7 thoughts on “NEW COVER RELEASES

  1. Bitchen covers . thanks Sandy you have put a smile on my face this morning . 1) I so love love Christine Feenhan and looking forward to reading Leapard’s Prey Love the cover . 2) Another love love Lora Leigh and all her books but her Breeds Storys ROCK and so can’t wait to read Stygian’s Honor and to read about his story. Yes things to look forward to.

  2. Thanks Sandy. Seeing the covers at this date makes me go craaaaazzzzy since its release is still far away 🙁 At least for Rem’s Story. And I still need to start on the Breeds. I have some of the books but every time I read a review here it makes the others jump higher on my TBR list lol.

  3. I cannot wait for Remy’s book as well..but there are still a few leopards we met earlier on that have NOT found their mates…..just like the Dark Series….so many without mates and NOW CF write a story with an ancient…so old, no one remembers..!!!!!!! 😉

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