FALLEN PRINCESS (Wind Dragons MC #7) by Chantal Fernando-Review & Giveaway tour

FALLEN PRINCESS (Wind Dragons MC #7) by Chantal Fernando-Review & Giveaway Tour

Wind Dragons MC #7
by Chantal Fernando
Release Date: April 8,2019
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance, MC

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk / Amazon. au / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play/ Apple

ABOUT THE BOOK : Release Date April 8, 2019

Growing up as the Princess of the Wind Dragons Motorcycle Club, Clover Black knows she’s had a thoroughly unique upbringing. As the daughter of the former President of the club, she’s expected to live a certain kind of life but she does the unthinkable…she goes to the police academy and becomes a cop. Without her family knowing.

After being assigned a new partner, the handsome Felix Banks, a friendship blossoms, but as Felix teaches her how to be a better cop, she finds herself falling for him, all while, struggling to keep her two lives separate. Tensions rise when the truth comes out and it becomes clear that Clover is being used for her motorcycle club ties.

As things heat up within the MC and at Clover’s job, she faces a difficult choice—her love for Felix and the law, or her family and the Wind Dragons.


REVIEW: FALLEN PRINCESS is the seventh instalment in Chantal Fernando’s contemporary, adult WIND DRAGON MC romance series. This is police officers Clover Black, and Felix Banks’ story line. FALLEN PRINCESS can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous instalments is revealed where necessary, FALLEN PRINCESS focuses on the next generation of the motorcycle families. Clover is the daughter of Dex ‘Sin’ Black, vice president of the Wind Dragons MC, and his wife, attorney Faye Black.

NOTE: Several characters from both the Wind Dragons MC and the Cursed Ravens MC cross over for cohesion and history.

Told from first person perspective (Clover Black) FALLEN PRINCESS follows police rookie Clover Black as she struggles to keep secret her family history from the people she works with, and battles between head and heart as it pertains to her job as a cop, and the people she loves. Clover Black, for all intents and purposes, is a little naïve to believe her family connection to the Wind Dragon MC does not go unnoticed by the local PD but a difficult partnership with someone on the force means gaining a reputation, and a new partner on the job. Enter police officer Felix Banks, and the man with whom Clover will fall in love. What ensues is the forbidden but building relationship between Clover and Felix, and the potential fall-out as Clover’s connections to both the Wind Dragons and the Curse Ravens MC will be used against our story line heroine.

The relationship between Clover and Felix is quick to develop. There is an immediate connection but Clover keeps secret her family history, and her connection to the local MC. When a drug sting brings our heroine face to face with the people she loves, all bets are off, including her need to reveal the truth to the man with whom she is falling in love. The $ex scenes are passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters many of whom were previously introduced in both the Wind Dragons and Cursed Ravens MC series.

FALLEN PRINCESS is a quick read but in saying that the entire story line felt rushed; the build up was cursory; and the conflict resolutions were hurried and abrupt. Overall, I feel like the small details were missing, details that would have grabbed my attention and pulled me into the story –I did not feel connected. The MC lifestyle is virtually non-existent, almost ‘vanilla’ in comparison to other seires; the action and chaos mostly absent. The premise is fast paced and intriguing; the romance is flirty and warm; the characters are energetic. I am a big fan of Chantal Fernando’s MC series but for me, Fallen Princess didn’t hit the mark.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Dragon’s Lair
Arrow’s Hell
Tracker’s End
Dirty Ride
Rake’s Redemption
Wild Ride
Wolf’s Mate
Last Ride
Fallen Princess

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


New York Times, Amazon & USA Today Bestselling Author Chantal Fernando is thirty years old and lives in Western Australia.

Lover of all things romance, Chantal is the author of the best selling books Dragon’s Lair, Maybe This Time and many more.

When not reading, writing or daydreaming she can be found enjoying life with her three sons and family.

Chantal loves to hear from readers.

Follow Chantal: Website/ Facebook/ Twitter/ Goodreads

NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the tour operator.


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