a story to tell, and he wants to hear it. For Kaitlyn, Tanner is mysterious, exciting—and possibly leaving in just a few weeks.

Meanwhile, nearby, eighty-three-year-old Jasper lives alone in a cabin bordering a national forest. With only his old dog Arlo for company, he lives quietly, haunted by a tragic accident that took place decades before. When he hears rumors that a white deer has been spotted in the forest—a creature of legend that inspired his father and grandfather—he becomes obsessed with protecting the deer from poachers.

As these characters’ fates orbit closer together, none of them is expecting a miracle . . . but that may be exactly what is about to alter their futures forever.




Counting Miracles by Nicholas Sparks is a heartwarming story line.  We meet Tanner Hughes, who has been raised by his grandparents, after his mother died at childbirth; and never knew who his biological father was. When he grew up, Tanner became an army ranger, and spent his whole life abroad; Army for fourteen years, then left the service and worked for the USAID for over six years, and ended up in Cameroon to work for the International Rescue Committee. He came home to help his grandmother, until she passed.  She left him a note giving him the name of his father; which Tanner decided to find him in Asheboro, North Carolina.

In Asheboro for less than 24 hours, Tanner’s car was accidently damaged when a young girl hit his car; where he meets the girl’s mother, Kaitlyn Cooper.  Kaitlyn is divorced and has two children, Casey (who backed into Tanner’s car) and Mitch (8 year old son); she is a doctor. In a short period of time, Tanner finds himself attracted to Kaitlyn, and he invites himself to go to the Zoo, with Kaitlyn and Mitch; leading into Tanner and Kaitlyn spending time together. As much as Kaitlyn becomes attracted to Tanner, but she has fears that he will soon leave Asheboro, once he finds his biological father. Even though they both became close, Kaitlyn knows Tanner will leave, and decides to break up with him.

The second POV revolves around Jasper Johnson, who is 83 years old, and lives in a cabin with his dog, Arlo. Jasper has many medical conditions, which has burn scars over more than half of his body.  We find out that he lost his entire family to a tragic fire, with only him surviving. Jasper, who has a number biblical references throughout the book, hears about a white deer, which his father and grandfather had noted back in the day, that the white deer is sacred.  He is determined to protect the deer; especially when some teenage boys are trying to find the dear, and kill it.  When Jasper follows them, he falls accidently in the forest, and is stranded with a broken ankle.

Tanner has not been successful in finding his biological father, and when Casey tells Tanner that Jasper has been missing for days, and she pleads with Tanner to try and find him.  Jasper’s dog, Arlo keeps coming to their house, and Tanner realizes the dog might be able to find Jasper.  When he comes close to finding Jasper, Tanner finds his car, and upon looking at the car paper work, he realizes that Jasper is part of the family he is looking for.

What follows is Jasper is found, and will have a slow recovery period, with Kaitlyn being his doctor, and Tanner, becoming family to Jasper.  He did learn the tragic event that the whole family died in the fire, which included his biological father all those years ago.  Tanner, Jasper and Kaitlyn were actually connected in different situations; being very emotional.  I did love both Casey and Mitch, who were so good, especially Casey pushing her mom to care about Tanner.

Counting Miracles was a beautiful heartbreaking, emotional and heartwarming story that kept me glued to my seat.  Counting Miracles was so very well written by Nicholas Sparks. This was a fabulous story about family, love, forgiveness, kindness and sadness.  I wholly suggest you read Counting Miracles, which was a fascinating read.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher





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