Don’t Back Down by Sharon Sala – a Review

Don’t Back Down by Sharon Sala – a Review


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Army veteran Cameron Pope arrives back in Jubilee, Kentucky, for the first time in years. He barely has time to catch his breath when he becomes embroiled in a race of life or death for his little niece and a deadly hunt for the human traffickers who are destroying the peace of his mountain town. When he’s reunited with Rusty Caldwell—a woman from his past who he’s never stopped thinking about—he wants to believe they can finally be together. But Cameron is shocked to find out that Rusty belongs to one of the rich families in Jubilee—the same rich folks who scorn the rural families living on the surrounding mountainside, in spite of knowing nothing about them. With their community in the crosshairs, Cameron and Rusty will have to find a way to end the feuding and take down the human trafficking ring if they’re to have a chance at happiness.




Don’t Back Down by Sharon Sala is the first book in her new romance suspense series, Jubilee, Kentucky.  I am a fan of Sharon Sala, having read and loved her previous series; and this first book was great.  The story started 5 years ago, when our heroine/hero met at a bar, and had a night of passion, as he was shipping out to Afghanistan. Both of them still dream about that night, sorry they didn’t give out their names.

We jump to 5 years later, Cameron Pope, has returned to Jubilee, Kentucky after completing two tours, and is happy to be home near his family.  One night he gets a desperation call from his sister, Rachel, about her daughter being kidnapped.  Cameron, with his service dog, Ghost, become embroiled to find his niece.  Ghost, who spent years in Afghanistan with Cameron, managed to find her, and Cameron rescues little Lily. 

Rusty Caldwell, our heroine, is a top-rated FBI agent, who solves a crime, and is currently recovering from injuries.  She is approached by Agents who have been trying to stop human traffickers, and since she has family in Jubilee, she agrees to visit family members she has not seen in many years; using the guise of visiting while on leave to recover.  When the FBI learns that Cameron is a Military Veteran, whose credentials were top notch, and they inform Rusty to work with him. 

Cameron is shocked when he meets Rusty, as she was the woman he constantly dreamed of.  Rusty, doing research, recognizes Cameron, and couldn’t wait to meet him again and work together. They both worked closely together, investigating a number of people in Jubiliee that were involved, but most of all to find the head honcho who was behind the human trafficking.  Rusty, Cameron and Ghost made a fantastic team.

What follows is an exciting, tense story that held my breath throughout; with many people part of the human trafficking. Just when they think they have discovered the Boss, things change rapidly.  Though this was an exciting mystery, I oved the romance between Cameron and Rusty; they made such a great couple, and the chemistry between them became ultra-steamy.  Their romance throughout was a major part of this story.  I loved Ghost, who was a fantastic dog, and a major part of the rescue/investigation. 

Don’t Back Down was so very well written by Sharon Sala.  I loved the characters, the town, and especially our couple, and dog.  I can’t wait to see what Sala has next.  If you like exciting suspense, and romance, I suggest you read Don’t Back Down.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher




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