FAILSAFE by Jeff Sylvester-a review

FAILSAFE by Jeff Sylvester / / / /B&N paper /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 3, 2024

The world runs on code, and not all code is safe. This is why Anna Flynn has a job.

Matter Manipulation Devices alter the physical world, turning dreams into reality. But some dreams are treacherous, and the streets are filled with mods that manipulate matter in illegal and dangerous ways.

As a seasoned MMD agent, Anna fights back against the criminals who misuse these devices and traffic in illegal mods. When she intervenes in a plot to assassinate one of the world’s most respected political leaders, her methods draw the ire of her superiors, and she finds herself under investigation from her own agency.

Increasingly isolated and unsure whom she can trust, Anna works to unravel a conspiracy that would unleash the worst potential of matter manipulation technology on the world.


REVIEW: FAILSAFE is the first instalment in Jeff Sylvester’s adult, futuristic, sci-fi series focusing on Agent Anna Flynn, and the MMD agency

Told from several omniscient third person perspectives including Agent Anna Flynn, FAILSAFE focuses on the MMD Matter Manipulation Devices that can alter the physical world but when the ‘failsafe’ feature is removed, the MMD becomes a dangerous weapon. With many rogue agencies and cult-like groups struggling to gain control of the MMD for the masses, a mole or someone within the agency is working in opposition to the agency directive. With the help of her husband, tech genius Daniel Flynn, and her partner Agent Lisa Williams, Agent Anna Flynn battles the people in charge to uncover the truth, and the take down of a rogue group calling themselves A Better Way.

The world building is complex and detailed as Anna Flynn struggles to prove not only her innocence but the reality of what could happen and why. When the MMDs are modified and the failsafe removed, the world itself sits on the precipice of destruction

We are introduced to Agent Lisa Williams with the Matter Manipulation Device Agency; their boss Director Jada Davis; Director Elaine Guerrero; Agent Lucas Ward, Agent Carrie Yang; Mayor Delacruz, Councilwoman Savitri Shah; and Jennifer Zha aka Naomi White. Everyone is suspect, no one can be trusted.

FAILSAFE is a story of secrets and lies,power and control, betrayal and vengeance, manipulation and transactions, family and friendships. The character driven premise is captivating, entertaining and exciting; the characters are determined, dynamic and destructive. FAILSAFE ends on a bit of a cliff hanger-you have been warned.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


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